6.86 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1ductile = require './ductile'
2{join, sep} = require 'path'
3log = require 'bog'
5module.exports = (stdin, stdout, stderr) -> (_argv) ->
7 outerr = (s1, s2, s3) ->
8 if arguments.length == 3
9 stderr.write "#{s1} #{s2} #{s3}\n"
10 else if arguments.length == 2
11 stderr.write "#{s1} #{s2}\n"
12 else if arguments.length == 1
13 stderr.write "#{s1}\n"
14 else
15 stderr.write "\n"
17 errmsg = (err) -> err.body?.error?.reason ? err.message ? err
19 log.redirect outerr, outerr
20 log.level 'warn'
22 readfile = (f) ->
23 path = if f[0] == sep then f else join(process.cwd(), f)
24 try
25 require(path)
26 catch ex
27 if ex.code == 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'
28 outerr "File not found: #{path}"
29 unless process.env.__TESTING == '1'
30 process.exit -1
31 else
32 throw ex
34 yargs = require('yargs')(_argv).usage('\nUsage: ductile <command> [options] <url>')
36 .strict()
37 .wrap(null)
39 .command
40 command: 'export [options] <url>'
41 alias: 'e'
42 desc: 'Bulk export items',
43 builder: (yargs) ->
44 yargs
45 .strict()
46 .usage('\nUsage: ductile export [options] <url>')
47 .option 'd',
48 alias: 'delete'
49 default: false
50 describe: 'output delete operations'
51 type: 'boolean'
52 .option 'q',
53 alias: 'query'
54 describe: 'file with json query'
55 type: 'string'
56 .option 't',
57 alias: 'transform'
58 describe: 'file with transform function'
59 type: 'string'
60 .demand(1)
61 handler: (argv) ->
62 odelete = argv["delete"]
63 body = readfile(argv.q) if argv.q
64 trans = (if argv.t then readfile(argv.t)) ? (v) -> v
65 lsearch = {body}
66 ductile(argv.url)
67 .reader(lsearch, odelete, trans)
68 .on 'progress', (p) ->
69 outerr "Exported #{p.from}/#{p.total}"
70 .on 'error', (err) ->
71 outerr 'EXPORT ERROR:', errmsg(err)
72 .pipe(stdout)
73 .on 'error', (err) ->
74 if err.code == 'EPIPE'
75 # broken pipe
76 unless process.env.__TESTING == '1'
77 process.exit -1
78 else
79 outerr 'EXPORT ERROR:', err
81 .command
82 command: 'import [options] <url>'
83 alias: 'i'
84 desc: 'Bulk import items',
85 builder: (yargs) ->
86 yargs
87 .strict()
88 .usage '\nUsage: ductile import [options] <url>'
89 .option 'd',
90 alias: 'delete'
91 default: false
92 describe: 'change incoming index operations to delete'
93 type: 'boolean'
94 .option 't',
95 alias: 'transform'
96 describe: 'file with transform function'
97 type: 'string'
98 .demand(1)
99 handler: (argv) ->
100 odelete = argv["delete"]
101 trans = if argv.t then readfile(argv.t) else (v) -> v
102 ductile(argv.url)
103 .writer(odelete, trans, stdin)
104 .on 'progress', (p) ->
105 outerr "Imported #{p.count}"
106 .on 'info', outerr
107 .on 'error', (err) ->
108 outerr 'IMPORT ERROR:', errmsg(err)
109 unless process.env.__TESTING == '1'
110 process.exit -1
113 .command
114 command: 'alias <url>'
115 alias: 'a'
116 desc: 'Bulk export aliases',
117 builder: (yargs) ->
118 yargs
119 .strict()
120 .usage('\nUsage: ductile alias <url>')
121 .demand(1)
122 handler: (argv) ->
123 ductile(argv.url)
124 .alias()
125 .on 'error', (err) ->
126 outerr 'EXPORT ERROR:', errmsg(err)
127 .pipe(stdout)
128 .on 'error', (err) ->
129 if err.code == 'EPIPE'
130 # broken pipe
131 unless process.env.__TESTING == '1'
132 process.exit -1
133 else
134 outerr 'EXPORT ERROR:', err
137 .command
138 command: 'mappings <url>'
139 alias: 'm'
140 desc: 'Bulk export mappings',
141 builder: (yargs) ->
142 yargs
143 .strict()
144 .usage('\nUsage: ductile mappings <url>')
145 .demand(1)
146 handler: (argv) ->
147 ductile(argv.url)
148 .mappings()
149 .on 'error', (err) ->
150 outerr 'EXPORT ERROR:', errmsg(err)
151 .pipe(stdout)
152 .on 'error', (err) ->
153 if err.code == 'EPIPE'
154 # broken pipe
155 unless process.env.__TESTING == '1'
156 process.exit -1
157 else
158 outerr 'EXPORT ERROR:', err
161 .command
162 command: 'settings <url>'
163 alias: 'm'
164 desc: 'Bulk export settings',
165 builder: (yargs) ->
166 yargs
167 .strict()
168 .usage('\nUsage: ductile settings <url>')
169 .demand(1)
170 handler: (argv) ->
171 ductile(argv.url)
172 .settings()
173 .on 'error', (err) ->
174 outerr 'EXPORT ERROR:', errmsg(err)
175 .pipe(stdout)
176 .on 'error', (err) ->
177 if err.code == 'EPIPE'
178 # broken pipe
179 unless process.env.__TESTING == '1'
180 process.exit -1
181 else
182 outerr 'EXPORT ERROR:', err
184 .command
185 command: 'template <url>'
186 alias: 't'
187 desc: 'Bulk export template',
188 builder: (yargs) ->
189 yargs
190 .strict()
191 .usage('\nUsage: ductile template <url>')
192 .demand(1)
193 handler: (argv) ->
194 ductile(argv.url)
195 .template()
196 .on 'error', (err) ->
197 outerr 'EXPORT ERROR:', errmsg(err)
198 .pipe(stdout)
199 .on 'error', (err) ->
200 if err.code == 'EPIPE'
201 # broken pipe
202 unless process.env.__TESTING == '1'
203 process.exit -1
204 else
205 outerr 'EXPORT ERROR:', err
209 .example 'ductile export http://localhost:9200/myindex'
210 .example 'ductile export http://localhost:9200/myindex/mytype > dump.bulk'
211 .example 'ductile import http://localhost:9200/myindex/mytype < dump.bulk'
212 .help()
213 .showHelpOnFail()
215 argv = yargs.argv
217 unless argv._.length
218 yargs.showHelp()