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3## Anatomy of a path
5This topic looks at how paths are constructed and wired to response objects in a Swagger project's Swagger configuration file.
7* [Simple path example](#simple)
8* [More about route handling](#more)
9* [Request and response models](#models)
10* [Next steps](#nextstep)
12### <a name="simple"></a>Simple path example
14The `/hello` path in the original Quick Start example looks like this:
17 paths:
18 /hello:
19 # binds swagger app logic to a route
20 x-swagger-router-controller: hello_world
21 get:
22 description: Returns 'Hello' to the caller
23 # used as the method name of the controller
24 operationId: hello
25 parameters:
26 - name: name
27 in: query
28 description: The name of the person to whom to say hello
29 required: false
30 type: string
31 responses:
32 "200":
33 description: Success
34 schema:
35 # a pointer to a definition
36 $ref: #/definitions/HelloWorldResponse
37 # responses may fall through to errors
38 default:
39 description: Error
40 schema:
41 $ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
44The parts of the path definition include:
46* `x-swagger-router-controller` is a custom Swagger extension to the Swagger model that maps a path to a controller file. For instance, `/weather` gets mapped to `api/controller/weather.js`. See [More about route handling]() below.
48* `operationId` maps to a method name in the controller file.
50* `security:` can be used to apply security schemes such as OAuth, Basic authentication, and API keys.
52* `parameters:` specifies any parameters used by the path. They can be passed as query or form parameters, or headers.
54* The other keys conform to the Swagger 2.0 [specifications](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/2.0.md). The parameters is a YAML array that defines all the parameters required for the call. The responses object defines the response specifications for response codes.
56### <a name="more"></a>More about route handling
58As noted previously, `the x-swagger-router-controller` maps a path to a controller file. You can specify a router handler either at the path level or operation level in the Swagger file. For example, at the path level, like this:
62 /hello:
63 x-swagger-router-controller: hello_world
64 get:
65 description: Returns 'Hello' to the caller
66 # used as the method name of the controller
67 operationId: hello
70or at the operation level, like this:
74 /hello:
75 get:
76 x-swagger-router-controller: hello_world
77 description: Returns 'Hello' to the caller
78 # used as the method name of the controller
79 operationId: hello
82Routers applied at the operation level override routers specified at the path level.
84When you call your API with a given path, like `GET /hello`, the middleware checks to make sure there is an operation (e.g., "get") defined for that path. If not, then a 405 code is returned. If the path does have a corresponding operation defined, then a 200 response is returned. If you are running in mock mode, you'll get back a mock response, otherwise, you'll get back whatever response is returned by the controller. If you hit a path that is not specified in the Swagger file at all, then that's a 404.
86When you call your API, the middleware attempts to match a route defined in the Swagger file to a corresponding controller method. When you test your API, one of three possible results can occur:
88* A route defined in the Swagger file matches a controller file, and the controller has a method for the operation. In this case, either the route method is executed or, if you are in mock mode, a mock response is returned.
90* A route defined in the Swagger file matches a controller file, but there is no method in the controller for the operation. In this case, a 405 HTTP code is returned.
92* The requested route is not present in the Swagger file. In this case, a 404 code is returned.
94### <a name="models"></a>Request and response models
96The Swagger specification allows you to define both request and the response models (also called schemas). The `path` definition described in the previous section is an example of a request model.
98Here's an example of a weather API that returns a relatively complex object.
100The Open Weather API returns an object that looks like the following:
102 ```json
103 {
104 "coord": {
105 "lon": -77.58,
106 "lat": 35.27
107 },
108 "sys": {
109 "type": 1,
110 "id": 1786,
111 "message": 0.1057,
112 "country": "United States of America",
113 "sunrise": 1409913972,
114 "sunset": 1409959883
115 },
116 "weather": [
117 {
118 "id": 500,
119 "main": "Rain",
120 "description": "light rain",
121 "icon": "10n"
122 },
123 {
124 "id": 211,
125 "main": "Thunderstorm",
126 "description": "thunderstorm",
127 "icon": "11n"
128 }
129 ],
130 "base": "cmc stations",
131 "main": {
132 "temp": 78.58,
133 "pressure": 1021,
134 "humidity": 88,
135 "temp_min": 73.4,
136 "temp_max": 82.4
137 },
138 "wind": {
139 "speed": 5.62,
140 "deg": 40
141 },
142 "clouds": {
143 "all": 90
144 },
145 "dt": 1409876198,
146 "id": 4474436,
147 "name": "Kinston",
148 "cod": 200
149 }
150 ```
153To wire the path to the schema, you use the `responses` element to refer to the schema definition. In this example, we specify two responses, a 200 and an Error response. Note that you use `$ref` syntax to refer to each specific schema definition, listed in the `#/definitions` section (which we describe below).
155>Note: You must use explicit references of the form $ref: #/definitions/<DefName>. For example: $ref: #/definitions/WeatherResponse.
157>Note: In this case, all other responses that are not 200 will be referred to the Error response schema.
160 paths:
161 /weather:
162 ...
163 responses:
164 "200":
165 description: Success
166 schema:
167 $ref: #/definitions/WeatherResponse
168 default:
169 description: Error
170 schema:
171 $ref: #/definitions/ErrorResponse
174Then in the `#/definitions` section of the Swagger document we define the `WeatherResponse` schemas that we referenced from the `/paths` section. Here is the schema that represents the JSON returned by the weather API (shown previously). These schemas are primarily used to provide response objects for mock mode:
178 WeatherResponse:
179 type: "object"
180 properties:
181 base:
182 type: "string"
183 clouds:
184 type: "object"
185 properties:
186 all:
187 type: "number"
188 cod:
189 type: "number"
190 coord:
191 type: "object"
192 properties:
193 lat:
194 type: "number"
195 lon:
196 type: "number"
197 dt:
198 type: "number"
199 id:
200 type: "number"
201 main:
202 type: "object"
203 properties:
204 humidity:
205 type: "number"
206 pressure:
207 type: "number"
208 temp_max:
209 type: "number"
210 temp_min:
211 type: "number"
212 temp:
213 type: "number"
214 name:
215 type: "string"
216 sys:
217 type: "object"
218 properties:
219 country:
220 type: "string"
221 id:
222 type: "number"
223 message:
224 type: "number"
225 sunrise:
226 type: "number"
227 sunset:
228 type: "number"
229 type:
230 type: "number"
231 weather:
232 type: "array"
233 items:
234 type: "object"
235 properties:
236 description:
237 type: "string"
238 icon:
239 type: "string"
240 id:
241 type: "number"
242 main:
243 type: "string"
244 wind:
245 type: "object"
246 properties:
247 deg:
248 type: "number"
249 speed:
250 type: "number"
253### <a name="nextstep"></a>Next steps
255Now that you know have added a path, its time to [implement the actual controller](./controllers.md)