1 | <a name="readme-top"></a>
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5 | <img height="120" src="https://registry.npmmirror.com/@lobehub/assets-logo/latest/files/assets/logo-3d.webp">
6 | <img height="120" src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/kitchen/qJ3l3EPsdW/split.svg">
7 | <img height="120" src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/bmw-prod/d3e3eb39-1cd7-4aa5-827c-877deced6b7e/lalxt4g3_w256_h256.png">
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9 | <h1>Dumi Theme Lobehub</h1>
10 |
11 | dumi-theme-lobehub is a documentation site theme package designed for `Dumi 2`. <br/>It provides a more beautiful and user-friendly development and reading experience based on `@lobehub/ui`
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21 | [![][github-license-shield]][github-license-link]
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23 | [Changelog](./CHANGELOG.md) Β· [Report Bug][github-issues-link] Β· [Request Feature][github-issues-link]
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25 | ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andreasbm/readme/master/assets/lines/rainbow.png)
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27 | </div>
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29 | <details>
30 | <summary><kbd>Table of contents</kbd></summary>
31 |
32 | #### TOC
33 |
34 | - [β¨ Features](#-features)
35 | - [π¦ Installation](#-installation)
36 | - [π€― Usage](#-usage)
37 | - [β¨οΈ Local Development](#οΈ-local-development)
38 | - [π€ Contributing](#-contributing)
39 | - [π Links](#-links)
40 | - [More Products](#more-products)
41 | - [Design Resources](#design-resources)
42 | - [Development Resources](#development-resources)
43 |
44 | ####
45 |
46 | </details>
47 |
48 | > \[!WARNING]
49 | > Not Support Dumi >= 2.3 yet
50 |
51 | ## β¨ Features
52 |
53 | - [x] π€― **Modern Theme Style:** This theme package adopts modern design techniques such as gradient colors, frosted glass, lighting effects, and natural animations to present the interface in a more concise and visually appealing way, making the documents more intuitive, readable, and user-friendly.
54 | - [x] π **One-click Switch between Light and Dark Theme Mode:** Based on antd v5, custom algorithms for light and dark themes are provided by default, offering aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly options. Users can choose the theme mode according to their preferences and enjoy a good reading experience in different lighting environments.
55 | - [x] π
**Based on Ant Design and CSSinJS:** This theme package uses antd as the base component library and implements the style solution using CSSinJS, which helps to better control the style details and improve style reusability and maintainability. The underlying antd-style library provides more flexibility, readability, and ease of maintenance in writing styles.
56 | - [x] πͺ **Exquisite Syntax Highlighting:** This theme package provides accurate and beautiful syntax highlighting. It utilizes modern syntax highlighting libraries like Shiki and Prism, and offers a rich set of code highlighting schemes to enhance code readability.
57 | - [x] 𧩠**Flexible Component Reusability:** This theme package provides high flexibility for customizing local themes. It exports premium components from the theme package, which can be reused as independent modules. Developers can freely combine and use these components in the dumi local theme package.
58 | - [x] π± **Well-Adapted for Mobile Devices:** This theme package is well-adapted for mobile devices. With the flexible style solution based on CSSinJS, multiple layout options are easily implemented. Users can enjoy a consistent and smooth experience across different devices.
59 |
60 | <div align="right">
61 |
62 | [![][back-to-top]](#readme-top)
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64 | </div>
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66 | ## π¦ Installation
67 |
68 | To install `dumi-theme-lobehub`, run the following command:
69 |
70 | [![][bun-shield]][bun-link]
71 |
72 | ```bash
73 | $ bun add dumi dumi-theme-lobehub
74 | ```
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76 | <div align="right">
77 |
78 | [![][back-to-top]](#readme-top)
79 |
80 | </div>
81 |
82 | ## π€― Usage
83 |
84 | Usage After installation, start the site with `dumi`, and the theme will be automatically loaded for use.
85 |
86 | ```ts
87 | interface SiteThemeConfig {
88 | actions?: HeroProps['actions'];
89 | analytics?: {
90 | clarity?: {
91 | projectId: string;
92 | };
93 | googleAnalytics?: {
94 | measurementId: string;
95 | };
96 | plausible?: {
97 | domain: string;
98 | scriptBaseUrl: string;
99 | };
100 | };
101 | apiHeader?: ApiHeaderConfig | false;
102 | description?: string;
103 | docStyle?: 'block' | 'pure';
104 | features?: FeaturesProps['items'];
105 | footer?: string | false;
106 | footerConfig?: FooterConfig;
107 | giscus?: {
108 | category: string;
109 | categoryId: string;
110 | repo: `${string}/${string}`;
111 | repoId: string;
112 | };
113 | hero?: HeroConfig | Record<string, HeroConfig>;
114 | hideHomeNav?: boolean;
115 | logo?: string;
116 | logoType?: LogoProps['type'];
117 | metadata?: {
118 | description?: string;
119 | icons?: {
120 | apple?: string;
121 | icon?: string;
122 | shortcut?: string;
123 | };
124 | manifest?: string;
125 | openGraph?: {
126 | description?: string;
127 | image?: string;
128 | siteName?: string;
129 | title?: string;
130 | };
131 | title?: string;
132 | twitter?: {
133 | description?: string;
134 | image?: string;
135 | site?: string;
136 | title?: string;
137 | };
138 | };
139 | name?: string;
140 | siteToken?: SiteConfigToken;
141 | socialLinks?: {
142 | discord?: `https://discord.gg/${string}`;
143 | github?: string;
144 | };
145 | title?: string;
146 | }
147 | ```
148 |
149 | > \[!NOTE]\
150 | > For detailed configuration, please refer to the [π Type file](https://github.com/lobehub/dumi-theme-lobehub/blob/master/src/types/config.ts) / [π Example](https://github.com/lobehub/dumi-theme-lobehub/blob/master/example/.dumirc.ts).
151 |
152 | <div align="right">
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154 | [![][back-to-top]](#readme-top)
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156 | </div>
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158 | ## β¨οΈ Local Development
159 |
160 | You can use Github Codespaces for online development:
161 |
162 | [![][github-codespace-shield]][github-codespace-link]
163 |
164 | Or clone it for local development:
165 |
166 | ```bash
167 | $ git clone https://github.com/lobehub/dumi-theme-lobehub.git
168 | $ cd dumi-theme-lobehub
169 | $ bun install
170 | $ bun dev
171 | ```
172 |
173 | <div align="right">
174 |
175 | [![][back-to-top]](#readme-top)
176 |
177 | </div>
178 |
179 | ## π€ Contributing
180 |
181 | Contributions of all types are more than welcome, if you are interested in contributing code, feel free to check out our GitHub [Issues][github-issues-link] to get stuck in to show us what youβre made of.
182 |
183 | [![][pr-welcome-shield]][pr-welcome-link]
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185 | [![][github-contrib-shield]][github-contrib-link]
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187 | <div align="right">
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189 | [![][back-to-top]](#readme-top)
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191 | </div>
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193 | ## π Links
194 |
195 | ### More Products
196 |
197 | - **[π€― Lobe Chat](https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-chat)** - An open-source, extensible (Function Calling), high-performance chatbot framework. It supports one-click free deployment of your private ChatGPT/LLM web application.
198 | - **[π
°οΈ Lobe Theme](https://github.com/lobehub/sd-webui-lobe-theme)** - The modern theme for stable diffusion webui, exquisite interface design, highly customizable UI, and efficiency boosting features.
199 | - **[π§Έ Lobe Vidol](https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-vidol)** - Experience the magic of virtual idol creation with Lobe Vidol, enjoy the elegance of our Exquisite UI Design, dance along using MMD Dance Support, and engage in Smooth Conversations.
200 |
201 | ### Design Resources
202 |
203 | - **[π Lobe UI](https://ui.lobehub.com)** - An open-source UI component library for building AIGC web apps.
204 | - **[π₯¨ Lobe Icons](https://lobehub.com/icons)** - Popular AI / LLM Model Brand SVG Logo and Icon Collection.
205 | - **[π Lobe Charts](https://charts.lobehub.com)** - React modern charts components built on recharts
206 |
207 | ### Development Resources
208 |
209 | - **[π€ Lobe TTS](https://tts.lobehub.com)** - A high-quality & reliable TTS/STT library for Server and Browser
210 | - **[π Lobe i18n](https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-cli-toolbox/blob/master/packages/lobe-i18n)** - Automation ai tool for the i18n (internationalization) translation process.
211 |
212 | [More Resources](https://lobehub.com/resources)
213 |
214 | <div align="right">
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216 | [![][back-to-top]](#readme-top)
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218 | </div>
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220 | ---
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222 | #### π License
223 |
224 | Copyright Β© 2023 [LobeHub][profile-link]. <br />
225 | This project is [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed.
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