12.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
2 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
3 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
4 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
5 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
7var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) {
8 if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
9 if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
10 return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
12var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
13 if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
14 if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
15 if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
16 return (kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;
18var _DuoyunCarouselElement_instances, _DuoyunCarouselElement_interval_get, _DuoyunCarouselElement_add, _DuoyunCarouselElement_timer, _DuoyunCarouselElement_isFirstRender, _DuoyunCarouselElement_waitLeave, _DuoyunCarouselElement_reset, _DuoyunCarouselElement_oMouseEnter, _DuoyunCarouselElement_clearTimer, _DuoyunCarouselElement_pageVisibleChange;
19var DuoyunCarouselElement_1;
20import { GemElement, html } from '@mantou/gem/lib/element';
21import { adoptedStyle, customElement, property, numattribute, attribute, part, emitter, } from '@mantou/gem/lib/decorators';
22import { createCSSSheet, css, styleMap, classMap } from '@mantou/gem/lib/utils';
23import { theme } from '../lib/theme';
24import { icons } from '../lib/icons';
25import { commonHandle } from '../lib/hotkeys';
26import { focusStyle } from '../lib/styles';
27import './use';
28import './heading';
29import './paragraph';
30import './button';
31import './more';
32const style = createCSSSheet(css `
33 :host(:where(:not([hidden]))) {
34 display: block;
35 width: 100%;
36 aspect-ratio: 20 / 7;
37 position: relative;
38 color: ${theme.highlightColor};
39 }
40 .list,
41 .item,
42 .img {
43 margin: 0;
44 padding: 0;
45 width: 100%;
46 height: 100%;
47 }
48 .item {
49 list-style: none;
50 position: relative;
51 overflow: hidden;
52 }
53 [inert] {
54 display: none;
55 }
56 .img {
57 position: absolute;
58 object-fit: cover;
59 --mask-range: 35%;
60 --m: linear-gradient(to right top, transparent, black var(--mask-range));
61 -webkit-mask-image: var(--m);
62 mask-image: var(--m);
63 }
64 .content {
65 position: absolute;
66 display: flex;
67 flex-direction: column;
68 align-items: flex-start;
69 justify-content: center;
70 inset: 0;
71 padding-inline: 4em;
72 max-width: 35%;
73 opacity: 0;
74 animation-duration: 1.3s;
75 }
76 .img,
77 .content {
78 animation: fadeIn ${theme.timingEasingFunction} 0.667s both;
79 }
80 .paused :where(.img, .content) {
81 animation-play-state: paused;
82 animation-direction: reverse;
83 }
84 @keyframes fadeIn {
85 0% {
86 transform: translateX(calc(var(--direction) * 3em));
87 }
88 100% {
89 transform: translateX(0);
90 opacity: 1;
91 }
92 }
93 .tag {
94 font-style: italic;
95 padding: 0.2em 0.3em;
96 margin-block-end: 0.5em;
97 background: yellow;
98 color: black;
99 }
100 .heading {
101 margin-block-start: 0;
102 }
103 .item,
104 .heading,
105 .paragraph {
106 color: inherit;
107 }
108 .action {
109 font-weight: bold;
110 }
111 .forward {
112 width: 1.2em;
113 }
114 .nav {
115 position: absolute;
116 left: 0;
117 right: 0;
118 bottom: 0.5em;
119 display: flex;
120 justify-content: center;
121 }
122 .circle {
123 width: 0.5em;
124 padding: 0.2em;
125 }
126 .circle::before {
127 transform: scale(0.99);
128 content: '';
129 color: ${theme.highlightColor};
130 display: block;
131 aspect-ratio: 1;
132 border: 1px solid;
133 border-radius: 10em;
134 }
135 .circle:where(:hover)::before {
136 background: ${theme.describeColor};
137 }
138 .current::before {
139 background: currentColor;
140 }
143 * @customElement dy-carousel
144 */
145let DuoyunCarouselElement = DuoyunCarouselElement_1 = class DuoyunCarouselElement extends GemElement {
146 constructor() {
147 super({ delegatesFocus: true });
148 _DuoyunCarouselElement_instances.add(this);
149 this.state = {
150 currentIndex: 0,
151 direction: 1,
152 };
153 _DuoyunCarouselElement_add.set(this, (direction) => {
154 var _a;
155 const total = (_a = this.data) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length;
156 if (!total)
157 return;
158 this.setState({ currentIndex: (total + this.state.currentIndex + direction) % total, direction });
159 __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_reset, "f").call(this);
160 });
161 _DuoyunCarouselElement_timer.set(this, 0);
162 _DuoyunCarouselElement_isFirstRender.set(this, true);
163 _DuoyunCarouselElement_waitLeave.set(this, Promise.resolve());
164 _DuoyunCarouselElement_reset.set(this, () => {
165 __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_clearTimer, "f").call(this);
166 __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_timer, window.setTimeout(async () => {
167 await __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_waitLeave, "f");
168 __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_isFirstRender, false, "f");
169 __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_add, "f").call(this, 1);
170 }, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_instances, "a", _DuoyunCarouselElement_interval_get)), "f");
171 });
172 _DuoyunCarouselElement_oMouseEnter.set(this, (evt) => {
173 __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_waitLeave, new Promise((res) => {
174 var _a;
175 return (_a = evt.target) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => res(), {
176 once: true,
177 });
178 }), "f");
179 });
180 _DuoyunCarouselElement_clearTimer.set(this, () => clearTimeout(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_timer, "f")));
181 _DuoyunCarouselElement_pageVisibleChange.set(this, () => {
182 if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {
183 __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_reset, "f").call(this);
184 }
185 else {
186 __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_clearTimer, "f").call(this);
187 }
188 });
189 this.mounted = () => {
190 __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_reset, "f").call(this);
191 this.effect(() => this.change(this.state.currentIndex), () => [this.state.currentIndex]);
192 document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_pageVisibleChange, "f"));
193 return () => {
194 document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_pageVisibleChange, "f"));
195 __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_clearTimer, "f").call(this);
196 };
197 };
198 this.render = () => {
199 var _a, _b;
200 const { currentIndex, direction } = this.state;
201 return html `
202 <ul class="list" role="region">
203 ${(_a = this.data) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.map(({ img, background = 'none', title, description, action, tag, onClick }, index) => html `
204 ${currentIndex === index
205 ? html `
206 <style>
207 :host {
208 background: ${background};
209 }
210 </style>
211 `
212 : ''}
213 <li
214 class=${classMap({ item: true, paused: __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_isFirstRender, "f") })}
215 style=${styleMap({ '--direction': `${direction}` })}
216 ?inert=${currentIndex !== index}
217 @click=${onClick}
218 >
219 <img
220 part=${DuoyunCarouselElement_1.img}
221 class="img"
222 alt=${title || ''}
223 src=${img}
224 crossorigin=${this.crossorigin}
225 />
226 <div class="content" part=${DuoyunCarouselElement_1.content} @mouseenter=${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_oMouseEnter, "f")}>
227 ${tag ? html `<div part=${DuoyunCarouselElement_1.tag} class="tag">${tag}</div>` : ''}
228 <dy-heading part=${DuoyunCarouselElement_1.title} class="heading" lv="2">${title}</dy-heading>
229 <dy-more expandless>
230 <dy-paragraph part=${DuoyunCarouselElement_1.description} class="paragraph">
231 ${description}
232 </dy-paragraph>
233 </dy-more>
234 ${action
235 ? html `
236 <dy-button
237 class="action"
238 part=${DuoyunCarouselElement_1.button}
239 @click=${(evt) => {
240 if (action.handle) {
241 evt.stopPropagation();
242 action.handle();
243 }
244 }}
245 >
246 ${action.text}
247 <dy-use class="forward" .element=${icons.forward}></dy-use>
248 </dy-button>
249 `
250 : ''}
251 </div>
252 </li>
253 `)}
254 </ul>
255 <div part=${DuoyunCarouselElement_1.nav} class="nav">
256 ${(_b = this.data) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.map((_, index) => html `
257 <div
258 tabindex="0"
259 role="button"
260 @keydown=${commonHandle}
261 @click=${() => this.jump(index)}
262 class=${classMap({ circle: true, current: index === currentIndex })}
263 ></div>
264 `)}
265 </div>
266 `;
267 };
268 this.next = () => {
269 __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_add, "f").call(this, 1);
270 };
271 this.prev = () => {
272 __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_add, "f").call(this, -1);
273 };
274 this.jump = (index) => {
275 this.setState({ currentIndex: index, direction: 1 });
276 __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _DuoyunCarouselElement_reset, "f").call(this);
277 };
278 }
280_DuoyunCarouselElement_add = new WeakMap(), _DuoyunCarouselElement_timer = new WeakMap(), _DuoyunCarouselElement_isFirstRender = new WeakMap(), _DuoyunCarouselElement_waitLeave = new WeakMap(), _DuoyunCarouselElement_reset = new WeakMap(), _DuoyunCarouselElement_oMouseEnter = new WeakMap(), _DuoyunCarouselElement_clearTimer = new WeakMap(), _DuoyunCarouselElement_pageVisibleChange = new WeakMap(), _DuoyunCarouselElement_instances = new WeakSet(), _DuoyunCarouselElement_interval_get = function _DuoyunCarouselElement_interval_get() {
281 return this.interval || 3000;
284 attribute
285], DuoyunCarouselElement.prototype, "crossorigin", void 0);
287 numattribute
288], DuoyunCarouselElement.prototype, "interval", void 0);
290 emitter
291], DuoyunCarouselElement.prototype, "change", void 0);
293 property
294], DuoyunCarouselElement.prototype, "data", void 0);
296 part
297], DuoyunCarouselElement, "img", void 0);
299 part
300], DuoyunCarouselElement, "title", void 0);
302 part
303], DuoyunCarouselElement, "tag", void 0);
305 part
306], DuoyunCarouselElement, "content", void 0);
308 part
309], DuoyunCarouselElement, "button", void 0);
311 part
312], DuoyunCarouselElement, "description", void 0);
314 part
315], DuoyunCarouselElement, "nav", void 0);
316DuoyunCarouselElement = DuoyunCarouselElement_1 = __decorate([
317 customElement('dy-carousel'),
318 adoptedStyle(style),
319 adoptedStyle(focusStyle)
320], DuoyunCarouselElement);
321export { DuoyunCarouselElement };
322//# sourceMappingURL=carousel.js.map
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