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86 | <h2>Version History</h2>
87 |
88 | <p>For links to download each release, see the <a href="/download.html">Downloads</a> page.</p>
89 |
90 | <table class="versions">
91 | <tr id="v2.2.1">
92 | <td><a href="#v2.2.1" title="link">🔗</a>v2.2.1<p class="date">2023-02-16</p></td>
93 | <td class="notes">
94 | <h4>Future incompatibilities</h4><ul>
95 | <li><tt>window.smoothPlotter</tt> will not be set by <tt>extras/smooth-plotter.js</tt> any more RSN</li>
96 | </ul>
97 | <h4>New features</h4><ul>
98 | <li>Permit initialising with <tt>[]</tt> as “no data yet” indicator (#597)</li>
99 | <li>The modularisation of the test setup also allows stable access to exported functions (e.g. <tt>Dygraph._require('dygraphs/src/dygraph-utils.js').numberValueFormatter</tt>) which makes writing one’s own value formatters easier (as usual, proceed with care, exports with an underscore are internal); see <https://dygraphs.com/tests/exported-symbols.html> for the exposed surface</li>
100 | <li>Provide Dygraph.onDOMready(cb) as lightweight jQuery(cb)/… alternative, to keep the demos/tests self-contained</li>
101 | </ul>
102 | <h4>Bugfixes</h4><ul>
103 | <li>Fix synchroniser not calling user’s <tt>drawCallback</tt> when blocked (#953) plus do not redraw unnecessarily</li>
104 | <li>Documentation fixes and improvements including self-checks where possible</li>
105 | <li>Fix missing legend for <tt>x == -1</tt> (#1002)</li>
106 | <li>Allow ES6-importing the extras (#848) (#989) (#1009)</li>
107 | <li>Fix broken zoom also in the drawing test (same as #611/#953)</li>
108 | <li>Resetting <tt>panEdgeFraction</tt> now works</li>
109 | <li>Fix tests/unboxed-spark regression caused by PR #936</li>
110 | <li>Synchroniser doesn’t force x axis range if unzoomed (#956)</li>
111 | </ul>
112 | <h4>Other user-visible changes</h4><ul>
113 | <li>Fix issue #611 in the drawing demo gallery (#953)</li>
114 | <li><tt>jq</tt> is now also required to build</li>
115 | <li>Fix typos, wordings, apostrophes, etc.</li>
116 | <li>Export <tt>pickDateTickGranularity</tt> so overriding <tt>dateTicker</tt> is easier</li>
117 | <li>Error bars are now properly called high/low bands (#1004), but the options stay the same for compatibility</li>
118 | <li>Document annotations xval for Date better (#970)</li>
119 | <li>Document more strongly that series labels must be unique (#960)</li>
120 | <li>Remove references to nōn-existing <tt>yAxisLabelWidth</tt> option</li>
121 | <li>Fix jsFiddle links from gallery</li>
122 | </ul>
123 | <h4>Internal refactors/fixes</h4><ul>
124 | <li>Shrink <tt>tests.js</tt> source map and make its build reproducible on Debian</li>
125 | <li><tt>tests/resizable.html</tt> exposes the graph object, for quick F12 in-browser use</li>
126 | <li>Generate <tt>versions.html</tt> and release notes from new top-level <a href="https://github.com/danvk/dygraphs/blob/master/CHANGES.md"><tt>CHANGES.md</tt></a></li>
127 | <li>Modularise dygraphs/tests setup so we can now also test the minified prod css/js (#1028)</li>
128 | <li>Generate stable orig tarballs for releases ourselves (we still use the NPM ones for binary tarballs)</li>
129 | <li>Less fragility with arrow function <tt>this</tt> rebinding check</li>
130 | </ul>
131 | </td>
132 | </tr>
133 | <tr id="v2.2.0">
134 | <td><a href="#v2.2.0" title="link">🔗</a>v2.2.0<p class="date">2023-01-25</p></td>
135 | <td class="notes">
136 | <p>This is the first “full” release after v2.1.0 with the following news:</p>
137 | <h4>Breaking changes</h4><ul>
138 | <li>Stop parsing the deprecated 8-digit ‘YYYYMMDD’ date format (#984) (#985) (#1023)</li>
139 | <li>GWT “support” is no longer pertinent as we cannot recompile the binary JAR; the latter is still available from the website for now</li>
140 | </ul>
141 | <h4>New features</h4><ul>
142 | <li>Add option to colour the range selector’s veil (#856)</li>
143 | <li>Add <tt>strokeStyle</tt> option to crosshair plugin (#955)</li>
144 | <li>Support <tt>DocumentFragment</tt> as a result from a <tt>legendFormatter</tt> function (#958) (#959)</li>
145 | <li>Add data index to <tt>legendFormatter</tt> data (#965)</li>
146 | <li>Implement <tt>#RRGGBB</tt>/`#RRGGBBAA` hex colour parsing</li>
147 | <li>Make <tt>animateBackgroundFade</tt> into an option</li>
148 | <li>Add new <tt>resizable</tt> option using <tt>ResizeObserver</tt> on maindiv + CSS</li>
149 | <li>Add offset config for legend div in follow mode (#946)</li>
150 | </ul>
151 | <h4>Bugfixes</h4><ul>
152 | <li>Fix duplicate annotation when having duplicate points (#826)</li>
153 | <li>Make sure that <tt>canvasx</tt> and <tt>canvasy</tt> properties are initialised from the start (#896)</li>
154 | <li>Fix issue #781 when the y range is zero (#909)</li>
155 | <li>Synchroniser now calls <tt>highlightCallback</tt> (#935)</li>
156 | <li>Fix <tt>drawAxes</tt> to allow one of two y axes to be drawn (#936)</li>
157 | <li>LEGEND: Don’t show y if value is undefined (#853) (#947)</li>
158 | <li>Fixed “Cannot read property 'length' of undefined” issue (#962) (#963)</li>
159 | <li>Two fixes in the calculations of pinch-zoom (#990)</li>
160 | <li>Fix for double paint of grid of x-axis (#1007)</li>
161 | <li>Fix number of days in a year (#1012)</li>
162 | <li>Fix <tt>labelsKMB</tt> and <tt>labelsKMG2</tt> (#571) (#994) (#1022)</li>
163 | <li>Fix label position in <tt>onmouseover</tt> legend mode was never updated</li>
164 | <li>Fix several cases of mispositioning/missizing by enabling elements before using <tt>offsetWidth</tt> etc.</li>
165 | <li>Make it possible to use <tt>logscale</tt> (and <tt>sigma</tt>, <tt>wilsonInterval</tt>) per-axis (#986)</li>
166 | </ul>
167 | <h4>Other user-visible changes</h4><ul>
168 | <li>Documentation is now shipped (mostly self-contained) in the release</li>
169 | <li>Tests that use Google JSAPI are now marked ⚠ and no other external content is loaded anywhere</li>
170 | <li>Calculate legend positioning relative to closest data point (#1013)</li>
171 | <li>Add missing documentation about annotations <tt>xval</tt> option (#992)</li>
172 | <li>source mapping URLs are now correct (#1027)</li>
173 | <li>Ship ES5 versions of extras (#952), use them in examples</li>
174 | <li>Fix documentation/website HTML/CSS/JS bugs (#979) (#1008)</li>
175 | <li>On the website, external links are now clearly labelled</li>
176 | <li>The documentation and website now have browsable subdirectories by manually generated directory index files</li>
177 | <li>Link to UNPKG as CDN as well (to keep neutral; use of CDNs in websites violates the EU-GDPR)</li>
178 | <li>Most issues with right-to-left languages should now be fixed (#1019)</li>
179 | <li>Document that Dygraph will misbehave if the main div has padding</li>
180 | </ul>
181 | <h4>Internal refactors/fixes</h4><ul>
182 | <li>Use link href, not link src (#904)</li>
183 | <li>Add missing semicolon in externs (#964)</li>
184 | <li>Large build system improvements relying in large parts on Debian and GHA</li>
185 | <li>Full licence review as part of uploading to Debian (#1024) (#1025) (#1029); drop embedded code copies</li>
186 | <li>Fix some JSDoc warnings</li>
187 | <li>Update to contemporary versions of Python 3, jQuery, Babel, etc.</li>
188 | <li>Add copies of design documents that were previously only available on Google Docs or part of GitHub issues to offline documentation</li>
189 | <li>Nuke useless semicola after function declaration bodies</li>
190 | <li>Fix closure type annotation in <tt>hairlines.js</tt></li>
191 | <li>Remove already commented-out obsolete, or redundant, code</li>
192 | </ul>
193 | </td>
194 | </tr>
195 | <tr id="v2.1.0">
196 | <td><a href="#v2.1.0" title="link">🔗</a>v2.1.0<p class="date">2017-12-08</p></td>
197 | <td class="notes">
198 | <h4>New features</h4><ul>
199 | <li>Double click event can be captured and cancelled by plugins (#840)</li>
200 | <li><tt>setAnnotations</tt>’ second parameter is now an optional boolean (#851)</li>
201 | <li>Add <tt>pixelRatio</tt> option, which may allow improved performance on smaller screens by controlling the canvas’ pixel ratio (#877)</li>
202 | <li>x axis label and tick logic can now operate at millisecond-level granularity (#893)</li>
203 | </ul>
204 | <h4>Bug fixes</h4><ul>
205 | <li>Repair a bug in “Custom interaction models” demo (#825)</li>
206 | </ul>
207 | <h4>Internal refactors/fixes</h4><ul>
208 | <li>Fix various spelling mistakes (#844)</li>
209 | <li>Fix a couple of type signatures in <tt>dygraph-externs.js</tt> (#859)</li>
210 | </ul>
211 | </td>
212 | </tr>
213 | <tr id="v2.0.0">
214 | <td><a href="#v2.0.0" title="link">🔗</a>v2.0.0<p class="date">2017-01-11</p></td>
215 | <td class="notes">
216 | <h4>Breaking changes</h4><ul>
217 | <li>JS files were renamed to <tt>dygraph.js</tt> and <tt>dygraph.min.js</tt>.</li>
218 | <li>There’s now a <tt>dygraph.css</tt> file that you must include.</li>
219 | <li>Dropped support for old IE and other non-standard browsers. dygraphs works in IE11. I’m not sure about IE9 and IE10.</li>
220 | <li>Double-click to unzoom zooms all the way out (and ignores <tt>valueRange</tt>).</li>
221 | <li>Dropped old-style per-axis/per-series options.</li>
222 | </ul>
223 | <h4>New features</h4><ul>
224 | <li>Add a <tt>legendFormatter</tt> option (#683)</li>
225 | <li><tt>this</tt> is the Dygraph object in all callbacks</li>
226 | <li>pass through (row, col) to <tt>valueFormatter</tt></li>
227 | <li>Option to not sync range in <tt>extras/synchronizer.js</tt></li>
228 | <li>Additional options for styling the range selector</li>
229 | <li><tt>getRowForX</tt> method</li>
230 | <li><tt>setVisibility</tt> can set the visibility of multiple series at once.</li>
231 | <li>crosshair plugin extra</li>
232 | <li>rebase/straw broom plugin (#590)</li>
233 | <li><tt>highlightSeriesBackgroundColor</tt> option</li>
234 | <li><tt>yAxisExtremes()</tt> method.</li>
235 | <li>Passing strings in native format now throws. (Previously it kinda sorta worked.)</li>
236 | </ul>
237 | <h4>Bug fixes</h4><ul>
238 | <li>Selections are always cleared with animations</li>
239 | <li>synchronizer calls previously-set callbacks</li>
240 | <li>synchronizer only syncs when graphs are ready</li>
241 | <li>Reset on synchronized graphs failed (#524)</li>
242 | <li>fix to improve synchronizer performance (#658)</li>
243 | <li>binary search bug fix in synchronizer</li>
244 | <li>Fix range selection when chart is located inside fullscreen element (#576)</li>
245 | <li><tt>fillAlpha</tt> can be set per-series when <tt>fillGraph</tt> is set.</li>
246 | <li><tt>xRangePad</tt> was ignored on unzoom (#657)</li>
247 | <li>Allow selected points where canvas-y coordinate is 0 (#692)</li>
248 | <li>Using <tt>valueRange</tt> with <tt>logscale</tt> and <tt>yRangePad</tt> has unexpected results (#661)</li>
249 | <li>With <tt>drawGapEdgePoints</tt>, unwanted point often drawn at beginning of chart (#745)</li>
250 | </ul>
251 | <h4>Other user-visible changes</h4><ul>
252 | <li><tt>legend: follow</tt> positioning changes</li>
253 | </ul>
254 | <h4>Internal refactors</h4><ul>
255 | <li>Code moved into a <tt>src/</tt> directory</li>
256 | <li>Tests use Mocha instead of jstd</li>
257 | <li>dygraphs is split into ES6 modules and uses some ES6 features (e.g. arrows and destructuring).</li>
258 | <li>dygraphs is built using Babel and browserify</li>
259 | <li>Code coverage is tracked continuously</li>
260 | <li>Bundle size is now tracked continuously</li>
261 | </ul>
262 | </td>
263 | </tr>
264 | <tr id="v1.1.1">
265 | <td><a href="#v1.1.1" title="link">🔗</a>v1.1.1<p class="date">2015-06-01</p></td>
266 | <td class="notes">
267 | <ul>
268 | <li>Set <tt>this</tt> to the dygraph in all callbacks.</li>
269 | <li>Minor bug fixes.</li>
270 | </ul>
271 | </td>
272 | </tr>
273 | <tr id="v1.1.0">
274 | <td><a href="#v1.1.0" title="link">🔗</a>v1.1.0<p class="date">2014-12-03</p></td>
275 | <td class="notes">
276 | <h4>Highlights</h4><ul>
277 | <li>dygraphs is now “retina” compatible.</li>
278 | <li>Dramatically improved performance for filled charts (i.e. <tt>fillGraph</tt>)</li>
279 | <li>More sensible date ticks: “Jan 08” → “Jan 2008”, “29Jan” → “29 Jan”</li>
280 | <li>Using a non-existent option now throws (with <tt>dygraph-combined-dev.js</tt>)</li>
281 | <li>x-axis log scales</li>
282 | <li>The <tt>labelsUTC</tt> option forces UTC formatting for all labels.</li>
283 | <li>The new DataHandler system allows for more flexibility in data loading.</li>
284 | <li>dygraphs has shrunk, because we moved some stuff into “extras” (133 KiB → 122 KiB)</li>
285 | </ul>
286 | <p>This will be the last major release to support browsers without a native <canvas> implementation. See <a href="http://blog.dygraphs.com/2014/12/dygraphs-110.html">blog post</a> for more details.</p>
287 | </td>
288 | </tr>
289 | <tr id="v1.0.1">
290 | <td><a href="#v1.0.1" title="link">🔗</a>v1.0.1<p class="date">2013-08-29</p></td>
291 | <td class="notes">
292 | <p>Minor bug fixes and updates to web site.</p>
293 | </td>
294 | </tr>
295 | <tr id="v1.0.0">
296 | <td><a href="#v1.0.0" title="link">🔗</a>v1.0.0<p class="date">2013-08-14</p></td>
297 | <td class="notes">
298 | <p>Initial Release. See <a href="http://blog.dygraphs.com/2013/08/announcing-dygraphs-100.html">blog post</a>.</p>
299 | </td>
300 | </tr>
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