1.45 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1#!/usr/bin/env node
3var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2))
5if (argv.help) {
6 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
7 return console.log([
8 '',
9 'Usage: dynalite [--port <port>] [--path <path>] [options]',
10 '',
11 'A DynamoDB http server, optionally backed by LevelDB',
12 '',
13 'Options:',
14 '--help Display this help message and exit',
15 '--port <port> The port to listen on (default: 4567)',
16 '--path <path> The path to use for the LevelDB store (in-memory by default)',
17 '--ssl Enable SSL for the web server (default: false)',
18 '--createTableMs <ms> Amount of time tables stay in CREATING state (default: 500)',
19 '--deleteTableMs <ms> Amount of time tables stay in DELETING state (default: 500)',
20 '--updateTableMs <ms> Amount of time tables stay in UPDATING state (default: 500)',
21 '--maxItemSizeKb <kb> Maximum item size (default: 400)',
22 '',
23 'Report bugs at github.com/mhart/dynalite/issues',
24 ].join('\n'))
27// If we're PID 1, eg in a docker container, SIGINT won't end the process as usual
28if (process.pid == 1) process.on('SIGINT', process.exit)
30var server = require('./index.js')(argv).listen(argv.port || 4567, function() {
31 var address = server.address(), protocol = argv.ssl ? 'https' : 'http'
32 // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
33 console.log('Listening at %s://%s:%s', protocol, address.address, address.port)