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11 |
12 | # elapsing-time@3.2.0
13 |
14 | Helps you to measure the runtime of your code. Package is available both for **browser** and **Node.js**. Time counts with help of **performance.now** function.
15 |
16 | ## Installation
17 | `elapsing-time` is available via NPM:
18 | ```bash
19 | $ npm i elapsing-time@3.2.0
20 | ```
21 |
22 | ## Usage
23 | ```ts
24 | import ElapsingTime from 'elapsing-time';
25 |
26 | const timer = new ElapsingTime();
27 | const wait = (ms: number) => new Promise<void>(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
28 |
29 | (async () => {
30 | for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
31 | timer.start();
32 | await wait(200);
33 | timer.stop();
34 | }
35 |
36 | console.log(timer.ms); // 2002.329
37 | console.log(timer.s); // 2.002 // As seconds
38 | console.log(timer.us); // 2001809.967 // As microseconds
39 | console.log(timer.avg.ms); // 200.233 // Average value
40 | })();
41 | ```
42 |
43 | ### Timer.reset
44 | ```ts
45 | import ElapsingTime from 'elapsing-time';
46 |
47 | const timer = new ElapsingTime();
48 | const wait = (ms: number) => new Promise<void>(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
49 |
50 | (async () => {
51 | // Total value
52 | timer.start();
53 | await wait(100);
54 | timer.stop();
55 | console.log(timer.ms); // 102.937
56 |
57 | timer.start();
58 | await wait(200);
59 | timer.stop();
60 | console.log(timer.ms); // 303.213
61 |
62 | timer.start();
63 | await wait(300);
64 | timer.stop();
65 | console.log(timer.ms); // 603.607
66 |
67 | // Now with reset
68 | timer.reset();
69 | timer.start();
70 | await wait(100);
71 | timer.stop();
72 | console.log(timer.ms); // 100.715
73 |
74 | timer.reset();
75 | timer.start();
76 | await wait(200);
77 | timer.stop();
78 | console.log(timer.ms); // 200.74
79 |
80 | timer.reset();
81 | timer.start();
82 | await wait(300);
83 | timer.stop();
84 | console.log(timer.ms); // 300.782
85 | })();
86 | ```
87 |
88 | ### Timer.start with autoreset
89 | ```ts
90 | import ElapsingTime from 'elapsing-time';
91 |
92 | const timer = new ElapsingTime();
93 | const wait = (ms: number) => new Promise<void>(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
94 |
95 | (async () => {
96 | timer.start();
97 | await wait(100);
98 | timer.stop(true); // The next timer.start will invoke timer.reset under the hood
99 | console.log(timer.ms); // 103.025
100 |
101 | timer.start();
102 | await wait(200);
103 | timer.stop(true);
104 | console.log(timer.ms); // 200.088
105 |
106 | timer.start();
107 | await wait(300);
108 | timer.stop();
109 | console.log(timer.ms); // 300.327
110 | })();
111 | ```
112 |
113 | ### Built-in print functions
114 | ```ts
115 | import ElapsingTime from 'elapsing-time';
116 |
117 | const timer = new ElapsingTime();
118 | const wait = (ms: number) => new Promise<void>(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
119 |
120 | (async () => {
121 | timer.start();
122 | await wait(100);
123 |
124 | timer.msPrint(); // Time: 102.07 ms
125 | await wait(10);
126 | timer.sPrint(); // Time: 0.115 s
127 | // There is no timer.stop so it's still counting
128 | await wait(10);
129 | timer.usPrint(); // Time: 124822.4 us
130 | await wait(10);
131 | timer.msPrint('Custom label'); // Custom label: 134.661 ms
132 | })();
133 | ```
134 |
135 | The same way "avg" print functions are also present in timer.avg:
136 | ```ts
137 | import ElapsingTime from 'elapsing-time';
138 |
139 | const timer = new ElapsingTime();
140 | const wait = (ms: number) => new Promise<void>(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
141 |
142 | (async () => {
143 | timer.start();
144 | await wait(100);
145 | timer.stop();
146 | timer.avg.sPrint(); // Time: 0.102 s
147 |
148 | timer.start();
149 | await wait(900);
150 | timer.stop();
151 | timer.avg.usPrint(); // Time: 501137.335 us
152 |
153 | timer.start();
154 | await wait(200);
155 | timer.avg.msPrint('Custom label'); // Custom label: 400.882 ms
156 | timer.stop();
157 | })();
158 | ```
159 |
160 | ## Testing
161 | Manually tested by the developer during development. Automated tests are not provided.
162 |
163 | ---
164 |
165 | Your improve suggestions and bug reports [are welcome](https://github.com/ArthurKa/elapsing-time/issues) any time.