10.3 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
2 "version": 3,
3 "file": "core.js",
4 "sourceRoot": "",
5 "sources": [
6 "../src/core.ts"
7 ],
8 "names": [],
10 "sourcesContent": [
11 "import { Publish } from \"electron-builder-http/out/publishOptions\"\n\nexport enum Arch {\n ia32, x64, armv7l\n}\n\nexport type ArchType = \"x64\" | \"ia32\" | \"armv7l\"\n\nexport function getArchSuffix(arch: Arch): string {\n return arch === Arch.x64 ? \"\" : `-${Arch[arch]}`\n}\n\nexport type TargetConfigType = Array<string | TargetConfig> | string | TargetConfig | null\n\nexport interface TargetConfig {\n /**\n * The target name. e.g. `snap`.\n */\n readonly target: string\n\n /**\n * The arch or list of archs.\n */\n readonly arch?: Array<\"x64\" | \"ia32\" | \"armv7l\"> | string\n}\n\nexport function toLinuxArchString(arch: Arch) {\n return arch === Arch.ia32 ? \"i386\" : (arch === Arch.x64 ? \"amd64\" : \"armv7l\")\n}\n\nexport function archFromString(name: string): Arch {\n if (name === \"x64\") {\n return Arch.x64\n }\n if (name === \"ia32\") {\n return Arch.ia32\n }\n if (name === \"armv7l\") {\n return Arch.armv7l\n }\n\n throw new Error(`Unsupported arch ${name}`)\n}\n\nexport class Platform {\n static MAC = new Platform(\"mac\", \"mac\", \"darwin\")\n static LINUX = new Platform(\"linux\", \"linux\", \"linux\")\n static WINDOWS = new Platform(\"windows\", \"win\", \"win32\")\n\n // deprecated\n //noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols\n static OSX = Platform.MAC\n\n constructor(public name: string, public buildConfigurationKey: string, public nodeName: string) {\n }\n\n toString() {\n return this.name\n }\n\n createTarget(type?: string | Array<string> | null, ...archs: Array<Arch>): Map<Platform, Map<Arch, Array<string>>> {\n if (type == null && (archs == null || archs.length === 0)) {\n return new Map([[this, new Map()]])\n }\n\n const archToType = new Map()\n if (this === Platform.MAC) {\n archs = [Arch.x64]\n }\n\n for (const arch of (archs == null || archs.length === 0 ? [archFromString(process.arch)] : archs)) {\n archToType.set(arch, type == null ? [] : (Array.isArray(type) ? type : [type]))\n }\n return new Map([[this, archToType]])\n }\n\n static current(): Platform {\n return Platform.fromString(process.platform)\n }\n\n static fromString(name: string): Platform {\n name = name.toLowerCase()\n switch (name) {\n case Platform.MAC.nodeName:\n case Platform.MAC.name:\n return Platform.MAC\n\n case Platform.WINDOWS.nodeName:\n case Platform.WINDOWS.name:\n case Platform.WINDOWS.buildConfigurationKey:\n return Platform.WINDOWS\n\n case Platform.LINUX.nodeName:\n return Platform.LINUX\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unknown platform: ${name}`)\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport abstract class Target {\n abstract readonly outDir: string\n abstract readonly options: TargetSpecificOptions | null | undefined\n\n constructor(readonly name: string, readonly isAsyncSupported: boolean = true) {\n }\n\n abstract build(appOutDir: string, arch: Arch): Promise<any>\n\n finishBuild(): Promise<any> {\n return Promise.resolve()\n }\n}\n\nexport interface TargetSpecificOptions {\n /**\n The [artifact file name pattern](https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/wiki/Options#artifact-file-name-pattern).\n */\n readonly artifactName?: string | null\n\n readonly forceCodeSigning?: boolean\n \n readonly publish?: Publish\n}\n\nexport interface PlatformSpecificBuildOptions extends TargetSpecificOptions {\n readonly files?: Array<string> | string | null\n readonly extraFiles?: Array<FilePattern | string> | FilePattern | string | null\n readonly extraResources?: Array<FilePattern | string> | FilePattern | string | null\n\n readonly asarUnpack?: Array<string> | string | null\n\n readonly asar?: AsarOptions | boolean | null\n\n readonly target?: Array<string | TargetConfig> | string | TargetConfig | null\n\n readonly icon?: string | null\n\n readonly fileAssociations?: Array<FileAssociation> | FileAssociation\n}\n\nexport const DEFAULT_TARGET = \"default\"\nexport const DIR_TARGET = \"dir\"\n\nexport interface AuthorMetadata {\n readonly name: string\n readonly email?: string\n}\n\nexport type CompressionLevel = \"store\" | \"normal\" | \"maximum\"\n\nexport interface RepositoryInfo {\n readonly url: string\n}\n\nexport interface FilePattern {\n from?: string\n to?: string\n filter?: Array<string> | string\n}\n\nexport interface AsarOptions {\n smartUnpack?: boolean\n\n ordering?: string | null\n\n extraMetadata?: any | null\n}\n\nexport interface BeforeBuildContext {\n readonly appDir: string\n readonly electronVersion: string\n readonly platform: Platform\n readonly arch: string\n}\n\n/**\n * File associations.\n * \n * macOS (corresponds to [CFBundleDocumentTypes](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20001431-101685)) and NSIS only.\n * \n * On Windows works only if [nsis.perMachine](https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/wiki/Options#NsisOptions-perMachine) is set to `true`.\n */\nexport interface FileAssociation {\n /**\n * The extension (minus the leading period). e.g. `png`.\n */\n readonly ext: string | Array<string>\n\n /**\n * The name. e.g. `PNG`. Defaults to `ext`.\n */\n readonly name?: string | null\n\n /**\n * *windows-only.* The description.\n */\n readonly description?: string | null\n\n /**\n * The path to icon (`.icns` for MacOS and `.ico` for Windows), relative to `build` (build resources directory). Defaults to `${firstExt}.icns`/`${firstExt}.ico` (if several extensions specified, first is used) or to application icon.\n */\n readonly icon?: string | null\n\n /**\n * *macOS-only* The app’s role with respect to the type. The value can be `Editor`, `Viewer`, `Shell`, or `None`. Corresponds to `CFBundleTypeRole`.\n * @default Editor\n */\n readonly role?: string\n\n /**\n * *macOS-only* Whether the document is distributed as a bundle. If set to true, the bundle directory is treated as a file. Corresponds to `LSTypeIsPackage`.\n */\n readonly isPackage?: boolean\n}\n\n/**\n * URL Protocol Schemes. Protocols to associate the app with. macOS only.\n * \n * Please note — on macOS [you need to register an `open-url` event handler](http://electron.atom.io/docs/api/app/#event-open-url-macos).\n */\nexport interface Protocol {\n /**\n * The name. e.g. `IRC server URL`.\n */\n readonly name: string\n\n /**\n * *macOS-only* The app’s role with respect to the type. \n * @default Editor\n */\n readonly role?: \"Editor\" | \"Viewer\" | \"Shell\" | \"None\"\n\n /**\n * The schemes. e.g. `[\"irc\", \"ircs\"]`.\n */\n readonly schemes: Array<string>\n}\n\n/**\n * `directories`\n */\nexport interface MetadataDirectories {\n /**\n * The path to build resources.\n * @default build\n */\n readonly buildResources?: string | null\n\n /**\n * The output directory.\n * @default dist\n */\n readonly output?: string | null\n\n /**\n * The application directory (containing the application package.json), defaults to `app`, `www` or working directory.\n */\n readonly app?: string | null\n}\n\nexport interface SourceRepositoryInfo {\n type: string\n domain: string\n user: string\n project: string\n}"
12 ]