1 | import { PlatformSpecificBuildOptions, TargetConfigType, TargetSpecificOptions } from "../index";
2 | export interface LinuxConfiguration extends CommonLinuxOptions, PlatformSpecificBuildOptions {
3 | /**
4 | * Target package type: list of `AppImage`, `snap`, `deb`, `rpm`, `freebsd`, `pacman`, `p5p`, `apk`, `7z`, `zip`, `tar.xz`, `tar.lz`, `tar.gz`, `tar.bz2`, `dir`.
5 | *
6 | * electron-builder [docker image](/multi-platform-build#docker) can be used to build Linux targets on any platform.
7 | *
8 | * Please [do not put an AppImage into another archive](https://github.com/probonopd/AppImageKit/wiki/Creating-AppImages#common-mistake) like a .zip or .tar.gz.
9 | * @default AppImage
10 | */
11 | readonly target?: TargetConfigType;
12 | /**
13 | * The maintainer. Defaults to [author](/configuration/configuration.md#Metadata-author).
14 | */
15 | readonly maintainer?: string | null;
16 | /**
17 | * The vendor. Defaults to [author](/configuration/configuration.md#Metadata-author).
18 | */
19 | readonly vendor?: string | null;
20 | /**
21 | * @deprecated
22 | * @private
23 | */
24 | readonly depends?: Array<string> | null;
25 | /**
26 | * The executable name. Defaults to `productName`.
27 | * Cannot be specified per target, allowed only in the `linux`.
28 | */
29 | readonly executableName?: string | null;
30 | /**
31 | * The path to icon set directory or one png file, relative to the [build resources](/configuration/configuration.md#MetadataDirectories-buildResources) or to the project directory. The icon filename must contain the size (e.g. 32x32.png) of the icon.
32 | * By default will be generated automatically based on the macOS icns file.
33 | */
34 | readonly icon?: string;
35 | /**
36 | * backward compatibility + to allow specify fpm-only category for all possible fpm targets in one place
37 | * @private
38 | */
39 | readonly packageCategory?: string | null;
40 | }
41 | export interface CommonLinuxOptions {
42 | /**
43 | * The [short description](https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Description).
44 | */
45 | readonly synopsis?: string | null;
46 | /**
47 | * As [description](/configuration/configuration.md#Metadata-description) from application package.json, but allows you to specify different for Linux.
48 | */
49 | readonly description?: string | null;
50 | /**
51 | * The [application category](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html#main-category-registry).
52 | */
53 | readonly category?: string | null;
54 | /**
55 | * The mime types in addition to specified in the file associations. Use it if you don't want to register a new mime type, but reuse existing.
56 | */
57 | readonly mimeTypes?: Array<string> | null;
58 | /**
59 | * The [Desktop file](https://developer.gnome.org/integration-guide/stable/desktop-files.html.en) entries (name to value).
60 | */
61 | readonly desktop?: any | null;
62 | }
63 | export interface LinuxTargetSpecificOptions extends CommonLinuxOptions, TargetSpecificOptions {
64 | /**
65 | * Package dependencies.
66 | */
67 | readonly depends?: Array<string> | null;
68 | /**
69 | * The compression type.
70 | * @default xz
71 | */
72 | readonly compression?: "gz" | "bzip2" | "xz" | null;
73 | readonly icon?: string;
74 | /**
75 | * The package category.
76 | */
77 | readonly packageCategory?: string | null;
78 | readonly vendor?: string | null;
79 | readonly maintainer?: string | null;
80 | readonly afterInstall?: string | null;
81 | readonly afterRemove?: string | null;
82 | /**
83 | * *Advanced only* The [fpm](https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/wiki#usage) options.
84 | *
85 | * Example: `["--before-install=build/deb-preinstall.sh", "--after-upgrade=build/deb-postinstall.sh"]`
86 | */
87 | readonly fpm?: Array<string> | null;
88 | }
89 | export interface DebOptions extends LinuxTargetSpecificOptions {
90 | /**
91 | * Package dependencies. Defaults to `["gconf2", "gconf-service", "libnotify4", "libappindicator1", "libxtst6", "libnss3"]`.
92 | */
93 | readonly depends?: Array<string> | null;
94 | /**
95 | * The [package category](https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Section).
96 | */
97 | readonly packageCategory?: string | null;
98 | /**
99 | * The [Priority](https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Priority) attribute.
100 | */
101 | readonly priority?: string | null;
102 | }
103 | export interface AppImageOptions extends CommonLinuxOptions, TargetSpecificOptions {
104 | /**
105 | * The system integration installation.
106 | * @default ask
107 | */
108 | readonly systemIntegration?: "ask" | "doNotAsk";
109 | /**
110 | * The path to EULA license file. Defaults to `license.txt` or `eula.txt` (or uppercase variants). Only plain text is supported.
111 | */
112 | readonly license?: string | null;
113 | }