1 | #! /usr/bin/env node
2 | "use strict";
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
4 | exports.configurePublishCommand = configurePublishCommand;
5 | exports.publish = publish;
6 | exports.publishArtifactsWithOptions = publishArtifactsWithOptions;
7 | const app_builder_lib_1 = require("app-builder-lib");
8 | const platformPackager_1 = require("app-builder-lib/out/platformPackager");
9 | const config_1 = require("app-builder-lib/out/util/config/config");
10 | const builder_util_1 = require("builder-util");
11 | const builder_util_2 = require("builder-util");
12 | const chalk = require("chalk");
13 | const path = require("path");
14 | const yargs = require("yargs");
15 | const builder_1 = require("./builder");
16 |
17 | function configurePublishCommand(yargs) {
18 |
19 |
20 | return yargs
21 | .parserConfiguration({
22 | "camel-case-expansion": false,
23 | })
24 | .option("files", {
25 | alias: "f",
26 | string: true,
27 | type: "array",
28 | requiresArg: true,
29 | description: "The file(s) to upload to your publisher",
30 | })
31 | .option("version", {
32 | alias: ["v"],
33 | type: "string",
34 | description: "The app/build version used when searching for an upload release (used by some Publishers)",
35 | })
36 | .option("config", {
37 | alias: ["c"],
38 | type: "string",
39 | description: "The path to an electron-builder config. Defaults to `electron-builder.yml` (or `json`, or `json5`, or `js`, or `ts`), see " + chalk.underline("https://goo.gl/YFRJOM"),
40 | })
41 | .demandOption("files");
42 | }
43 | async function publish(args) {
44 | const uploadTasks = args.files.map(f => {
45 | return {
46 | file: path.resolve(f),
47 | arch: null,
48 | };
49 | });
50 | return publishArtifactsWithOptions(uploadTasks, args.version, args.config);
51 | }
52 | async function publishArtifactsWithOptions(uploadOptions, buildVersion, configurationFilePath, publishConfiguration) {
53 | const projectDir = process.cwd();
54 | const config = await (0, config_1.getConfig)(projectDir, configurationFilePath || null, { publish: publishConfiguration, detectUpdateChannel: false });
55 | const buildOptions = (0, builder_1.normalizeOptions)({ config });
56 | (0, app_builder_lib_1.checkBuildRequestOptions)(buildOptions);
57 | const uniqueUploads = Array.from(new Set(uploadOptions));
58 | const tasks = uniqueUploads.map(({ file, arch }) => {
59 | const filename = path.basename(file);
60 | return { file, arch: arch ? (0, builder_util_1.archFromString)(arch) : null, safeArtifactName: (0, platformPackager_1.computeSafeArtifactNameIfNeeded)(filename, () => filename) };
61 | });
62 | return publishPackageWithTasks(buildOptions, tasks, buildVersion);
63 | }
64 | async function publishPackageWithTasks(options, uploadTasks, buildVersion, cancellationToken = new app_builder_lib_1.CancellationToken(), packager = new app_builder_lib_1.Packager(options, cancellationToken)) {
65 | await packager.validateConfig();
66 | const appInfo = new app_builder_lib_1.AppInfo(packager, buildVersion);
67 | const publishManager = new app_builder_lib_1.PublishManager(packager, options, cancellationToken);
68 | const sigIntHandler = () => {
69 | builder_util_1.log.warn("cancelled by SIGINT");
70 | packager.cancellationToken.cancel();
71 | publishManager.cancelTasks();
72 | };
73 | process.once("SIGINT", sigIntHandler);
74 | try {
75 | const publishConfigurations = await publishManager.getGlobalPublishConfigurations();
76 | if (publishConfigurations == null || publishConfigurations.length === 0) {
77 | throw new builder_util_1.InvalidConfigurationError("unable to find any publish configuration");
78 | }
79 | for (const newArtifact of uploadTasks) {
80 | for (const publishConfiguration of publishConfigurations) {
81 | publishManager.scheduleUpload(publishConfiguration, newArtifact, appInfo);
82 | }
83 | }
84 | await publishManager.awaitTasks();
85 | return uploadTasks;
86 | }
87 | catch (error) {
88 | packager.cancellationToken.cancel();
89 | publishManager.cancelTasks();
90 | process.removeListener("SIGINT", sigIntHandler);
91 | builder_util_1.log.error({ message: (error.stack || error.message || error).toString() }, "error publishing");
92 | }
93 | return null;
94 | }
95 | function main() {
96 | return publish(configurePublishCommand(yargs).argv);
97 | }
98 | if (require.main === module) {
99 | builder_util_1.log.warn("please use as subcommand: electron-builder publish");
100 | main().catch(builder_util_2.printErrorAndExit);
101 | }
102 |
\ | No newline at end of file |