6.57 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2const codeSign_1 = require("./codeSign");
3const bluebird_1 = require("bluebird");
4const awaiter_1 = require("./awaiter");
5const platformPackager_1 = require("./platformPackager");
6const path = require("path");
7const util_1 = require("./util");
8const promisifed_fs_1 = require("./promisifed-fs");
9const fse = require("fs-extra");
10const __awaiter = awaiter_1.tsAwaiter;
12const emptyDir = bluebird_1.Promise.promisify(fse.emptyDir);
13class WinPackager extends platformPackager_1.PlatformPackager {
14 constructor(info, cleanupTasks) {
15 super(info);
16 this.isNsis = this.options.target != null && this.options.target.includes("nsis");
17 if (this.isNsis) {
18 const iconPath = this.customDistOptions == null ? null : this.customDistOptions.icon;
19 require("../lib/win").copyAssetsToTmpFolder(iconPath || path.join(this.projectDir, "build", "icon.ico"));
20 }
21 if (this.options.cscLink != null && this.options.cscKeyPassword != null && process.platform !== "darwin") {
22 this.certFilePromise = codeSign_1.downloadCertificate(this.options.cscLink)
23 .then(path => {
24 cleanupTasks.push(() => promisifed_fs_1.deleteFile(path, true));
25 return path;
26 });
27 }
28 else {
29 this.certFilePromise = bluebird_1.Promise.resolve(null);
30 }
31 }
32 getBuildConfigurationKey() {
33 return "win";
34 }
35 pack(platform, arch, outDir) {
36 if (this.options.dist && !this.isNsis) {
37 const installerOut = outDir + "-installer";
38 util_1.log("Removing %s", installerOut);
39 return bluebird_1.Promise.all([
40 super.pack(platform, arch, outDir),
41 emptyDir(installerOut)
42 ]);
43 }
44 else {
45 return super.pack(platform, arch, outDir);
46 }
47 }
48 packageInDistributableFormat(outDir, arch) {
49 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
50 let iconUrl = this.metadata.build.iconUrl;
51 if (!iconUrl) {
52 if (this.customDistOptions != null) {
53 iconUrl = this.customDistOptions.iconUrl;
54 }
55 if (!iconUrl) {
56 if (this.info.repositoryInfo != null) {
57 const info = yield this.info.repositoryInfo.getInfo(this);
58 if (info != null) {
59 iconUrl = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${info.user}/${info.project}/master/build/icon.ico`;
60 }
61 }
62 if (!iconUrl) {
63 throw new Error("iconUrl is not specified, please see https://github.com/develar/electron-complete-builder#in-short");
64 }
65 }
66 }
67 const certificateFile = yield this.certFilePromise;
68 const version = this.metadata.version;
69 const outputDirectory = outDir + "-" + (this.isNsis ? "nsis" : "installer");
70 const appName = this.metadata.name;
71 const archSuffix = arch === "x64" ? "-x64" : "";
72 const installerExePath = path.join(outputDirectory, appName + "Setup-" + version + archSuffix + ".exe");
73 const options = Object.assign({
74 name: this.metadata.name,
75 appDirectory: outDir,
76 outputDirectory: outputDirectory,
77 productName: appName,
78 version: version,
79 description: this.metadata.description,
80 authors: this.metadata.author,
81 iconUrl: iconUrl,
82 setupIcon: path.join(this.projectDir, "build", "icon.ico"),
83 certificateFile: certificateFile,
84 certificatePassword: this.options.cscKeyPassword,
85 }, this.customDistOptions);
86 if (this.isNsis) {
87 return yield this.nsis(options, installerExePath);
88 }
89 try {
90 yield new bluebird_1.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
91 require("electron-winstaller-temp-fork").build(options, (error) => error == null ? resolve(null) : reject(error));
92 });
93 }
94 catch (e) {
95 if (!e.message.includes("Unable to set icon")) {
96 throw e;
97 }
98 else {
99 let fileInfo;
100 try {
101 fileInfo = yield promisifed_fs_1.stat(options.setupIcon);
102 }
103 catch (e) {
104 throw new Error("Please specify correct setupIcon, file " + options.setupIcon + " not found");
105 }
106 if (fileInfo.isDirectory()) {
107 throw new Error("Please specify correct setupIcon, " + options.setupIcon + " is a directory");
108 }
109 }
110 }
111 return yield bluebird_1.Promise.all([
112 promisifed_fs_1.renameFile(path.join(outputDirectory, appName + "Setup.exe"), installerExePath)
113 .then(it => this.dispatchArtifactCreated(it)),
114 promisifed_fs_1.renameFile(path.join(outputDirectory, appName + "-" + version + "-full.nupkg"), path.join(outputDirectory, appName + "-" + version + archSuffix + "-full.nupkg"))
115 .then(it => this.dispatchArtifactCreated(it))
116 ]);
117 });
118 }
119 nsis(options, installerFile) {
120 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
121 const nsisBuild = require("../lib/win").init().build;
122 yield emptyDir(options.outputDirectory);
123 return yield bluebird_1.Promise.promisify(nsisBuild)(Object.assign(options, {
124 log: console.log,
125 appPath: options.appDirectory,
126 out: options.outputDirectory,
127 platform: "win32",
128 outFile: installerFile,
129 copyAssetsToTmpFolder: false,
130 config: {
131 win: Object.assign({
132 title: options.name,
133 version: options.version,
134 icon: options.setupIcon,
135 publisher: options.authors
136 }, this.customDistOptions)
137 }
138 }));
139 });
140 }
142Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
143exports.default = WinPackager;
144//# sourceMappingURL=winPackager.js.map
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