1.49 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1interface ExtensionReference {
2 /**
3 * Extension ID
4 */
5 id: string;
6 /**
7 * Range of electron versions this extension is supported by
8 */
9 electron: string;
11interface ExtensionOptions {
12 /**
13 * Ignore whether the extension is already downloaded and redownload every time
14 */
15 forceDownload?: boolean;
16 /**
17 * Options passed to session.loadExtension
18 */
19 loadExtensionOptions?: Record<any, any>;
22 * @param extensionReference Extension or extensions to install
23 * @param options Installation options
24 * @returns A promise resolving with the name or names of the extensions installed
25 */
26declare const install: (extensionReference: ExtensionReference | string | Array<ExtensionReference | string>, options?: ExtensionOptions | boolean) => Promise<string>;
27export default install;
28export declare const EMBER_INSPECTOR: ExtensionReference;
29export declare const REACT_DEVELOPER_TOOLS: ExtensionReference;
30export declare const BACKBONE_DEBUGGER: ExtensionReference;
31export declare const JQUERY_DEBUGGER: ExtensionReference;
32export declare const ANGULARJS_BATARANG: ExtensionReference;
33export declare const VUEJS_DEVTOOLS: ExtensionReference;
34export declare const VUEJS3_DEVTOOLS: ExtensionReference;
35export declare const REDUX_DEVTOOLS: ExtensionReference;
36export declare const CYCLEJS_DEVTOOL: ExtensionReference;
37export declare const APOLLO_DEVELOPER_TOOLS: ExtensionReference;
38export declare const MOBX_DEVTOOLS: ExtensionReference;