14.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * At the basic level, a key path is the string equivalent
3 * of dot notation in JavaScript. Take the following object,
4 * for example:
5 *
6 * const obj = {
7 * color: {
8 * name: 'cerulean',
9 * code: {
10 * rgb: [0, 179, 230],
11 * hex: '#003BE6'
12 * }
13 * }
14 * }
15 *
16 * You can access the value of the key `name` in plain
17 * JavaScript by traversing the tree using object dot
18 * notation, like so:
19 *
20 * console.log(obj.color.name);
21 * // => "cerulean"
22 *
23 * Similarly in Electron Settings, you are reading and
24 * writing to a JSON object in a file, and a key path is
25 * just a string that points to a specific key within that
26 * object -- essentially using object dot notation in
27 * string form.
28 *
29 * settings.get('color.name');
30 * // => "cerulean"
31 *
32 * Key paths need not be just strings. In fact, there are
33 * perfectly valid use-cases where you might need to access
34 * a key, but the name of the key is stored in some
35 * variable. In this case, you can specify an array of
36 * strings which can be flattened into a regular key path.
37 *
38 * const h = 'hue';
39 * settings.get(['color', h]);
40 * // => undefined
41 *
42 * Additionally, since Electron Settings uses Lodash's
43 * {@link https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#get|get()}
44 * function under the hood, you can even use array syntax:
45 *
46 * settings.get('color.code.rgb[1]');
47 * // => 179
48 *
49 * Using key paths, you are not limited to setting only
50 * top-level keys like you would be with LocalStorage. With
51 * Electron Settings, you can deeply nest properties like
52 * you would with any other object in JavaScript, and it
53 * just feels natural.
54 */
55declare type KeyPath = string | Array<string | number>;
57 * `SettingsValue` types are the datatypes supported by
58 * Electron Settings. Since Electron Settings reads and
59 * writes to a JSON file, any value you set must be a valid
60 * JSON value. This does however mean that `Date` types are
61 * _not_ supported.
62 *
63 * Either simply store a numeric unix timestamp using
64 * `Date.now()`, or convert dates back into `Date` types
65 * using `new Date()`:
66 *
67 * await settings.set('user.lastLogin', new Date());
68 *
69 * const lastLogin = await settings.get('user.lastLogin');
70 * const lastLoginDate = new Date(lastLogin);
71 */
72declare type SettingsValue = null | boolean | string | number | SettingsObject | SettingsValue[];
74 * A `SettingsObject` is an object whose property values
75 * are of the type `SettingsValue`.
76 */
77declare type SettingsObject = {
78 [key: string]: SettingsValue;
81 * `Config` types contain all the configuration options for
82 * Electron Settings that can be set using
83 * [[configure|configure()]].
84 */
85declare type Config = {
86 /**
87 * Whether or not to save the settings file atomically.
88 */
89 atomicSave: boolean;
90 /**
91 * The path to the settings directory. Defaults to your
92 * app's user data direcory.
93 */
94 dir?: string;
95 /**
96 * A custom Electron instance to use. Great for testing!
97 */
98 electron?: typeof Electron;
99 /**
100 * The name of the settings file that will be saved to
101 * the disk.
102 */
103 fileName: string;
104 /**
105 * The number of spaces to use when stringifying the data
106 * before saving to disk if `prettify` is set to `true`.
107 */
108 numSpaces: number;
109 /**
110 * Whether or not to prettify the data when it's saved to
111 * disk.
112 */
113 prettify: boolean;
116 * Returns the path to the settings file.
117 *
118 * In general, the settings file is stored in your app's
119 * user data directory in a file called `settings.json`.
120 * The default user data directory varies by system.
121 *
122 * - **macOS** - `~/Library/Application\ Support/<Your App>`
123 * - **Windows** - `%APPDATA%/<Your App>`
124 * - **Linux** - Either `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/<Your App>` or
125 * `~/.config/<Your App>`
126 *
127 * Although it is not recommended, you may change the name
128 * or location of the settings file using
129 * [[configure|configure()]].
130 *
131 * @returns The path to the settings file.
132 * @example
133 *
134 * Get the path to the settings file.
135 *
136 * settings.file();
137 * // => /home/nathan/.config/MyApp/settings.json
138 */
139declare function file(): string;
141 * Sets the configuration for Electron Settings. To reset
142 * to defaults, use [[reset|reset()]].
143 *
144 * Defaults:
145 *
146 * {
147 * atomicSave: true,
148 * fileName: 'settings.json',
149 * numSpaces: 2,
150 * prettify: false
151 * }
152 *
153 * @param customConfig The custom configuration to use.
154 * @example
155 *
156 * Update the filename to `cool-settings.json` and prettify
157 * the output.
158 *
159 * settings.configure({
160 * fileName: 'cool-settings.json',
161 * prettify: true
162 * });
163 */
164declare function configure(customConfig: Partial<Config>): void;
166 * Resets the Electron Settings configuration to defaults.
167 *
168 * @example
169 *
170 * Reset configuration to defaults.
171 *
172 * settings.reset();
173 */
174declare function reset(): void;
176 * Checks if the given key path exists. For sync,
177 * use [[hasSync|hasSync()]].
178 *
179 * @category Core
180 * @param keyPath The key path to check.
181 * @returns A promise which resolves to `true` if the
182 * `keyPath` exists, else `false`.
183 * @example
184 *
185 * Check if the value at `color.name` exists.
186 *
187 * // Given:
188 * //
189 * // {
190 * // "color": {
191 * // "name": "cerulean",
192 * // "code": {
193 * // "rgb": [0, 179, 230],
194 * // "hex": "#003BE6"
195 * // }
196 * // }
197 * // }
198 *
199 * const exists = await settings.has('color.name');
200 * // => true
201 *
202 * @example
203 *
204 * Check if the value at `color.hue` exists.
205 *
206 * const h = 'hue';
207 * const exists = await settings.has(['color', h]);
208 * // => false
209 *
210 * @example
211 *
212 * Check if the value at `color.code.rgb[1]` exists.
213 *
214 * const exists = await settings.has(color.code.rgb[1]);
215 * // => true
216 */
217declare function has(keyPath: KeyPath): Promise<boolean>;
219 * Checks if the given key path exists. For async,
220 * use [[hasSync|hasSync()]].
221 *
222 * @category Core
223 * @param keyPath The key path to check.
224 * @returns `true` if the `keyPath` exists, else `false`.
225 * @example
226 *
227 * Check if the value at `color.name` exists.
228 *
229 * // Given:
230 * //
231 * // {
232 * // "color": {
233 * // "name": "cerulean",
234 * // "code": {
235 * // "rgb": [0, 179, 230],
236 * // "hex": "#003BE6"
237 * // }
238 * // }
239 * // }
240 *
241 * const exists = settings.hasSync('color.name');
242 * // => true
243 *
244 * @example
245 *
246 * Check if the value at `color.hue` exists.
247 *
248 * const h = 'hue';
249 * const exists = settings.hasSync(['color', h]);
250 * // => false
251 *
252 * @example
253 *
254 * Check if the value at `color.code.rgb[1]` exists.
255 *
256 * const exists = settings.hasSync(color.code.rgb[1]);
257 * // => true
258 */
259declare function hasSync(keyPath: KeyPath): boolean;
261 * Gets all settings. For sync, use
262 * [[getSync|getSync()]].
263 *
264 * @category Core
265 * @returns A promise which resolves with all settings.
266 * @example
267 *
268 * Gets all settings.
269 *
270 * const obj = await get();
271 */
272declare function get(): Promise<SettingsObject>;
274 * Gets the value at the given key path. For sync,
275 * use [[getSync|getSync()]].
276 *
277 * @category Core
278 * @param keyPath The key path of the property.
279 * @returns A promise which resolves with the value at the
280 * given key path.
281 * @example
282 *
283 * Get the value at `color.name`.
284 *
285 * // Given:
286 * //
287 * // {
288 * // "color": {
289 * // "name": "cerulean",
290 * // "code": {
291 * // "rgb": [0, 179, 230],
292 * // "hex": "#003BE6"
293 * // }
294 * // }
295 * // }
296 *
297 * const value = await settings.get('color.name');
298 * // => "cerulean"
299 *
300 * @example
301 *
302 * Get the value at `color.hue`.
303 *
304 * const h = 'hue';
305 * const value = await settings.get(['color', h]);
306 * // => undefined
307 *
308 * @example
309 *
310 * Get the value at `color.code.rgb[1]`.
311 *
312 * const h = 'hue';
313 * const value = await settings.get('color.code.rgb[1]');
314 * // => 179
315 */
316declare function get(keyPath: KeyPath): Promise<SettingsValue>;
318 * Gets all settings. For async, use [[get|get()]].
319 *
320 * @category Core
321 * @returns All settings.
322 * @example
323 *
324 * Gets all settings.
325 *
326 * const obj = getSync();
327 */
328declare function getSync(): SettingsObject;
330 * Gets the value at the given key path. For async,
331 * use [[get|get()]].
332 *
333 * @category Core
334 * @param keyPath The key path of the property.
335 * @returns The value at the given key path.
336 * @example
337 *
338 * Get the value at `color.name`.
339 *
340 * // Given:
341 * //
342 * // {
343 * // "color": {
344 * // "name": "cerulean",
345 * // "code": {
346 * // "rgb": [0, 179, 230],
347 * // "hex": "#003BE6"
348 * // }
349 * // }
350 * // }
351 *
352 * const value = settings.getSync('color.name');
353 * // => "cerulean"
354 *
355 * @example
356 *
357 * Get the value at `color.hue`.
358 *
359 * const h = 'hue';
360 * const value = settings.getSync(['color', h]);
361 * // => undefined
362 *
363 * @example
364 *
365 * Get the value at `color.code.rgb[1]`.
366 *
367 * const h = 'hue';
368 * const value = settings.getSync('color.code.rgb[1]');
369 * // => 179
370 */
371declare function getSync(keyPath: KeyPath): SettingsValue;
373 * Sets all settings. For sync, use [[setSync|setSync()]].
374 *
375 * @category Core
376 * @param obj The new settings.
377 * @returns A promise which resolves when the settings have
378 * been set.
379 * @example
380 *
381 * Set all settings.
382 *
383 * await settings.set({ aqpw: 'nice' });
384 */
385declare function set(obj: SettingsObject): Promise<void>;
387 * Sets the value at the given key path. For sync,
388 * use [[setSync|setSync()]].
389 *
390 * @category Core
391 * @param keyPath The key path of the property.
392 * @param value The value to set.
393 * @returns A promise which resolves when the setting has
394 * been set.
395 * @example
396 *
397 * Change the value at `color.name` to `sapphire`.
398 *
399 * // Given:
400 * //
401 * // {
402 * // "color": {
403 * // "name": "cerulean",
404 * // "code": {
405 * // "rgb": [0, 179, 230],
406 * // "hex": "#003BE6"
407 * // }
408 * // }
409 * // }
410 *
411 * await settings.set('color.name', 'sapphire');
412 *
413 * @example
414 *
415 * Set the value of `color.hue` to `blue-ish`.
416 *
417 * const h = 'hue';
418 * await settings.set(['color', h], 'blue-ish);
419 *
420 * @example
421 *
422 * Change the value of `color.code`.
423 *
424 * await settings.set('color.code', {
425 * rgb: [16, 31, 134],
426 * hex: '#101F86'
427 * });
428 */
429declare function set(keyPath: KeyPath, obj: SettingsValue): Promise<void>;
431 * Sets all settings. For async, use [[set|set()]].
432 *
433 * @category Core
434 * @param obj The new settings.
435 * @example
436 *
437 * Set all settings.
438 *
439 * settings.setSync({ aqpw: 'nice' });
440 */
441declare function setSync(obj: SettingsObject): void;
443 * Sets the value at the given key path. For async,
444 * use [[set|set()]].
445 *
446 * @category Core
447 * @param keyPath The key path of the property.
448 * @param value The value to set.
449 * @example
450 *
451 * Change the value at `color.name` to `sapphire`.
452 *
453 * // Given:
454 * //
455 * // {
456 * // "color": {
457 * // "name": "cerulean",
458 * // "code": {
459 * // "rgb": [0, 179, 230],
460 * // "hex": "#003BE6"
461 * // }
462 * // }
463 * // }
464 *
465 * settings.setSync('color.name', 'sapphire');
466 *
467 * @example
468 *
469 * Set the value of `color.hue` to `blue-ish`.
470 *
471 * const h = 'hue';
472 * settings.setSync(['color', h], 'blue-ish);
473 *
474 * @example
475 *
476 * Change the value of `color.code`.
477 *
478 * settings.setSync('color.code', {
479 * rgb: [16, 31, 134],
480 * hex: '#101F86'
481 * });
482 */
483declare function setSync(keyPath: KeyPath, value: SettingsValue): void;
485 * Unsets all settings. For sync, use [[unsetSync|unsetSync()]].
486 *
487 * @category Core
488 * @returns A promise which resolves when the settings have
489 * been unset.
490 * @example
491 *
492 * Unsets all settings.
493 *
494 * await settings.unset();
495 */
496declare function unset(): Promise<void>;
498 * Unsets the property at the given key path. For sync,
499 * use [[unsetSync|unsetSync()]].
500 *
501 * @category Core
502 * @param keyPath The key path of the property.
503 * @returns A promise which resolves when the setting has
504 * been unset.
505 * @example
506 *
507 * Unset the property `color.name`.
508 *
509 * // Given:
510 * //
511 * // {
512 * // "color": {
513 * // "name": "cerulean",
514 * // "code": {
515 * // "rgb": [0, 179, 230],
516 * // "hex": "#003BE6"
517 * // }
518 * // }
519 * // }
520 *
521 * await settings.unset('color.name');
522 *
523 * await settings.get('color.name');
524 * // => undefined
525 *
526 * @example
527 *
528 * Unset the property `color.code.rgba[1]`.
529 *
530 * await settings.unset('color.code.rgba[1]');
531 *
532 * await settings.get('color.code.rgb');
533 * // => [0, null, 230]
534 */
535declare function unset(keyPath: KeyPath): Promise<void>;
537 * Unsets all settings. For async, use [[unset|unset()]].
538 *
539 * @category Core
540 * @example
541 *
542 * Unsets all settings.
543 *
544 * settings.unsetSync();
545 */
546declare function unsetSync(): void;
548 * Unsets the property at the given key path. For async,
549 * use [[unset|unset()]].
550 *
551 * @category Core
552 * @param keyPath The key path of the property.
553 * @example
554 *
555 * Unset the property `color.name`.
556 *
557 * // Given:
558 * //
559 * // {
560 * // "color": {
561 * // "name": "cerulean",
562 * // "code": {
563 * // "rgb": [0, 179, 230],
564 * // "hex": "#003BE6"
565 * // }
566 * // }
567 * // }
568 *
569 * settings.unsetSync('color.name');
570 *
571 * settings.getSync('color.name');
572 * // => undefined
573 *
574 * @example
575 *
576 * Unset the property `color.code.rgba[1]`.
577 *
578 * settings.unsetSync('color.code.rgba[1]');
579 *
580 * settings.getSync('color.code.rgb');
581 * // => [0, null, 230]
582 */
583declare function unsetSync(keyPath: KeyPath): void;
584declare const _default: {
585 file: typeof file;
586 configure: typeof configure;
587 reset: typeof reset;
588 has: typeof has;
589 hasSync: typeof hasSync;
590 get: typeof get;
591 getSync: typeof getSync;
592 set: typeof set;
593 setSync: typeof setSync;
594 unset: typeof unset;
595 unsetSync: typeof unsetSync;
597export = _default;