1.38 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { AllPublishOptions } from "builder-util-runtime";
2import { StdioOptions } from "child_process";
3import { AppAdapter } from "./AppAdapter";
4import { AppUpdater, DownloadExecutorTask } from "./AppUpdater";
5export declare abstract class BaseUpdater extends AppUpdater {
6 protected quitAndInstallCalled: boolean;
7 private quitHandlerAdded;
8 protected constructor(options?: AllPublishOptions | null, app?: AppAdapter);
9 quitAndInstall(isSilent?: boolean, isForceRunAfter?: boolean): void;
10 protected executeDownload(taskOptions: DownloadExecutorTask): Promise<Array<string>>;
11 protected abstract doInstall(options: InstallOptions): boolean;
12 install(isSilent?: boolean, isForceRunAfter?: boolean): boolean;
13 protected addQuitHandler(): void;
14 protected wrapSudo(): string;
15 protected spawnSyncLog(cmd: string, args?: string[], env?: {}): string;
16 /**
17 * This handles both node 8 and node 10 way of emitting error when spawning a process
18 * - node 8: Throws the error
19 * - node 10: Emit the error(Need to listen with on)
20 */
21 protected spawnLog(cmd: string, args?: string[], env?: any, stdio?: StdioOptions): Promise<boolean>;
23export interface InstallOptions {
24 readonly installerPath: string;
25 readonly isSilent: boolean;
26 readonly isForceRunAfter: boolean;
27 readonly isAdminRightsRequired: boolean;