4.91 kBPlain TextView Raw
2 <div
3 class="el-switch"
4 :class="{ 'is-disabled': switchDisabled, 'is-checked': checked }"
5 role="switch"
6 :aria-checked="checked"
7 :aria-disabled="switchDisabled"
8 @click.prevent="switchValue"
9 >
10 <input
11 class="el-switch__input"
12 type="checkbox"
13 @change="handleChange"
14 ref="input"
15 :id="id"
16 :name="name"
17 :true-value="activeValue"
18 :false-value="inactiveValue"
19 :disabled="switchDisabled"
20 @keydown.enter="switchValue"
21 >
22 <span
23 :class="['el-switch__label', 'el-switch__label--left', !checked ? 'is-active' : '']"
24 v-if="inactiveIconClass || inactiveText">
25 <i :class="[inactiveIconClass]" v-if="inactiveIconClass"></i>
26 <span v-if="!inactiveIconClass && inactiveText" :aria-hidden="checked">{{ inactiveText }}</span>
27 </span>
28 <span class="el-switch__core" ref="core" :style="{ 'width': coreWidth + 'px' }">
29 </span>
30 <span
31 :class="['el-switch__label', 'el-switch__label--right', checked ? 'is-active' : '']"
32 v-if="activeIconClass || activeText">
33 <i :class="[activeIconClass]" v-if="activeIconClass"></i>
34 <span v-if="!activeIconClass && activeText" :aria-hidden="!checked">{{ activeText }}</span>
35 </span>
36 </div>
39 import emitter from 'element-ui/src/mixins/emitter';
40 import Focus from 'element-ui/src/mixins/focus';
41 import Migrating from 'element-ui/src/mixins/migrating';
43 export default {
44 name: 'ElSwitch',
45 mixins: [Focus('input'), Migrating, emitter],
46 inject: {
47 elForm: {
48 default: ''
49 }
50 },
51 props: {
52 value: {
53 type: [Boolean, String, Number],
54 default: false
55 },
56 disabled: {
57 type: Boolean,
58 default: false
59 },
60 width: {
61 type: Number,
62 default: 40
63 },
64 activeIconClass: {
65 type: String,
66 default: ''
67 },
68 inactiveIconClass: {
69 type: String,
70 default: ''
71 },
72 activeText: String,
73 inactiveText: String,
74 activeColor: {
75 type: String,
76 default: ''
77 },
78 inactiveColor: {
79 type: String,
80 default: ''
81 },
82 activeValue: {
83 type: [Boolean, String, Number],
84 default: true
85 },
86 inactiveValue: {
87 type: [Boolean, String, Number],
88 default: false
89 },
90 name: {
91 type: String,
92 default: ''
93 },
94 validateEvent: {
95 type: Boolean,
96 default: true
97 },
98 id: String
99 },
100 data() {
101 return {
102 coreWidth: this.width
103 };
104 },
105 created() {
106 if (!~[this.activeValue, this.inactiveValue].indexOf(this.value)) {
107 this.$emit('input', this.inactiveValue);
108 }
109 },
110 computed: {
111 checked() {
112 return this.value === this.activeValue;
113 },
114 switchDisabled() {
115 return this.disabled || (this.elForm || {}).disabled;
116 }
117 },
118 watch: {
119 checked() {
120 this.$refs.input.checked = this.checked;
121 if (this.activeColor || this.inactiveColor) {
122 this.setBackgroundColor();
123 }
124 if (this.validateEvent) {
125 this.dispatch('ElFormItem', 'el.form.change', [this.value]);
126 }
127 }
128 },
129 methods: {
130 handleChange(event) {
131 const val = this.checked ? this.inactiveValue : this.activeValue;
132 this.$emit('input', val);
133 this.$emit('change', val);
134 this.$nextTick(() => {
135 // set input's checked property
136 // in case parent refuses to change component's value
137 this.$refs.input.checked = this.checked;
138 });
139 },
140 setBackgroundColor() {
141 let newColor = this.checked ? this.activeColor : this.inactiveColor;
142 this.$refs.core.style.borderColor = newColor;
143 this.$refs.core.style.backgroundColor = newColor;
144 },
145 switchValue() {
146 !this.switchDisabled && this.handleChange();
147 },
148 getMigratingConfig() {
149 return {
150 props: {
151 'on-color': 'on-color is renamed to active-color.',
152 'off-color': 'off-color is renamed to inactive-color.',
153 'on-text': 'on-text is renamed to active-text.',
154 'off-text': 'off-text is renamed to inactive-text.',
155 'on-value': 'on-value is renamed to active-value.',
156 'off-value': 'off-value is renamed to inactive-value.',
157 'on-icon-class': 'on-icon-class is renamed to active-icon-class.',
158 'off-icon-class': 'off-icon-class is renamed to inactive-icon-class.'
159 }
160 };
161 }
162 },
163 mounted() {
164 /* istanbul ignore if */
165 this.coreWidth = this.width || 40;
166 if (this.activeColor || this.inactiveColor) {
167 this.setBackgroundColor();
168 }
169 this.$refs.input.checked = this.checked;
170 }
171 };