3.44 kBPlain TextView Raw
2 <form class="el-form" :class="[
3 labelPosition ? 'el-form--label-' + labelPosition : '',
4 { 'el-form--inline': inline }
5 ]">
6 <slot></slot>
7 </form>
10 import objectAssign from 'element-ui/src/utils/merge';
12 export default {
13 name: 'ElForm',
15 componentName: 'ElForm',
17 provide() {
18 return {
19 elForm: this
20 };
21 },
23 props: {
24 model: Object,
25 rules: Object,
26 labelPosition: String,
27 labelWidth: String,
28 labelSuffix: {
29 type: String,
30 default: ''
31 },
32 inline: Boolean,
33 inlineMessage: Boolean,
34 statusIcon: Boolean,
35 showMessage: {
36 type: Boolean,
37 default: true
38 },
39 size: String,
40 disabled: Boolean,
41 validateOnRuleChange: {
42 type: Boolean,
43 default: true
44 }
45 },
46 watch: {
47 rules() {
48 if (this.validateOnRuleChange) {
49 this.validate(() => {});
50 }
51 }
52 },
53 data() {
54 return {
55 fields: []
56 };
57 },
58 created() {
59 this.$on('el.form.addField', (field) => {
60 if (field) {
61 this.fields.push(field);
62 }
63 });
64 /* istanbul ignore next */
65 this.$on('el.form.removeField', (field) => {
66 if (field.prop) {
67 this.fields.splice(this.fields.indexOf(field), 1);
68 }
69 });
70 },
71 methods: {
72 resetFields() {
73 if (!this.model) {
74 process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&
75 console.warn('[Element Warn][Form]model is required for resetFields to work.');
76 return;
77 }
78 this.fields.forEach(field => {
79 field.resetField();
80 });
81 },
82 clearValidate(props = []) {
83 const fields = props.length
84 ? this.fields.filter(field => props.indexOf(field.prop) > -1)
85 : this.fields;
86 fields.forEach(field => {
87 field.clearValidate();
88 });
89 },
90 validate(callback) {
91 if (!this.model) {
92 console.warn('[Element Warn][Form]model is required for validate to work!');
93 return;
94 }
96 let promise;
97 // if no callback, return promise
98 if (typeof callback !== 'function' && window.Promise) {
99 promise = new window.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
100 callback = function(valid) {
101 valid ? resolve(valid) : reject(valid);
102 };
103 });
104 }
106 let valid = true;
107 let count = 0;
108 // 如果需要验证的fields为空,调用验证时立刻返回callback
109 if (this.fields.length === 0 && callback) {
110 callback(true);
111 }
112 let invalidFields = {};
113 this.fields.forEach(field => {
114 field.validate('', (message, field) => {
115 if (message) {
116 valid = false;
117 }
118 invalidFields = objectAssign({}, invalidFields, field);
119 if (typeof callback === 'function' && ++count === this.fields.length) {
120 callback(valid, invalidFields);
121 }
122 });
123 });
125 if (promise) {
126 return promise;
127 }
128 },
129 validateField(prop, cb) {
130 let field = this.fields.filter(field => field.prop === prop)[0];
131 if (!field) { throw new Error('must call validateField with valid prop string!'); }
133 field.validate('', cb);
134 }
135 }
136 };