1 | # Changelog
2 |
3 | ## Release (2024-06-24)
4 |
5 | ember-auto-import 2.7.4 (patch)
6 |
7 | #### :bug: Bug Fix
8 | * `ember-auto-import`
9 | * [#629](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/629) only check devDependencies when checking requested range of an app package ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
10 |
11 | #### :house: Internal
12 | * `@ef4/test-scenarios`
13 | * [#626](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/626) setup windows tests ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
14 |
15 | #### Committers: 1
16 | - Chris Manson ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
17 |
18 | ## Release (2024-05-27)
19 |
20 | ember-auto-import 2.7.3 (patch)
21 |
22 | #### :bug: Bug Fix
23 | * `ember-auto-import`, `@ef4/test-scenarios`
24 | * [#620](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/620) Improved layering between app and tests bundles ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
25 |
26 | #### :house: Internal
27 | * [#625](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/625) update release-plan ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
28 | * [#622](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/622) fix glob version on lts tests ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
29 |
30 | #### Committers: 1
31 | - Chris Manson ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
32 | ## Release (2023-12-23)
33 |
34 | ember-auto-import 2.7.2 (patch)
35 |
36 | #### :bug: Bug Fix
37 | * `ember-auto-import`, `@ef4/test-scenarios`
38 | * [#605](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/605) Add es-compat to make asset loaders work as expected ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4))
39 | * [#606](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/606) Fix dynamic import inside allowAppImports dirs ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4))
40 |
41 | #### Committers: 1
42 | - Edward Faulkner ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4))
43 | ## Release (2023-12-12)
44 |
45 | ember-auto-import 2.7.1 (patch)
46 |
47 | #### :bug: Bug Fix
48 | * `ember-auto-import`, `@ef4/test-scenarios`
49 | * [#603](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/603) Fix imports with a query part ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig))
50 | * `ember-auto-import`
51 | * [#602](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/602) Allow arbitrary extensions for app-imports ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig))
52 |
53 | #### :house: Internal
54 | * [#604](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/604) update release-plan ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
55 |
56 | #### Committers: 2
57 | - Chris Manson ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
58 | - Simon Ihmig ([@simonihmig](https://github.com/simonihmig))
59 | ## Release (2023-11-24)
60 |
61 | ember-auto-import 2.7.0 (minor)
62 |
63 | #### :rocket: Enhancement
64 | * `ember-auto-import`
65 | * [#587](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/587) Feature: allowAppImports ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
66 | * [#596](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/596) Support private properties and static blocks ([@andreyfel](https://github.com/andreyfel))
67 |
68 | #### :memo: Documentation
69 | * `ember-auto-import`
70 | * [#594](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/594) Add section on importing a module for side affects only to the README.md ([@keithZmudzinski](https://github.com/keithZmudzinski))
71 |
72 | #### :house: Internal
73 | * `addon-template`
74 | * [#598](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/598) Add release-plan for automating releases ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
75 | * Other
76 | * [#597](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/597) update package-lock.json ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
77 | * `app-template`, `ember-auto-import`
78 | * [#585](https://github.com/embroider-build/ember-auto-import/pull/585) Update ci ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4))
79 |
80 | #### Committers: 4
81 | - Andrey Fel ([@andreyfel](https://github.com/andreyfel))
82 | - Chris Manson ([@mansona](https://github.com/mansona))
83 | - Edward Faulkner ([@ef4](https://github.com/ef4))
84 | - Keith Zmudzinski ([@keithZmudzinski](https://github.com/keithZmudzinski))
85 |
86 | ### 2.6.3
87 |
88 | - BUGFIX: the babel-plugin-ember-template-compilation bugfix in the previous release was missing an explicit dependency declaration, so it didn't work 100% of the time. Fix by @mansona.
89 |
90 | ### 2.6.2
91 |
92 | - BUGFIX: automatically detect when our module shims need AMD dependencies. This eliminates the previous `earlyBootSet` manual workaround.
93 | - BUGFIX: use babel-plugin-ember-template-compilation on new-enough ember versions by @candunaj
94 | - INTERNAL: update tests for latest ember canary
95 | - BUGFIX: Fix wrong detection of ember-source version for earlyBootSet by @simonihmig
96 |
97 | ### 2.6.1
98 |
99 | - BUGFIX: `earlyBootSet` now defaults to empty, because it was causing problems for some apps. If you need it you need to turn it on explicitly. @NullVoxPopuli [568](https://github.com/ef4/ember-auto-import/pull/568)
100 |
101 | ### 2.6.0
102 |
103 | - ENHANCEMENT: new option `earlyBootSet` allows you to work around compatibility problems between classic addons and v2 addons by @NullVoxPopuli [553](https://github.com/ef4/ember-auto-import/pull/553)
104 |
105 | ### 2.5.0
106 |
107 | - ENHANCEMENT: add support for node type=module by @hjdivad [544](https://github.com/ef4/ember-auto-import/pull/544)
108 | - INTERNAL: upgrade to @embroider/shared-internals 2.0
109 |
110 | ### 2.4.3
111 |
112 | - BUGFIX: Move Dynamic Template Import error to runtime instead of a build error by @mansona
113 | - BUGFIX: Respect v2 addon's explicit externals list
114 | - INTERNAL: add @babel/core to app and addon test templates for compatibility with upcoming ember versions.
115 | - DOCS: Improve upgrade guide by @pomm0
116 | - BUGFIX: windows path handling fix by @void-mAlex
117 | - DOCS: Fix typo by @berdeblock
118 |
119 | ### 2.4.2
120 |
121 | - BUGFIX: prioritize the user's webpack devTool setting over the default provided by our forbidEval setting.
122 |
123 | ### 2.4.1
124 |
125 | - BUGFIX: avoid unnecessary full page reloads
126 | - DOCS: clarify upgrade guide for addon by @ctjhoa
127 | - BUGFIX: don't let broccoli-asset-rev mess with css chunks
128 | - INTERNALS: upgrade fs-extra and resolve-package-path by @SergeAstapov
129 |
130 | ### 2.4.0
131 |
132 | - ENHANCEMENT make v2 addon's with CSS work in fastboot out of the box
133 | - INTERNAL update @embroider/macros and @embroider/shared-internals to 1.0 by @SergeAstapov
134 | - BUGFIX correctly merge user-provided webpack `externals` with our own, by @vstefanovic97
135 |
136 | ### 2.3.0
137 |
138 | - INTERNAL update to latest @embroider/internals
139 | - ENHANCEMENT support v2 addons that contain @embroider/macros
140 | - ENHANCEMENT better error messages by @NullVoxPopuli
141 |
142 | ### 2.2.4
143 |
144 | - BUGFIX: Avoid EBADF on ReadStream early close in Node 12 by @maxfierke
145 | - BUGFIX: use junctions on windows as needed to avoid permissions problem
146 | - INTERNAL: mark test-scenarios package as private by @rwjblue
147 | - DOCS: fix link to upgrade guide in changelog by @ndekeister-us
148 | - METADATA: add `directory` metadata to package.json by @Turbo87
149 |
150 | ### 2.2.3
151 |
152 | - BUGFIX: `export * from` syntax was not detected.
153 |
154 | ### 2.2.2
155 |
156 | - BUGFIX: pass `styleLoaderOptions` and `cssLoaderOptions` correctly by @boris-petrov
157 |
158 | ### 2.2.1
159 |
160 | - BUGFIX: Prevent loss of characters in case of false end-partial-match by @timmorey
161 | - INTERNAL: Upgrade scenario-tester
162 |
163 | ### 2.2.0
164 |
165 | - ENHANCEMENT: significantly faster builds.
166 | - ENHANCEMENT: improved error messages for resolution errors by @NullVoxPopuli
167 | - HOUSEKEEPING: adjust which files get published by @buschtoens
168 | - ENHANCEMENT: relax semver check to tolerate shared versions that satisfy all consumers
169 |
170 | ### 2.1.0
171 |
172 | - FEATURE: You can now control exactly how and where ember-auto-import will insert tags into your HTML using the `insertScriptsAt` and `insertStylesAt` options.
173 | - FEATURE: You can add custom entrypoints to the webpack config. Combined with `insertScriptsAt`, this makes it possible to (for example) auto-import a family of polyfills that must run before Ember's traditional `vendor.js`. It's also likely to be helpful for building webworkers or other similar standalone targets.
174 | - FEATURE: We now properly optimize TypeScript's `import type` syntax, meaning if you only import the types from a package it will not be included in your build. By @buschtoens.
175 | - DOCS: fixes in README by @stefanpenner
176 | - DOCS: fixes in upgrade guide by @kiwi-josh
177 |
178 | ### 2.0.2
179 |
180 | - BUGFIX: entry chunks should respect `publicAssetURL`
181 |
182 | ### 2.0.1
183 |
184 | - BUGFIX: avoid warning spew from babel about loose mode.
185 | - DOCS: fixed docs link by @MrChocolatine
186 |
187 | ### 2.0.0
188 |
189 | - BREAKING: see the [upgrade guide to v2](../../docs/upgrade-guide-2.0.md) for the complete list of breaking changes in 2.0 with explanations and instructions.
190 | - BREAKING: webpack 5 upgrade by @gabrielcsapo and @ef4
191 | - BREAKING ENHANCEMENT: support embroider v2-formatted addons
192 | - BREAKING: drop support for babel 6
193 | - BREAKING: inject entry chunks directly into HTML
194 | - BREAKING: addons that use ember-auto-import 2.0 require that the app also has ember-auto-import 2.0.
195 | - BREAKING: apps must depend directly on webpack 5
196 | - BREAKING: change our `alias` option to more closely match webpack by doing a prefix match by default.
197 | - BUGFIX: fix compatibility with babel 7.26+ by @rwjblue
198 | - ENHANCEMENT: support auto-importing dependencies via `@embroider/macros` `importSync` by @simonihmig
199 | - BUGFIX: fix accidental duplication of webpack config
200 | - BREAKING: minimum supported Node is 12 (because 10 hit EOL on 2021-04-30)
201 | - BREAKING: minimum supported Ember and EmberCLI versions are both 3.4
202 |
203 | ### 1.12.2
204 |
205 | - BUGFIX allow the user's devTool setting to take priority over the default provided by forbidEval by @apellerano-pw.
206 |
207 | ### 1.12.1
208 |
209 | - COMPAT upgraded to `@embroider/shared-internals` 1.0 so that apps can avoid redundant copies
210 |
211 | ### 1.12.0
212 |
213 | - FEATURE: We now properly optimize TypeScript's `import type` syntax, meaning
214 | if you only import the types from a package it will not be included in your
215 | build.
216 | Backports [#380](https://github.com/ef4/ember-auto-import/pull/380) from
217 | `v2.1.0` by @buschtoens.
218 |
219 | ### 1.11.3
220 |
221 | - NO-OP: I accidentally published 2.0.0-alpha.0 to NPM under the `latest` tag. This is a re-published of 1.11.2 to supplant that as latest.
222 |
223 | ### 1.11.2
224 |
225 | - BUGFIX: the new prefix matching implementation of `alias` turned out to be a breaking change, so we're rolling it back in order to make it opt-in.
226 |
227 | ### 1.11.1
228 |
229 | - BUGFIX: as part of the `watchDependencies` feature we changed webpack splitChunksPlugin config in a way that broke in apps with common lazy chunks.
230 |
231 | ### 1.11.0
232 |
233 | - HOUSEKEEPING: major test infrastructure refactor by @ef4 & @mattmcmanus
234 | - COMPAT: ensure babel compilation ignores a babel.config.js by @rwjblue
235 | - ENHANCEMENT: introduce `watchDependencies` option
236 | - ENHANCEMENT: allow unambiguous data URIs
237 | - ENHANCEMENT: make `alias` option support prefix matching by @buschtoens
238 | - BUGFIX: update test-support regex to work with scoped packages by @paddyobrien
239 |
240 | ### 1.10.1
241 |
242 | - BUGFIX: the previous release accidentally leaked code to browsers that was not IE11-safe.
243 |
244 | ### 1.10.0
245 |
246 | - ENHANCEMENT: we are now compatible with the Embroider package spec's handling of `import()`. Template string literals are allowed so long as they point unambiguously to modules within a specific package, or are unambiguously a URL.
247 | - BUGFIX: the test-support tree detection feature in 1.9.0 didn't actually match ember-cli's naming scheme, by @rwjblue.
248 |
249 | ### 1.9.0
250 |
251 | - ENHANCEMENT: use new API from ember-cli to reliably detect which trees are test-support only, even when addons override the default naming scheme by @rwjblue
252 | - ENHANCEMENT: switch to resolve-package-path for better shared caching with the rest of ember-cli by @rwjblue
253 |
254 | ### 1.8.0
255 |
256 | - ENHANCEMENT: improved leader election protocol between copies of ember-auto-import that ensures the newest one is always in charge.
257 | - HOUSEKEEPING: upgrades to typescript and some other deps to get better upstream types
258 |
259 | ### 1.7.0
260 |
261 | - DOCS: improvement to CONTRIBUTING.md by kiwiupover
262 | - BUGFIX: fix merging of webpack configs by @bendemboski
263 | - HOUSEKEEPING: upgrade ember-cli-babel by nlfurniss
264 | - HOUSEKEEPING: upgrade @embroider/core dep by simonihmig
265 | - HOUSEKEEPING: upgrade webpack
266 |
267 | ### 1.6.0
268 |
269 | - ENHANCEMENT: add .ts extension to the resolver allowing import of TypeScript modules without having to add the .ts extension by @buschtoens
270 | - DOCS: document `skipBabel` option by @kasunvp
271 | - DOCS: fix typo in README.md by @jacobq
272 | - DOCS: add instructions for using dynamic imports in addons by @jrjohnson
273 | - ENHANCEMENT: only output files for fastboot when ember-cli-fastboot is detected (can also be manually disabled with FASTBOOT_DISABLED=true environment variable) by @houfeng0923
274 | - HOUSEKEEPING: update CI node version to 12.x by @f1sherman
275 | - ENHANCEMENT: add [id] to the chunkname by @stukalin
276 | - BUGFIX: ensure auto-import processes the same extensions as ember-cli-babel by @dfreeman
277 | - BUGFIX: update minimum version of @babel/preset-env to 7.10.2 by @rwjblue
278 |
279 | ### 1.5.3
280 |
281 | - HOUSEKEEPING: upgrading deps that are failing security audits (but there was no actual vulnerability for ember-auto-import users)
282 | - HOUSEKEEPING: switch CI to GitHub actions
283 | - BUGFIX: lazily read babel config (helps interoperability with Embroider) by @stefanpenner
284 |
285 | ### 1.5.2
286 |
287 | - BUGFIX: since 1.5.0 we were using `@babel/present-env` but not directly depending on it, which would break apps that didn't happen to already have a copy.
288 |
289 | ### 1.5.1
290 |
291 | - BUGFIX: upgrade handlebars to eliminate a GitHub security advisory. We don't run untrusted templates, so there was no actual security risk introduced by ember-auto-import.
292 |
293 | ### 1.5.0
294 |
295 | - ENHANCEMENT: all dependencies now go through @babel/preset-env by default. This ensures that you never ship code that violates your app's declared `config/targets.js`. There is an explicit `skipBabel` option for when you know for sure a package shouldn't be transpiled.
296 | - DOCS: node polyfills FAQ by @jenweber
297 | - DOCS: fixed syntax highlighting by @ctjhoa
298 |
299 | ### 1.4.1
300 |
301 | - BUGFIX: remove ";" from concatenated CSS by @bendemboski
302 |
303 | ## 1.4.0
304 |
305 | - BUGFIX: don't polyfill Node behaviors by default, by @tmquinn. This is known to cause BREAKAGE in apps that accidentally relied on the bug behavior. See https://github.com/ef4/ember-auto-import/blob/a1bc3057c89fa2d4a81dc77f55b9674123072f2a/README.md#i-upgraded-my-ember-auto-import-version-and-now-things-dont-import-what-changed
306 | - ENHANCEMENT: respect ember-auto-import options on the app even when the app itself doesn't depend directly on ember-auto-import, by @tmquinn.
307 | - BUGFIX: disable size shaming by default.
308 | - DOCS: Add info on importing a dependency from app folder, by @Alonski.
309 |
310 | ## 1.3.0
311 |
312 | - ENHANCEMENT: if you customize the webpack config to emit CSS, we will include the CSS in your ember app. Thanks @bendemboski.
313 | - DOCS: readme enhancements by @Turbo87, @0xadada, and @ctjhoa
314 |
315 | ## 1.2.21
316 |
317 | - BUGFIX: restrict our webpack dependency to exclude 4.29.0. See https://github.com/ef4/ember-auto-import/issues/192. Thanks @efx.
318 |
319 | ## 1.2.20
320 |
321 | - SECURITY: disallow handlebars < 4.0.13 due to https://www.npmjs.com/advisories/755. We don't pass any untrusted input into handlebars, so there is no known actual vulnerability in ember-auto-import, but this will help people avoid getting audit warnings about their apps. Thanks @knownasilya.
322 | - DOCS: updated docs on publicAssetURL by @jrjohnson
323 | - HOUSEKEEPING: gitignore fixes by @buschtoens.
324 | - BUGFIX: make sure a user-provided `noParse` in custom webpack config can't break our own internal usage of that feature.
325 |
326 | ## 1.2.19
327 |
328 | - BUGFIX: some changes to imports were not taking effect until after an ember-cli restart.
329 |
330 | ## 1.2.18
331 |
332 | - BUGFIX: fixed a crash for people using certain customized vendor.js output paths.
333 | - INTERNALS: we now compile in the strictest Typescript mode.
334 |
335 | ## 1.2.17
336 |
337 | - ENHANCEMENT: interoperability with ember-cli-typescript 2.0, so that imports work in Typescript code, by @buschtoens.
338 |
339 | ## 1.2.16
340 |
341 | - ENHANCEMENT: Babel 7 support. Any combination of app & addons using Babel 6 and 7 should now work, and each one will be parsed with its own preferred parser and options.
342 |
343 | ## 1.2.15
344 |
345 | - BUGFIX: the previous release could result in a broken build if your broccoli temp location was access through a symlink.
346 |
347 | ## 1.2.14
348 |
349 | - ENHANCEMENT: new "forbidEval" option supports sites with strict CSP.
350 | - BUGFIX: don't leak temp dirs
351 | - BUGFIX: support apps with closed-over require & define by @noslouch and @ef4
352 | - DOCS: package.json metadata update by @chadian
353 |
354 | ## 1.2.13
355 |
356 | - BUGFIX: only attempt to insert before a sourceMapURL that's anchored to the end of the file.
357 |
358 | ## 1.2.12
359 |
360 | - BUGFIX: an analyzer rebuild bug. Hopefully the last one since I added a bunch of new test coverage around it.
361 | - BUGFIX: we weren't matching the exact sort order required by fs-tree-diff.
362 |
363 | ## 1.2.11
364 |
365 | - BUGFIX: apps with customized outputPaths work again.
366 | - BUGFIX: fixed issues around building when tests are disabled.
367 | - ENHANCEMENT: preserve pre-existing vendor sourcemaps
368 |
369 | ## 1.2.10
370 |
371 | - BUGFIX: 1.2.9 re-broke production builds. Now that is fixed _and_ we have test coverage for it. Ahem.
372 |
373 | ## 1.2.9
374 |
375 | - BUGFIX: the compatibility workaround in 1.2.7 had the side-effect of breaking live-reload of addon code.
376 |
377 | ## 1.2.8
378 |
379 | - BUGFIX: previous release broke production builds for a silly reason.
380 |
381 | ## 1.2.7
382 |
383 | - HOUSEKEEPING: changes for compatibility with ember-cli 3.4-beta.
384 | - ENHANCEMENT: more robust heuristic for detecting the public asset path, plus the option to configure it manually.
385 |
386 | ## 1.2.6
387 |
388 | - BUGFIX: fix IE11 support by @zonkyio
389 | - ENHANCEMENT: allow resolution of peerDependencies
390 |
391 | ## 1.2.5
392 |
393 | - BUGFIX: use correct asset path when dynamic imports only appear within dependencies (and not within the app itself)
394 |
395 | ## 1.2.4
396 |
397 | - ENHANCEMENT: discover imports in coffeescript.
398 |
399 | ## 1.2.3
400 |
401 | - BUGFIX: tolerate multiple copies of the same dependency as long as they have the same version number (only one will be included in the app).
402 |
403 | ## 1.2.2
404 |
405 | - BUGFIX: some chunk files could appear in the final built app even though they weren't needed. Harmless, but fixed.
406 | - ENHANCEMENT: reload package.json during development so you don't need to restart ember-cli after adding new dependencies.
407 | - ENHANCEMENT: automatically configure production asset fingerprinting so it doesn't interfere with dynamic chunk loading.
408 | - ENHANCEMENT: add an env var that causes webpack's console output to be visible.
409 |
410 | ## 1.2.1
411 |
412 | - BUGFIX: the previous release accidentally broke interactive rebuilds!
413 |
414 | ## 1.2.0
415 |
416 | - ENHANCEMENT: dynamic import(). See https://github.com/ef4/ember-auto-import#dynamic-import
417 |
418 | ## 1.1.0
419 |
420 | - BUGFIX: play nicer with other preprocessors by preserving non-JS files in the trees we analyze.
421 | - ENHANCEMENT: add an "alias" config option for redirecting imports from one module to another.
422 |
423 | ## 1.0.1
424 |
425 | - BUGFIX: fixed a string escaping issue that was breaking windows builds. Thanks @houfeng0923.
426 |
427 | ## 1.0.0
428 |
429 | - BUGFIX: fixed an exception after a file with imports was deleted
430 | - Making this 1.0.0 because no major issues have surfaced in the alpha and I think the public API is fairly stable. My outstanding TODO list is all either additive or internals-only for compatibility with ember-cli canary.
431 |
432 | ## 1.0.0-alpha.0
433 |
434 | - ENHANCEMENT: we now run a single Webpack build for an entire application, regardless of how many addons and/or the app itself are using ember-auto-import. This provides the best possible deduplication and minimal size.
435 | - BREAKING: the build customization options have changed. It's no longer possible to customize webpack per-module, since we're running a single global webpack build. I also removed documentation on how to swap out the webpack bundler with something else, because in practice we'll want addons to be able to standardize on one strategy.
436 | - I'm making this a candidate for a 1.0 release because our public API is now where I want it and it seems unlikely to need breaking changes in the near future. This is an endorsement of public API stability, not implementaiton stability, which I expect to keep improving as more people adopt and report bugs.
437 |
438 | ## 0.2.5
439 |
440 | - BUGFIX: ensure our import analyzer always runs before babel has a chance to transpile away the imports
441 |
442 | ## 0.2.3
443 |
444 | - BUGFIX: switch to enhanced-resolve to get correct entrypoint discovery semantics for every case of `browser` and `module`
445 |
446 | ## 0.2.2
447 |
448 | - PERFORMANCE: add rebuild caching.
449 |
450 | ## 0.2.1
451 |
452 | - BUGFIX: fix an exception when the app has no vendor directory
453 |
454 | ## 0.2.0
455 |
456 | - ENHANCEMENT: respect `module` and `browser` fields in package.json
457 | - ENHANCEMENT: work inside addons
458 | - ENHANCEMENT: add option for ignoring specific modules
459 | - ENHANCEMENT: use the ember app's babel settings to configure our babel parser to match
460 | - ENHANCEMENT: support importing non-main entrypoint modules from arbitrary NPM packages
461 | - ENHANCEMENT: make bundler strategies pluggable
462 | - ENHANCEMENT: switch default bundler strategy from Rollup to Webpack
463 |
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