2.73 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# Change Log
2All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
3This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
5## [2.1.1]
6- Small fix: Remove old AMD modules from continuous bbuilds
8## [2.1.0]
9- Use espree instead of esprima (https://github.com/Esri/ember-cli-amd/pull/47)
10- Refactor into modules
12## [2.0.2]
13- Improved compatibility with ember-auto-import
14 - Fixed issue where not all special characters were getting escaped during webpack eval modification
15 - Fixed issue where build would crash when trying to modify an eval expression without a string literal as the argument (i.e. a variable containing a string being passed to eval)
17## [2.0.1]
18- Small bug fix
20## [2.0.0]
21!!!Breaking changes!!
22- Removed unsued functionality
23- Support for excluding folders in build folder from being processed and converted
25## [1.2.3]
26- Fixed package.json
28## [1.2.2]
29- Support for tests and ember-cli-code-coverage (small issue fixed for coverage)
31## [1.2.1]
32- Support for tests and ember-cli-code-coverage
34## [1.2.0]
35- Update License from MIT to Apache-2.0
37## [1.1.2]
38- Small improvement for ember-cli-arcgis
40## [1.1.1]
41- Improved thw way AMD modules are discovered. Build time should be fatser.
42- Support for Engines and Addons.
43- amdModulePaths is not necessary anymore as the AMD modules are dicovered on the built code.
45## [1.0.0]
46- Based on Ember 2.18
47- Changed the way we find and replace the conflicting Ember require and define function/references. Instead of using a regex and replacing string occurences, we are now using esprima to replace Identifiers and Literals.
49## [0.4.9]
50- Add support for addons and custom amd module paths
52## [0.4.8]
53- Don't replace #define with #efineday
54- Add support for package main shorthand in module names
55- Fix type for `buildOutput` and update README.
57## [0.4.7]
58### Fix
59- Fix regular expression check for "require" in test loader
61## [0.4.6]
62### Fix
63- Fix esprima parsing issue for functions with parameters with a default value
65## [0.4.5]
66### Changed
67- Only scripts with src !== undefined are removed from the body. This allows us to put Google Analytics in the page or other json payloads
69## [0.4.4]
70### Added
71- support for inlining of scripts
72### Changed
73- if not inlined, the amd-start and amd-config scripts are fingerprinted to enable cache-busting
74- also ensured that other script tags in the body are not removed (i.e. google analytics)
76## [0.4.1]
77### Added
78- support for assets deployed to cdn. If `fingerprint.prepend` is defined in the consuming project's `ember-cli-build.js` file, the specified path will be prepended to the AMD asset urls. If not present, the standard root-relative path of `/assets/SCRIPTNAME.js` is used.