1 | # ember-cli-babel
2 |
3 | [![CI Status](https://github.com/babel/ember-cli-babel/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/babel/ember-cli-babel/actions?query=workflow%3ACI+branch%3Amaster)
4 |
5 | This Ember-CLI plugin uses [Babel](https://babeljs.io/) and
6 | [@babel/preset-env](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/next/babel-preset-env.html) to
7 | allow you to use latest Javascript in your Ember CLI project.
8 |
9 | ## Table of Contents
10 |
11 | - [Installation](#installation)
12 | - [Compatibility](#compatibility)
13 | - [Usage](#usage)
14 | * [Options](#options)
15 | + [External Helpers](#external-helpers)
16 | + [Enabling Source Maps](#enabling-source-maps)
17 | + [Modules](#modules)
18 | + [Disabling Debug Tooling Support](#disabling-debug-tooling-support)
19 | + [Enabling TypeScript Transpilation](#enabling-typescript-transpilation)
20 | * [Babel config file usage](#babel-config-usage)
21 | * [Addon usage](#addon-usage)
22 | + [Adding Custom Plugins](#adding-custom-plugins)
23 | + [Additional Trees](#additional-trees)
24 | + [`buildBabelOptions` usage](#buildbabeloptions-usage)
25 | + [`getSupportedExtensions` usage](#getsupportedextensions-usage)
26 | + [`transpileTree` usage](#transpiletree-usage)
27 | * [Debug Tooling](#debug-tooling)
28 | + [Debug Macros](#debug-macros)
29 | + [General Purpose Env Flags](#general-purpose-env-flags)
30 | + [Parallel Builds](#parallel-builds)
31 |
32 | ## Installation
33 |
34 | ```
35 | ember install ember-cli-babel
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ## Compatibility
39 |
40 | - ember-cli-babel 7.x requires ember-cli 2.13 or above
41 |
42 | ## Usage
43 |
44 | This plugin should work without any configuration after installing. By default
45 | it will take every `.js` file in your project and run it through the Babel
46 | transpiler to convert your ES6 code to code supported by your target browsers
47 | (as specified in `config/targets.js` in ember-cli >= 2.13). Running non-ES6
48 | code through the transpiler shouldn't change the code at all (likely just a
49 | format change if it does).
50 |
51 | If you need to customize the way that `babel-preset-env` configures the plugins
52 | that transform your code, you can do it by passing in any of the
53 | [babel/babel-preset-env options](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/next/babel-preset-env.html#options).
54 | *Note: `.babelrc` files are ignored by default.*
55 |
56 | Example (configuring babel directly):
57 |
58 | ```js
59 | // ember-cli-build.js
60 |
61 | let app = new EmberApp({
62 | babel: {
63 | // enable "loose" mode
64 | loose: true,
65 | // don't transpile generator functions
66 | exclude: [
67 | 'transform-regenerator',
68 | ],
69 | plugins: [
70 | require.resolve('transform-object-rest-spread')
71 | ]
72 | }
73 | });
74 | ```
75 |
76 | Example (configuring ember-cli-babel itself):
77 |
78 | ```js
79 | // ember-cli-build.js
80 |
81 | let app = new EmberApp({
82 | 'ember-cli-babel': {
83 | compileModules: false
84 | }
85 | });
86 | ```
87 |
88 | ### Options
89 |
90 | There are a few different options that may be provided to ember-cli-babel.
91 | These options are typically set in an apps `ember-cli-build.js` file, or in an
92 | addon or engine's `index.js`.
93 |
94 | ```ts
95 | type BabelPlugin = string | [string, any] | [any, any];
96 |
97 | interface EmberCLIBabelConfig {
98 | /**
99 | Configuration options for babel-preset-env.
100 | See https://github.com/babel/babel-preset-env/tree/v1.6.1#options for details on these options.
101 | */
102 | babel?: {
103 | spec?: boolean;
104 | loose?: boolean;
105 | debug?: boolean;
106 | include?: string[];
107 | exclude?: string[];
108 | useBuiltIns?: boolean;
109 | sourceMaps?: boolean | "inline" | "both";
110 | plugins?: BabelPlugin[];
111 | };
112 |
113 | /**
114 | Configuration options for ember-cli-babel itself.
115 | */
116 | 'ember-cli-babel'?: {
117 | includeExternalHelpers?: boolean;
118 | compileModules?: boolean;
119 | disableDebugTooling?: boolean;
120 | disablePresetEnv?: boolean;
121 | disableEmberModulesAPIPolyfill?: boolean;
122 | disableEmberDataPackagesPolyfill?: boolean;
123 | disableDecoratorTransforms?: boolean;
124 | enableTypeScriptTransform?: boolean;
125 | extensions?: string[];
126 | };
127 | }
128 | ```
129 |
130 | The exact location you specify these options varies depending on the type of
131 | project you're working on. As a concrete example, to add
132 | `babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread` so that your project can use object
133 | rest/spread syntax, you would do something like this in an app:
134 |
135 | ```js
136 | // ember-cli-build.js
137 | let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
138 | babel: {
139 | plugins: [require.resolve('transform-object-rest-spread')]
140 | }
141 | });
142 | ```
143 |
144 | In an engine:
145 | ```js
146 | // index.js
147 | module.exports = EngineAddon.extend({
148 | babel: {
149 | plugins: [require.resolve('transform-object-rest-spread')]
150 | }
151 | });
152 | ```
153 |
154 | In an addon:
155 | ```js
156 | // index.js
157 | module.exports = {
158 | options: {
159 | babel: {
160 | plugins: [require.resolve('transform-object-rest-spread')]
161 | }
162 | }
163 | };
164 | ```
165 |
166 | #### External Helpers
167 |
168 | Babel often includes helper functions to handle some of the more complex logic
169 | in codemods. These functions are inlined by default, so they are duplicated in
170 | every file that they are used in, which adds some extra weight to final builds.
171 |
172 | Enabling `includeExternalHelpers` will cause Babel to import these helpers from
173 | a shared module, reducing app size overall. This option is available _only_ to
174 | the root application, because it is a global configuration value due to the fact
175 | that there can only be one version of helpers included.
176 |
177 | Note that there is currently no way to allow or ignore helpers, so all
178 | helpers will be included, even ones which are not used. If your app is small,
179 | this could add to overall build size, so be sure to check.
180 |
181 | `ember-cli-babel` will attempt to include helpers if it believes that it will
182 | lower your build size, using a number of heuristics. You can override this to
183 | force inclusion or exclusion of helpers in your app by passing `true` or `false`
184 | to `includeExternalHelpers` in your `ember-cli-babel` options.
185 |
186 | ```js
187 | // ember-cli-build.js
188 |
189 | let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
190 | 'ember-cli-babel': {
191 | includeExternalHelpers: true
192 | }
193 | });
194 | ```
195 |
196 | #### Enabling Source Maps
197 |
198 | Babel generated source maps will enable you to debug your original ES6 source
199 | code. This is disabled by default because it will slow down compilation times.
200 |
201 | To enable it, pass `sourceMaps: 'inline'` in your `babel` options.
202 |
203 | ```js
204 | // ember-cli-build.js
205 |
206 | let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
207 | babel: {
208 | sourceMaps: 'inline'
209 | }
210 | });
211 | ```
212 |
213 | #### Modules
214 |
215 | Older versions of Ember CLI (`< 2.12`) use its own ES6 module transpiler.
216 | Because of that, this plugin disables Babel module compilation by ignoring
217 | that transform when running under affected ember-cli versions. If you find that
218 | you want to use the Babel module transform instead of the Ember CLI one, you'll
219 | have to explicitly set `compileModules` to `true` in your configuration. If
220 | `compileModules` is anything other than `true`, this plugin will leave the
221 | module syntax compilation up to Ember CLI.
222 |
223 | #### Disabling Debug Tooling Support
224 |
225 | If for some reason you need to disable this debug tooling, you can opt-out via
226 | configuration.
227 |
228 | In an app that would look like:
229 |
230 | ```js
231 | // ember-cli-build.js
232 | module.exports = function(defaults) {
233 | let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
234 | 'ember-cli-babel': {
235 | disableDebugTooling: true
236 | }
237 | });
238 |
239 | return app.toTree();
240 | }
241 | ```
242 |
243 | #### Enabling TypeScript Transpilation
244 |
245 | Babel needs a transform plugin in order to transpile TypeScript. When you
246 | install `ember-cli-typescript >= 4.0`, this plugin is automatically enabled.
247 |
248 | If you don't want to install `ember-cli-typescript`, you can still enable
249 | the TypeScript-Babel transform. You will need to set `enableTypeScriptTransform`
250 | to `true` in select file(s).
251 |
252 |
253 | <details>
254 | <summary>Apps</summary>
255 |
256 | ```js
257 | /* ember-cli-build.js */
258 |
259 | const EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
260 |
261 | module.exports = function (defaults) {
262 | const app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
263 | // Add options here
264 | 'ember-cli-babel': {
265 | enableTypeScriptTransform: true,
266 | },
267 | });
268 |
269 | return app.toTree();
270 | };
271 | ```
272 |
273 | </details>
274 |
275 |
276 | <details>
277 | <summary>Addons</summary>
278 |
279 | ```js
280 | /* ember-cli-build.js */
281 |
282 | const EmberAddon = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-addon');
283 |
284 | module.exports = function (defaults) {
285 | const app = new EmberAddon(defaults, {
286 | // Add options here
287 | 'ember-cli-babel': {
288 | enableTypeScriptTransform: true,
289 | },
290 | });
291 |
292 | return app.toTree();
293 | };
294 | ```
295 |
296 | ```js
297 | /* index.js */
298 |
299 | module.exports = {
300 | name: require('./package').name,
301 |
302 | options: {
303 | 'ember-cli-babel': {
304 | enableTypeScriptTransform: true,
305 | },
306 | },
307 | };
308 | ```
309 |
310 | </details>
311 |
312 |
313 | <details>
314 | <summary>Engines</summary>
315 |
316 | ```js
317 | /* ember-cli-build.js */
318 |
319 | const EmberAddon = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-addon');
320 |
321 | module.exports = function (defaults) {
322 | const app = new EmberAddon(defaults, {
323 | // Add options here
324 | 'ember-cli-babel': {
325 | enableTypeScriptTransform: true,
326 | },
327 | });
328 |
329 | return app.toTree();
330 | };
331 | ```
332 |
333 | ```js
334 | /* index.js */
335 |
336 | const { buildEngine } = require('ember-engines/lib/engine-addon');
337 |
338 | module.exports = buildEngine({
339 | name: require('./package').name,
340 |
341 | 'ember-cli-babel': {
342 | enableTypeScriptTransform: true,
343 | },
344 | });
345 | ```
346 |
347 | </details>
348 |
349 |
350 | NOTE: Setting `enableTypeScriptTransform` to `true` does *not* enable
351 | type-checking. For integrated type-checking, you will need
352 | [`ember-cli-typescript`](https://ember-cli-typescript.com).
353 |
354 | ### Babel config usage
355 |
356 | If you want to use the existing babel config from your project instead of the auto-generated one from this addon, then you would need to *opt-in* by passing the config `useBabelConfig: true` as a child property of `ember-cli-babel` in your `ember-cli-build.js` file.
357 |
358 | *Note: If you are using this option, then you have to make sure that you are adding all of the required plugins required for Ember to transpile correctly.*
359 |
360 | Example usage:
361 |
362 | ```js
363 | //ember-cli-build.js
364 |
365 | let app = new EmberAddon(defaults, {
366 | "ember-cli-babel": {
367 | useBabelConfig: true,
368 | // ember-cli-babel related options
369 | },
370 | });
371 | ```
372 |
373 | ```js
374 | //babel.config.js
375 |
376 | const { buildEmberPlugins } = require("ember-cli-babel");
377 |
378 | module.exports = function (api) {
379 | api.cache(true);
380 |
381 | return {
382 | presets: [
383 | [
384 | require.resolve("@babel/preset-env"),
385 | {
386 | targets: require("./config/targets"),
387 | },
388 | ],
389 | ],
390 | plugins: [
391 | // if you want external helpers
392 | [
393 | require.resolve("@babel/plugin-transform-runtime"),
394 | {
395 | version: require("@babel/plugin-transform-runtime/package").version,
396 | regenerator: false,
397 | useESModules: true,
398 | },
399 | ],
400 | // this is where all the ember required plugins would reside
401 | ...buildEmberPlugins(__dirname, { /*customOptions if you want to pass in */ }),
402 | ],
403 | };
404 | };
405 | ```
406 |
407 | #### Ember Plugins
408 |
409 | Ember Plugins is a helper function that returns a list of plugins that are required for transpiling Ember correctly. You can import this helper function and add it to your existing `babel.config` file.
410 | The first argument is **required** which is the path to the root of your project (generally `__dirname`).
411 | **Config options:**
412 |
413 | ```js
414 | {
415 | disableModuleResolution: boolean, // determines if you want the module resolution enabled
416 | emberDataVersionRequiresPackagesPolyfill: boolean, // enable ember data's polyfill
417 | shouldIgnoreJQuery: boolean, // ignore jQuery
418 | shouldIgnoreEmberString: boolean, // ignore ember string
419 | shouldIgnoreDecoratorAndClassPlugins: boolean, // disable decorator plugins
420 | disableEmberModulesAPIPolyfill: boolean, // disable ember modules API polyfill
421 | }
422 | ```
423 | ### Addon usage
424 |
425 | #### Adding Custom Plugins
426 |
427 | You can add custom plugins to be used during transpilation of the `addon/` or
428 | `addon-test-support/` trees by ensuring that your addon's `options.babel` is
429 | properly populated (as mentioned above in the `Options` section).
430 |
431 | #### Additional Trees
432 |
433 | For addons which want additional customizations, they are able to interact with
434 | this addon directly.
435 |
436 | ```ts
437 | interface EmberCLIBabel {
438 | /**
439 | Used to generate the options that will ultimately be passed to babel itself.
440 | */
441 | buildBabelOptions(type: 'babel' | 'broccoli', config?: EmberCLIBabelConfig): Opaque;
442 |
443 | /**
444 | Supports easier transpilation of non-standard input paths (e.g. to transpile
445 | a non-addon NPM dependency) while still leveraging the logic within
446 | ember-cli-babel for transpiling (e.g. targets, preset-env config, etc).
447 | */
448 | transpileTree(inputTree: BroccoliTree, config?: EmberCLIBabelConfig): BroccoliTree;
449 |
450 | /**
451 | Used to determine if a given plugin is required by the current target configuration.
452 | Does not take `includes` / `excludes` into account.
453 |
454 | See https://github.com/babel/babel-preset-env/blob/master/data/plugins.json for the list
455 | of known plugins.
456 | */
457 | isPluginRequired(pluginName: string): boolean;
458 | }
459 | ```
460 |
461 | #### `buildBabelOptions` usage
462 |
463 | ```js
464 | // find your babel addon (can use `this.findAddonByName('ember-cli-babel')` in ember-cli@2.14 and newer)
465 | let babelAddon = this.addons.find(addon => addon.name === 'ember-cli-babel');
466 |
467 | // create the babel options to use elsewhere based on the config above
468 | let options = babelAddon.buildBabelOptions('babel', config)
469 |
470 | // now you can pass these options off to babel or broccoli-babel-transpiler
471 | require('babel-core').transform('something', options);
472 | ```
473 |
474 | #### `getSupportedExtensions` usage
475 |
476 | ```js
477 | // find your babel addon (can use `this.findAddonByName('ember-cli-babel')` in ember-cli@2.14 and newer)
478 | let babelAddon = this.addons.find(addon => addon.name === 'ember-cli-babel');
479 |
480 | // create the babel options to use elsewhere based on the config above
481 | let extensions = babelAddon.getSupportedExtensions(config)
482 | ```
483 |
484 | #### `transpileTree` usage
485 |
486 | ```js
487 | // find your babel addon (can use `this.findAddonByName('ember-cli-babel')` in ember-cli@2.14 and newer)
488 | let babelAddon = this.addons.find(addon => addon.name === 'ember-cli-babel');
489 |
490 | // invoke .transpileTree passing in the custom input tree
491 | let transpiledCustomTree = babelAddon.transpileTree(someCustomTree);
492 | ```
493 |
494 | ### Debug Tooling
495 |
496 | In order to allow apps and addons to easily provide good development mode
497 | ergonomics (assertions, deprecations, etc) but still perform well in production
498 | mode ember-cli-babel automatically manages stripping / removing certain debug
499 | statements. This concept was originally proposed in [ember-cli/rfcs#50](https://github.com/ember-cli/rfcs/pull/50),
500 | but has been slightly modified during implementation (after researching what works well and what does not).
501 |
502 | #### Debug Macros
503 |
504 | To add convienient deprecations and assertions, consumers (in either an app or an addon) can do the following:
505 |
506 | ```js
507 | import { deprecate, assert } from '@ember/debug';
508 |
509 | export default Ember.Component.extend({
510 | init() {
511 | this._super(...arguments);
512 | deprecate(
513 | 'Passing a string value or the `sauce` parameter is deprecated, please pass an instance of Sauce instead',
514 | false,
515 | { until: '1.0.0', id: 'some-addon-sauce' }
516 | );
517 | assert('You must provide sauce for x-awesome.', this.sauce);
518 | }
519 | })
520 | ```
521 |
522 | In testing and development environments those statements will be executed (and
523 | assert or deprecate as appropriate), but in production builds they will be
524 | inert (and stripped during minification).
525 |
526 | The following are named exports that are available from `@ember/debug`:
527 |
528 | * `function deprecate(message: string, predicate: boolean, options: any): void` - Results in calling `Ember.deprecate`.
529 | * `function assert(message: string, predicate: boolean): void` - Results in calling `Ember.assert`.
530 | * `function warn(message: string, predicate: boolean): void` - Results in calling `Ember.warn`.
531 |
532 | #### General Purpose Env Flags
533 |
534 | In some cases you may have the need to do things in debug builds that isn't
535 | related to asserts/deprecations/etc. For example, you may expose certain API's
536 | for debugging only. You can do that via the `DEBUG` environment flag:
537 |
538 | ```js
539 | import { DEBUG } from '@glimmer/env';
540 |
541 | const Component = Ember.Component.extend();
542 |
543 | if (DEBUG) {
544 | Component.reopen({
545 | specialMethodForDebugging() {
546 | // do things ;)
547 | }
548 | });
549 | }
550 | ```
551 |
552 | In testing and development environments `DEBUG` will be replaced by the boolean
553 | literal `true`, and in production builds it will be replaced by `false`. When
554 | ran through a minifier (with dead code elimination) the entire section will be
555 | stripped.
556 |
557 | Please note, that these general purpose environment related flags (e.g. `DEBUG`
558 | as a boolean flag) are imported from `@glimmer/env` not from an `@ember`
559 | namespace.
560 |
561 | #### Parallel Builds
562 |
563 | By default, [broccoli-babel-transpiler] will attempt to spin up several
564 | sub-processes (~1 per available core), to achieve parallelization. (Once Node.js
565 | has built-in worker support, we plan to utilize it.) This yields significant Babel
566 | build time improvements.
567 |
568 | Unfortunately, some Babel plugins may break this functionality.
569 | When this occurs, we gracefully fallback to the old serial strategy.
570 |
571 | To have the build fail when failing to do parallel builds, opt-in is via:
572 |
573 | ```js
574 | let app = new EmberAddon(defaults, {
575 | 'ember-cli-babel': {
576 | throwUnlessParallelizable: true
577 | }
578 | });
579 | ```
580 | or via environment variable via
581 | ```sh
583 | ```
584 |
585 | The `ember-cli-build` option is only specifying that *your* `ember-cli-babel` is parallelizable, not that all of them are.
586 |
587 | The environment variable works by instructing **all** `ember-cli-babel` instances to put themselves in parallelize mode (or throw).
588 |
589 | *Note: Future versions will enable this flag by default.*
590 |
591 | Read more about [broccoli parallel transpilation].
592 |
593 | [broccoli-babel-transpiler]: https://github.com/babel/broccoli-babel-transpiler
594 | [broccoli parallel transpilation]: https://github.com/babel/broccoli-babel-transpiler#parallel-transpilation