1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | const {
4 | _shouldCompileModules,
5 | _shouldIncludeHelpers,
6 | _shouldHandleTypeScript,
7 | _getExtensions,
8 | _parentName,
9 | _shouldHighlightCode,
10 | } = require("./lib/babel-options-util");
11 |
12 | const VersionChecker = require('ember-cli-version-checker');
13 | const getBabelOptions = require('./lib/get-babel-options');
14 | const findApp = require('./lib/find-app');
15 | const emberPlugins = require('./lib/ember-plugins');
16 | const cacheKeyForTree = require('calculate-cache-key-for-tree');
17 |
18 | const APP_BABEL_RUNTIME_VERSION = new WeakMap();
19 | const PROJECTS_WITH_VALID_EMBER_CLI = new WeakSet();
20 |
21 | let count = 0;
22 |
23 | module.exports = {
24 | name: 'ember-cli-babel',
25 | configKey: 'ember-cli-babel',
26 |
27 |
28 | buildEmberPlugins: emberPlugins,
29 |
30 | init() {
31 | this._super.init && this._super.init.apply(this, arguments);
32 |
33 | if (!PROJECTS_WITH_VALID_EMBER_CLI.has(this.project)) {
34 | let checker = new VersionChecker(this);
35 | let dep = checker.for('ember-cli', 'npm');
36 |
37 | if (dep.lt('2.13.0')) {
38 | throw new Error(`ember-cli-babel@7 (used by ${_parentName(this.parent)} at ${this.parent.root}) cannot be used by ember-cli versions older than 2.13, you used ${dep.version}`);
39 | }
40 |
41 | PROJECTS_WITH_VALID_EMBER_CLI.add(this.project);
42 | }
43 | },
44 |
45 | buildBabelOptions(configOrType, _config) {
46 | let resultType;
47 |
48 | if (typeof configOrType !== 'string') {
49 | _config = configOrType;
50 | resultType = 'broccoli';
51 | } else if (configOrType === 'broccoli') {
52 | resultType = 'broccoli';
53 | } else if (configOrType === 'babel') {
54 | resultType = 'babel';
55 | }
56 |
57 | let config = _config || this._getAddonOptions();
58 |
59 | const customAddonConfig = config['ember-cli-babel'];
60 | const shouldUseBabelConfigFile = customAddonConfig && customAddonConfig.useBabelConfig;
61 |
62 | let options;
63 |
64 | if (shouldUseBabelConfigFile) {
65 | const babel = require('@babel/core');
66 |
67 | let babelConfig = babel.loadPartialConfig({
68 | root: this.parent.root,
69 | rootMode: 'root',
70 | envName: process.env.EMBER_ENV || process.env.BABEL_ENV || process.env.NODE_ENV || "development",
71 | });
72 |
73 | if (babelConfig.config === undefined) {
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 | throw new Error(
79 | "Missing babel config file in the project root. Please double check if the babel config file exists or turn off the `useBabelConfig` option in your ember-cli-build.js file."
80 | );
81 | }
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 | options = { configFile: babelConfig.config };
86 | } else {
87 | options = getBabelOptions(config, this);
88 | }
89 |
90 | if (resultType === 'babel') {
91 | return options;
92 | } else {
93 |
94 | return Object.assign({}, this._buildBroccoliBabelTranspilerOptions(config), options);
95 | }
96 | },
97 |
98 | _debugTree() {
99 | if (!this._cachedDebugTree) {
100 | this._cachedDebugTree = require('broccoli-debug').buildDebugCallback(`ember-cli-babel:${_parentName(this.parent)}`);
101 | }
102 |
103 | return this._cachedDebugTree.apply(null, arguments);
104 | },
105 |
106 | getSupportedExtensions(config = {}) {
107 | return _getExtensions(config, this.parent, this.project);
108 | },
109 |
110 | _buildBroccoliBabelTranspilerOptions(config = {}) {
111 | let emberCLIBabelConfig = config["ember-cli-babel"];
112 |
113 | let providedAnnotation;
114 | let throwUnlessParallelizable;
115 | let sourceMaps = false;
116 | let generatorOpts = {};
117 | let shouldCompileModules = _shouldCompileModules(config, this.project);
118 |
119 | if (emberCLIBabelConfig) {
120 | providedAnnotation = emberCLIBabelConfig.annotation;
121 | throwUnlessParallelizable = emberCLIBabelConfig.throwUnlessParallelizable;
122 | }
123 |
124 | if (config.babel && "sourceMaps" in config.babel) {
125 | sourceMaps = config.babel.sourceMaps;
126 | }
127 |
128 | if (config.babel && "generatorOpts" in config.babel) {
129 | generatorOpts = config.babel.generatorOpts;
130 | }
131 |
132 | let options = {
133 | annotation: providedAnnotation || `Babel: ${_parentName(this.parent)}`,
134 | sourceMaps,
135 | generatorOpts,
136 | throwUnlessParallelizable,
137 | filterExtensions: this.getSupportedExtensions(config),
138 | plugins: [],
139 | };
140 |
141 | if (shouldCompileModules) {
142 | options.moduleIds = true;
143 | options.getModuleId = require("./lib/relative-module-paths").getRelativeModulePath;
144 | }
145 |
146 | options.highlightCode = _shouldHighlightCode(this.parent);
147 | options.babelrc = false;
148 | options.configFile = false;
149 |
150 | return options;
151 | },
152 |
153 | transpileTree(inputTree, _config) {
154 | let config = _config || this._getAddonOptions();
155 | let description = `000${++count}`.slice(-3);
156 | let postDebugTree = this._debugTree(inputTree, `${description}:input`);
157 | let {
158 |
159 | babelrc,
160 | configFile,
161 | getModuleId,
162 | highlightCode,
163 | moduleIds,
164 | plugins,
165 | sourceMaps,
166 | ...transpilerOptions
167 | } = this._buildBroccoliBabelTranspilerOptions(config);
168 | let options = {
169 | ...transpilerOptions,
170 |
171 |
172 | babel: {
173 | babelrc,
174 | configFile,
175 | getModuleId,
176 | highlightCode,
177 | moduleIds,
178 | plugins,
179 | sourceMaps,
180 | ...this.buildBabelOptions('babel', config),
181 | },
182 | };
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 | Object.keys(options.babel).forEach(key => {
187 | if (options.babel[key] === undefined) {
188 | delete options.babel[key];
189 | }
190 | });
191 |
192 | let output;
193 |
194 | const customAddonConfig = config['ember-cli-babel'];
195 | const shouldUseBabelConfigFile = customAddonConfig && customAddonConfig.useBabelConfig;
196 |
197 | if (!shouldUseBabelConfigFile && this._shouldDoNothing(options)) {
198 | output = postDebugTree;
199 | } else {
200 | let BabelTranspiler = require('broccoli-babel-transpiler');
201 | let transpilationInput = postDebugTree;
202 |
203 | if (_shouldHandleTypeScript(config, this.parent, this.project)) {
204 | let Funnel = require('broccoli-funnel');
205 | let inputWithoutDeclarations = new Funnel(transpilationInput, { exclude: ['**/*.d.ts'] });
206 | transpilationInput = this._debugTree(inputWithoutDeclarations, `${description}:filtered-input`);
207 | }
208 |
209 | output = new BabelTranspiler(transpilationInput, options);
210 | }
211 |
212 | return this._debugTree(output, `${description}:output`);
213 | },
214 |
215 | setupPreprocessorRegistry(type, registry) {
216 | registry.add('js', {
217 | name: 'ember-cli-babel',
218 | ext: _getExtensions(this._getAddonOptions(), this.parent, this.project),
219 | toTree: (tree) => this.transpileTree(tree)
220 | });
221 | },
222 |
223 | _getHelperVersion() {
224 | if (!APP_BABEL_RUNTIME_VERSION.has(this.project)) {
225 | let checker = new VersionChecker(this.project);
226 | APP_BABEL_RUNTIME_VERSION.set(this.project, checker.for('@babel/runtime', 'npm').version);
227 | }
228 |
229 | return APP_BABEL_RUNTIME_VERSION.get(this.project);
230 | },
231 |
232 | _getHelpersPlugin() {
233 | return [
234 | [
235 | require.resolve('@babel/plugin-transform-runtime'),
236 | {
237 | version: this._getHelperVersion(),
238 | regenerator: false,
239 | useESModules: true
240 | }
241 | ]
242 | ]
243 | },
244 |
245 | treeForAddon() {
246 |
247 |
248 | let isRootBabel = this.parent === this.project;
249 | let shouldIncludeHelpers = isRootBabel && _shouldIncludeHelpers(this._getAppOptions(), this);
250 |
251 | if (!shouldIncludeHelpers) { return; }
252 |
253 | const path = require('path');
254 | const Funnel = require('broccoli-funnel');
255 | const UnwatchedDir = require('broccoli-source').UnwatchedDir;
256 |
257 | const babelHelpersPath = path.dirname(require.resolve('@babel/runtime/package.json'));
258 |
259 | let babelHelpersTree = new Funnel(new UnwatchedDir(babelHelpersPath), {
260 | srcDir: 'helpers/esm',
261 | destDir: '@babel/runtime/helpers/esm'
262 | });
263 |
264 | const transpiledHelpers = this.transpileTree(babelHelpersTree, {
265 | 'ember-cli-babel': {
266 |
267 | disablePresetEnv: true
268 | }
269 | });
270 |
271 | return new Funnel(transpiledHelpers, {
272 | destDir: this.moduleName(),
273 | });
274 | },
275 |
276 | cacheKeyForTree(treeType) {
277 | if (treeType === 'addon') {
278 | let isRootBabel = this.parent === this.project;
279 | let shouldIncludeHelpers = isRootBabel && _shouldIncludeHelpers(this._getAppOptions(), this);
280 |
281 | return cacheKeyForTree('addon', this, [shouldIncludeHelpers]);
282 | }
283 |
284 | return cacheKeyForTree(treeType, this);
285 | },
286 |
287 | isPluginRequired(pluginName) {
288 | let targets = this._getTargets();
289 |
290 |
291 | if (!targets) { return true; }
292 |
293 | const isPluginRequired = require('@babel/helper-compilation-targets').isRequired;
294 | return isPluginRequired(pluginName, targets);
295 | },
296 |
297 | _getAddonOptions() {
298 | let parentOptions = this.parent && this.parent.options;
299 | let appOptions = this.app && this.app.options;
300 |
301 | if (parentOptions) {
302 | let customAddonOptions = parentOptions['ember-cli-babel'];
303 |
304 | if (customAddonOptions && 'includeExternalHelpers' in customAddonOptions) {
305 | throw new Error('includeExternalHelpers is not supported in addon configurations, it is an app-wide configuration option');
306 | }
307 | }
308 |
309 | return parentOptions || appOptions || {};
310 | },
311 |
312 | _getAppOptions() {
313 | let app = findApp(this);
314 |
315 | return (app && app.options) || {};
316 | },
317 |
318 | _getTargets() {
319 | let targets = this.project && this.project.targets;
320 |
321 | let parser = require('@babel/helper-compilation-targets').default;
322 | if (typeof targets === 'object' && targets !== null) {
323 | return parser(targets);
324 | } else {
325 | return targets;
326 | }
327 | },
328 |
329 | |
330 |
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 |
335 |
336 | shouldCompileModules() {
337 | return _shouldCompileModules(this._getAddonOptions(), this.project);
338 | },
339 |
340 |
341 | _shouldDoNothing(options) {
342 | return !options.babel.sourceMaps && !options.babel.plugins.length;
343 | }
344 | };