1 | Ember CLI Dependency Checker
2 | [](https://github.com/quaertym/ember-cli-dependency-checker/actions/workflows/ci.yml)
3 | [](https://codeclimate.com/github/quaertym/ember-cli-dependency-checker)
4 | [](http://emberobserver.com/addons/ember-cli-dependency-checker)
5 | ============================
6 |
7 | An Ember CLI addon that checks for missing npm and bower dependencies before running ember commands.
8 |
9 | ### Installation
10 |
11 | ```bash
12 | ember install ember-cli-dependency-checker
13 | ```
14 |
15 | ### Usage
16 |
17 | Upon being included in a project (when running `ember build` for example), the dependency checker
18 | will confirm versions according to several signals of intent:
19 |
20 | * `bower.json` will be compared to the contents of `bower_components` (or your Ember-CLI
21 | configured bower directory)
22 | * `package.json` will be compared to the contents of `node_modules`. This check only
23 | takes the top-level of dependencies into account. Nested dependencies are not confirmed.
24 | * `npm-shrinkwrap.json`, if present, will be compared to the contents of `node_modules`. This
25 | is done only if a `package.json` check does not find any unsatisfied dependencies. Nested
26 | dependencies are confirmed.
27 |
28 | ### Shrinkwrap Workflow
29 |
30 | **This workflow presumes npm v2.7.6 - v3.0.0**, though it may work well for earlier versions.
31 |
32 | When installing dependencies, it is important that `npm shrinkwrap --dev` is run and the resulting
33 | `npm-shrinkwrap.json` file committed. For example, to install the [Torii](https://github.com/Vestorly/torii)
34 | library:
35 |
36 | ```
37 | npm install --save-dev torii
38 | npm shrinkwrap --dev
39 | git add package.json npm-shrinkwrap.json
40 | git commit -m "Install Torii"
41 | ```
42 |
43 | **If the npm-shrinkwrap.json file is not committed, nested dependencies cannot be confirmed**.
44 | Remembering to execute `npm shrinkwrap --dev` and commit `npm-shrinkwrap.json` is akin to committing
45 | the `Gemfile.lock` file when using Ruby's Bundler library.
46 |
47 | If `ember` is run and the contents of `node_modules/` differs from the contents of `package.json`
48 | and `npm-shrinkwrap.json` an error will be raised. To resolve a difference in dependencies,
49 | you must destroy the `node_modules/` directory and re-run `npm install`. With a blank
50 | directory, `npm install` will respect the versions pinned in `npm-shrinkwrap.json`.
51 |
52 | In some rare cases there may be un-resolvable conflicts between installable versions of
53 | dependencies and those pinned. Upgrading packages after deleting the `npm-shrinkwrap.json`
54 | file or changing the version of a dependency requested in `package.json` may be the only
55 | way to resolve theses cases.
56 |
57 | ### Deployment with Shrinkwrap
58 |
59 | Ember-CLI projects may be built on Travis or another dedicated build tool like Jenkins. To
60 | ensure that versions of dependencies (including of nested dependencies) are the same during
61 | builds as they are on the authoring developer's computer, it is recommended
62 | that you confirm dependencies before a build. Do this by running `ember version` to
63 | begin a dependency check, then if needed clearing the `node_modules/` and `bower_components/` folder
64 | and installing dependencies. For example:
65 |
66 | ```
67 | ([ -f node_modules/ember-cli/bin/ember ] && node_modules/ember-cli/bin/ember version) || (rm -rf node_modules/ bower_components/ && npm install && bower install)
68 | ember build -e production
69 | ```
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71 | ### Caveats
72 |
73 | Due to the limited information available in configuration files and packages, git
74 | dependencies may fall out of sync. Using shrinkwrap will confirm that they are correct
75 | upon installation, but they cannot be confirmed at runtime until improvements are
76 | made to the `npm-shrinkwrap.json` file.
77 |
78 | Pinning solely to versioned releases should be preferred.
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80 | ### Tests
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82 | To run tests:
83 |
84 | `pnpm test`
85 |
86 | ### LICENSE
87 |
88 | MIT