1 | # Ember CLI HTMLBars
2 |
3 | <a href="https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli-htmlbars/actions"><img alt="Build Status" src="https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli-htmlbars/workflows/CI/badge.svg"></a>
4 |
5 | ## Compatibility
6 |
7 | * Ember.js v3.8 or above
8 | * Ember CLI v3.8 or above
9 | * Node.js v12 or above
10 |
11 | ## Tagged Template Usage / Migrating from `htmlbars-inline-precompile`
12 |
13 | Starting with version 4.0, this addon now includes the testing helper from [ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile](https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile)
14 |
15 | This will require an update to the imports of the `hbs` helper in your tests:
16 |
17 | Prior syntax:
18 |
19 | ```
20 | import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
21 |
22 | ...
23 |
24 | await render(hbs`
25 | <MyComponent />
26 | `);
27 | ```
28 |
29 | New syntax:
30 |
31 | ```
32 | import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
33 |
34 | ...
35 |
36 | await render(hbs`
37 | <MyComponent />
38 | `);
39 | ```
40 |
41 | There is a [codemod](https://github.com/ember-codemods/ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile-codemod) available to automate this change.
42 |
43 | ## Additional Trees
44 |
45 | For addons which want additional customizations, they are able to interact with
46 | this addon directly.
47 |
48 | ```ts
49 | interface EmberCLIHTMLBars {
50 | /**
51 | Supports easier transpilation of non-standard input paths (e.g. to transpile
52 | a non-addon NPM dependency) while still leveraging the logic within
53 | ember-cli-htmlbars for transpiling (e.g. custom AST transforms, colocation, etc).
54 | */
55 | transpileTree(inputTree: BroccoliTree): BroccoliTree;
56 | }
57 | ```
58 |
59 | ### `transpileTree` usage
60 |
61 | ```js
62 | // find the ember-cli-htmlbars addon
63 | let htmlbarsAddon = this.addons.find(addon => addon.name === 'ember-cli-htmlbars');
64 |
65 | // invoke .transpileTree passing in the custom input tree
66 | let transpiledCustomTree = htmlbarsAddon.transpileTree(someCustomTree);
67 | ```
68 |
69 | ## Adding Custom Plugins
70 |
71 | You can add custom plugins to be used during transpilation of the `addon/` or
72 | `addon-test-support/` trees of your addon (or the `app/` and `tests/` trees of an application)
73 | by registering a custom AST transform.
74 |
75 | ```js
76 | var SomeTransform = require('./some-path/transform');
77 |
78 | module.exports = {
79 | name: 'my-addon-name',
80 |
81 | included: function() {
82 | // we have to wrap these in an object so the ember-cli
83 | // registry doesn't try to call `new` on them (new is actually
84 | // called within htmlbars when compiling a given template).
85 | this.app.registry.add('htmlbars-ast-plugin', {
86 | name: 'some-transform',
87 | plugin: SomeTransform
88 | });
89 |
90 | this._super.included.apply(this, arguments);
91 | }
92 | };
93 | ```
94 |
95 | ### Options for registering a plugin
96 |
97 | * `name` - String. The name of the AST transform for debugging purposes.
98 | * `plugin` - A function of type [`ASTPluginBuilder`](https://github.com/glimmerjs/glimmer-vm/blob/v0.83.1/packages/@glimmer/syntax/lib/parser/tokenizer-event-handlers.ts#L314-L320).
99 | * `dependencyInvalidation` - Boolean. A flag that indicates the AST Plugin may, on a per-template basis, depend on other files that affect its output.
100 | * `cacheKey` - function that returns any JSON-compatible value - The value returned is used to invalidate the persistent cache across restarts, usually in the case of a dependency or configuration change.
101 | * `baseDir` - `() => string`. A function that returns the directory on disk of the npm module for the plugin. If provided, a basic cache invalidation is performed if any of the dependencies change (e.g. due to a npm install/upgrade).
102 |
103 | ### Implementing Dependency Invalidation in an AST Plugin
104 |
105 | Plugins that set the `dependencyInvalidation` option to `true` can provide function for the `plugin` of type `ASTDependencyPlugin` as given below.
106 |
107 | Note: the `plugin` function is invoked without a value for `this` in context.
108 |
109 | ```ts
110 | import {ASTPluginBuilder, ASTPlugin} from "@glimmer/syntax/dist/types/lib/parser/tokenizer-event-handlers";
111 |
112 | export type ASTDependencyPlugin = ASTPluginWithDepsBuilder | ASTPluginBuilderWithDeps;
113 |
114 | export interface ASTPluginWithDepsBuilder {
115 | (env: ASTPluginEnvironment): ASTPluginWithDeps;
116 | }
117 |
118 | export interface ASTPluginBuilderWithDeps extends ASTPluginBuilder {
119 | /**
120 | * @see {ASTPluginWithDeps.dependencies} below.
121 | **/
122 | dependencies(relativePath): string[];
123 | }
124 |
125 | export interface ASTPluginWithDeps extends ASTPlugin {
126 | /**
127 | * If this method exists, it is called with the relative path to the current
128 | * file just before processing starts. Use this method to reset the
129 | * dependency tracking state associated with the file.
130 | */
131 | resetDependencies?(relativePath: string): void;
132 | /**
133 | * This method is called just as the template finishes being processed.
134 | *
135 | * @param relativePath {string} A relative path to the file that may have dependencies.
136 | * @return {string[]} paths to files that are a dependency for the given
137 | * file. Any relative paths returned by this method are taken to be relative
138 | * to the file that was processed.
139 | */
140 | dependencies(relativePath: string): string[];
141 | }
142 | ```
143 |
144 | ## Precompile HTMLBars template strings within other addons
145 |
146 | ```javascript
147 | module.exports = {
148 | name: 'my-addon-name',
149 |
150 | setupPreprocessorRegistry: function(type, registry) {
151 | var htmlbarsPlugin = registry.load('template').find(function(plugin) {
152 | return plugin.name === 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
153 | });
154 |
155 | // precompile any htmlbars template string via the precompile method on the
156 | // ember-cli-htmlbars plugin wrapper; `precompiled` will be a string of the
157 | // form:
158 | //
159 | // Ember.HTMLBars.template(function() {...})
160 | //
161 | var precompiled = htmlbarsPlugin.precompile("{{my-component}}");
162 | }
163 | };
164 | ```
165 |
166 | ### Custom Template Compiler
167 |
168 | You can still provide a custom path to the template compiler (e.g. to test
169 | custom template compiler tweaks in an application) by:
170 |
171 | ```js
172 | // ember-cli-build.js
173 |
174 | module.exports = function(defaults) {
175 | let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
176 | 'ember-cli-htmlbars': {
177 | templateCompilerPath: `some_path/to/ember-template-compiler.js`,
178 | }
179 | });
180 | };
181 | ```
182 |
183 | ## Using as a Broccoli Plugin
184 |
185 | ```javascript
186 | var HtmlbarsCompiler = require('ember-cli-htmlbars');
187 |
188 | var templateTree = new HtmlbarsCompiler('app/templates', {
189 | isHTMLBars: true,
190 |
191 | // provide the templateCompiler that is paired with your Ember version
192 | templateCompiler: require('./bower_components/ember/ember-template-compiler')
193 | });
194 | ```