1 | # ember-intl
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3 | [![npm Version][npm-badge]][npm]
4 | ![Ember Version][ember-version]
5 | [![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis]
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7 | [![Ember Observer Score](http://emberobserver.com/badges/ember-intl.svg)](http://emberobserver.com/addons/ember-intl)
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9 | ## Notable Features
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11 | * 💵 Locale-aware numbers. Formatting of currencies, decimals, and percentages
12 | * 📅 Locale-aware dates and times formatting
13 | * 🕑 Locale-aware display of relative time. i.e, `"in 1 day"`, `"2 years ago"`, etc.
14 | * 💬 ICU Message Syntax. Pluralization and formatted segments (numbers, datetime, etc.)
15 | * 🌐 Support for 150+ languages
16 | * 🕵🏻 Translation linting (detects missing translations & translation argument mismatches)
17 | * 📜 Built largely on standards. [ICU message syntax][ICU] & [Native Intl API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl)
18 | * ⚡ Extensive Ember Service API and template helpers for formatting and translating
19 | * 🎉 [Advanced addon support](https://ember-intl.github.io/ember-intl/docs/advanced/addon-support) to provide translations to the host app
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21 | ## Documentation
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23 | [5.x](https://ember-intl.github.io/ember-intl/versions/master/docs/quickstart)
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25 | [4.x (legacy)](https://ember-intl.github.io/ember-intl/versions/v4.4.0/docs/quickstart)
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27 | ## Migrating from 4.x to 5.x
28 | ### Notable Changes
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30 | * Polyfills have been removed entirely and with it the need to bundle the pluralization rules as they now come from the native `Intl.PluralRules` API
31 | * Translations are now placed in a fixed location when bundled, no longer need to traverse the private API `requirejs._eak_seen` to hydrate the service with translations
32 | * `Intl.MessageFormat` [parser](https://formatjs.io/docs/intl-messageformat-parser) and [compiler](https://formatjs.io/docs/intl-messageformat) which changes how we escape text - making it more ICU-compliant
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34 | ### Breaking Changes
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36 | * Node 8 support dropped
37 | * `Intl.RelativeTime` polyfill has been replaced with the native API which behaves entirely different than the previous older spec implementation (read about in the [Migration Document](https://ember-intl.github.io/ember-intl/docs/guide/migration-4-0-to-5-0))
38 | * Translations are now escaped differently (read about in the [Migration Document](https://ember-intl.github.io/ember-intl/docs/guide/migration-4-0-to-5-0))
39 | * Removes `shortNumber` formatting in favor of now supported native implementation using the `"notation"` property i.e.,
40 | ```js
41 | this.intl.formatNumber(1000, {
42 | notation: "compact" ,
43 | compactDisplay: "short"
44 | }); // -> 1k
45 | ```
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47 | When you're ready to upgrade, head over to the [Migration Document](https://ember-intl.github.io/ember-intl/docs/guide/migration-4-0-to-5-0) to read more in detail about what changed.
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49 | All of this will result in smaller bundles, faster build times, and less work done on app boot.
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51 | ## Migrating from ember-i18n
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53 | There's an [ember-i18n-to-intl-migrator tool](https://github.com/DockYard/ember-i18n-to-intl-migrator) that is used to convert your translations files and application code to ember-intl.
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55 | If you have any questions or issues, please open in [ember-i18n-to-intl-migrator/issues](https://github.com/DockYard/ember-i18n-to-intl-migrator/issues)
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57 | [npm]: https://www.npmjs.org/package/ember-intl
58 | [npm-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/ember-intl.svg?style=flat-square
59 | [travis]: https://travis-ci.com/ember-intl/ember-intl
60 | [travis-badge]: https://travis-ci.com/ember-intl/ember-intl.svg?branch=master
61 | [ember-version]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Ember-2.12%2B-brightgreen.svg
62 | [ICU]: https://formatjs.io/guides/message-syntax/