1 | # Release Process
2 |
3 | Releases are mostly automated using
4 | [release-it](https://github.com/release-it/release-it/) and
5 | [lerna-changelog](https://github.com/lerna/lerna-changelog/).
6 |
7 | ## Preparation
8 |
9 | Since the majority of the actual release process is automated, the primary
10 | remaining task prior to releasing is confirming that all pull requests that
11 | have been merged since the last release have been labeled with the appropriate
12 | `lerna-changelog` labels and the titles have been updated to ensure they
13 | represent something that would make sense to our users. Some great information
14 | on why this is important can be found at
15 | [keepachangelog.com](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), but the overall
16 | guiding principle here is that changelogs are for humans, not machines.
17 |
18 | When reviewing merged PR's the labels to be used are:
19 |
20 | * breaking - Used when the PR is considered a breaking change.
21 | * enhancement - Used when the PR adds a new feature or enhancement.
22 | * bug - Used when the PR fixes a bug included in a previous release.
23 | * documentation - Used when the PR adds or updates documentation.
24 | * internal - Used for internal changes that still require a mention in the
25 | changelog/release notes.
26 |
27 | ## Release
28 |
29 | Once the prep work is completed, the actual release is straight forward:
30 |
31 | * First, ensure that you have installed your projects dependencies:
32 |
33 | ```sh
34 | yarn install
35 | ```
36 |
37 | * Second, ensure that you have obtained a
38 | [GitHub personal access token][generate-token] with the `repo` scope (no
39 | other permissions are needed). Make sure the token is available as the
40 | `GITHUB_AUTH` environment variable.
41 |
42 | For instance:
43 |
44 | ```bash
45 | export GITHUB_AUTH=abc123def456
46 | ```
47 |
48 | [generate-token]: https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=repo&description=GITHUB_AUTH+env+variable
49 |
50 | * And last (but not least 😁) do your release.
51 |
52 | ```sh
53 | npx release-it
54 | ```
55 |
56 | [release-it](https://github.com/release-it/release-it/) manages the actual
57 | release process. It will prompt you to to choose the version number after which
58 | you will have the chance to hand tweak the changelog to be used (for the
59 | `CHANGELOG.md` and GitHub release), then `release-it` continues on to tagging,
60 | pushing the tag and commits, etc.