1 |
2 | Migration Guide
3 | ==============================================================================
4 |
5 | Migrating to native TypeScript support in v6.1.0
6 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 |
8 | The types for the QUnit `TestContext` provided by the `ember-qunit` and `@ember/test-helpers` types on DefinitelyTyped made a choice to prioritize convenience over robustness when it came to what methods and values were available on `this` in any given test: they made *all* methods availabe regardless of what your setup actually involved. For example, this totally invalid code would have passed the type checker:
9 |
10 | ```ts
11 | import { module, test } from 'qunit';
12 | import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
13 | import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
14 |
15 | module('bad times', function (hooks) {
16 | setupTest(hooks);
17 |
18 | test('this will not *run* correctly', async function (assert) {
19 | await this.render(hbs`<p>whoopsie</p>`);
20 | });
21 | })
22 | ```
23 |
24 | To resolve this, you need to explicitly specify what `this` is for different kinds of tests:
25 |
26 | ```ts
27 | import { module, test } from 'qunit';
28 | import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
29 | import type { RenderingTextContext } from '@ember/test-helpers';
30 | import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
31 |
32 | module('better times', function (hooks) {
33 | setupTest(hooks);
34 |
35 | test(
36 | 'this will not *run* correctly',
37 | async function (this: RenderingTextContext, assert) {
38 | await this.render(hbs`<p>whoopsie</p>`);
39 | }
40 | );
41 | })
42 | ```
43 |
44 | While annoying, this is accurate and prevents the annoying mismatch. Combined with support for using local scope with `<template>` (see [Ember RFC 0785][rfc-0785]), available since v2.8 of `@ember/test-helpers`, the need to specify the `this` will go away entirely over time.
45 |
46 | [rfc-0785]: https://rfcs.emberjs.com/id/0785-remove-set-get-in-tests
47 |
48 | To use these public types, you also will need to add `@glimmer/interfaces` and `@glimmer/reference` to your `devDependencies`, since of `@ember/test-helpers` uses them (indirectly) in its public APIs, and `ember-qunit` uses `@ember/test-helpers` in turn.
49 |
50 |
51 | Upgrading from v4.x to v5.0.0
52 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 |
54 | `ember-qunit` had a few major changes that affects apps when migrating from v4.x to v5:
55 |
56 | * Require the application to have a `qunit` and `@ember/test-helpers` dependency of some sort
57 | * Require the QUnit and `@ember/test-helpers` DOM fixtures to be added to the applications `tests/index.html`
58 | * Require the application to have `ember-auto-import`
59 | * Dropped support for usage of `ember-test-helpers` imports
60 | * Dropped support for `moduleFor*` APIs
61 | * Drop support for older Node versions (8, 9, 11, 13)
62 | * Remove re-exports of QUnit functions from `ember-qunit`
63 | * Drop support for usage with Ember older than 3.8
64 |
65 | ### `qunit` and `@ember/test-helpers` dependencies
66 |
67 | Older versions of `ember-qunit` directly depended on `qunit` and
68 | `@ember/test-helpers`. In v5, this relationship was changed and now
69 | `ember-qunit` has `qunit` and `@ember/test-helpers` (v2) as peer dependencies.
70 |
71 | In order to accomodate this change, in your application, you can run:
72 |
73 | ```sh
74 | # npm users
75 | npm install --save-dev qunit "@ember/test-helpers"
76 |
77 | # yarn users
78 | yarn add --dev qunit "@ember/test-helpers"
79 | ```
80 |
81 | ### DOM fixtures
82 |
83 | In v5 `ember-qunit` moved from automatically providing the testing DOM fixtures to requiring that
84 | the host application provide them itself.
85 |
86 | In order to accomodate this change in your application add the following
87 | snippet to your `tests/index.html` just after your `{{content-for
88 | "test-body"}}` entry:
89 |
90 | ```html
91 | <div id="qunit"></div>
92 | <div id="qunit-fixture">
93 | <div id="ember-testing-container">
94 | <div id="ember-testing"></div>
95 | </div>
96 | </div>
97 | ```
98 |
99 | ### QUnit DOM
100 |
101 | If you use QUnit DOM, you may encounter the error message `assert.dom is not a function` when you run tests.
102 |
103 | To address this issue, import and run QUnit DOM's `setup` function in your `test-helper.js` file:
104 |
105 | ```javascript
106 | // tests/test-helper.js
107 | import * as QUnit from 'qunit';
108 | import { setup } from 'qunit-dom';
109 |
110 | //...
111 |
112 | setup(QUnit.assert);
113 |
114 | setApplication(Application.create(config.APP));
115 |
116 | start();
117 |
118 | //...
119 | ```
120 |
121 | **Note**: Only make this change when you've updated your version of `ember-qunit` to a `5.x.x` version. Doing so pre-emptively will result in errors trying to import `setup`.
122 |
123 | ### Remove `ember-test-helpers` modules
124 |
125 | For a long time `@ember/test-helpers` re-exported all of its modules under the `ember-test-helpers` namespace,
126 | in v5 of `ember-qunit` (which requires `@ember/test-helpers@2.0.0`) those re-exports are removed.
127 |
128 | For the most part, you can migrate any `ember-test-helpers` imports to `@ember/test-helpers`.
129 |
130 | ### Migrating from `moduleFor*` APIs
131 |
132 | This section provides instruction for upgrading your test suite from the
133 | [Legacy APIs](legacy.md) to Ember's latest testing APIs based on RFCs
134 | [232](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/blob/master/text/0232-simplify-qunit-testing-api.md)
135 | and
136 | [268](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/blob/master/text/0268-acceptance-testing-refactor.md).
137 |
138 | For the complete introduction to the new testing APIs, please read the
139 | latest [Ember Guides](https://guides.emberjs.com/release/testing/). The
140 | following examples will give you an overview how to migrate your existing Ember
141 | QUnit based test suite.
142 |
143 | #### Unit tests
144 |
145 | Before:
146 |
147 | ```javascript
148 | import { test, moduleFor } from 'ember-qunit';
149 |
150 | moduleFor('controller:sidebar', 'SidebarController', {
151 | // Specify the other units that are required for this test.
152 | // needs: ['controller:foo']
153 | });
154 |
155 | // Replace this with your real tests.
156 | test('exists', function(assert) {
157 | let controller = this.subject();
158 | assert.ok(controller);
159 | });
160 | ```
161 |
162 | After:
163 |
164 | ```javascript
165 | import { module, test } from 'qunit';
166 | import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
167 |
168 | module('SidebarController', function(hooks) {
169 | setupTest(hooks);
170 |
171 | // Replace this with your real tests.
172 | test('exists', function(assert) {
173 | let controller = this.owner.lookup('controller:sidebar');
174 | assert.ok(controller);
175 | });
176 | });
177 | ```
178 |
179 | ##### Migration steps
180 |
181 | * Use `module` and `test` imported from `qunit` directly
182 | * Use `setupTest()` instead of `moduleFor()`
183 | * Use the Owner object given by `this.owner` directly instead of `this.subject()`
184 |
185 | You can use the
186 | [ember-qunit-codemod](https://github.com/rwjblue/ember-qunit-codemod)
187 | to update your test code automatically.
188 |
189 | #### Component tests
190 |
191 | Before:
192 |
193 | ```javascript
194 | import { test, moduleForComponent } from 'ember-qunit';
195 | import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
196 |
197 | moduleForComponent('GravatarImageComponent', {
198 | integration: true
199 | });
200 |
201 | test('it renders', function(assert) {
202 | this.render(hbs`{{gravatar-image}}`);
203 | assert.equal(this.$('img').length, 1);
204 | });
205 | ```
206 |
207 | After:
208 |
209 | ```javascript
210 | import { module, test } from 'qunit';
211 | import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
212 | import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
213 | import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
214 |
215 | module('GravatarImageComponent', function(hooks) {
216 | setupRenderingTest(hooks);
217 |
218 | test('renders', async function(assert) {
219 | await render(hbs`{{gravatar-image}}`);
220 | assert.ok(this.element.querySelector('img'));
221 | });
222 | });
223 | ```
224 |
225 | ##### Migration steps
226 |
227 | * Use `module` and `test` imported from `qunit` directly
228 | * Use `setupRenderingTest()` instead of `moduleForComponent()`
229 | * Render using the `render()` helper from `@ember/test-helpers` instead of
230 | `this.render()`
231 | * `render()` is now always an async call, so use `async`/`await` to wait for it
232 | to complete
233 | * Use `this.element` to get access to the rendered DOM
234 | * Do not use jQuery for DOM interaction, instead use the
235 | [DOM Interaction Helpers](https://github.com/emberjs/ember-test-helpers/blob/master/API.md#dom-interaction-helpers)
236 | from `@ember/test-helpers`
237 |
238 | You can use the
239 | [ember-qunit-codemod](https://github.com/rwjblue/ember-qunit-codemod)
240 | to update your test setup code automatically.
241 |
242 | For migrating to the DOM interaction helpers, you can use the
243 | [ember-test-helpers-codemod](https://github.com/simonihmig/ember-test-helpers-codemod)
244 | to automatically convert all or most of it.
245 |
246 | #### Acceptance tests
247 |
248 | Before:
249 |
250 | ```javascript
251 |
252 | import { test } from 'qunit';
253 | import moduleForAcceptance from 'app/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance';
254 |
255 | moduleForAcceptance('basic acceptance test');
256 |
257 | test('can visit /', function() {
258 | visit('/');
259 |
260 | andThen(() => {
261 | assert.equal(currentURL(), '/');
262 | });
263 | });
264 | ```
265 |
266 | After:
267 |
268 |
269 | ```javascript
270 | import { module, test } from 'qunit';
271 | import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit';
272 | import { visit, currentURL } from '@ember/test-helpers';
273 |
274 | module('basic acceptance test', function(hooks) {
275 | setupApplicationTest(hooks);
276 |
277 | test('can visit /', async function(assert) {
278 | await visit('/');
279 | assert.equal(currentURL(), '/');
280 | });
281 | });
282 | ```
283 |
284 | ##### Migration steps
285 |
286 | * Use `module` and `test` imported from `qunit` directly
287 | * Use `setupApplicationTest()` instead of `moduleForAcceptance()` or `beforeEach`/`afterEach` hooks for setting up the
288 | application
289 | * Use the [Routing Helpers](https://github.com/emberjs/ember-test-helpers/blob/master/API.md#routing-helpers)
290 | from `@ember/test-helpers` instead of the global helpers, e.g. `visit`
291 | * Do not use the "global" test helpers for DOM interaction, instead use the
292 | [DOM Interaction Helpers](https://github.com/emberjs/ember-test-helpers/blob/master/API.md#dom-interaction-helpers)
293 | from `@ember/test-helpers`
294 | * use `async`/`await` to wait for asynchronous operations like `visit()` or
295 | `click()`
296 | * use `this.element` to get access to the rendered DOM
297 |
298 | You can use the
299 | [ember-qunit-codemod](https://github.com/rwjblue/ember-qunit-codemod)
300 | to update your test setup code automatically.
301 |
302 | For migrating from the global test helpers to those proved by
303 | `@ember/test-helpers`, you can use the
304 | [ember-test-helpers-codemod](https://github.com/simonihmig/ember-test-helpers-codemod)
305 | to assist you with that task.
306 |
307 | ###### Caveats
308 |
309 | * As of ember-cli-qunit@4.1.0 / ember-qunit@3.0.0, `Ember.testing` is only set tor `true` during the test run. Previously it was always set to `true`. For more information see https://github.com/ember-cli/eslint-plugin-ember/tree/master/docs/rules/no-ember-testing-in-module-scope.md