1 | declare module '@ember/-internals/container/lib/container' {
2 | import type {
3 | InternalFactory,
4 | FactoryClass,
5 | InternalOwner,
6 | RegisterOptions,
7 | FactoryManager,
8 | FullName,
9 | } from '@ember/-internals/owner';
10 | import type { DebugRegistry } from '@ember/-internals/container/lib/registry';
11 | import type Registry from '@ember/-internals/container/lib/registry';
12 | interface LeakTracking {
13 | hasContainers(): boolean;
14 | reset(): void;
15 | }
16 | export interface ContainerOptions {
17 | owner?: InternalOwner;
18 | cache?: {
19 | [key: string]: object;
20 | };
21 | factoryManagerCache?: {
22 | [key: string]: InternalFactoryManager<any, any>;
23 | };
24 | validationCache?: {
25 | [key: string]: boolean;
26 | };
27 | }
28 | |
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41 | export default class Container {
42 | static _leakTracking: LeakTracking;
43 | readonly owner: InternalOwner | null;
44 | readonly registry: Registry & DebugRegistry;
45 | cache: {
46 | [key: string]: object;
47 | };
48 | factoryManagerCache: {
49 | [key: string]: InternalFactoryManager<object>;
50 | };
51 | readonly validationCache: {
52 | [key: string]: boolean;
53 | };
54 | isDestroyed: boolean;
55 | isDestroying: boolean;
56 | constructor(registry: Registry, options?: ContainerOptions);
57 | /**
58 | @private
59 | @property registry
60 | @type Registry
61 | @since 1.11.0
62 | */
63 | /**
64 | @private
65 | @property cache
66 | @type InheritingDict
67 | */
68 | /**
69 | @private
70 | @property validationCache
71 | @type InheritingDict
72 | */
73 | /**
74 | Given a fullName return a corresponding instance.
75 | The default behavior is for lookup to return a singleton instance.
76 | The singleton is scoped to the container, allowing multiple containers
77 | to all have their own locally scoped singletons.
78 | ```javascript
79 | let registry = new Registry();
80 | let container = registry.container();
81 | registry.register('api:twitter', Twitter);
82 | let twitter = container.lookup('api:twitter');
83 | twitter instanceof Twitter; // => true
84 | // by default the container will return singletons
85 | let twitter2 = container.lookup('api:twitter');
86 | twitter2 instanceof Twitter; // => true
87 | twitter === twitter2; //=> true
88 | ```
89 | If singletons are not wanted, an optional flag can be provided at lookup.
90 | ```javascript
91 | let registry = new Registry();
92 | let container = registry.container();
93 | registry.register('api:twitter', Twitter);
94 | let twitter = container.lookup('api:twitter', { singleton: false });
95 | let twitter2 = container.lookup('api:twitter', { singleton: false });
96 | twitter === twitter2; //=> false
97 | ```
98 | @private
99 | @method lookup
100 | @param {String} fullName
101 | @param {RegisterOptions} [options]
102 | @return {any}
103 | */
104 | lookup(
105 | fullName: string,
106 | options?: RegisterOptions
107 | ): InternalFactory<object> | object | undefined;
108 | |
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114 | destroy(): void;
115 | finalizeDestroy(): void;
116 | |
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123 | reset(fullName: FullName): void;
124 | |
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131 | ownerInjection(): {};
132 | |
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142 | factoryFor(fullName: FullName): InternalFactoryManager<object> | undefined;
143 | }
144 | export interface LazyInjection {
145 | namespace: string | undefined;
146 | source: string | undefined;
147 | specifier: string;
148 | }
149 | interface DebugFactory<T extends object, C extends FactoryClass | object = FactoryClass>
150 | extends InternalFactory<T, C> {
151 | _onLookup?: (fullName: string) => void;
152 | _lazyInjections?: () => {
153 | [key: string]: LazyInjection;
154 | };
155 | _initFactory?: (factoryManager: InternalFactoryManager<T, C>) => void;
156 | }
157 | export const INIT_FACTORY: unique symbol;
158 | export function getFactoryFor(
159 | obj: object
160 | ): InternalFactoryManager<object, FactoryClass | object> | undefined;
161 | export function setFactoryFor<T extends object, C extends FactoryClass | object>(
162 | obj: object,
163 | factory: InternalFactoryManager<T, C>
164 | ): void;
165 | export class InternalFactoryManager<
166 | T extends object,
167 | C extends FactoryClass | object = FactoryClass
168 | > implements FactoryManager<T>
169 | {
170 | readonly container: Container;
171 | readonly owner: InternalOwner | null;
172 | readonly class: DebugFactory<T, C>;
173 | readonly fullName: FullName;
174 | readonly normalizedName: string;
175 | private madeToString;
176 | injections:
177 | | {
178 | [key: string]: unknown;
179 | }
180 | | undefined;
181 | constructor(
182 | container: Container,
183 | factory: InternalFactory<T, C>,
184 | fullName: FullName,
185 | normalizedName: string
186 | );
187 | toString(): string;
188 | create(options?: Partial<T>): T;
189 | }
190 | export {};
191 | }