1 | declare module '@ember/-internals/environment/lib/env' {
2 | /**
3 | The hash of environment variables used to control various configuration
4 | settings. To specify your own or override default settings, add the
5 | desired properties to a global hash named `EmberENV` (or `ENV` for
6 | backwards compatibility with earlier versions of Ember). The `EmberENV`
7 | hash must be created before loading Ember.
8 |
9 | @class EmberENV
10 | @type Object
11 | @public
12 | */
13 | export const ENV: {
15 | /**
16 | Determines whether Ember should add to `Array`
17 | native object prototypes, a few extra methods in order to provide a more
18 | friendly API.
19 |
20 | The behavior from setting this option to `true` was deprecated in Ember 5.10.
21 |
22 | @property EXTEND_PROTOTYPES
23 | @type Boolean
24 | @default true
25 | @for EmberENV
26 | @private
27 | @deprecated in v5.10
28 | */
30 | Array: boolean;
31 | };
32 | /**
33 | The `LOG_STACKTRACE_ON_DEPRECATION` property, when true, tells Ember to log
34 | a full stack trace during deprecation warnings.
35 |
37 | @type Boolean
38 | @default true
39 | @for EmberENV
40 | @public
41 | */
43 | /**
44 | The `LOG_VERSION` property, when true, tells Ember to log versions of all
45 | dependent libraries in use.
46 |
47 | @property LOG_VERSION
48 | @type Boolean
49 | @default true
50 | @for EmberENV
51 | @public
52 | */
53 | LOG_VERSION: boolean;
56 | /**
57 | Whether to perform extra bookkeeping needed to make the `captureRenderTree`
58 | API work.
59 |
60 | This has to be set before the ember JavaScript code is evaluated. This is
61 | usually done by setting `window.EmberENV = { _DEBUG_RENDER_TREE: true };`
62 | before the "vendor" `<script>` tag in `index.html`.
63 |
64 | Setting the flag after Ember is already loaded will not work correctly. It
65 | may appear to work somewhat, but fundamentally broken.
66 |
67 | This is not intended to be set directly. Ember Inspector will enable the
68 | flag on behalf of the user as needed.
69 |
70 | This flag is always on in development mode.
71 |
72 | The flag is off by default in production mode, due to the cost associated
73 | with the the bookkeeping work.
74 |
75 | The expected flow is that Ember Inspector will ask the user to refresh the
76 | page after enabling the feature. It could also offer a feature where the
77 | user add some domains to the "always on" list. In either case, Ember
78 | Inspector will inject the code on the page to set the flag if needed.
79 |
80 | @property _DEBUG_RENDER_TREE
81 | @for EmberENV
82 | @type Boolean
83 | @default false
84 | @private
85 | */
86 | _DEBUG_RENDER_TREE: boolean;
87 | /**
88 | Whether to force all deprecations to be enabled. This is used internally by
89 | Ember to enable deprecations in tests. It is not intended to be set in
90 | projects.
91 |
93 | @for EmberENV
94 | @type Boolean
95 | @default false
96 | @private
97 | */
99 | /**
100 | Override the version of ember-source used to determine when deprecations "break".
101 | This is used internally by Ember to test with deprecated features "removed".
102 | This is never intended to be set by projects.
104 | @for EmberENV
105 | @type string | null
106 | @default null
107 | @private
108 | */
110 | /**
111 | Whether the app defaults to using async observers.
112 |
113 | This is not intended to be set directly, as the implementation may change in
114 | the future. Use `@ember/optional-features` instead.
115 |
117 | @for EmberENV
118 | @type Boolean
119 | @default false
120 | @private
121 | */
123 | /**
124 | Whether the app still has default record-loading behavior in the model
125 | hook from RFC https://rfcs.emberjs.com/id/0774-implicit-record-route-loading
126 | This will also remove the default store property from the route.
127 |
128 | This is not intended to be set directly, as the implementation may change in
129 | the future. Use `@ember/optional-features` instead.
130 |
131 | @property _NO_IMPLICIT_ROUTE_MODEL
132 | @for EmberENV
133 | @type Boolean
134 | @default false
135 | @private
136 | */
137 | _NO_IMPLICIT_ROUTE_MODEL: boolean;
138 | /**
139 | Controls the maximum number of scheduled rerenders without "settling". In general,
140 | applications should not need to modify this environment variable, but please
141 | open an issue so that we can determine if a better default value is needed.
142 |
143 | @property _RERENDER_LOOP_LIMIT
144 | @for EmberENV
145 | @type number
146 | @default 1000
147 | @private
148 | */
149 | _RERENDER_LOOP_LIMIT: number;
151 | [hook: string]: Function[];
152 | };
153 | FEATURES: {
154 | [feature: string]: boolean;
155 | };
156 | };
157 | export function getENV(): object;
158 | }