1 | declare module '@ember/-internals/glimmer/lib/helper' {
2 | /**
3 | @module @ember/component
4 | */
5 | import { FrameworkObject } from '@ember/object/-internals';
6 | import type { Arguments, HelperManager } from '@glimmer/interfaces';
7 | import type { DirtyableTag } from '@glimmer/validator';
8 | export const RECOMPUTE_TAG: unique symbol;
9 | type GetOr<T, K, Else> = K extends keyof T ? T[K] : Else;
10 | type Args<S> = GetOr<S, 'Args', {}>;
11 | type DefaultPositional = unknown[];
12 | type Positional<S> = GetOr<Args<S>, 'Positional', DefaultPositional>;
13 | type Named<S> = GetOr<Args<S>, 'Named', object>;
14 | type Return<S> = GetOr<S, 'Return', unknown>;
15 | export interface HelperFactory<T> {
16 | isHelperFactory: true;
17 | create(): T;
18 | }
19 | export interface HelperInstance<S> {
20 | compute(positional: Positional<S>, named: Named<S>): Return<S>;
21 | destroy(): void;
22 | [RECOMPUTE_TAG]: DirtyableTag;
23 | }
24 | const IS_CLASSIC_HELPER: unique symbol;
25 | export interface SimpleHelper<S> {
26 | compute: (positional: Positional<S>, named: Named<S>) => Return<S>;
27 | }
28 | const SIGNATURE: unique symbol;
29 | /**
30 | Ember Helpers are functions that can compute values, and are used in templates.
31 | For example, this code calls a helper named `format-currency`:
32 |
33 | ```app/templates/application.hbs
34 | <Cost @cents={{230}} />
35 | ```
36 |
37 | ```app/components/cost.hbs
38 | <div>{{format-currency @cents currency="$"}}</div>
39 | ```
40 |
41 | Additionally a helper can be called as a nested helper.
42 | In this example, we show the formatted currency value if the `showMoney`
43 | named argument is truthy.
44 |
45 | ```handlebars
46 | {{if @showMoney (format-currency @cents currency="$")}}
47 | ```
48 |
49 | Helpers defined using a class must provide a `compute` function. For example:
50 |
51 | ```app/helpers/format-currency.js
52 | import Helper from '@ember/component/helper';
53 |
54 | export default class extends Helper {
55 | compute([cents], { currency }) {
56 | return `${currency}${cents * 0.01}`;
57 | }
58 | }
59 | ```
60 |
61 | Each time the input to a helper changes, the `compute` function will be
62 | called again.
63 |
64 | As instances, these helpers also have access to the container and will accept
65 | injected dependencies.
66 |
67 | Additionally, class helpers can call `recompute` to force a new computation.
68 |
69 | @class Helper
70 | @extends CoreObject
71 | @public
72 | @since 1.13.0
73 | */
74 | export default interface Helper<S = unknown> {
75 | /**
76 | Override this function when writing a class-based helper.
77 |
78 | @method compute
79 | @param {Array} positional The positional arguments to the helper
80 | @param {Object} named The named arguments to the helper
81 | @public
82 | @since 1.13.0
83 | */
84 | compute(positional: Positional<S>, named: Named<S>): Return<S>;
85 | }
86 | export default class Helper<S = unknown> extends FrameworkObject {
87 | static isHelperFactory: boolean;
88 | static [IS_CLASSIC_HELPER]: boolean;
89 | /** @deprecated */
90 | static helper: typeof helper;
91 | [RECOMPUTE_TAG]: DirtyableTag;
92 | private [SIGNATURE];
93 | init(properties: object | undefined): void;
94 | /**
95 | On a class-based helper, it may be useful to force a recomputation of that
96 | helpers value. This is akin to `rerender` on a component.
97 |
98 | For example, this component will rerender when the `currentUser` on a
99 | session service changes:
100 |
101 | ```app/helpers/current-user-email.js
102 | import Helper from '@ember/component/helper'
103 | import { service } from '@ember/service'
104 | import { observer } from '@ember/object'
105 |
106 | export default Helper.extend({
107 | session: service(),
108 |
109 | onNewUser: observer('session.currentUser', function() {
110 | this.recompute();
111 | }),
112 |
113 | compute() {
114 | return this.get('session.currentUser.email');
115 | }
116 | });
117 | ```
118 |
119 | @method recompute
120 | @public
121 | @since 1.13.0
122 | */
123 | recompute(): void;
124 | }
125 | export function isClassicHelper(obj: object): boolean;
126 | export const CLASSIC_HELPER_MANAGER:
127 | | import('@glimmer/interfaces').Helper<object>
128 | | import('@glimmer/manager').CustomHelperManager<object>;
129 | class Wrapper<S = unknown> implements HelperFactory<SimpleHelper<S>> {
130 | compute: (positional: Positional<S>, named: Named<S>) => Return<S>;
131 | readonly isHelperFactory = true;
132 | constructor(compute: (positional: Positional<S>, named: Named<S>) => Return<S>);
133 | create(): SimpleHelper<S>;
134 | }
135 | class SimpleClassicHelperManager implements HelperManager<() => unknown> {
136 | capabilities: import('@glimmer/interfaces').HelperCapabilities;
137 | createHelper(definition: Wrapper, args: Arguments): () => unknown;
138 | getValue(fn: () => unknown): unknown;
139 | getDebugName(definition: Wrapper): string;
140 | }
141 | export const SIMPLE_CLASSIC_HELPER_MANAGER: SimpleClassicHelperManager;
142 | /**
143 | * The type of a function-based helper.
144 | *
145 | * @note This is *not* user-constructible: it is exported only so that the type
146 | * returned by the `helper` function can be named (and indeed can be exported
147 | * like `export default helper(...)` safely).
148 | */
149 | export type FunctionBasedHelper<S> = abstract new () => FunctionBasedHelperInstance<S>;
150 | export abstract class FunctionBasedHelperInstance<S> extends Helper<S> {
151 | protected abstract __concrete__: never;
152 | }
153 | /**
154 | In many cases it is not necessary to use the full `Helper` class.
155 | The `helper` method create pure-function helpers without instances.
156 | For example:
157 |
158 | ```app/helpers/format-currency.js
159 | import { helper } from '@ember/component/helper';
160 |
161 | export default helper(function([cents], {currency}) {
162 | return `${currency}${cents * 0.01}`;
163 | });
164 | ```
165 |
166 | @static
167 | @param {Function} helper The helper function
168 | @method helper
169 | @for @ember/component/helper
170 | @public
171 | @since 1.13.0
172 | */
173 | export function helper<P extends DefaultPositional, N extends object, R = unknown>(
174 | helperFn: (positional: P, named: N) => R
175 | ): FunctionBasedHelper<{
176 | Args: {
177 | Positional: P;
178 | Named: N;
179 | };
180 | Return: R;
181 | }>;
182 | export function helper<S>(
183 | helperFn: (positional: Positional<S>, named: Named<S>) => Return<S>
184 | ): FunctionBasedHelper<S>;
185 | export {};
186 | }