1 | declare module '@ember/-internals/owner' {
2 | /**
3 | @module @ember/owner
4 | */
5 | /**
6 | The name for a factory consists of a namespace and the name of a specific type
7 | within that namespace, like `'service:session'`.
8 |
9 | **Note:** `FullName` is *not* a class, just a contract for strings used in the
10 | DI system. It is currently documented as a class only due to limits in our
11 | documentation infrastructure.
12 |
13 | @for @ember/owner
14 | @class FullName
15 | @public
16 | */
17 | export type FullName<
18 | Type extends string = string,
19 | Name extends string = string
20 | > = `${Type}:${Name}`;
21 | /**
22 | A type registry for the DI system, which other participants in the DI system
23 | can register themselves into with declaration merging. The contract for this
24 | type is that its keys are the `Type` from a `FullName`, and each value for a
25 | `Type` is another registry whose keys are the `Name` from a `FullName`. The
26 | mechanic for providing a registry is [declaration merging][handbook].
27 |
28 | [handbook]: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/declaration-merging.html
29 |
30 | For example, Ember's `@ember/service` module includes this set of definitions:
31 |
32 | ```ts
33 | export default class Service extends EmberObject {}
34 |
35 | // For concrete singleton classes to be merged into.
36 | interface Registry extends Record<string, Service> {}
37 |
38 | declare module '@ember/owner' {
39 | service: Registry;
40 | }
41 | ```
42 |
43 | Declarations of services can then include the registry:
44 |
45 | ```ts
46 | import Service from '@ember/service';
47 |
48 | export default class Session extends Service {
49 | login(username: string, password: string) {
50 | // ...
51 | }
52 | }
53 |
54 | declare module '@ember/service' {
55 | interface Registry {
56 | session: Session;
57 | }
58 | }
59 | ```
60 |
61 | Then users of the `Owner` API will be able to do things like this with strong
62 | type safety guarantees:
63 |
64 | ```ts
65 | getOwner(this)?.lookup('service:session').login("hello", "1234abcd");
66 | ```
67 |
68 | @for @ember/owner
69 | @private
70 | */
71 | export interface DIRegistry {}
72 | /**
73 | @private
74 | */
75 | type ResolveFactoryManager<Type extends string, Name extends string> = Type extends ValidType
76 | ? Name extends ValidName<Type>
77 | ? DIRegistry[Type][Name] extends infer RegistryEntry extends object
78 | ? FactoryManager<RegistryEntry>
79 | : FactoryManagerDefault
80 | : FactoryManagerDefault
81 | : FactoryManagerDefault;
82 | type FactoryManagerDefault = FactoryManager<object> | undefined;
83 | type Lookup<Type extends string, Name extends string> = Type extends ValidType
84 | ? Name extends ValidName<Type>
85 | ? DIRegistry[Type][Name]
86 | : unknown
87 | : unknown;
88 | /**
89 | The common interface for the ability to `register()` an item, shared by the
90 | `Owner` and `RegistryProxy` interfaces.
91 |
92 | @for @ember/owner
93 | @class BasicRegistry
94 | @private
95 | */
96 | interface BasicRegistry {
97 | /**
98 | Registers a factory that can be used for dependency injection (with
99 | `inject`) or for service lookup. Each factory is registered with
100 | a full name including two parts: `type:name`.
101 |
102 | A simple example:
103 |
104 | ```javascript
105 | import Application from '@ember/application';
106 | import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
107 |
108 | let App = Application.create();
109 |
110 | App.Orange = EmberObject.extend();
111 | App.register('fruit:favorite', App.Orange);
112 | ```
113 |
114 | Ember will resolve factories from the `App` namespace automatically.
115 | For example `App.CarsController` will be discovered and returned if
116 | an application requests `controller:cars`.
117 |
118 | An example of registering a controller with a non-standard name:
119 |
120 | ```javascript
121 | import Application from '@ember/application';
122 | import Controller from '@ember/controller';
123 |
124 | let App = Application.create();
125 | let Session = Controller.extend();
126 |
127 | App.register('controller:session', Session);
128 |
129 | // The Session controller can now be treated like a normal controller,
130 | // despite its non-standard name.
131 | App.ApplicationController = Controller.extend({
132 | needs: ['session']
133 | });
134 | ```
135 |
136 | Registered factories are **instantiated** by having `create`
137 | called on them. Additionally they are **singletons**, each time
138 | they are looked up they return the same instance.
139 |
140 | Some examples modifying that default behavior:
141 |
142 | ```javascript
143 | import Application from '@ember/application';
144 | import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
145 |
146 | let App = Application.create();
147 |
148 | App.Person = EmberObject.extend();
149 | App.Orange = EmberObject.extend();
150 | App.Email = EmberObject.extend();
151 | App.session = EmberObject.create();
152 |
153 | App.register('model:user', App.Person, { singleton: false });
154 | App.register('fruit:favorite', App.Orange);
155 | App.register('communication:main', App.Email, { singleton: false });
156 | App.register('session', App.session, { instantiate: false });
157 | ```
158 |
159 | @method register
160 | @param fullName {String} type:name (e.g., 'model:user')
161 | @param factory {Factory|object} (e.g., App.Person)
162 | @param options {Object} (optional) disable instantiation or singleton usage
163 | @public
164 | */
165 | register(
166 | fullName: FullName,
167 | factory: Factory<object> | object,
168 | options?: RegisterOptions
169 | ): void;
170 | }
171 | type ValidType = keyof DIRegistry & string;
172 | type ValidName<Type extends ValidType> = keyof DIRegistry[Type] & string;
173 | /**
174 | The common interface for the ability to `lookup()` or get the `factoryFor` an
175 | item, shared by the `Owner` and `ContainerProxy` interfaces.
176 |
177 | @for @ember/owner
178 | @class BasicContainer
179 | @private
180 | */
181 | interface BasicContainer {
182 | /**
183 | Given a fullName return a corresponding instance.
184 |
185 | The default behavior is for lookup to return a singleton instance.
186 | The singleton is scoped to the container, allowing multiple containers
187 | to all have their own locally scoped singletons.
188 |
189 | ```javascript
190 | let registry = new Registry();
191 | let container = registry.container();
192 |
193 | registry.register('api:twitter', Twitter);
194 |
195 | let twitter = container.lookup('api:twitter');
196 |
197 | twitter instanceof Twitter; // => true
198 |
199 | // by default the container will return singletons
200 | let twitter2 = container.lookup('api:twitter');
201 | twitter2 instanceof Twitter; // => true
202 |
203 | twitter === twitter2; //=> true
204 | ```
205 |
206 | If singletons are not wanted an optional flag can be provided at lookup.
207 |
208 | ```javascript
209 | let registry = new Registry();
210 | let container = registry.container();
211 |
212 | registry.register('api:twitter', Twitter);
213 |
214 | let twitter = container.lookup('api:twitter', { singleton: false });
215 | let twitter2 = container.lookup('api:twitter', { singleton: false });
216 |
217 | twitter === twitter2; //=> false
218 | ```
219 |
220 | @public
221 | @method lookup
222 | @param {string} fullName
223 | @param {RegisterOptions} options
224 | @return {any}
225 | */
226 | lookup<Type extends string, Name extends string>(
227 | fullName: FullName<Type, Name>,
228 | options?: RegisterOptions
229 | ): Lookup<Type, Name>;
230 | /**
231 | Given a `FullName`, of the form `"type:name"` return a `FactoryManager`.
232 |
233 | This method returns a manager which can be used for introspection of the
234 | factory's class or for the creation of factory instances with initial
235 | properties. The manager is an object with the following properties:
236 |
237 | * `class` - The registered or resolved class.
238 | * `create` - A function that will create an instance of the class with
239 | any dependencies injected.
240 |
241 | For example:
242 |
243 | ```javascript
244 | import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
245 |
246 | let owner = getOwner(otherInstance);
247 | // the owner is commonly the `applicationInstance`, and can be accessed via
248 | // an instance initializer.
249 |
250 | let factory = owner.factoryFor('service:bespoke');
251 |
252 | factory.class;
253 | // The registered or resolved class. For example when used with an Ember-CLI
254 | // app, this would be the default export from `app/services/bespoke.js`.
255 |
256 | let instance = factory.create({
257 | someProperty: 'an initial property value'
258 | });
259 | // Create an instance with any injections and the passed options as
260 | // initial properties.
261 | ```
262 |
263 | Any instances created via the factory's `.create()` method *must* be destroyed
264 | manually by the caller of `.create()`. Typically, this is done during the creating
265 | objects own `destroy` or `willDestroy` methods.
266 |
267 | @public
268 | @method factoryFor
269 | @param {string} fullName
270 | @return {FactoryManager}
271 | */
272 | factoryFor<Type extends string, Name extends string>(
273 | fullName: FullName<Type, Name>
274 | ): ResolveFactoryManager<Type, Name>;
275 | }
276 | /**
277 | Framework objects in an Ember application (components, services, routes,
278 | etc.) are created via a factory and dependency injection system. Each of
279 | these objects is the responsibility of an "owner", which handles its
280 | instantiation and manages its lifetime.
281 |
282 | An `Owner` is not a class you construct; it is one the framework constructs
283 | for you. The normal way to get access to the relevant `Owner` is using the
284 | `getOwner` function.
285 |
286 | @for @ember/owner
287 | @uses BasicRegistry
288 | @uses BasicContainer
289 | @class Owner
290 | @since 4.10.0
291 | @public
292 | */
293 | export default interface Owner extends BasicRegistry, BasicContainer {}
294 | /**
295 | * Interface representing the options for registering an item as a factory.
296 | *
297 | * @for @ember/owner
298 | * @class RegisterOptions
299 | * @public
300 | */
301 | export interface RegisterOptions {
302 | /**
303 | Whether to instantiate the item when returning it from a lookup. Defaults
304 | to `true`.
305 |
306 | @property instantiate
307 | @type Boolean
308 | @optional
309 | @default true
310 | @public
311 | */
312 | instantiate?: boolean | undefined;
313 | /**
314 | Whether the item is a singleton (like a service) and so should return the
315 | same instance every time, or should generate a new instance on each call.
316 | Defaults to `true`.
317 |
318 | @property singleton
319 | @type Boolean
320 | @optional
321 | @default true
322 | @public
323 | */
324 | singleton?: boolean | undefined;
325 | }
326 | /**
327 | Registered factories are instantiated by having create called on them.
328 | Additionally they are singletons by default, so each time they are looked up
329 | they return the same instance.
330 |
331 | However, that behavior can be modified with the `instantiate` and `singleton`
332 | options to the `Owner.register()` method.
333 |
334 | @for @ember/owner
335 | @class Factory
336 | @since 4.10.0
337 | @public
338 | */
339 | export interface Factory<T extends object> {
340 | /**
341 | * A function that will create an instance of the class with any
342 | * dependencies injected.
343 | *
344 | * @method create
345 | * @param initialValues {Object} Any values to set on an instance of the class
346 | * @return {Object} The item produced by the factory.
347 | * @public
348 | */
349 | create(initialValues?: object): T;
350 | }
351 | /**
352 | The interface representing a manager which can be used for introspection of
353 | the factory's class or for the creation of factory instances with initial
354 | properties. The manager is an object with the following properties:
355 |
356 | - `class` - The registered or resolved class.
357 | - `create` - A function that will create an instance of the class with any
358 | dependencies injected.
359 |
360 | **Note:** `FactoryManager` is *not* user-constructible; the only legal way
361 | to get a `FactoryManager` is via `Owner.factoryFor`.
362 |
363 | @for @ember/owner
364 | @class FactoryManager
365 | @extends Factory
366 | @public
367 | */
368 | export interface FactoryManager<T extends object> extends Factory<T> {
369 | /**
370 | The registered or resolved class.
371 |
372 | @property class
373 | @type Factory
374 | @public
375 | */
376 | readonly class: Factory<T>;
377 | }
378 | /**
379 | * A record mapping all known items of a given type: if the item is known it
380 | * will be `true`; otherwise it will be `false` or `undefined`.
381 | */
382 | export type KnownForTypeResult<Type extends string> = {
383 | [Key in FullName<Type, string>]: boolean | undefined;
384 | };
385 | /**
386 | A `Resolver` is the mechanism responsible for looking up code in your
387 | application and converting its naming conventions into the actual classes,
388 | functions, and templates that Ember needs to resolve its dependencies, for
389 | example, what template to render for a given route. It is a system that helps
390 | the app resolve the lookup of JavaScript modules agnostic of what kind of
391 | module system is used, which can be AMD, CommonJS or just plain globals. It
392 | is used to lookup routes, models, components, templates, or anything that is
393 | used in your Ember app.
394 |
395 | This interface is not a concrete class; instead, it represents the contract a
396 | custom resolver must implement. Most apps never need to think about this: in
397 | the default blueprint, this is supplied by the `ember-resolver` package.
398 |
399 | @for @ember/owner
400 | @class Resolver
401 | @since 4.10.0
402 | @public
403 | */
404 | export interface Resolver {
405 | /**
406 | The one required method for a `Resolver`. Given a string, resolve it to a
407 | `Factory`, if one exists.
408 |
409 | @method resolve
410 | @param name {String}
411 | @public
412 | */
413 | resolve: (name: string) => Factory<object> | object | undefined;
414 | /**
415 | @method knownForType
416 | @param type {String}
417 | @return {Object}
418 | @public
419 | */
420 | knownForType?: <Type extends string>(type: Type) => KnownForTypeResult<Type>;
421 | /**
422 | @method lookupDescription
423 | @param fullName {String}
424 | @return {String}
425 | @public
426 | */
427 | lookupDescription?: (fullName: FullName) => string;
428 | /**
429 | @method makeToString
430 | @param factory {Factory}
431 | @param fullName {String}
432 | @return {String}
433 | @public
434 | */
435 | makeToString?: (factory: Factory<object>, fullName: FullName) => string;
436 | /**
437 | @method normalize
438 | @param fullName {String}
439 | @return {String}
440 | @public
441 | */
442 | normalize?: (fullName: FullName) => FullName;
443 | }
444 | export interface FactoryClass {
445 | positionalParams?: string | string[] | undefined | null;
446 | }
447 | /**
448 | The internal representation of a `Factory`, for the extra detail available for
449 | private use internally than we expose to consumers.
450 |
451 | @for @ember/owner
452 | @class InternalFactory
453 | @private
454 | */
455 | export interface InternalFactory<T extends object, C extends FactoryClass | object = FactoryClass>
456 | extends Factory<T> {
457 | /**
458 | @property class
459 | @optional
460 | @private
461 | */
462 | class?: C;
463 | /**
464 | @property name
465 | @type String
466 | @optional
467 | @private
468 | */
469 | name?: string;
470 | /**
471 | @property fullName
472 | @type String
473 | @optional
474 | @private
475 | */
476 | fullName?: FullName;
477 | /**
478 | @property normalizedName
479 | @type String
480 | @optional
481 | @private
482 | */
483 | normalizedName?: string;
484 | }
485 | /**
486 | @private
487 | @method isFactory
488 | @param {Object} obj
489 | @return {Boolean}
490 | @static
491 | */
492 | export function isFactory(obj: unknown): obj is InternalFactory<object>;
493 | export function getOwner(object: object): InternalOwner | undefined;
494 | /**
495 | `setOwner` forces a new owner on a given object instance. This is primarily
496 | useful in some testing cases.
497 |
498 | @method setOwner
499 | @static
500 | @for @ember/owner
501 | @param {Object} object An object instance.
502 | @param {Owner} object The new owner object of the object instance.
503 | @since 2.3.0
504 | @public
505 | */
506 | export function setOwner(object: object, owner: Owner): void;
507 | /**
508 | * The interface for a container proxy, which is itself a private API used
509 | * by the private `ContainerProxyMixin` as part of the base definition of
510 | * `EngineInstance`.
511 | *
512 | * @class ContainerProxy
513 | * @for @ember/owner
514 | * @private
515 | * @extends BasicContainer
516 | */
517 | export interface ContainerProxy extends BasicContainer {
518 | /**
519 | Returns an object that can be used to provide an owner to a
520 | manually created instance.
521 |
522 | Example:
523 |
524 | ```
525 | import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';
526 |
527 | let owner = getOwner(this);
528 |
529 | User.create(
530 | owner.ownerInjection(),
531 | { username: 'rwjblue' }
532 | )
533 | ```
534 |
535 | @public
536 | @method ownerInjection
537 | @since 2.3.0
538 | @return {Object}
539 | */
540 | ownerInjection(): object;
541 | }
542 | /**
543 | * @class RegistryProxy
544 | * @extends BasicRegistry
545 | * @private
546 | * @for @ember/owner
547 | */
548 | export interface RegistryProxy extends BasicRegistry {
549 | /**
550 | Given a fullName return the corresponding factory.
551 |
552 | @public
553 | @method resolveRegistration
554 | @param fullName {String}
555 | @return {Function} fullName's factory
556 | */
557 | resolveRegistration(fullName: FullName): Factory<object> | object | undefined;
558 | /**
559 | Unregister a factory.
560 |
561 | ```javascript
562 | import Application from '@ember/application';
563 | import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
564 |
565 | let App = Application.create();
566 | let User = EmberObject.extend();
567 | App.register('model:user', User);
568 |
569 | App.resolveRegistration('model:user').create() instanceof User //=> true
570 |
571 | App.unregister('model:user')
572 | App.resolveRegistration('model:user') === undefined //=> true
573 | ```
574 |
575 | @public
576 | @method unregister
577 | @param {String} fullName
578 | */
579 | unregister(fullName: FullName): void;
580 | /**
581 | Check if a factory is registered.
582 |
583 | @public
584 | @method hasRegistration
585 | @param {String} fullName
586 | @return {Boolean}
587 | */
588 | hasRegistration(fullName: FullName): boolean;
589 | /**
590 | Return a specific registered option for a particular factory.
591 |
592 | @public
593 | @method registeredOption
594 | @param {String} fullName
595 | @param {String} optionName
596 | @return {Object} options
597 | */
598 | registeredOption<K extends keyof RegisterOptions>(
599 | fullName: FullName,
600 | optionName: K
601 | ): RegisterOptions[K] | undefined;
602 | /**
603 | Register options for a particular factory.
604 |
605 | @public
606 | @method registerOptions
607 | @param {String} fullName
608 | @param {Object} options
609 | */
610 | registerOptions(fullName: FullName, options: RegisterOptions): void;
611 | /**
612 | Return registered options for a particular factory.
613 |
614 | @public
615 | @method registeredOptions
616 | @param {String} fullName
617 | @return {Object} options
618 | */
619 | registeredOptions(fullName: FullName): RegisterOptions | undefined;
620 | /**
621 | Allow registering options for all factories of a type.
622 |
623 | ```javascript
624 | import Application from '@ember/application';
625 |
626 | let App = Application.create();
627 | let appInstance = App.buildInstance();
628 |
629 | // if all of type `connection` must not be singletons
630 | appInstance.registerOptionsForType('connection', { singleton: false });
631 |
632 | appInstance.register('connection:twitter', TwitterConnection);
633 | appInstance.register('connection:facebook', FacebookConnection);
634 |
635 | let twitter = appInstance.lookup('connection:twitter');
636 | let twitter2 = appInstance.lookup('connection:twitter');
637 |
638 | twitter === twitter2; // => false
639 |
640 | let facebook = appInstance.lookup('connection:facebook');
641 | let facebook2 = appInstance.lookup('connection:facebook');
642 |
643 | facebook === facebook2; // => false
644 | ```
645 |
646 | @public
647 | @method registerOptionsForType
648 | @param {String} type
649 | @param {Object} options
650 | */
651 | registerOptionsForType(type: string, options: RegisterOptions): void;
652 | /**
653 | Return the registered options for all factories of a type.
654 |
655 | @public
656 | @method registeredOptionsForType
657 | @param {String} type
658 | @return {Object} options
659 | */
660 | registeredOptionsForType(type: string): RegisterOptions | undefined;
661 | }
662 | /**
663 | * @internal This is the same basic interface which is implemented (via the
664 | * mixins) by `EngineInstance` and therefore `ApplicationInstance`, which are
665 | * the normal interfaces to an `Owner` for end user applications now. However,
666 | * going forward, we expect to progressively deprecate and remove the "extra"
667 | * APIs which are not exposed on `Owner` itself.
668 | */
669 | export interface InternalOwner extends RegistryProxy, ContainerProxy {}
670 | export {};
671 | }