1 | declare module '@ember/application' {
2 | /**
3 | @module @ember/application
4 | */
5 | import { setOwner as actualSetOwner } from '@ember/owner';
6 | import { _loaded, onLoad, runLoadHooks } from '@ember/application/lib/lazy_load';
7 | import { RSVP } from '@ember/-internals/runtime';
8 | import { EventDispatcher } from '@ember/-internals/views';
9 | import Router from '@ember/routing/router';
10 | import ApplicationInstance from '@ember/application/instance';
11 | import Engine from '@ember/engine';
12 | import type { BootOptions } from '@ember/engine/instance';
13 | import type { Container, Registry } from '@ember/-internals/container';
14 | import type { EngineInstanceOptions } from '@ember/engine/instance';
15 | import type { SimpleDocument, SimpleElement } from '@simple-dom/interface';
16 | /**
17 | * @deprecated Use `import { getOwner } from '@ember/owner';` instead.
18 | */
19 | export const getOwner: (object: object) => import('@ember/owner').default | undefined;
20 | /**
21 | * @deprecated Use `import { setOwner } from '@ember/owner';` instead.
22 | */
23 | export const setOwner: typeof actualSetOwner;
24 | /**
25 | An instance of `Application` is the starting point for every Ember
26 | application. It instantiates, initializes and coordinates the
27 | objects that make up your app.
28 |
29 | Each Ember app has one and only one `Application` object. Although
30 | Ember CLI creates this object implicitly, the `Application` class
31 | is defined in the `app/app.js`. You can define a `ready` method on the
32 | `Application` class, which will be run by Ember when the application is
33 | initialized.
34 |
35 | ```app/app.js
36 | export default class App extends Application {
37 | ready() {
38 | // your code here
39 | }
40 | }
41 | ```
42 |
43 | Because `Application` ultimately inherits from `Ember.Namespace`, any classes
44 | you create will have useful string representations when calling `toString()`.
45 | See the `Ember.Namespace` documentation for more information.
46 |
47 | While you can think of your `Application` as a container that holds the
48 | other classes in your application, there are several other responsibilities
49 | going on under-the-hood that you may want to understand. It is also important
50 | to understand that an `Application` is different from an `ApplicationInstance`.
51 | Refer to the Guides to understand the difference between these.
52 |
53 | ### Event Delegation
54 |
55 | Ember uses a technique called _event delegation_. This allows the framework
56 | to set up a global, shared event listener instead of requiring each view to
57 | do it manually. For example, instead of each view registering its own
58 | `mousedown` listener on its associated element, Ember sets up a `mousedown`
59 | listener on the `body`.
60 |
61 | If a `mousedown` event occurs, Ember will look at the target of the event and
62 | start walking up the DOM node tree, finding corresponding views and invoking
63 | their `mouseDown` method as it goes.
64 |
65 | `Application` has a number of default events that it listens for, as
66 | well as a mapping from lowercase events to camel-cased view method names. For
67 | example, the `keypress` event causes the `keyPress` method on the view to be
68 | called, the `dblclick` event causes `doubleClick` to be called, and so on.
69 |
70 | If there is a bubbling browser event that Ember does not listen for by
71 | default, you can specify custom events and their corresponding view method
72 | names by setting the application's `customEvents` property:
73 |
74 | ```app/app.js
75 | import Application from '@ember/application';
76 |
77 | export default class App extends Application {
78 | customEvents = {
79 | // add support for the paste event
80 | paste: 'paste'
81 | }
82 | }
83 | ```
84 |
85 | To prevent Ember from setting up a listener for a default event,
86 | specify the event name with a `null` value in the `customEvents`
87 | property:
88 |
89 | ```app/app.js
90 | import Application from '@ember/application';
91 |
92 | export default class App extends Application {
93 | customEvents = {
94 | // prevent listeners for mouseenter/mouseleave events
95 | mouseenter: null,
96 | mouseleave: null
97 | }
98 | }
99 | ```
100 |
101 | By default, the application sets up these event listeners on the document
102 | body. However, in cases where you are embedding an Ember application inside
103 | an existing page, you may want it to set up the listeners on an element
104 | inside the body.
105 |
106 | For example, if only events inside a DOM element with the ID of `ember-app`
107 | should be delegated, set your application's `rootElement` property:
108 |
109 | ```app/app.js
110 | import Application from '@ember/application';
111 |
112 | export default class App extends Application {
113 | rootElement = '#ember-app'
114 | }
115 | ```
116 |
117 | The `rootElement` can be either a DOM element or a CSS selector
118 | string. Note that *views appended to the DOM outside the root element will
119 | not receive events.* If you specify a custom root element, make sure you only
120 | append views inside it!
121 |
122 | To learn more about the events Ember components use, see
123 |
124 | [components/handling-events](https://guides.emberjs.com/release/components/handling-events/#toc_event-names).
125 |
126 | ### Initializers
127 |
128 | To add behavior to the Application's boot process, you can define initializers in
129 | the `app/initializers` directory, or with `ember generate initializer` using Ember CLI.
130 | These files should export a named `initialize` function which will receive the created `application`
131 | object as its first argument.
132 |
133 | ```javascript
134 | export function initialize(application) {
135 | // application.inject('route', 'foo', 'service:foo');
136 | }
137 | ```
138 |
139 | Application initializers can be used for a variety of reasons including:
140 |
141 | - setting up external libraries
142 | - injecting dependencies
143 | - setting up event listeners in embedded apps
144 | - deferring the boot process using the `deferReadiness` and `advanceReadiness` APIs.
145 |
146 | ### Routing
147 |
148 | In addition to creating your application's router, `Application` is
149 | also responsible for telling the router when to start routing. Transitions
150 | between routes can be logged with the `LOG_TRANSITIONS` flag, and more
151 | detailed intra-transition logging can be logged with
153 |
154 | ```javascript
155 | import Application from '@ember/application';
156 |
157 | let App = Application.create({
158 | LOG_TRANSITIONS: true, // basic logging of successful transitions
159 | LOG_TRANSITIONS_INTERNAL: true // detailed logging of all routing steps
160 | });
161 | ```
162 |
163 | By default, the router will begin trying to translate the current URL into
164 | application state once the browser emits the `DOMContentReady` event. If you
165 | need to defer routing, you can call the application's `deferReadiness()`
166 | method. Once routing can begin, call the `advanceReadiness()` method.
167 |
168 | If there is any setup required before routing begins, you can implement a
169 | `ready()` method on your app that will be invoked immediately before routing
170 | begins.
171 |
172 | @class Application
173 | @extends Engine
174 | @public
175 | */
176 | class Application extends Engine {
177 | /**
178 | This creates a registry with the default Ember naming conventions.
179 |
180 | It also configures the registry:
181 |
182 | * registered views are created every time they are looked up (they are
183 | not singletons)
184 | * registered templates are not factories; the registered value is
185 | returned directly.
186 | * the router receives the application as its `namespace` property
187 | * all controllers receive the router as their `target` and `controllers`
188 | properties
189 | * all controllers receive the application as their `namespace` property
190 | * the application view receives the application controller as its
191 | `controller` property
192 | * the application view receives the application template as its
193 | `defaultTemplate` property
194 |
195 | @method buildRegistry
196 | @static
197 | @param {Application} namespace the application for which to
198 | build the registry
199 | @return {Ember.Registry} the built registry
200 | @private
201 | */
202 | static buildRegistry(namespace: Application): Registry;
203 | static initializer: (
204 | this: typeof Engine,
205 | initializer: import('@ember/engine').Initializer<Application>
206 | ) => void;
207 | static instanceInitializer: (
208 | this: typeof Engine,
209 | initializer: import('@ember/engine').Initializer<ApplicationInstance>
210 | ) => void;
211 | /**
212 | The root DOM element of the Application. This can be specified as an
213 | element or a [selector string](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/Selectors#reference_table_of_selectors).
214 |
215 | This is the element that will be passed to the Application's,
216 | `eventDispatcher`, which sets up the listeners for event delegation. Every
217 | view in your application should be a child of the element you specify here.
218 |
219 | @property rootElement
220 | @type DOMElement
221 | @default 'body'
222 | @public
223 | */
224 | rootElement: SimpleElement | Element | string;
225 | /**
226 |
227 | @property _document
228 | @type Document | null
229 | @default 'window.document'
230 | @private
231 | */
232 | _document: SimpleDocument | Document | null;
233 | /**
234 | The `Ember.EventDispatcher` responsible for delegating events to this
235 | application's views.
236 |
237 | The event dispatcher is created by the application at initialization time
238 | and sets up event listeners on the DOM element described by the
239 | application's `rootElement` property.
240 |
241 | See the documentation for `Ember.EventDispatcher` for more information.
242 |
243 | @property eventDispatcher
244 | @type Ember.EventDispatcher
245 | @default null
246 | @public
247 | */
248 | eventDispatcher: EventDispatcher | null;
249 | /**
250 | The DOM events for which the event dispatcher should listen.
251 |
252 | By default, the application's `Ember.EventDispatcher` listens
253 | for a set of standard DOM events, such as `mousedown` and
254 | `keyup`, and delegates them to your application's `Ember.View`
255 | instances.
256 |
257 | If you would like additional bubbling events to be delegated to your
258 | views, set your `Application`'s `customEvents` property
259 | to a hash containing the DOM event name as the key and the
260 | corresponding view method name as the value. Setting an event to
261 | a value of `null` will prevent a default event listener from being
262 | added for that event.
263 |
264 | To add new events to be listened to:
265 |
266 | ```app/app.js
267 | import Application from '@ember/application';
268 |
269 | let App = Application.extend({
270 | customEvents: {
271 | // add support for the paste event
272 | paste: 'paste'
273 | }
274 | });
275 | ```
276 |
277 | To prevent default events from being listened to:
278 |
279 | ```app/app.js
280 | import Application from '@ember/application';
281 |
282 | let App = Application.extend({
283 | customEvents: {
284 | // remove support for mouseenter / mouseleave events
285 | mouseenter: null,
286 | mouseleave: null
287 | }
288 | });
289 | ```
290 | @property customEvents
291 | @type Object
292 | @default null
293 | @public
294 | */
295 | customEvents: Record<string, string | null> | null;
296 | /**
297 | Whether the application should automatically start routing and render
298 | templates to the `rootElement` on DOM ready. While default by true,
299 | other environments such as FastBoot or a testing harness can set this
300 | property to `false` and control the precise timing and behavior of the boot
301 | process.
302 |
303 | @property autoboot
304 | @type Boolean
305 | @default true
306 | @private
307 | */
308 | autoboot: boolean;
309 | /**
310 | Whether the application should be configured for the legacy "globals mode".
311 | Under this mode, the Application object serves as a global namespace for all
312 | classes.
313 |
314 | ```javascript
315 | import Application from '@ember/application';
316 | import Component from '@ember/component';
317 |
318 | let App = Application.create({
319 | ...
320 | });
321 |
322 | App.Router.reopen({
323 | location: 'none'
324 | });
325 |
326 | App.Router.map({
327 | ...
328 | });
329 |
330 | App.MyComponent = Component.extend({
331 | ...
332 | });
333 | ```
334 |
335 | This flag also exposes other internal APIs that assumes the existence of
336 | a special "default instance", like `App.__container__.lookup(...)`.
337 |
338 | This option is currently not configurable, its value is derived from
339 | the `autoboot` flag – disabling `autoboot` also implies opting-out of
340 | globals mode support, although they are ultimately orthogonal concerns.
341 |
342 | Some of the global modes features are already deprecated in 1.x. The
343 | existence of this flag is to untangle the globals mode code paths from
344 | the autoboot code paths, so that these legacy features can be reviewed
345 | for deprecation/removal separately.
346 |
347 | Forcing the (autoboot=true, _globalsMode=false) here and running the tests
348 | would reveal all the places where we are still relying on these legacy
349 | behavior internally (mostly just tests).
350 |
351 | @property _globalsMode
352 | @type Boolean
353 | @default true
354 | @private
355 | */
356 | _globalsMode: boolean;
357 | /**
358 | An array of application instances created by `buildInstance()`. Used
359 | internally to ensure that all instances get destroyed.
360 |
361 | @property _applicationInstances
362 | @type Array
363 | @private
364 | */
365 | _applicationInstances: Set<ApplicationInstance>;
366 | _readinessDeferrals: number;
367 | _booted: boolean;
368 | init(properties: object | undefined): void;
369 | /**
370 | Create an ApplicationInstance for this application.
371 |
372 | @public
373 | @method buildInstance
374 | @return {ApplicationInstance} the application instance
375 | */
376 | buildInstance(options?: EngineInstanceOptions): ApplicationInstance;
377 | /**
378 | Start tracking an ApplicationInstance for this application.
379 | Used when the ApplicationInstance is created.
380 |
381 | @private
382 | @method _watchInstance
383 | */
384 | _watchInstance(instance: ApplicationInstance): void;
385 | /**
386 | Stop tracking an ApplicationInstance for this application.
387 | Used when the ApplicationInstance is about to be destroyed.
388 |
389 | @private
390 | @method _unwatchInstance
391 | */
392 | _unwatchInstance(instance: ApplicationInstance): boolean;
393 | Router?: typeof Router;
394 | /**
395 | Enable the legacy globals mode by allowing this application to act
396 | as a global namespace. See the docs on the `_globalsMode` property
397 | for details.
398 |
399 | Most of these features are already deprecated in 1.x, so we can
400 | stop using them internally and try to remove them.
401 |
402 | @private
403 | @method _prepareForGlobalsMode
404 | */
405 | _prepareForGlobalsMode(): void;
406 | __deprecatedInstance__?: ApplicationInstance;
407 | __container__?: Container;
408 | _buildDeprecatedInstance(): void;
409 | /**
410 | Automatically kick-off the boot process for the application once the
411 | DOM has become ready.
412 |
413 | The initialization itself is scheduled on the actions queue which
414 | ensures that code-loading finishes before booting.
415 |
416 | If you are asynchronously loading code, you should call `deferReadiness()`
417 | to defer booting, and then call `advanceReadiness()` once all of your code
418 | has finished loading.
419 |
420 | @private
421 | @method waitForDOMReady
422 | */
423 | waitForDOMReady(): void;
424 | /**
425 | This is the autoboot flow:
426 |
427 | 1. Boot the app by calling `this.boot()`
428 | 2. Create an instance (or use the `__deprecatedInstance__` in globals mode)
429 | 3. Boot the instance by calling `instance.boot()`
430 | 4. Invoke the `App.ready()` callback
431 | 5. Kick-off routing on the instance
432 |
433 | Ideally, this is all we would need to do:
434 |
435 | ```javascript
436 | _autoBoot() {
437 | this.boot().then(() => {
438 | let instance = (this._globalsMode) ? this.__deprecatedInstance__ : this.buildInstance();
439 | return instance.boot();
440 | }).then((instance) => {
441 | App.ready();
442 | instance.startRouting();
443 | });
444 | }
445 | ```
446 |
447 | Unfortunately, we cannot actually write this because we need to participate
448 | in the "synchronous" boot process. While the code above would work fine on
449 | the initial boot (i.e. DOM ready), when `App.reset()` is called, we need to
450 | boot a new instance synchronously (see the documentation on `_bootSync()`
451 | for details).
452 |
453 | Because of this restriction, the actual logic of this method is located
454 | inside `didBecomeReady()`.
455 |
456 | @private
457 | @method domReady
458 | */
459 | domReady(): void;
460 | /**
461 | Use this to defer readiness until some condition is true.
462 |
463 | Example:
464 |
465 | ```javascript
466 | import Application from '@ember/application';
467 |
468 | let App = Application.create();
469 |
470 | App.deferReadiness();
471 |
472 | fetch('/auth-token')
473 | .then(response => response.json())
474 | .then(data => {
475 | App.token = data.token;
476 | App.advanceReadiness();
477 | });
478 | ```
479 |
480 | This allows you to perform asynchronous setup logic and defer
481 | booting your application until the setup has finished.
482 |
483 | However, if the setup requires a loading UI, it might be better
484 | to use the router for this purpose.
485 |
486 | @method deferReadiness
487 | @public
488 | */
489 | deferReadiness(): void;
490 | /**
491 | Call `advanceReadiness` after any asynchronous setup logic has completed.
492 | Each call to `deferReadiness` must be matched by a call to `advanceReadiness`
493 | or the application will never become ready and routing will not begin.
494 |
495 | @method advanceReadiness
496 | @see {Application#deferReadiness}
497 | @public
498 | */
499 | advanceReadiness(): void;
500 | _bootPromise: Promise<this> | null;
501 | /**
502 | Initialize the application and return a promise that resolves with the `Application`
503 | object when the boot process is complete.
504 |
505 | Run any application initializers and run the application load hook. These hooks may
506 | choose to defer readiness. For example, an authentication hook might want to defer
507 | readiness until the auth token has been retrieved.
508 |
509 | By default, this method is called automatically on "DOM ready"; however, if autoboot
510 | is disabled, this is automatically called when the first application instance is
511 | created via `visit`.
512 |
513 | @public
514 | @method boot
515 | @return {Promise<Application,Error>}
516 | */
517 | boot(): Promise<this>;
518 | _bootResolver: ReturnType<(typeof RSVP)['defer']> | null;
519 | /**
520 | Unfortunately, a lot of existing code assumes the booting process is
521 | "synchronous". Specifically, a lot of tests assumes the last call to
522 | `app.advanceReadiness()` or `app.reset()` will result in the app being
523 | fully-booted when the current runloop completes.
524 |
525 | We would like new code (like the `visit` API) to stop making this assumption,
526 | so we created the asynchronous version above that returns a promise. But until
527 | we have migrated all the code, we would have to expose this method for use
528 | *internally* in places where we need to boot an app "synchronously".
529 |
530 | @private
531 | */
532 | _bootSync(): void;
533 | /**
534 | Reset the application. This is typically used only in tests. It cleans up
535 | the application in the following order:
536 |
537 | 1. Deactivate existing routes
538 | 2. Destroy all objects in the container
539 | 3. Create a new application container
540 | 4. Re-route to the existing url
541 |
542 | Typical Example:
543 |
544 | ```javascript
545 | import Application from '@ember/application';
546 | let App;
547 |
548 | run(function() {
549 | App = Application.create();
550 | });
551 |
552 | module('acceptance test', {
553 | setup: function() {
554 | App.reset();
555 | }
556 | });
557 |
558 | test('first test', function() {
559 | // App is freshly reset
560 | });
561 |
562 | test('second test', function() {
563 | // App is again freshly reset
564 | });
565 | ```
566 |
567 | Advanced Example:
568 |
569 | Occasionally you may want to prevent the app from initializing during
570 | setup. This could enable extra configuration, or enable asserting prior
571 | to the app becoming ready.
572 |
573 | ```javascript
574 | import Application from '@ember/application';
575 | let App;
576 |
577 | run(function() {
578 | App = Application.create();
579 | });
580 |
581 | module('acceptance test', {
582 | setup: function() {
583 | run(function() {
584 | App.reset();
585 | App.deferReadiness();
586 | });
587 | }
588 | });
589 |
590 | test('first test', function() {
591 | ok(true, 'something before app is initialized');
592 |
593 | run(function() {
594 | App.advanceReadiness();
595 | });
596 |
597 | ok(true, 'something after app is initialized');
598 | });
599 | ```
600 |
601 | @method reset
602 | @public
603 | */
604 | reset(): void;
605 | /**
606 | @private
607 | @method didBecomeReady
608 | */
609 | didBecomeReady(): void;
610 | /**
611 | Called when the Application has become ready, immediately before routing
612 | begins. The call will be delayed until the DOM has become ready.
613 |
614 | @event ready
615 | @public
616 | */
617 | ready(): this;
618 | willDestroy(): void;
619 | /**
620 | Boot a new instance of `ApplicationInstance` for the current
621 | application and navigate it to the given `url`. Returns a `Promise` that
622 | resolves with the instance when the initial routing and rendering is
623 | complete, or rejects with any error that occurred during the boot process.
624 |
625 | When `autoboot` is disabled, calling `visit` would first cause the
626 | application to boot, which runs the application initializers.
627 |
628 | This method also takes a hash of boot-time configuration options for
629 | customizing the instance's behavior. See the documentation on
630 | `ApplicationInstance.BootOptions` for details.
631 |
632 | `ApplicationInstance.BootOptions` is an interface class that exists
633 | purely to document the available options; you do not need to construct it
634 | manually. Simply pass a regular JavaScript object containing of the
635 | desired options:
636 |
637 | ```javascript
638 | MyApp.visit("/", { location: "none", rootElement: "#container" });
639 | ```
640 |
641 | ### Supported Scenarios
642 |
643 | While the `BootOptions` class exposes a large number of knobs, not all
644 | combinations of them are valid; certain incompatible combinations might
645 | result in unexpected behavior.
646 |
647 | For example, booting the instance in the full browser environment
648 | while specifying a foreign `document` object (e.g. `{ isBrowser: true,
649 | document: iframe.contentDocument }`) does not work correctly today,
650 | largely due to Ember's jQuery dependency.
651 |
652 | Currently, there are three officially supported scenarios/configurations.
653 | Usages outside of these scenarios are not guaranteed to work, but please
654 | feel free to file bug reports documenting your experience and any issues
655 | you encountered to help expand support.
656 |
657 | #### Browser Applications (Manual Boot)
658 |
659 | The setup is largely similar to how Ember works out-of-the-box. Normally,
660 | Ember will boot a default instance for your Application on "DOM ready".
661 | However, you can customize this behavior by disabling `autoboot`.
662 |
663 | For example, this allows you to render a miniture demo of your application
664 | into a specific area on your marketing website:
665 |
666 | ```javascript
667 | import MyApp from 'my-app';
668 |
669 | $(function() {
670 | let App = MyApp.create({ autoboot: false });
671 |
672 | let options = {
673 | // Override the router's location adapter to prevent it from updating
674 | // the URL in the address bar
675 | location: 'none',
676 |
677 | // Override the default `rootElement` on the app to render into a
678 | // specific `div` on the page
679 | rootElement: '#demo'
680 | };
681 |
682 | // Start the app at the special demo URL
683 | App.visit('/demo', options);
684 | });
685 | ```
686 |
687 | Or perhaps you might want to boot two instances of your app on the same
688 | page for a split-screen multiplayer experience:
689 |
690 | ```javascript
691 | import MyApp from 'my-app';
692 |
693 | $(function() {
694 | let App = MyApp.create({ autoboot: false });
695 |
696 | let sessionId = MyApp.generateSessionID();
697 |
698 | let player1 = App.visit(`/matches/join?name=Player+1&session=${sessionId}`, { rootElement: '#left', location: 'none' });
699 | let player2 = App.visit(`/matches/join?name=Player+2&session=${sessionId}`, { rootElement: '#right', location: 'none' });
700 |
701 | Promise.all([player1, player2]).then(() => {
702 | // Both apps have completed the initial render
703 | $('#loading').fadeOut();
704 | });
705 | });
706 | ```
707 |
708 | Do note that each app instance maintains their own registry/container, so
709 | they will run in complete isolation by default.
710 |
711 | #### Server-Side Rendering (also known as FastBoot)
712 |
713 | This setup allows you to run your Ember app in a server environment using
714 | Node.js and render its content into static HTML for SEO purposes.
715 |
716 | ```javascript
717 | const HTMLSerializer = new SimpleDOM.HTMLSerializer(SimpleDOM.voidMap);
718 |
719 | function renderURL(url) {
720 | let dom = new SimpleDOM.Document();
721 | let rootElement = dom.body;
722 | let options = { isBrowser: false, document: dom, rootElement: rootElement };
723 |
724 | return MyApp.visit(options).then(instance => {
725 | try {
726 | return HTMLSerializer.serialize(rootElement.firstChild);
727 | } finally {
728 | instance.destroy();
729 | }
730 | });
731 | }
732 | ```
733 |
734 | In this scenario, because Ember does not have access to a global `document`
735 | object in the Node.js environment, you must provide one explicitly. In practice,
736 | in the non-browser environment, the stand-in `document` object only needs to
737 | implement a limited subset of the full DOM API. The `SimpleDOM` library is known
738 | to work.
739 |
740 | Since there is no DOM access in the non-browser environment, you must also
741 | specify a DOM `Element` object in the same `document` for the `rootElement` option
742 | (as opposed to a selector string like `"body"`).
743 |
744 | See the documentation on the `isBrowser`, `document` and `rootElement` properties
745 | on `ApplicationInstance.BootOptions` for details.
746 |
747 | #### Server-Side Resource Discovery
748 |
749 | This setup allows you to run the routing layer of your Ember app in a server
750 | environment using Node.js and completely disable rendering. This allows you
751 | to simulate and discover the resources (i.e. AJAX requests) needed to fulfill
752 | a given request and eagerly "push" these resources to the client.
753 |
754 | ```app/initializers/network-service.js
755 | import BrowserNetworkService from 'app/services/network/browser';
756 | import NodeNetworkService from 'app/services/network/node';
757 |
758 | // Inject a (hypothetical) service for abstracting all AJAX calls and use
759 | // the appropriate implementation on the client/server. This also allows the
760 | // server to log all the AJAX calls made during a particular request and use
761 | // that for resource-discovery purpose.
762 |
763 | export function initialize(application) {
764 | if (window) { // browser
765 | application.register('service:network', BrowserNetworkService);
766 | } else { // node
767 | application.register('service:network', NodeNetworkService);
768 | }
769 | };
770 |
771 | export default {
772 | name: 'network-service',
773 | initialize: initialize
774 | };
775 | ```
776 |
777 | ```app/routes/post.js
778 | import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
779 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
780 |
781 | // An example of how the (hypothetical) service is used in routes.
782 |
783 | export default class IndexRoute extends Route {
784 | @service network;
785 |
786 | model(params) {
787 | return this.network.fetch(`/api/posts/${params.post_id}.json`);
788 | }
789 |
790 | afterModel(post) {
791 | if (post.isExternalContent) {
792 | return this.network.fetch(`/api/external/?url=${post.externalURL}`);
793 | } else {
794 | return post;
795 | }
796 | }
797 | }
798 | ```
799 |
800 | ```javascript
801 | // Finally, put all the pieces together
802 |
803 | function discoverResourcesFor(url) {
804 | return MyApp.visit(url, { isBrowser: false, shouldRender: false }).then(instance => {
805 | let networkService = instance.lookup('service:network');
806 | return networkService.requests; // => { "/api/posts/123.json": "..." }
807 | });
808 | }
809 | ```
810 |
811 | @public
812 | @method visit
813 | @param url {String} The initial URL to navigate to
814 | @param options {ApplicationInstance.BootOptions}
815 | @return {Promise<ApplicationInstance, Error>}
816 | */
817 | visit(url: string, options: BootOptions): Promise<unknown>;
818 | }
819 | export { Application as default, _loaded, onLoad, runLoadHooks };
820 | }