1 | declare module '@ember/application/instance' {
2 | /**
3 | @module @ember/application
4 | */
5 | import EngineInstance from '@ember/engine/instance';
6 | import type { BootOptions } from '@ember/engine/instance';
7 | import type Application from '@ember/application';
8 | import type { BootEnvironment } from '@ember/-internals/glimmer';
9 | import Router from '@ember/routing/router';
10 | import type { ViewMixin } from '@ember/-internals/views';
11 | import { EventDispatcher } from '@ember/-internals/views';
12 | import type { Registry } from '@ember/-internals/container';
13 | import type { SimpleElement } from '@simple-dom/interface';
14 | /**
15 | The `ApplicationInstance` encapsulates all of the stateful aspects of a
16 | running `Application`.
17 |
18 | At a high-level, we break application boot into two distinct phases:
19 |
20 | * Definition time, where all of the classes, templates, and other
21 | dependencies are loaded (typically in the browser).
22 | * Run time, where we begin executing the application once everything
23 | has loaded.
24 |
25 | Definition time can be expensive and only needs to happen once since it is
26 | an idempotent operation. For example, between test runs and FastBoot
27 | requests, the application stays the same. It is only the state that we want
28 | to reset.
29 |
30 | That state is what the `ApplicationInstance` manages: it is responsible for
31 | creating the container that contains all application state, and disposing of
32 | it once the particular test run or FastBoot request has finished.
33 |
34 | @public
35 | @class ApplicationInstance
36 | @extends EngineInstance
37 | */
38 | class ApplicationInstance extends EngineInstance {
39 | /**
40 | The `Application` for which this is an instance.
41 |
42 | @property {Application} application
43 | @private
44 | */
45 | application: Application;
46 | /**
47 | The root DOM element of the Application as an element or a
48 | CSS selector.
49 |
50 | @private
51 | @property {String|DOMElement} rootElement
52 | */
53 | rootElement: string | Element | SimpleElement | null;
54 | customEvents: Record<string, string | null> | null;
55 | init(properties: object | undefined): void;
56 | /**
57 | Overrides the base `EngineInstance._bootSync` method with concerns relevant
58 | to booting application (instead of engine) instances.
59 |
60 | This method should only contain synchronous boot concerns. Asynchronous
61 | boot concerns should eventually be moved to the `boot` method, which
62 | returns a promise.
63 |
64 | Until all boot code has been made asynchronous, we need to continue to
65 | expose this method for use *internally* in places where we need to boot an
66 | instance synchronously.
67 |
68 | @private
69 | */
70 | _bootSync(options?: BootOptions): this;
71 | setupRegistry(options: BootOptions): void;
72 | _router?: Router;
73 | get router(): Router;
74 | /**
75 | This hook is called by the root-most Route (a.k.a. the ApplicationRoute)
76 | when it has finished creating the root View. By default, we simply take the
77 | view and append it to the `rootElement` specified on the Application.
78 |
79 | In cases like FastBoot and testing, we can override this hook and implement
80 | custom behavior, such as serializing to a string and sending over an HTTP
81 | socket rather than appending to DOM.
82 |
83 | @param view {Ember.View} the root-most view
84 | @deprecated
85 | @private
86 | */
87 | didCreateRootView(view: ViewMixin): void;
88 | /**
89 | Tells the router to start routing. The router will ask the location for the
90 | current URL of the page to determine the initial URL to start routing to.
91 | To start the app at a specific URL, call `handleURL` instead.
92 |
93 | @private
94 | */
95 | startRouting(): void;
96 | /**
97 | Sets up the router, initializing the child router and configuring the
98 | location before routing begins.
99 |
100 | Because setup should only occur once, multiple calls to `setupRouter`
101 | beyond the first call have no effect.
102 |
103 | This is commonly used in order to confirm things that rely on the router
104 | are functioning properly from tests that are primarily rendering related.
105 |
106 | For example, from within [ember-qunit](https://github.com/emberjs/ember-qunit)'s
107 | `setupRenderingTest` calling `this.owner.setupRouter()` would allow that
108 | rendering test to confirm that any `<LinkTo></LinkTo>`'s that are rendered
109 | have the correct URL.
110 |
111 | @public
112 | */
113 | setupRouter(): void;
114 | /**
115 | Directs the router to route to a particular URL. This is useful in tests,
116 | for example, to tell the app to start at a particular URL.
117 |
118 | @param url {String} the URL the router should route to
119 | @private
120 | */
121 | handleURL(
122 | url: string
123 | ): import('router_js').InternalTransition<import('@ember/routing/route').default<unknown>>;
124 | /**
125 | @private
126 | */
127 | setupEventDispatcher(): EventDispatcher;
128 | /**
129 | Returns the current URL of the app instance. This is useful when your
130 | app does not update the browsers URL bar (i.e. it uses the `'none'`
131 | location adapter).
132 |
133 | @public
134 | @return {String} the current URL
135 | */
136 | getURL(): string;
137 | /**
138 | Navigate the instance to a particular URL. This is useful in tests, for
139 | example, or to tell the app to start at a particular URL. This method
140 | returns a promise that resolves with the app instance when the transition
141 | is complete, or rejects if the transition was aborted due to an error.
142 |
143 | @public
144 | @param url {String} the destination URL
145 | @return {Promise<ApplicationInstance>}
146 | */
147 | visit(url: string): import('rsvp').Promise<unknown>;
148 | willDestroy(): void;
149 | /**
150 | @private
151 | @method setupRegistry
152 | @param {Registry} registry
153 | @param {BootOptions} options
154 | */
155 | static setupRegistry(registry: Registry, options?: BootOptions | _BootOptions): void;
156 | }
157 | /**
158 | A list of boot-time configuration options for customizing the behavior of
159 | an `ApplicationInstance`.
160 |
161 | This is an interface class that exists purely to document the available
162 | options; you do not need to construct it manually. Simply pass a regular
163 | JavaScript object containing the desired options into methods that require
164 | one of these options object:
165 |
166 | ```javascript
167 | MyApp.visit("/", { location: "none", rootElement: "#container" });
168 | ```
169 |
170 | Not all combinations of the supported options are valid. See the documentation
171 | on `Application#visit` for the supported configurations.
172 |
173 | Internal, experimental or otherwise unstable flags are marked as private.
174 |
175 | @class BootOptions
176 | @namespace ApplicationInstance
177 | @public
178 | */
179 | class _BootOptions {
180 | /**
181 | Interactive mode: whether we need to set up event delegation and invoke
182 | lifecycle callbacks on Components.
183 |
184 | @property isInteractive
185 | @type boolean
186 | @default auto-detected
187 | @private
188 | */
189 | readonly isInteractive: boolean;
190 | /**
191 | @property _renderMode
192 | @type string
193 | @default undefined
194 | @private
195 | */
196 | readonly _renderMode?: string;
197 | /**
198 | Run in a full browser environment.
199 |
200 | When this flag is set to `false`, it will disable most browser-specific
201 | and interactive features. Specifically:
202 |
203 | * It does not use `jQuery` to append the root view; the `rootElement`
204 | (either specified as a subsequent option or on the application itself)
205 | must already be an `Element` in the given `document` (as opposed to a
206 | string selector).
207 |
208 | * It does not set up an `EventDispatcher`.
209 |
210 | * It does not run any `Component` lifecycle hooks (such as `didInsertElement`).
211 |
212 | * It sets the `location` option to `"none"`. (If you would like to use
213 | the location adapter specified in the app's router instead, you can also
214 | specify `{ location: null }` to specifically opt-out.)
215 |
216 | @property isBrowser
217 | @type boolean
218 | @default auto-detected
219 | @public
220 | */
221 | readonly isBrowser: boolean;
222 | /**
223 | If present, overrides the router's `location` property with this
224 | value. This is useful for environments where trying to modify the
225 | URL would be inappropriate.
226 |
227 | @property location
228 | @type string
229 | @default null
230 | @public
231 | */
232 | readonly location: string | null;
233 | /**
234 | Disable rendering completely.
235 |
236 | When this flag is set to `false`, it will disable the entire rendering
237 | pipeline. Essentially, this puts the app into "routing-only" mode. No
238 | templates will be rendered, and no Components will be created.
239 |
240 | @property shouldRender
241 | @type boolean
242 | @default true
243 | @public
244 | */
245 | readonly shouldRender: boolean;
246 | /**
247 | If present, render into the given `Document` object instead of the
248 | global `window.document` object.
249 |
250 | In practice, this is only useful in non-browser environment or in
251 | non-interactive mode, because Ember's `jQuery` dependency is
252 | implicitly bound to the current document, causing event delegation
253 | to not work properly when the app is rendered into a foreign
254 | document object (such as an iframe's `contentDocument`).
255 |
256 | In non-browser mode, this could be a "`Document`-like" object as
257 | Ember only interact with a small subset of the DOM API in non-
258 | interactive mode. While the exact requirements have not yet been
259 | formalized, the `SimpleDOM` library's implementation is known to
260 | work.
261 |
262 | @property document
263 | @type Document
264 | @default the global `document` object
265 | @public
266 | */
267 | readonly document: Document | null;
268 | /**
269 | If present, overrides the application's `rootElement` property on
270 | the instance. This is useful for testing environment, where you
271 | might want to append the root view to a fixture area.
272 |
273 | In non-browser mode, because Ember does not have access to jQuery,
274 | this options must be specified as a DOM `Element` object instead of
275 | a selector string.
276 |
277 | See the documentation on `Application`'s `rootElement` for
278 | details.
279 |
280 | @property rootElement
281 | @type String|Element
282 | @default null
283 | @public
284 | */
285 | readonly rootElement?: string | SimpleElement;
286 | constructor(options?: BootOptions);
287 | toEnvironment(): BootEnvironment;
288 | }
289 | export default ApplicationInstance;
290 | }