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1declare module '@ember/array' {
2 import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin';
3 import Enumerable from '@ember/enumerable';
4 import MutableEnumerable from '@ember/enumerable/mutable';
5 import Observable from '@ember/object/observable';
6 import type { MethodNamesOf, MethodParams, MethodReturns } from '@ember/-internals/utility-types';
7 export { default as makeArray } from '@ember/array/make';
8 export type EmberArrayLike<T> = EmberArray<T> | NativeArray<T>;
9 export function uniqBy<T>(
10 array: T[] | EmberArray<T>,
11 keyOrFunc?: string | ((item: T) => unknown)
12 ): T[] | EmberArray<T>;
13 export function removeAt<T, A extends T[] | MutableArray<T>>(
14 array: A,
15 index: number,
16 len?: number
17 ): A;
18 /**
19 Returns true if the passed object is an array or Array-like.
21 Objects are considered Array-like if any of the following are true:
23 - the object is a native Array
24 - the object has an objectAt property
25 - the object is an Object, and has a length property
27 Unlike `typeOf` this method returns true even if the passed object is
28 not formally an array but appears to be array-like (i.e. implements `Array`)
30 ```javascript
31 import { isArray } from '@ember/array';
32 import ArrayProxy from '@ember/array/proxy';
34 isArray(); // false
35 isArray([]); // true
36 isArray(ArrayProxy.create({ content: [] })); // true
37 ```
39 @method isArray
40 @static
41 @for @ember/array
42 @param {Object} obj The object to test
43 @return {Boolean} true if the passed object is an array or Array-like
44 @public
45 */
46 export function isArray(obj: unknown): obj is ArrayLike<unknown> | EmberArray<unknown>;
47 /**
48 This mixin implements Observer-friendly Array-like behavior. It is not a
49 concrete implementation, but it can be used up by other classes that want
50 to appear like arrays.
52 For example, ArrayProxy is a concrete class that can be instantiated to
53 implement array-like behavior. This class uses the Array Mixin by way of
54 the MutableArray mixin, which allows observable changes to be made to the
55 underlying array.
57 This mixin defines methods specifically for collections that provide
58 index-ordered access to their contents. When you are designing code that
59 needs to accept any kind of Array-like object, you should use these methods
60 instead of Array primitives because these will properly notify observers of
61 changes to the array.
63 Although these methods are efficient, they do add a layer of indirection to
64 your application so it is a good idea to use them only when you need the
65 flexibility of using both true JavaScript arrays and "virtual" arrays such
66 as controllers and collections.
68 You can use the methods defined in this module to access and modify array
69 contents in an observable-friendly way. You can also be notified whenever
70 the membership of an array changes by using `.observes('myArray.[]')`.
72 To support `EmberArray` in your own class, you must override two
73 primitives to use it: `length()` and `objectAt()`.
75 @class EmberArray
76 @uses Enumerable
77 @since Ember 0.9.0
78 @public
79 */
80 interface EmberArray<T> extends Enumerable {
81 /**
82 __Required.__ You must implement this method to apply this mixin.
84 Your array must support the `length` property. Your replace methods should
85 set this property whenever it changes.
87 @property {Number} length
88 @public
89 */
90 length: number;
91 /**
92 Returns the object at the given `index`. If the given `index` is negative
93 or is greater or equal than the array length, returns `undefined`.
95 This is one of the primitives you must implement to support `EmberArray`.
96 If your object supports retrieving the value of an array item using `get()`
97 (i.e. `myArray.get(0)`), then you do not need to implement this method
98 yourself.
100 ```javascript
101 let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
103 arr.objectAt(0); // 'a'
104 arr.objectAt(3); // 'd'
105 arr.objectAt(-1); // undefined
106 arr.objectAt(4); // undefined
107 arr.objectAt(5); // undefined
108 ```
110 @method objectAt
111 @param {Number} idx The index of the item to return.
112 @return {*} item at index or undefined
113 @public
114 */
115 objectAt(idx: number): T | undefined;
116 /**
117 This returns the objects at the specified indexes, using `objectAt`.
119 ```javascript
120 let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
122 arr.objectsAt([0, 1, 2]); // ['a', 'b', 'c']
123 arr.objectsAt([2, 3, 4]); // ['c', 'd', undefined]
124 ```
126 @method objectsAt
127 @param {Array} indexes An array of indexes of items to return.
128 @return {Array}
129 @public
130 */
131 objectsAt(indexes: number[]): Array<T | undefined>;
132 /**
133 This is the handler for the special array content property. If you get
134 this property, it will return this. If you set this property to a new
135 array, it will replace the current content.
137 ```javascript
138 let peopleToMoon = ['Armstrong', 'Aldrin'];
140 peopleToMoon.get('[]'); // ['Armstrong', 'Aldrin']
142 peopleToMoon.set('[]', ['Collins']); // ['Collins']
143 peopleToMoon.get('[]'); // ['Collins']
144 ```
146 @property []
147 @return this
148 @public
149 */
150 get '[]'(): this;
151 set '[]'(newValue: T[] | EmberArray<T>);
152 /**
153 The first object in the array, or `undefined` if the array is empty.
155 ```javascript
156 let vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
157 vowels.firstObject; // 'a'
159 vowels.shiftObject();
160 vowels.firstObject; // 'e'
162 vowels.reverseObjects();
163 vowels.firstObject; // 'u'
165 vowels.clear();
166 vowels.firstObject; // undefined
167 ```
169 @property firstObject
170 @return {Object | undefined} The first object in the array
171 @public
172 */
173 firstObject: T | undefined;
174 /**
175 The last object in the array, or `undefined` if the array is empty.
177 @property lastObject
178 @return {Object | undefined} The last object in the array
179 @public
180 */
181 lastObject: T | undefined;
182 /**
183 Returns a new array that is a slice of the receiver. This implementation
184 uses the observable array methods to retrieve the objects for the new
185 slice.
187 ```javascript
188 let arr = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
190 arr.slice(0); // ['red', 'green', 'blue']
191 arr.slice(0, 2); // ['red', 'green']
192 arr.slice(1, 100); // ['green', 'blue']
193 ```
195 @method slice
196 @param {Number} beginIndex (Optional) index to begin slicing from.
197 @param {Number} endIndex (Optional) index to end the slice at (but not included).
198 @return {Array} New array with specified slice
199 @public
200 */
201 slice(beginIndex?: number, endIndex?: number): NativeArray<T>;
202 /**
203 Used to determine the passed object's first occurrence in the array.
204 Returns the index if found, -1 if no match is found.
206 The optional `startAt` argument can be used to pass a starting
207 index to search from, effectively slicing the searchable portion
208 of the array. If it's negative it will add the array length to
209 the startAt value passed in as the index to search from. If less
210 than or equal to `-1 * array.length` the entire array is searched.
212 ```javascript
213 let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a'];
215 arr.indexOf('a'); // 0
216 arr.indexOf('z'); // -1
217 arr.indexOf('a', 2); // 4
218 arr.indexOf('a', -1); // 4, equivalent to indexOf('a', 4)
219 arr.indexOf('a', -100); // 0, searches entire array
220 arr.indexOf('b', 3); // -1
221 arr.indexOf('a', 100); // -1
223 let people = [{ name: 'Zoey' }, { name: 'Bob' }]
224 let newPerson = { name: 'Tom' };
225 people = [newPerson, ...people, newPerson];
227 people.indexOf(newPerson); // 0
228 people.indexOf(newPerson, 1); // 3
229 people.indexOf(newPerson, -4); // 0
230 people.indexOf(newPerson, 10); // -1
231 ```
233 @method indexOf
234 @param {Object} object the item to search for
235 @param {Number} startAt optional starting location to search, default 0
236 @return {Number} index or -1 if not found
237 @public
238 */
239 indexOf(object: T, startAt?: number): number;
240 /**
241 Returns the index of the given `object`'s last occurrence.
243 - If no `startAt` argument is given, the search starts from
244 the last position.
245 - If it's greater than or equal to the length of the array,
246 the search starts from the last position.
247 - If it's negative, it is taken as the offset from the end
248 of the array i.e. `startAt + array.length`.
249 - If it's any other positive number, will search backwards
250 from that index of the array.
252 Returns -1 if no match is found.
254 ```javascript
255 let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a'];
257 arr.lastIndexOf('a'); // 4
258 arr.lastIndexOf('z'); // -1
259 arr.lastIndexOf('a', 2); // 0
260 arr.lastIndexOf('a', -1); // 4
261 arr.lastIndexOf('a', -3); // 0
262 arr.lastIndexOf('b', 3); // 1
263 arr.lastIndexOf('a', 100); // 4
264 ```
266 @method lastIndexOf
267 @param {Object} object the item to search for
268 @param {Number} startAt optional starting location to search from
269 backwards, defaults to `(array.length - 1)`
270 @return {Number} The last index of the `object` in the array or -1
271 if not found
272 @public
273 */
274 lastIndexOf(object: T, startAt?: number): number;
275 /**
276 Iterates through the array, calling the passed function on each
277 item. This method corresponds to the `forEach()` method defined in
278 JavaScript 1.6.
280 The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
281 parameters are optional):
283 ```javascript
284 function(item, index, array);
285 ```
287 - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
288 - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
289 - `array` is the array itself.
291 Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
292 object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
293 to give your iterator function access to the current object.
295 Example Usage:
297 ```javascript
298 let foods = [
299 { name: 'apple', eaten: false },
300 { name: 'banana', eaten: false },
301 { name: 'carrot', eaten: false }
302 ];
304 foods.forEach((food) => food.eaten = true);
306 let output = '';
307 foods.forEach((item, index, array) =>
308 output += `${index + 1}/${array.length} ${item.name}\n`;
309 );
310 console.log(output);
311 // 1/3 apple
312 // 2/3 banana
313 // 3/3 carrot
314 ```
316 @method forEach
317 @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
318 @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
319 @return {Object} receiver
320 @public
321 */
322 forEach<Target>(
323 callback: (this: Target, item: T, index: number, arr: this) => void,
324 target?: Target
325 ): this;
326 /**
327 Alias for `mapBy`.
329 Returns the value of the named
330 property on all items in the enumeration.
332 ```javascript
333 let people = [{name: 'Joe'}, {name: 'Matt'}];
335 people.getEach('name');
336 // ['Joe', 'Matt'];
338 people.getEach('nonexistentProperty');
339 // [undefined, undefined];
340 ```
342 @method getEach
343 @param {String} key name of the property
344 @return {Array} The mapped array.
345 @public
346 */
347 getEach<K extends keyof T>(key: K): NativeArray<T[K]>;
348 /**
349 Sets the value on the named property for each member. This is more
350 ergonomic than using other methods defined on this helper. If the object
351 implements Observable, the value will be changed to `set(),` otherwise
352 it will be set directly. `null` objects are skipped.
354 ```javascript
355 let people = [{name: 'Joe'}, {name: 'Matt'}];
357 people.setEach('zipCode', '10011');
358 // [{name: 'Joe', zipCode: '10011'}, {name: 'Matt', zipCode: '10011'}];
359 ```
361 @method setEach
362 @param {String} key The key to set
363 @param {Object} value The object to set
364 @return {Object} receiver
365 @public
366 */
367 setEach<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: T[K]): this;
368 /**
369 Maps all of the items in the enumeration to another value, returning
370 a new array. This method corresponds to `map()` defined in JavaScript 1.6.
372 The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
373 parameters are optional):
375 ```javascript
376 function(item, index, array);
377 let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
379 arr.map(element => element * element);
380 // [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36];
382 arr.map((element, index) => element + index);
383 // [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11];
384 ```
386 - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
387 - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
388 - `array` is the array itself.
390 It should return the mapped value.
392 Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
393 object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
394 to give your iterator function access to the current object.
396 @method map
397 @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
398 @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
399 @return {Array} The mapped array.
400 @public
401 */
402 map<U, Target>(
403 callback: (this: Target, item: T, index: number, arr: this) => U,
404 target?: Target
405 ): NativeArray<U>;
406 /**
407 Similar to map, this specialized function returns the value of the named
408 property on all items in the enumeration.
410 ```javascript
411 let people = [{name: 'Joe'}, {name: 'Matt'}];
413 people.mapBy('name');
414 // ['Joe', 'Matt'];
416 people.mapBy('unknownProperty');
417 // [undefined, undefined];
418 ```
420 @method mapBy
421 @param {String} key name of the property
422 @return {Array} The mapped array.
423 @public
424 */
425 mapBy<K extends keyof T>(key: K): NativeArray<T[K]>;
426 mapBy(key: string): NativeArray<unknown>;
427 /**
428 Returns a new array with all of the items in the enumeration that the provided
429 callback function returns true for. This method corresponds to [Array.prototype.filter()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter).
431 The callback method should have the following signature:
433 ```javascript
434 function(item, index, array);
435 ```
437 - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
438 - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
439 - `array` is the array itself.
441 All parameters are optional. The function should return `true` to include the item
442 in the results, and `false` otherwise.
444 Example:
446 ```javascript
447 function isAdult(person) {
448 return person.age > 18;
449 };
451 let people = Ember.A([{ name: 'John', age: 14 }, { name: 'Joan', age: 45 }]);
453 people.filter(isAdult); // returns [{ name: 'Joan', age: 45 }];
454 ```
456 Note that in addition to a callback, you can pass an optional target object
457 that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way to give your
458 iterator function access to the current object. For example:
460 ```javascript
461 function isAdultAndEngineer(person) {
462 return person.age > 18 && this.engineering;
463 }
465 class AdultsCollection {
466 engineering = false;
468 constructor(opts = {}) {
469 super(...arguments);
471 this.engineering = opts.engineering;
472 this.people = Ember.A([{ name: 'John', age: 14 }, { name: 'Joan', age: 45 }]);
473 }
474 }
476 let collection = new AdultsCollection({ engineering: true });
477 collection.people.filter(isAdultAndEngineer, { target: collection });
478 ```
480 @method filter
481 @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
482 @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
483 @return {Array} A filtered array.
484 @public
485 */
486 filter<Target>(
487 callback: (this: Target, item: T, index: number, arr: this) => unknown,
488 target?: Target
489 ): NativeArray<T>;
490 /**
491 Returns an array with all of the items in the enumeration where the passed
492 function returns false. This method is the inverse of filter().
494 The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
495 parameters are optional):
497 ```javascript
498 function(item, index, array);
499 ```
501 - *item* is the current item in the iteration.
502 - *index* is the current index in the iteration
503 - *array* is the array itself.
505 It should return a falsey value to include the item in the results.
507 Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
508 object that will be set as "this" on the context. This is a good way
509 to give your iterator function access to the current object.
511 Example Usage:
513 ```javascript
514 const food = [
515 { food: 'apple', isFruit: true },
516 { food: 'bread', isFruit: false },
517 { food: 'banana', isFruit: true }
518 ];
519 const nonFruits = food.reject(function(thing) {
520 return thing.isFruit;
521 }); // [{food: 'bread', isFruit: false}]
522 ```
524 @method reject
525 @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
526 @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
527 @return {Array} A rejected array.
528 @public
529 */
530 reject<Target>(
531 callback: (this: Target, item: T, index: number, arr: this) => unknown,
532 target?: Target
533 ): NativeArray<T>;
534 /**
535 Filters the array by the property and an optional value. If a value is given, it returns
536 the items that have said value for the property. If not, it returns all the items that
537 have a truthy value for the property.
539 Example Usage:
541 ```javascript
542 let things = Ember.A([{ food: 'apple', isFruit: true }, { food: 'beans', isFruit: false }]);
544 things.filterBy('food', 'beans'); // [{ food: 'beans', isFruit: false }]
545 things.filterBy('isFruit'); // [{ food: 'apple', isFruit: true }]
546 ```
548 @method filterBy
549 @param {String} key the property to test
550 @param {*} [value] optional value to test against.
551 @return {Array} filtered array
552 @public
553 */
554 filterBy(key: string, value?: unknown): NativeArray<T>;
555 /**
556 Returns an array with the items that do not have truthy values for the provided key.
557 You can pass an optional second argument with a target value to reject for the key.
558 Otherwise this will reject objects where the provided property evaluates to false.
560 Example Usage:
562 ```javascript
563 let food = [
564 { name: "apple", isFruit: true },
565 { name: "carrot", isFruit: false },
566 { name: "bread", isFruit: false },
567 ];
568 food.rejectBy('isFruit'); // [{ name: "carrot", isFruit: false }, { name: "bread", isFruit: false }]
569 food.rejectBy('name', 'carrot'); // [{ name: "apple", isFruit: true }}, { name: "bread", isFruit: false }]
570 ```
572 @method rejectBy
573 @param {String} key the property to test
574 @param {*} [value] optional value to test against.
575 @return {Array} rejected array
576 @public
577 */
578 rejectBy(key: string, value?: unknown): NativeArray<T>;
579 /**
580 Returns the first item in the array for which the callback returns true.
581 This method is similar to the `find()` method defined in ECMAScript 2015.
583 The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
584 parameters are optional):
586 ```javascript
587 function(item, index, array);
588 ```
590 - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
591 - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
592 - `array` is the array itself.
594 It should return the `true` to include the item in the results, `false`
595 otherwise.
597 Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
598 object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
599 to give your iterator function access to the current object.
601 Example Usage:
603 ```javascript
604 let users = [
605 { id: 1, name: 'Yehuda' },
606 { id: 2, name: 'Tom' },
607 { id: 3, name: 'Melanie' },
608 { id: 4, name: 'Leah' }
609 ];
611 users.find((user) => user.name == 'Tom'); // [{ id: 2, name: 'Tom' }]
612 users.find(({ id }) => id == 3); // [{ id: 3, name: 'Melanie' }]
613 ```
615 @method find
616 @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
617 @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
618 @return {Object} Found item or `undefined`.
619 @public
620 */
621 find<S extends T, Target = void>(
622 predicate: (this: void, value: T, index: number, obj: T[]) => value is S,
623 thisArg?: Target
624 ): S | undefined;
625 find<Target = void>(
626 callback: (this: Target, item: T, index: number, arr: this) => unknown,
627 target?: Target
628 ): T | undefined;
629 /**
630 Returns the first item with a property matching the passed value. You
631 can pass an optional second argument with the target value. Otherwise
632 this will match any property that evaluates to `true`.
634 This method works much like the more generic `find()` method.
636 Usage Example:
638 ```javascript
639 let users = [
640 { id: 1, name: 'Yehuda', isTom: false },
641 { id: 2, name: 'Tom', isTom: true },
642 { id: 3, name: 'Melanie', isTom: false },
643 { id: 4, name: 'Leah', isTom: false }
644 ];
646 users.findBy('id', 4); // { id: 4, name: 'Leah', isTom: false }
647 users.findBy('name', 'Melanie'); // { id: 3, name: 'Melanie', isTom: false }
648 users.findBy('isTom'); // { id: 2, name: 'Tom', isTom: true }
649 ```
651 @method findBy
652 @param {String} key the property to test
653 @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
654 @return {Object} found item or `undefined`
655 @public
656 */
657 findBy<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value?: T[K]): T | undefined;
658 findBy(key: string, value?: unknown): T | undefined;
659 /**
660 Returns `true` if the passed function returns true for every item in the
661 enumeration. This corresponds with the `Array.prototype.every()` method defined in ES5.
663 The callback method should have the following signature:
665 ```javascript
666 function(item, index, array);
667 ```
669 - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
670 - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
671 - `array` is the array itself.
673 All params are optional. The method should return `true` or `false`.
675 Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
676 object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
677 to give your iterator function access to the current object.
679 Usage example:
681 ```javascript
682 function isAdult(person) {
683 return person.age > 18;
684 };
686 const people = Ember.A([{ name: 'John', age: 24 }, { name: 'Joan', age: 45 }]);
687 const areAllAdults = people.every(isAdult);
688 ```
690 @method every
691 @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
692 @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
693 @return {Boolean}
694 @public
695 */
696 every<Target = void>(
697 callback: (this: Target, item: T, index: number, arr: this) => unknown,
698 target?: Target
699 ): boolean;
700 /**
701 Returns `true` if the passed property resolves to the value of the second
702 argument for all items in the array. This method is often simpler/faster
703 than using a callback.
705 Note that like the native `Array.every`, `isEvery` will return true when called
706 on any empty array.
707 ```javascript
708 class Language {
709 constructor(name, isProgrammingLanguage) {
710 this.name = name;
711 this.programmingLanguage = isProgrammingLanguage;
712 }
713 }
715 const compiledLanguages = [
716 new Language('Java', true),
717 new Language('Go', true),
718 new Language('Rust', true)
719 ]
721 const languagesKnownByMe = [
722 new Language('Javascript', true),
723 new Language('English', false),
724 new Language('Ruby', true)
725 ]
727 compiledLanguages.isEvery('programmingLanguage'); // true
728 languagesKnownByMe.isEvery('programmingLanguage'); // false
729 ```
731 @method isEvery
732 @param {String} key the property to test
733 @param {String} [value] optional value to test against. Defaults to `true`
734 @return {Boolean}
735 @since 1.3.0
736 @public
737 */
738 isEvery<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value?: T[K]): boolean;
739 isEvery(key: string, value?: unknown): boolean;
740 /**
741 The any() method executes the callback function once for each element
742 present in the array until it finds the one where callback returns a truthy
743 value (i.e. `true`). If such an element is found, any() immediately returns
744 true. Otherwise, any() returns false.
746 ```javascript
747 function(item, index, array);
748 ```
750 - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
751 - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
752 - `array` is the array object itself.
754 Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
755 object that will be set as `this` on the context. It can be a good way
756 to give your iterator function access to an object in cases where an ES6
757 arrow function would not be appropriate.
759 Usage Example:
761 ```javascript
762 let includesManager = people.any(this.findPersonInManagersList, this);
764 let includesStockHolder = people.any(person => {
765 return this.findPersonInStockHoldersList(person)
766 });
768 if (includesManager || includesStockHolder) {
769 Paychecks.addBiggerBonus();
770 }
771 ```
773 @method any
774 @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
775 @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
776 @return {Boolean} `true` if the passed function returns `true` for any item
777 @public
778 */
779 any<Target = void>(
780 callback: (this: Target, item: T, index: number, arr: this) => unknown,
781 target?: Target
782 ): boolean;
783 /**
784 Returns `true` if the passed property resolves to the value of the second
785 argument for any item in the array. This method is often simpler/faster
786 than using a callback.
788 Example usage:
790 ```javascript
791 const food = [
792 { food: 'apple', isFruit: true },
793 { food: 'bread', isFruit: false },
794 { food: 'banana', isFruit: true }
795 ];
797 food.isAny('isFruit'); // true
798 ```
800 @method isAny
801 @param {String} key the property to test
802 @param {String} [value] optional value to test against. Defaults to `true`
803 @return {Boolean}
804 @since 1.3.0
805 @public
806 */
807 isAny<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value?: T[K]): boolean;
808 isAny(key: string, value?: unknown): boolean;
809 /**
810 This will combine the values of the array into a single value. It
811 is a useful way to collect a summary value from an array. This
812 corresponds to the `reduce()` method defined in JavaScript 1.8.
814 The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
815 parameters are optional):
817 ```javascript
818 function(previousValue, item, index, array);
819 ```
821 - `previousValue` is the value returned by the last call to the iterator.
822 - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
823 - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
824 - `array` is the array itself.
826 Return the new cumulative value.
828 In addition to the callback you can also pass an `initialValue`. An error
829 will be raised if you do not pass an initial value and the enumerator is
830 empty.
832 Note that unlike the other methods, this method does not allow you to
833 pass a target object to set as this for the callback. It's part of the
834 spec. Sorry.
836 Example Usage:
838 ```javascript
839 let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
841 numbers.reduce(function(summation, current) {
842 return summation + current;
843 }); // 15 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)
845 numbers.reduce(function(summation, current) {
846 return summation + current;
847 }, -15); // 0 (-15 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)
850 let binaryValues = [true, false, false];
852 binaryValues.reduce(function(truthValue, current) {
853 return truthValue && current;
854 }); // false (true && false && false)
855 ```
857 @method reduce
858 @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
859 @param {Object} initialValue Initial value for the reduce
860 @return {Object} The reduced value.
861 @public
862 */
863 reduce<V>(
864 callback: (summation: V, current: T, index: number, arr: this) => V,
865 initialValue?: V
866 ): V;
867 /**
868 Invokes the named method on every object in the receiver that
869 implements it. This method corresponds to the implementation in
870 Prototype 1.6.
872 ```javascript
873 class Person {
874 name = null;
876 constructor(name) {
877 this.name = name;
878 }
880 greet(prefix='Hello') {
881 return `${prefix} ${this.name}`;
882 }
883 }
885 let people = [new Person('Joe'), new Person('Matt')];
887 people.invoke('greet'); // ['Hello Joe', 'Hello Matt']
888 people.invoke('greet', 'Bonjour'); // ['Bonjour Joe', 'Bonjour Matt']
889 ```
891 @method invoke
892 @param {String} methodName the name of the method
893 @param {Object...} args optional arguments to pass as well.
894 @return {Array} return values from calling invoke.
895 @public
896 */
897 invoke<M extends MethodNamesOf<T>>(
898 methodName: M,
899 ...args: MethodParams<T, M>
900 ): NativeArray<MethodReturns<T, M>>;
901 /**
902 Simply converts the object into a genuine array. The order is not
903 guaranteed. Corresponds to the method implemented by Prototype.
905 @method toArray
906 @return {Array} the object as an array.
907 @public
908 */
909 toArray(): T[];
910 /**
911 Returns a copy of the array with all `null` and `undefined` elements removed.
913 ```javascript
914 let arr = ['a', null, 'c', undefined];
915 arr.compact(); // ['a', 'c']
916 ```
918 @method compact
919 @return {Array} the array without null and undefined elements.
920 @public
921 */
922 compact(): NativeArray<NonNullable<T>>;
923 /**
924 Used to determine if the array contains the passed object.
925 Returns `true` if found, `false` otherwise.
927 The optional `startAt` argument can be used to pass a starting
928 index to search from, effectively slicing the searchable portion
929 of the array. If it's negative it will add the array length to
930 the startAt value passed in as the index to search from. If less
931 than or equal to `-1 * array.length` the entire array is searched.
933 This method has the same behavior of JavaScript's [Array.includes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/includes).
935 ```javascript
936 [1, 2, 3].includes(2); // true
937 [1, 2, 3].includes(4); // false
938 [1, 2, 3].includes(3, 2); // true
939 [1, 2, 3].includes(3, 3); // false
940 [1, 2, 3].includes(3, -1); // true
941 [1, 2, 3].includes(1, -1); // false
942 [1, 2, 3].includes(1, -4); // true
943 [1, 2, NaN].includes(NaN); // true
944 ```
946 @method includes
947 @param {Object} object The object to search for.
948 @param {Number} startAt optional starting location to search, default 0
949 @return {Boolean} `true` if object is found in the array.
950 @public
951 */
952 includes(object: T, startAt?: number): boolean;
953 /**
954 Sorts the array by the keys specified in the argument.
956 You may provide multiple arguments to sort by multiple properties.
958 ```javascript
959 let colors = [
960 { name: 'red', weight: 500 },
961 { name: 'green', weight: 600 },
962 { name: 'blue', weight: 500 }
963 ];
965 colors.sortBy('name');
966 // [{name: 'blue', weight: 500}, {name: 'green', weight: 600}, {name: 'red', weight: 500}]
968 colors.sortBy('weight', 'name');
969 // [{name: 'blue', weight: 500}, {name: 'red', weight: 500}, {name: 'green', weight: 600}]
970 ```
971 @method sortBy
972 @param {String} property name(s) to sort on
973 @return {Array} The sorted array.
974 @since 1.2.0
975 @public
976 */
977 sortBy(...keys: string[]): T[];
978 /**
979 Returns a new array that contains only unique values. The default
980 implementation returns an array regardless of the receiver type.
982 ```javascript
983 let arr = ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b'];
984 arr.uniq(); // ['a', 'b']
985 ```
987 This only works on primitive data types, e.g. Strings, Numbers, etc.
989 @method uniq
990 @return {EmberArray}
991 @public
992 */
993 uniq(): NativeArray<T>;
994 /**
995 Returns a new array that contains only items containing a unique property value.
996 The default implementation returns an array regardless of the receiver type.
998 ```javascript
999 let arr = [{ value: 'a' }, { value: 'a' }, { value: 'b' }, { value: 'b' }];
1000 arr.uniqBy('value'); // [{ value: 'a' }, { value: 'b' }]
1002 let arr = [2.2, 2.1, 3.2, 3.3];
1003 arr.uniqBy(Math.floor); // [2.2, 3.2];
1004 ```
1006 @method uniqBy
1007 @param {String,Function} key
1008 @return {EmberArray}
1009 @public
1010 */
1011 uniqBy(key: string): NativeArray<T>;
1012 uniqBy(callback: (value: T) => unknown): NativeArray<T>;
1013 /**
1014 Returns a new array that excludes the passed value. The default
1015 implementation returns an array regardless of the receiver type.
1016 If the receiver does not contain the value it returns the original array.
1018 ```javascript
1019 let arr = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c'];
1020 arr.without('a'); // ['b', 'c']
1021 ```
1023 @method without
1024 @param {Object} value
1025 @return {EmberArray}
1026 @public
1027 */
1028 without(value: T): NativeArray<T>;
1029 }
1030 const EmberArray: Mixin;
1031 /**
1032 This mixin defines the API for modifying array-like objects. These methods
1033 can be applied only to a collection that keeps its items in an ordered set.
1034 It builds upon the Array mixin and adds methods to modify the array.
1035 One concrete implementations of this class include ArrayProxy.
1037 It is important to use the methods in this class to modify arrays so that
1038 changes are observable. This allows the binding system in Ember to function
1039 correctly.
1042 Note that an Array can change even if it does not implement this mixin.
1043 For example, one might implement a SparseArray that cannot be directly
1044 modified, but if its underlying enumerable changes, it will change also.
1046 @class MutableArray
1047 @uses EmberArray
1048 @uses MutableEnumerable
1049 @public
1050 */
1051 interface MutableArray<T> extends EmberArray<T>, MutableEnumerable {
1052 /**
1053 __Required.__ You must implement this method to apply this mixin.
1055 This is one of the primitives you must implement to support `Array`.
1056 You should replace amt objects started at idx with the objects in the
1057 passed array.
1059 Note that this method is expected to validate the type(s) of objects that it expects.
1061 @method replace
1062 @param {Number} idx Starting index in the array to replace. If
1063 idx >= length, then append to the end of the array.
1064 @param {Number} amt Number of elements that should be removed from
1065 the array, starting at *idx*.
1066 @param {EmberArray} [objects] An optional array of zero or more objects that should be
1067 inserted into the array at *idx*
1068 @public
1069 */
1070 replace(idx: number, amt: number, objects?: readonly T[]): void;
1071 /**
1072 Remove all elements from the array. This is useful if you
1073 want to reuse an existing array without having to recreate it.
1075 ```javascript
1076 let colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
1078 colors.length; // 3
1079 colors.clear(); // []
1080 colors.length; // 0
1081 ```
1083 @method clear
1084 @return {Array} An empty Array.
1085 @public
1086 */
1087 clear(): this;
1088 /**
1089 This will use the primitive `replace()` method to insert an object at the
1090 specified index.
1092 ```javascript
1093 let colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
1095 colors.insertAt(2, 'yellow'); // ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue']
1096 colors.insertAt(5, 'orange'); // Error: Index out of range
1097 ```
1099 @method insertAt
1100 @param {Number} idx index of insert the object at.
1101 @param {Object} object object to insert
1102 @return {EmberArray} receiver
1103 @public
1104 */
1105 insertAt(idx: number, object: T): this;
1106 /**
1107 Remove an object at the specified index using the `replace()` primitive
1108 method. You can pass either a single index, or a start and a length.
1110 If you pass a start and length that is beyond the
1111 length this method will throw an assertion.
1113 ```javascript
1114 let colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'orange'];
1116 colors.removeAt(0); // ['green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'orange']
1117 colors.removeAt(2, 2); // ['green', 'blue']
1118 colors.removeAt(4, 2); // Error: Index out of range
1119 ```
1121 @method removeAt
1122 @param {Number} start index, start of range
1123 @param {Number} len length of passing range
1124 @return {EmberArray} receiver
1125 @public
1126 */
1127 removeAt(start: number, len?: number): this;
1128 /**
1129 Push the object onto the end of the array. Works just like `push()` but it
1130 is KVO-compliant.
1132 ```javascript
1133 let colors = ['red', 'green'];
1135 colors.pushObject('black'); // ['red', 'green', 'black']
1136 colors.pushObject(['yellow']); // ['red', 'green', ['yellow']]
1137 ```
1139 @method pushObject
1140 @param {*} obj object to push
1141 @return object same object passed as a param
1142 @public
1143 */
1144 pushObject(obj: T): T;
1145 /**
1146 Add the objects in the passed array to the end of the array. Defers
1147 notifying observers of the change until all objects are added.
1149 ```javascript
1150 let colors = ['red'];
1152 colors.pushObjects(['yellow', 'orange']); // ['red', 'yellow', 'orange']
1153 ```
1155 @method pushObjects
1156 @param {Array} objects the objects to add
1157 @return {MutableArray} receiver
1158 @public
1159 */
1160 pushObjects(objects: T[]): this;
1161 /**
1162 Pop object from array or nil if none are left. Works just like `pop()` but
1163 it is KVO-compliant.
1165 ```javascript
1166 let colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
1168 colors.popObject(); // 'blue'
1169 console.log(colors); // ['red', 'green']
1170 ```
1172 @method popObject
1173 @return object
1174 @public
1175 */
1176 popObject(): T | null | undefined;
1177 /**
1178 Shift an object from start of array or nil if none are left. Works just
1179 like `shift()` but it is KVO-compliant.
1181 ```javascript
1182 let colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
1184 colors.shiftObject(); // 'red'
1185 console.log(colors); // ['green', 'blue']
1186 ```
1188 @method shiftObject
1189 @return object
1190 @public
1191 */
1192 shiftObject(): T | null | undefined;
1193 /**
1194 Unshift an object to start of array. Works just like `unshift()` but it is
1195 KVO-compliant.
1197 ```javascript
1198 let colors = ['red'];
1200 colors.unshiftObject('yellow'); // ['yellow', 'red']
1201 colors.unshiftObject(['black']); // [['black'], 'yellow', 'red']
1202 ```
1204 @method unshiftObject
1205 @param {*} obj object to unshift
1206 @return object same object passed as a param
1207 @public
1208 */
1209 unshiftObject(object: T): T;
1210 /**
1211 Adds the named objects to the beginning of the array. Defers notifying
1212 observers until all objects have been added.
1214 ```javascript
1215 let colors = ['red'];
1217 colors.unshiftObjects(['black', 'white']); // ['black', 'white', 'red']
1218 colors.unshiftObjects('yellow'); // Type Error: 'undefined' is not a function
1219 ```
1221 @method unshiftObjects
1222 @param {Enumerable} objects the objects to add
1223 @return {EmberArray} receiver
1224 @public
1225 */
1226 unshiftObjects(objects: T[]): this;
1227 /**
1228 Reverse objects in the array. Works just like `reverse()` but it is
1229 KVO-compliant.
1231 @method reverseObjects
1232 @return {EmberArray} receiver
1233 @public
1234 */
1235 reverseObjects(): this;
1236 /**
1237 Replace all the receiver's content with content of the argument.
1238 If argument is an empty array receiver will be cleared.
1240 ```javascript
1241 let colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
1243 colors.setObjects(['black', 'white']); // ['black', 'white']
1244 colors.setObjects([]); // []
1245 ```
1247 @method setObjects
1248 @param {EmberArray} objects array whose content will be used for replacing
1249 the content of the receiver
1250 @return {EmberArray} receiver with the new content
1251 @public
1252 */
1253 setObjects(object: T[]): this;
1254 /**
1255 Remove all occurrences of an object in the array.
1257 ```javascript
1258 let cities = ['Chicago', 'Berlin', 'Lima', 'Chicago'];
1260 cities.removeObject('Chicago'); // ['Berlin', 'Lima']
1261 cities.removeObject('Lima'); // ['Berlin']
1262 cities.removeObject('Tokyo') // ['Berlin']
1263 ```
1265 @method removeObject
1266 @param {*} obj object to remove
1267 @return {EmberArray} receiver
1268 @public
1269 */
1270 removeObject(object: T): this;
1271 /**
1272 Removes each object in the passed array from the receiver.
1274 @method removeObjects
1275 @param {EmberArray} objects the objects to remove
1276 @return {EmberArray} receiver
1277 @public
1278 */
1279 removeObjects(objects: T[]): this;
1280 /**
1281 Push the object onto the end of the array if it is not already
1282 present in the array.
1284 ```javascript
1285 let cities = ['Chicago', 'Berlin'];
1287 cities.addObject('Lima'); // ['Chicago', 'Berlin', 'Lima']
1288 cities.addObject('Berlin'); // ['Chicago', 'Berlin', 'Lima']
1289 ```
1291 @method addObject
1292 @param {*} obj object to add, if not already present
1293 @return {EmberArray} receiver
1294 @public
1295 */
1296 addObject(obj: T): this;
1297 /**
1298 Adds each object in the passed array to the receiver.
1300 @method addObjects
1301 @param {EmberArray} objects the objects to add.
1302 @return {EmberArray} receiver
1303 @public
1304 */
1305 addObjects(objects: T[]): this;
1306 }
1307 const MutableArray: Mixin;
1308 /**
1309 Creates an `Ember.NativeArray` from an Array-like object.
1310 Does not modify the original object's contents.
1312 Example
1314 ```app/components/my-component.js
1315 import Component from '@ember/component';
1316 import { A } from '@ember/array';
1318 export default Component.extend({
1319 tagName: 'ul',
1320 classNames: ['pagination'],
1322 init() {
1323 this._super(...arguments);
1325 if (!this.get('content')) {
1326 this.set('content', A());
1327 this.set('otherContent', A([1,2,3]));
1328 }
1329 }
1330 });
1331 ```
1333 @method A
1334 @static
1335 @for @ember/array
1336 @return {Ember.NativeArray}
1337 @public
1338 */
1339 /**
1340 @module ember
1341 */
1342 type AnyArray<T> = EmberArray<T> | Array<T> | ReadonlyArray<T>;
1343 /**
1344 * The final definition of NativeArray removes all native methods. This is the list of removed methods
1345 * when run in Chrome 106.
1346 */
1348 | 'length'
1349 | 'slice'
1350 | 'indexOf'
1351 | 'lastIndexOf'
1352 | 'forEach'
1353 | 'map'
1354 | 'filter'
1355 | 'find'
1356 | 'every'
1357 | 'reduce'
1358 | 'includes';
1359 /**
1360 * These additional items must be redefined since `Omit` causes methods that return `this` to return the
1361 * type at the time of the Omit.
1362 */
1364 | '[]'
1365 | 'clear'
1366 | 'insertAt'
1367 | 'removeAt'
1368 | 'pushObjects'
1369 | 'unshiftObjects'
1370 | 'reverseObjects'
1371 | 'setObjects'
1372 | 'removeObject'
1373 | 'removeObjects'
1374 | 'addObject'
1375 | 'addObjects'
1376 | 'setEach';
1377 interface MutableArrayWithoutNative<T>
1379 /**
1380 * Remove all elements from the array. This is useful if you
1381 * want to reuse an existing array without having to recreate it.
1382 */
1383 clear(): this;
1384 /**
1385 * This will use the primitive `replace()` method to insert an object at the
1386 * specified index.
1387 */
1388 insertAt(idx: number, object: T): this;
1389 /**
1390 * Remove an object at the specified index using the `replace()` primitive
1391 * method. You can pass either a single index, or a start and a length.
1392 */
1393 removeAt(start: number, len?: number): this;
1394 /**
1395 * Add the objects in the passed numerable to the end of the array. Defers
1396 * notifying observers of the change until all objects are added.
1397 */
1398 pushObjects(objects: AnyArray<T>): this;
1399 /**
1400 * Adds the named objects to the beginning of the array. Defers notifying
1401 * observers until all objects have been added.
1402 */
1403 unshiftObjects(objects: AnyArray<T>): this;
1404 /**
1405 * Reverse objects in the array. Works just like `reverse()` but it is
1406 * KVO-compliant.
1407 */
1408 reverseObjects(): this;
1409 /**
1410 * Replace all the receiver's content with content of the argument.
1411 * If argument is an empty array receiver will be cleared.
1412 */
1413 setObjects(objects: AnyArray<T>): this;
1414 /**
1415 Remove all occurrences of an object in the array.
1417 ```javascript
1418 let cities = ['Chicago', 'Berlin', 'Lima', 'Chicago'];
1420 cities.removeObject('Chicago'); // ['Berlin', 'Lima']
1421 cities.removeObject('Lima'); // ['Berlin']
1422 cities.removeObject('Tokyo') // ['Berlin']
1423 ```
1425 @method removeObject
1426 @param {*} obj object to remove
1427 @return {EmberArray} receiver
1428 @public
1429 */
1430 removeObject(object: T): this;
1431 /**
1432 * Removes each object in the passed array from the receiver.
1433 */
1434 removeObjects(objects: AnyArray<T>): this;
1435 /**
1436 Push the object onto the end of the array if it is not already
1437 present in the array.
1439 ```javascript
1440 let cities = ['Chicago', 'Berlin'];
1442 cities.addObject('Lima'); // ['Chicago', 'Berlin', 'Lima']
1443 cities.addObject('Berlin'); // ['Chicago', 'Berlin', 'Lima']
1444 ```
1446 @method addObject
1447 @param {*} obj object to add, if not already present
1448 @return {EmberArray} receiver
1449 @public
1450 */
1451 addObject(obj: T): this;
1452 /**
1453 * Adds each object in the passed enumerable to the receiver.
1454 */
1455 addObjects(objects: AnyArray<T>): this;
1456 /**
1457 Sets the value on the named property for each member. This is more
1458 ergonomic than using other methods defined on this helper. If the object
1459 implements Observable, the value will be changed to `set(),` otherwise
1460 it will be set directly. `null` objects are skipped.
1462 ```javascript
1463 let people = [{name: 'Joe'}, {name: 'Matt'}];
1465 people.setEach('zipCode', '10011');
1466 // [{name: 'Joe', zipCode: '10011'}, {name: 'Matt', zipCode: '10011'}];
1467 ```
1469 @method setEach
1470 @param {String} key The key to set
1471 @param {Object} value The object to set
1472 @return {Object} receiver
1473 @public
1474 */
1475 setEach<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: T[K]): this;
1476 /**
1477 This is the handler for the special array content property. If you get
1478 this property, it will return this. If you set this property to a new
1479 array, it will replace the current content.
1481 ```javascript
1482 let peopleToMoon = ['Armstrong', 'Aldrin'];
1484 peopleToMoon.get('[]'); // ['Armstrong', 'Aldrin']
1486 peopleToMoon.set('[]', ['Collins']); // ['Collins']
1487 peopleToMoon.get('[]'); // ['Collins']
1488 ```
1490 @property []
1491 @return this
1492 @public
1493 */
1494 get '[]'(): this;
1495 set '[]'(newValue: T[] | this);
1496 }
1497 /**
1498 The NativeArray mixin contains the properties needed to make the native
1499 Array support MutableArray and all of its dependent APIs.
1501 @class Ember.NativeArray
1502 @uses MutableArray
1503 @uses Observable
1504 @public
1505 */
1506 interface NativeArray<T> extends Array<T>, Observable, MutableArrayWithoutNative<T> {}
1507 let NativeArray: Mixin;
1508 let A: <T>(arr?: Array<T>) => NativeArray<T>;
1509 export { A, NativeArray, MutableArray };
1510 export default EmberArray;