5.63 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1declare module '@ember/array/proxy' {
2 /**
3 @module @ember/array/proxy
4 */
5 import { PROPERTY_DID_CHANGE } from '@ember/-internals/metal';
6 import type { PropertyDidChange } from '@ember/-internals/metal';
7 import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
8 import EmberArray, { type NativeArray } from '@ember/array';
9 import MutableArray from '@ember/array/mutable';
10 import { type Tag, type Revision } from '@glimmer/validator';
11 /**
12 An ArrayProxy wraps any other object that implements `Array` and/or
13 `MutableArray,` forwarding all requests. This makes it very useful for
14 a number of binding use cases or other cases where being able to swap
15 out the underlying array is useful.
17 A simple example of usage:
19 ```javascript
20 import { A } from '@ember/array';
21 import ArrayProxy from '@ember/array/proxy';
23 let pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'fish'];
24 let ap = ArrayProxy.create({ content: A(pets) });
26 ap.get('firstObject'); // 'dog'
27 ap.set('content', ['amoeba', 'paramecium']);
28 ap.get('firstObject'); // 'amoeba'
29 ```
31 This class can also be useful as a layer to transform the contents of
32 an array, as they are accessed. This can be done by overriding
33 `objectAtContent`:
35 ```javascript
36 import { A } from '@ember/array';
37 import ArrayProxy from '@ember/array/proxy';
39 let pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'fish'];
40 let ap = ArrayProxy.create({
41 content: A(pets),
42 objectAtContent: function(idx) {
43 return this.get('content').objectAt(idx).toUpperCase();
44 }
45 });
47 ap.get('firstObject'); // . 'DOG'
48 ```
50 When overriding this class, it is important to place the call to
51 `_super` *after* setting `content` so the internal observers have
52 a chance to fire properly:
54 ```javascript
55 import { A } from '@ember/array';
56 import ArrayProxy from '@ember/array/proxy';
58 export default ArrayProxy.extend({
59 init() {
60 this.set('content', A(['dog', 'cat', 'fish']));
61 this._super(...arguments);
62 }
63 });
64 ```
66 @class ArrayProxy
67 @extends EmberObject
68 @uses MutableArray
69 @public
70 */
71 interface ArrayProxy<T> extends MutableArray<T> {
72 /**
73 The content array. Must be an object that implements `Array` and/or
74 `MutableArray.`
76 @property content
77 @type EmberArray
78 @public
79 */
80 content: T[] | EmberArray<T> | NativeArray<T> | null;
81 /**
82 The array that the proxy pretends to be. In the default `ArrayProxy`
83 implementation, this and `content` are the same. Subclasses of `ArrayProxy`
84 can override this property to provide things like sorting and filtering.
86 @property arrangedContent
87 @public
88 */
89 arrangedContent: EmberArray<T> | null;
90 /**
91 Should actually retrieve the object at the specified index from the
92 content. You can override this method in subclasses to transform the
93 content item to something new.
95 This method will only be called if content is non-`null`.
97 @method objectAtContent
98 @param {Number} idx The index to retrieve.
99 @return {Object} the value or undefined if none found
100 @public
101 */
102 objectAtContent(idx: number): T | undefined;
103 /**
104 Should actually replace the specified objects on the content array.
105 You can override this method in subclasses to transform the content item
106 into something new.
108 This method will only be called if content is non-`null`.
110 @method replaceContent
111 @param {Number} idx The starting index
112 @param {Number} amt The number of items to remove from the content.
113 @param {Array} objects Optional array of objects to insert.
114 @return {void}
115 @public
116 */
117 replaceContent(idx: number, amt: number, objects?: T[]): void;
118 create(init: { content: Array<T> }): ArrayProxy<T>;
119 }
120 class ArrayProxy<T> extends EmberObject implements PropertyDidChange {
121 /** @internal */
122 _objectsDirtyIndex: number;
123 /** @internal */
124 _objects: null | T[];
125 /** @internal */
126 _lengthDirty: boolean;
127 /** @internal */
128 _length: number;
129 /** @internal */
130 _arrangedContent: EmberArray<T> | null;
131 /** @internal */
132 _arrangedContentIsUpdating: boolean;
133 /** @internal */
134 _arrangedContentTag: Tag | null;
135 /** @internal */
136 _arrangedContentRevision: Revision | null;
137 /** @internal */
138 _lengthTag: Tag | null;
139 /** @internal */
140 _arrTag: Tag | null;
141 init(props: object | undefined): void;
142 [PROPERTY_DID_CHANGE](): void;
143 willDestroy(): void;
144 content: T[] | EmberArray<T> | NativeArray<T> | null;
145 arrangedContent: EmberArray<T> | null;
146 replace(idx: number, amt: number, objects?: T[]): void;
147 objectAt(idx: number): T | undefined;
148 get length(): number;
149 set length(value: number);
150 _updateArrangedContentArray(arrangedContent: EmberArray<T> | null): void;
151 _addArrangedContentArrayObserver(arrangedContent: EmberArray<T> | null): void;
152 _removeArrangedContentArrayObserver(): void;
153 _arrangedContentArrayWillChange(): void;
154 _arrangedContentArrayDidChange(
155 _proxy: unknown,
156 idx: number,
157 removedCnt: number,
158 addedCnt: number
159 ): void;
160 _invalidate(): void;
161 _revalidate(): void;
162 }
163 export default ArrayProxy;