1 | declare module '@ember/component' {
2 | /**
3 | @module @ember/component
4 | @public
5 | */
6 | export { setComponentTemplate, getComponentTemplate } from '@glimmer/manager';
7 | export { Component as default, Input, Textarea } from '@ember/-internals/glimmer';
8 | export {
9 | componentCapabilities as capabilities,
10 | setComponentManager,
11 | } from '@ember/-internals/glimmer';
12 | /**
13 | * Assigns a TemplateFactory to a component class.
14 | *
15 | * @method setComponentTemplate
16 | * @static
17 | * @for @ember/component
18 | * @public
19 | *
20 | * ```js
21 | * import Component from '@glimmer/component';
22 | * import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
23 | * import { setComponentTemplate } from '@ember/component';
24 | *
25 | * export default class Demo extends Component {
26 | * // ...
27 | * }
28 | *
29 | * setComponentTemplate(hbs`
30 | * <div>my template</div>
31 | * `, Demo);
32 | * ```
33 | *
34 | * @param {TemplateFactory} templateFactory
35 | * @param {object} componentDefinition
36 | */
37 | /**
38 | * Returns the TemplateFactory associated with a component
39 | *
40 | * @method getComponentTemplate
41 | * @static
42 | * @for @ember/component
43 | * @public
44 | *
45 | * ```js
46 | * import Component from '@glimmer/component';
47 | * import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
48 | * import { getComponentTemplate } from '@ember/component';
49 | *
50 | * export default class Demo extends Component {
51 | * // ...
52 | * }
53 | *
54 | * let theTemplateFactory = getTemplateFactory(Demo)
55 | * ```
56 | *
57 | * @param {object} componentDefinition
58 | * @returns {TemplateFactory}
59 | */
60 | /**
61 | * Tell the VM how manage a type of object / class when encountered
62 | * via component-invocation.
63 | *
64 | * A Component Manager, must implement this interface:
65 | * - static create()
66 | * - createComponent()
67 | * - updateComponent()
68 | * - destroyComponent()
69 | * - getContext()
70 | *
71 | * @method setComponentManager
72 | * @static
73 | * @for @ember/component
74 | * @public
75 | *
76 | *
77 | * After a component manager is registered via `setComponentManager`,
78 | *
79 | * ```js
80 | * import { StateNode } from 'xstate';
81 | * import ComponentManager from './-private/statechart-manager';
82 | *
83 | * setComponentManager((owner) => ComponentManager.create(owner), StateNode.prototype);
84 | * ```
85 | *
86 | * Instances of the class can be used as component.
87 | * No need to extend from `@glimmer/component`.
88 | *
89 | * ```js
90 | * // app/components/my-component.js
91 | * import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
92 | *
93 | * export default createMachine({ ... });
94 | * ```
95 | * ```hbs
96 | * {{!-- app/templates/application.hbs}}
97 | * <MyComponent />
98 | * ```
99 | *
100 | * @param {(owner: Owner) => import('@glimmer/interfaces').ComponentManager} managerFactory
101 | * @param {object} object that will be managed by the return value of `managerFactory`
102 | *
103 | */
104 | /**
105 | * Tells Glimmer what capabilities a Component Manager will have
106 | *
107 | * ```js
108 | * import { capabilities } from '@ember/component';
109 | *
110 | * export class MyComponentManager {
111 | * capabilities = capabilities('3.13', {
112 | * // capabilities listed here
113 | * })
114 | * }
115 | * ```
116 | *
117 | *
118 | * For a full list of capabilities, their defaults, and how they are used, see [@glimmer/manager](https://github.com/glimmerjs/glimmer-vm/blob/4f1bef0d9a8a3c3ebd934c5b6e09de4c5f6e4468/packages/%40glimmer/manager/lib/public/component.ts#L26)
119 | *
120 | *
121 | * @method capabilities
122 | * @static
123 | * @for @ember/component
124 | * @public
125 | * @param {'3.13'} managerApiVersion
126 | * @param {Parameters<import('@ember/-internals/glimmer').componentCapabilities>[1]} options
127 | *
128 | */
129 | }