1 | declare module '@ember/debug/data-adapter' {
2 | import type Owner from '@ember/owner';
3 | import type { NativeArray } from '@ember/array';
4 | import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
5 | import type ContainerDebugAdapter from '@ember/debug/container-debug-adapter';
6 | /**
7 | @module @ember/debug/data-adapter
8 | */
9 | type RecordColor = 'black' | 'red' | 'blue' | 'green';
10 | type Column = {
11 | name: string;
12 | desc: string;
13 | };
14 | type WrappedType<N extends string = string> = {
15 | name: N;
16 | count: number;
17 | columns: Column[];
18 | object: unknown;
19 | };
20 | type WrappedRecord<T> = {
21 | object: T;
22 | columnValues: object;
23 | searchKeywords: NativeArray<unknown>;
24 | filterValues: object;
25 | color: RecordColor | null;
26 | };
27 | type RecordCallback<T> = (
28 | records: Array<{
29 | columnValues: object;
30 | object: T;
31 | }>
32 | ) => void;
33 | /**
34 | The `DataAdapter` helps a data persistence library
35 | interface with tools that debug Ember such
36 | as the [Ember Inspector](https://github.com/emberjs/ember-inspector)
37 | for Chrome and Firefox.
38 |
39 | This class will be extended by a persistence library
40 | which will override some of the methods with
41 | library-specific code.
42 |
43 | The methods likely to be overridden are:
44 |
45 | * `getFilters`
46 | * `detect`
47 | * `columnsForType`
48 | * `getRecords`
49 | * `getRecordColumnValues`
50 | * `getRecordKeywords`
51 | * `getRecordFilterValues`
52 | * `getRecordColor`
53 |
54 | The adapter will need to be registered
55 | in the application's container as `dataAdapter:main`.
56 |
57 | Example:
58 |
59 | ```javascript
60 | Application.initializer({
61 | name: "data-adapter",
62 |
63 | initialize: function(application) {
64 | application.register('data-adapter:main', DS.DataAdapter);
65 | }
66 | });
67 | ```
68 |
69 | @class DataAdapter
70 | @extends EmberObject
71 | @public
72 | */
73 | export default class DataAdapter<T> extends EmberObject {
74 | releaseMethods: NativeArray<() => void>;
75 | recordsWatchers: Map<
76 | unknown,
77 | {
78 | release: () => void;
79 | revalidate: () => void;
80 | }
81 | >;
82 | typeWatchers: Map<
83 | unknown,
84 | {
85 | release: () => void;
86 | revalidate: () => void;
87 | }
88 | >;
89 | flushWatchers: (() => void) | null;
90 | containerDebugAdapter: ContainerDebugAdapter;
91 | constructor(owner: Owner);
92 | /**
93 | The container-debug-adapter which is used
94 | to list all models.
95 |
96 | @property containerDebugAdapter
97 | @default undefined
98 | @since 1.5.0
99 | @public
100 | **/
101 | /**
102 | The number of attributes to send
103 | as columns. (Enough to make the record
104 | identifiable).
105 |
106 | @private
107 | @property attributeLimit
108 | @default 3
109 | @since 1.3.0
110 | */
111 | attributeLimit: number;
112 | /**
113 | Ember Data > v1.0.0-beta.18
114 | requires string model names to be passed
115 | around instead of the actual factories.
116 |
117 | This is a stamp for the Ember Inspector
118 | to differentiate between the versions
119 | to be able to support older versions too.
120 |
121 | @public
122 | @property acceptsModelName
123 | */
124 | acceptsModelName: boolean;
125 | /**
126 | Map from records arrays to RecordsWatcher instances
127 |
128 | @private
129 | @property recordsWatchers
130 | @since 3.26.0
131 | */
132 | /**
133 | Map from records arrays to TypeWatcher instances
134 |
135 | @private
136 | @property typeWatchers
137 | @since 3.26.0
138 | */
139 | /**
140 | Callback that is currently scheduled on backburner end to flush and check
141 | all active watchers.
142 |
143 | @private
144 | @property flushWatchers
145 | @since 3.26.0
146 |
147 | */
148 | /**
149 | Stores all methods that clear observers.
150 | These methods will be called on destruction.
151 |
152 | @private
153 | @property releaseMethods
154 | @since 1.3.0
155 | */
156 | /**
157 | Specifies how records can be filtered.
158 | Records returned will need to have a `filterValues`
159 | property with a key for every name in the returned array.
160 |
161 | @public
162 | @method getFilters
163 | @return {Array} List of objects defining filters.
164 | The object should have a `name` and `desc` property.
165 | */
166 | getFilters(): Array<{
167 | name: string;
168 | desc: string;
169 | }>;
170 | /**
171 | Fetch the model types and observe them for changes.
172 |
173 | @public
174 | @method watchModelTypes
175 |
176 | @param {Function} typesAdded Callback to call to add types.
177 | Takes an array of objects containing wrapped types (returned from `wrapModelType`).
178 |
179 | @param {Function} typesUpdated Callback to call when a type has changed.
180 | Takes an array of objects containing wrapped types.
181 |
182 | @return {Function} Method to call to remove all observers
183 | */
184 | watchModelTypes(
185 | typesAdded: (types: WrappedType[]) => void,
186 | typesUpdated: (types: WrappedType[]) => void
187 | ): () => void;
188 | _nameToClass(type: unknown): unknown;
189 | /**
190 | Fetch the records of a given type and observe them for changes.
191 |
192 | @public
193 | @method watchRecords
194 |
195 | @param {String} modelName The model name.
196 |
197 | @param {Function} recordsAdded Callback to call to add records.
198 | Takes an array of objects containing wrapped records.
199 | The object should have the following properties:
200 | columnValues: {Object} The key and value of a table cell.
201 | object: {Object} The actual record object.
202 |
203 | @param {Function} recordsUpdated Callback to call when a record has changed.
204 | Takes an array of objects containing wrapped records.
205 |
206 | @param {Function} recordsRemoved Callback to call when a record has removed.
207 | Takes an array of objects containing wrapped records.
208 |
209 | @return {Function} Method to call to remove all observers.
210 | */
211 | watchRecords(
212 | modelName: string,
213 | recordsAdded: RecordCallback<T>,
214 | recordsUpdated: RecordCallback<T>,
215 | recordsRemoved: RecordCallback<T>
216 | ): () => void;
217 | updateFlushWatchers(): void;
218 | /**
219 | Clear all observers before destruction
220 | @private
221 | @method willDestroy
222 | */
223 | willDestroy(): void;
224 | /**
225 | Detect whether a class is a model.
226 |
227 | Test that against the model class
228 | of your persistence library.
229 |
230 | @public
231 | @method detect
232 | @return boolean Whether the class is a model class or not.
233 | */
234 | detect(_klass: unknown): boolean;
235 | /**
236 | Get the columns for a given model type.
237 |
238 | @public
239 | @method columnsForType
240 | @return {Array} An array of columns of the following format:
241 | name: {String} The name of the column.
242 | desc: {String} Humanized description (what would show in a table column name).
243 | */
244 | columnsForType(_klass: unknown): Column[];
245 | /**
246 | Adds observers to a model type class.
247 |
248 | @private
249 | @method observeModelType
250 | @param {String} modelName The model type name.
251 | @param {Function} typesUpdated Called when a type is modified.
252 | @return {Function} The function to call to remove observers.
253 | */
254 | observeModelType(modelName: string, typesUpdated: (types: WrappedType[]) => void): () => void;
255 | /**
256 | Wraps a given model type and observes changes to it.
257 |
258 | @private
259 | @method wrapModelType
260 | @param {Class} klass A model class.
261 | @param {String} modelName Name of the class.
262 | @return {Object} The wrapped type has the following format:
263 | name: {String} The name of the type.
264 | count: {Integer} The number of records available.
265 | columns: {Columns} An array of columns to describe the record.
266 | object: {Class} The actual Model type class.
267 | */
268 | wrapModelType<N extends string>(klass: unknown, name: N): WrappedType<N>;
269 | /**
270 | Fetches all models defined in the application.
271 |
272 | @private
273 | @method getModelTypes
274 | @return {Array} Array of model types.
275 | */
276 | getModelTypes(): Array<{
277 | klass: unknown;
278 | name: string;
279 | }>;
280 | /**
281 | Loops over all namespaces and all objects
282 | attached to them.
283 |
284 | @private
285 | @method _getObjectsOnNamespaces
286 | @return {Array} Array of model type strings.
287 | */
288 | _getObjectsOnNamespaces(): string[];
289 | /**
290 | Fetches all loaded records for a given type.
291 |
292 | @public
293 | @method getRecords
294 | @return {Array} An array of records.
295 | This array will be observed for changes,
296 | so it should update when new records are added/removed.
297 | */
298 | getRecords(_klass: unknown, _name: string): NativeArray<T>;
299 | /**
300 | Wraps a record and observers changes to it.
301 |
302 | @private
303 | @method wrapRecord
304 | @param {Object} record The record instance.
305 | @return {Object} The wrapped record. Format:
306 | columnValues: {Array}
307 | searchKeywords: {Array}
308 | */
309 | wrapRecord(record: T): WrappedRecord<T>;
310 | /**
311 | Gets the values for each column.
312 |
313 | @public
314 | @method getRecordColumnValues
315 | @return {Object} Keys should match column names defined
316 | by the model type.
317 | */
318 | getRecordColumnValues(_record: T): {};
319 | /**
320 | Returns keywords to match when searching records.
321 |
322 | @public
323 | @method getRecordKeywords
324 | @return {Array} Relevant keywords for search.
325 | */
326 | getRecordKeywords(_record: T): NativeArray<unknown>;
327 | /**
328 | Returns the values of filters defined by `getFilters`.
329 |
330 | @public
331 | @method getRecordFilterValues
332 | @param {Object} record The record instance.
333 | @return {Object} The filter values.
334 | */
335 | getRecordFilterValues(_record: T): object;
336 | /**
337 | Each record can have a color that represents its state.
338 |
339 | @public
340 | @method getRecordColor
341 | @param {Object} record The record instance
342 | @return {String} The records color.
343 | Possible options: black, red, blue, green.
344 | */
345 | getRecordColor(_record: T): RecordColor | null;
346 | }
347 | export {};
348 | }