1 | declare module '@ember/helper' {
2 | /**
3 | @module @ember/helper
4 | */
5 | import {
6 | setHelperManager as glimmerSetHelperManager,
7 | helperCapabilities,
8 | } from '@glimmer/manager';
9 | import { invokeHelper as glimmerInvokeHelper } from '@glimmer/runtime';
10 | import { uniqueId as glimmerUniqueId } from '@ember/-internals/glimmer';
11 | import { type Opaque } from '@ember/-internals/utility-types';
12 | /**
13 | `capabilities` returns a capabilities configuration which can be used to modify
14 | the behavior of the manager. Manager capabilities _must_ be provided using the
15 | `capabilities` function, as the underlying implementation can change over time.
16 |
17 | The first argument to capabilities is a version string, which is the version of
18 | Ember that the capabilities were defined in. Ember can add new versions at any
19 | time, and these may have entirely different behaviors, but it will not remove
20 | old versions until the next major version.
21 |
22 | ```js
23 | capabilities('3.23');
24 | ```
25 |
26 | The second argument is an object of capabilities and boolean values indicating
27 | whether they are enabled or disabled.
28 |
29 | ```js
30 | capabilities('3.23', {
31 | hasValue: true,
32 | hasDestructor: true,
33 | });
34 | ```
35 |
36 | If no value is specified, then the default value will be used.
37 |
38 | ### `3.23` capabilities
39 |
40 | #### `hasDestroyable`
41 |
42 | - Default value: false
43 |
44 | Determines if the helper has a destroyable to include in the destructor
45 | hierarchy. If enabled, the `getDestroyable` hook will be called, and its result
46 | will be associated with the destroyable parent block.
47 |
48 | #### `hasValue`
49 |
50 | - Default value: false
51 |
52 | Determines if the helper has a value which can be used externally. The helper's
53 | `getValue` hook will be run whenever the value of the helper is accessed if this
54 | capability is enabled.
55 |
56 | @method capabilities
57 | @for @ember/helper
58 | @static
59 | @param {String} managerApiVersion The version of capabilities that are being used
60 | @param options The capabilities values
61 | @return {Capabilities} The capabilities object instance
62 | @public
63 | */
64 | export const capabilities: typeof helperCapabilities;
65 | /**
66 | Sets the helper manager for an object or function.
67 |
68 | ```js
69 | setHelperManager((owner) => new ClassHelperManager(owner), Helper)
70 | ```
71 |
72 | When a value is used as a helper in a template, the helper manager is looked up
73 | on the object by walking up its prototype chain and finding the first helper
74 | manager. This manager then receives the value and can create and manage an
75 | instance of a helper from it. This provides a layer of indirection that allows
76 | users to design high-level helper APIs, without Ember needing to worry about the
77 | details. High-level APIs can be experimented with and iterated on while the
78 | core of Ember helpers remains stable, and new APIs can be introduced gradually
79 | over time to existing code bases.
80 |
81 | `setHelperManager` receives two arguments:
82 |
83 | 1. A factory function, which receives the `owner` and returns an instance of a
84 | helper manager.
85 | 2. A helper definition, which is the object or function to associate the factory function with.
86 |
87 | The first time the object is looked up, the factory function will be called to
88 | create the helper manager. It will be cached, and in subsequent lookups the
89 | cached helper manager will be used instead.
90 |
91 | Only one helper manager is guaranteed to exist per `owner` and per usage of
92 | `setHelperManager`, so many helpers will end up using the same instance of the
93 | helper manager. As such, you should only store state that is related to the
94 | manager itself. If you want to store state specific to a particular helper
95 | definition, you should assign a unique helper manager to that helper. In
96 | general, most managers should either be stateless, or only have the `owner` they
97 | were created with as state.
98 |
99 | Helper managers must fulfill the following interface (This example uses
100 | [TypeScript interfaces](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/interfaces.html)
101 | for precision, you do not need to write helper managers using TypeScript):
102 |
103 | ```ts
104 | interface HelperManager<HelperStateBucket> {
105 | capabilities: HelperCapabilities;
106 |
107 | createHelper(definition: HelperDefinition, args: TemplateArgs): HelperStateBucket;
108 |
109 | getValue?(bucket: HelperStateBucket): unknown;
110 |
111 | runEffect?(bucket: HelperStateBucket): void;
112 |
113 | getDestroyable?(bucket: HelperStateBucket): object;
114 | }
115 | ```
116 |
117 | The capabilities property _must_ be provided using the `capabilities()` function
118 | imported from the same module as `setHelperManager`:
119 |
120 | ```js
121 | import { capabilities } from '@ember/helper';
122 |
123 | class MyHelperManager {
124 | capabilities = capabilities('3.21.0', { hasValue: true });
125 |
126 | // ...snip...
127 | }
128 | ```
129 |
130 | Below is a description of each of the methods on the interface and their
131 | functions.
132 |
133 | #### `createHelper`
134 |
135 | `createHelper` is a required hook on the HelperManager interface. The hook is
136 | passed the definition of the helper that is currently being created, and is
137 | expected to return a _state bucket_. This state bucket is what represents the
138 | current state of the helper, and will be passed to the other lifecycle hooks at
139 | appropriate times. It is not necessarily related to the definition of the
140 | helper itself - for instance, you could return an object _containing_ an
141 | instance of the helper:
142 |
143 | ```js
144 | class MyManager {
145 | createHelper(Definition, args) {
146 | return {
147 | instance: new Definition(args);
148 | };
149 | }
150 | }
151 | ```
152 |
153 | This allows the manager to store metadata that it doesn't want to expose to the
154 | user.
155 |
156 | This hook is _not_ autotracked - changes to tracked values used within this hook
157 | will _not_ result in a call to any of the other lifecycle hooks. This is because
158 | it is unclear what should happen if it invalidates, and rather than make a
159 | decision at this point, the initial API is aiming to allow as much expressivity
160 | as possible. This could change in the future with changes to capabilities and
161 | their behaviors.
162 |
163 | If users do want to autotrack some values used during construction, they can
164 | either create the instance of the helper in `runEffect` or `getValue`, or they
165 | can use the `cache` API to autotrack the `createHelper` hook themselves. This
166 | provides maximum flexibility and expressiveness to manager authors.
167 |
168 | This hook has the following timing semantics:
169 |
170 | **Always**
171 | - called as discovered during DOM construction
172 | - called in definition order in the template
173 |
174 | #### `getValue`
175 |
176 | `getValue` is an optional hook that should return the value of the helper. This
177 | is the value that is returned from the helper and passed into the template.
178 |
179 | This hook is called when the value is requested from the helper (e.g. when the
180 | template is rendering and the helper value is needed). The hook is autotracked,
181 | and will rerun whenever any tracked values used inside of it are updated.
182 | Otherwise it does not rerun.
183 |
184 | > Note: This means that arguments which are not _consumed_ within the hook will
185 | > not trigger updates.
186 |
187 | This hook is only called for helpers with the `hasValue` capability enabled.
188 | This hook has the following timing semantics:
189 |
190 | **Always**
191 | - called the first time the helper value is requested
192 | - called after autotracked state has changed
193 |
194 | **Never**
195 | - called if the `hasValue` capability is disabled
196 |
197 | #### `runEffect`
198 |
199 | `runEffect` is an optional hook that should run the effect that the helper is
200 | applying, setting it up or updating it.
201 |
202 | This hook is scheduled to be called some time after render and prior to paint.
203 | There is not a guaranteed, 1-to-1 relationship between a render pass and this
204 | hook firing. For instance, multiple render passes could occur, and the hook may
205 | only trigger once. It may also never trigger if it was dirtied in one render
206 | pass and then destroyed in the next.
207 |
208 | The hook is autotracked, and will rerun whenever any tracked values used inside
209 | of it are updated. Otherwise it does not rerun.
210 |
211 | The hook is also run during a time period where state mutations are _disabled_
212 | in Ember. Any tracked state mutation will throw an error during this time,
213 | including changes to tracked properties, changes made using `Ember.set`, updates
214 | to computed properties, etc. This is meant to prevent infinite rerenders and
215 | other antipatterns.
216 |
217 | This hook is only called for helpers with the `hasScheduledEffect` capability
218 | enabled. This hook is also not called in SSR currently, though this could be
219 | added as a capability in the future. It has the following timing semantics:
220 |
221 | **Always**
222 | - called after the helper was first created, if the helper has not been
223 | destroyed since creation
224 | - called after autotracked state has changed, if the helper has not been
225 | destroyed during render
226 |
227 | **Never**
228 | - called if the `hasScheduledEffect` capability is disabled
229 | - called in SSR
230 |
231 | #### `getDestroyable`
232 |
233 | `getDestroyable` is an optional hook that users can use to register a
234 | destroyable object for the helper. This destroyable will be registered to the
235 | containing block or template parent, and will be destroyed when it is destroyed.
236 | See the [Destroyables RFC](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/blob/master/text/0580-destroyables.md)
237 | for more details.
238 |
239 | `getDestroyable` is only called if the `hasDestroyable` capability is enabled.
240 |
241 | This hook has the following timing semantics:
242 |
243 | **Always**
244 | - called immediately after the `createHelper` hook is called
245 |
246 | **Never**
247 | - called if the `hasDestroyable` capability is disabled
248 |
249 | @method setHelperManager
250 | @for @ember/helper
251 | @static
252 | @param {Function} factory A factory function which receives an optional owner, and returns a helper manager
253 | @param {object} definition The definition to associate the manager factory with
254 | @return {object} The definition passed into setHelperManager
255 | @public
256 | */
257 | export const setHelperManager: typeof glimmerSetHelperManager;
258 | /**
259 | The `invokeHelper` function can be used to create a helper instance in
260 | JavaScript.
261 |
262 | To access a helper's value you have to use `getValue` from
263 | `@glimmer/tracking/primitives/cache`.
264 |
265 | ```js
266 | // app/components/data-loader.js
267 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
268 | import { getValue } from '@glimmer/tracking/primitives/cache';
269 | import Helper from '@ember/component/helper';
270 | import { invokeHelper } from '@ember/helper';
271 |
272 | class PlusOne extends Helper {
273 | compute([number]) {
274 | return number + 1;
275 | }
276 | }
277 |
278 | export default class PlusOneComponent extends Component {
279 | plusOne = invokeHelper(this, PlusOne, () => {
280 | return {
281 | positional: [this.args.number],
282 | };
283 | });
284 |
285 | get value() {
286 | return getValue(this.plusOne);
287 | }
288 | }
289 | ```
290 | ```js
291 | {{this.value}}
292 | ```
293 |
294 | It receives three arguments:
295 |
296 | * `context`: The parent context of the helper. When the parent is torn down and
297 | removed, the helper will be as well.
298 | * `definition`: The definition of the helper.
299 | * `computeArgs`: An optional function that produces the arguments to the helper.
300 | The function receives the parent context as an argument, and must return an
301 | object with a `positional` property that is an array and/or a `named`
302 | property that is an object.
303 |
304 | And it returns a Cache instance that contains the most recent value of the
305 | helper. You can access the helper using `getValue()` like any other cache. The
306 | cache is also destroyable, and using the `destroy()` function on it will cause
307 | the helper to be torn down.
308 |
309 | Note that using `getValue()` on helpers that have scheduled effects will not
310 | trigger the effect early. Effects will continue to run at their scheduled time.
311 |
312 | @method invokeHelper
313 | @for @ember/helper
314 | @static
315 | @param {object} context The parent context of the helper
316 | @param {object} definition The helper definition
317 | @param {Function} computeArgs An optional function that produces args
318 | @returns
319 | @public
320 | */
321 | export const invokeHelper: typeof glimmerInvokeHelper;
322 | /**
323 | * Using the `{{hash}}` helper, you can pass objects directly from the template
324 | * as an argument to your components.
325 | *
326 | * ```
327 | * import { hash } from '@ember/helper';
328 | *
329 | * <template>
330 | * {{#each-in (hash givenName='Jen' familyName='Weber') as |key value|}}
331 | * <p>{{key}}: {{value}}</p>
332 | * {{/each-in}}
333 | * </template>
334 | * ```
335 | *
336 | * **NOTE:** this example uses the experimental `<template>` feature, which is
337 | * the only place you need to import `hash` to use it (it is a built-in when
338 | * writing standalone `.hbs` files).
339 | */
340 | export const hash: HashHelper;
341 | export interface HashHelper extends Opaque<'helper:hash'> {}
342 | /**
343 | * Using the `{{array}}` helper, you can pass arrays directly from the template
344 | * as an argument to your components.
345 | *
346 | * ```js
347 | * import { array } from '@ember/helper';
348 | *
349 | * <template>
350 | * <ul>
351 | * {{#each (array 'Tom Dale' 'Yehuda Katz' @anotherPerson) as |person|}}
352 | * <li>{{person}}</li>
353 | * {{/each}}
354 | * </ul>
355 | * </template>
356 | *
357 | * **NOTE:** this example uses the experimental `<template>` feature, which is
358 | * the only place you need to import `array` to use it (it is a built-in when
359 | * writing standalone `.hbs` files).
360 | * ```
361 | */
362 | export const array: ArrayHelper;
363 | export interface ArrayHelper extends Opaque<'helper:array'> {}
364 | /**
365 | * The `{{concat}}` helper makes it easy to dynamically send a number of
366 | * parameters to a component or helper as a single parameter in the format of a
367 | * concatenated string.
368 | *
369 | * For example:
370 | *
371 | * ```js
372 | * import { concat } from '@ember/helper';
373 | *
374 | * <template>
375 | * {{get @foo (concat "item" @index)}}
376 | * </template>
377 | * ```
378 | *
379 | * This will display the result of `@foo.item1` when `index` is `1`, and
380 | * `this.foo.item2` when `index` is `2`, etc.
381 | *
382 | * **NOTE:** this example uses the experimental `<template>` feature, which is
383 | * the only place you need to import `concat` to use it (it is a built-in when
384 | * writing standalone `.hbs` files).
385 | */
386 | export const concat: ConcatHelper;
387 | export interface ConcatHelper extends Opaque<'helper:concat'> {}
388 | /**
389 | * The `{{get}}` helper makes it easy to dynamically look up a property on an
390 | * object or an element in an array. The second argument to `{{get}}` can be a
391 | * string or a number, depending on the object being accessed.
392 | *
393 | * To access a property on an object with a string key:
394 | *
395 | * ```js
396 | * import { get } from '@ember/helper';
397 | *
398 | * <template>
399 | * {{get @someObject "objectKey"}}
400 | * </template>
401 | * ```
402 | *
403 | * To access the first element in an array:
404 | *
405 | * ```js
406 | * import { get } from '@ember/helper';
407 | *
408 | * <template>
409 | * {{get @someArray 0}}
410 | * </template>
411 | * ```
412 | *
413 | * To access a property on an object with a dynamic key:
414 | *
415 | * ```js
416 | * import { get } from '@ember/helper';
417 | *
418 | * <template>
419 | * {{get @address @field}}
420 | * </template>
421 | * ```
422 | *
423 | * This will display the result of `@foo.item1` when `index` is `1`, and
424 | * `this.foo.item2` when `index` is `2`, etc.
425 | *
426 | * **NOTE:** this example uses the experimental `<template>` feature, which is
427 | * the only place you need to import `concat` to use it (it is a built-in when
428 | * writing standalone `.hbs` files).
429 | */
430 | export const get: GetHelper;
431 | export interface GetHelper extends Opaque<'helper:get'> {}
432 | /**
433 | * `{{fn}}` is a helper that receives a function and some arguments, and returns
434 | * a new function that combines. This allows you to pass parameters along to
435 | * functions in your templates:
436 | *
437 | * ```js
438 | * import { fn } from '@ember/helper';
439 | *
440 | * function showAlert(message) {
441 | * alert(`The message is: '${message}'`);
442 | * }
443 | *
444 | * <template>
445 | * <button type="button" {{on "click" (fn showAlert "Hello!")}}>
446 | * Click me!
447 | * </button>
448 | * </template>
449 | * ```
450 | */
451 | export const fn: FnHelper;
452 | export interface FnHelper extends Opaque<'helper:fn'> {}
453 | /**
454 | * Use the {{uniqueId}} helper to generate a unique ID string suitable for use as
455 | * an ID attribute in the DOM.
456 | *
457 | * Each invocation of {{uniqueId}} will return a new, unique ID string.
458 | * You can use the `let` helper to create an ID that can be reused within a template.
459 | *
460 | * ```js
461 | * import { uniqueId } from '@ember/helper';
462 | *
463 | * <template>
464 | * {{#let (uniqueId) as |emailId|}}
465 | * <label for={{emailId}}>Email address</label>
466 | * <input id={{emailId}} type="email" />
467 | * {{/let}}
468 | * </template>
469 | * ```
470 | */
471 | export const uniqueId: typeof glimmerUniqueId;
472 | export type UniqueIdHelper = typeof uniqueId;
473 | }