1 | declare module '@ember/object/compat' {
2 | import type { ExtendedMethodDecorator } from '@ember/-internals/metal';
3 | import type { ElementDescriptor } from '@ember/-internals/metal';
4 | /**
5 | `@dependentKeyCompat` is decorator that can be used on _native getters_ that
6 | use tracked properties. It exposes the getter to Ember's classic computed
7 | property and observer systems, so they can watch it for changes. It can be
8 | used in both native and classic classes.
9 |
10 | Native Example:
11 |
12 | ```js
13 | import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
14 | import { dependentKeyCompat } from '@ember/object/compat';
15 | import { computed, set } from '@ember/object';
16 |
17 | class Person {
18 | @tracked firstName;
19 | @tracked lastName;
20 |
21 | @dependentKeyCompat
22 | get fullName() {
23 | return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
24 | }
25 | }
26 |
27 | class Profile {
28 | constructor(person) {
29 | set(this, 'person', person);
30 | }
31 |
32 | @computed('person.fullName')
33 | get helloMessage() {
34 | return `Hello, ${this.person.fullName}!`;
35 | }
36 | }
37 | ```
38 |
39 | Classic Example:
40 |
41 | ```js
42 | import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
43 | import { dependentKeyCompat } from '@ember/object/compat';
44 | import EmberObject, { computed, observer, set } from '@ember/object';
45 |
46 | const Person = EmberObject.extend({
47 | firstName: tracked(),
48 | lastName: tracked(),
49 |
50 | fullName: dependentKeyCompat(function() {
51 | return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
52 | }),
53 | });
54 |
55 | const Profile = EmberObject.extend({
56 | person: null,
57 |
58 | helloMessage: computed('person.fullName', function() {
59 | return `Hello, ${this.person.fullName}!`;
60 | }),
61 |
62 | onNameUpdated: observer('person.fullName', function() {
63 | console.log('person name updated!');
64 | }),
65 | });
66 | ```
67 |
68 | `dependentKeyCompat()` can receive a getter function or an object containing
69 | `get`/`set` methods when used in classic classes, like computed properties.
70 |
71 | In general, only properties which you _expect_ to be watched by older,
72 | untracked clases should be marked as dependency compatible. The decorator is
73 | meant as an interop layer for parts of Ember's older classic APIs, and should
74 | not be applied to every possible getter/setter in classes. The number of
75 | dependency compatible getters should be _minimized_ wherever possible. New
76 | application code should not need to use `@dependentKeyCompat`, since it is
77 | only for interoperation with older code.
78 |
79 | @public
80 | @method dependentKeyCompat
81 | @for @ember/object/compat
82 | @static
83 | @param {PropertyDescriptor|undefined} desc A property descriptor containing
84 | the getter and setter (when used in
85 | classic classes)
86 | @return {PropertyDecorator} property decorator instance
87 | */
88 | export function dependentKeyCompat(
89 | target: ElementDescriptor[0],
90 | key: ElementDescriptor[1],
91 | desc: ElementDescriptor[2]
92 | ): PropertyDescriptor;
93 | export function dependentKeyCompat(desc: PropertyDescriptor): ExtendedMethodDecorator;
94 | }