1 | declare module '@ember/object/promise-proxy-mixin' {
2 | import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin';
3 | /**
4 | A low level mixin making ObjectProxy promise-aware.
5 |
6 | ```javascript
7 | import { resolve } from 'rsvp';
8 | import $ from 'jquery';
9 | import ObjectProxy from '@ember/object/proxy';
10 | import PromiseProxyMixin from '@ember/object/promise-proxy-mixin';
11 |
12 | let ObjectPromiseProxy = ObjectProxy.extend(PromiseProxyMixin);
13 |
14 | let proxy = ObjectPromiseProxy.create({
15 | promise: resolve($.getJSON('/some/remote/data.json'))
16 | });
17 |
18 | proxy.then(function(json){
19 | // the json
20 | }, function(reason) {
21 | // the reason why you have no json
22 | });
23 | ```
24 |
25 | the proxy has bindable attributes which
26 | track the promises life cycle
27 |
28 | ```javascript
29 | proxy.get('isPending') //=> true
30 | proxy.get('isSettled') //=> false
31 | proxy.get('isRejected') //=> false
32 | proxy.get('isFulfilled') //=> false
33 | ```
34 |
35 | When the $.getJSON completes, and the promise is fulfilled
36 | with json, the life cycle attributes will update accordingly.
37 | Note that $.getJSON doesn't return an ECMA specified promise,
38 | it is useful to wrap this with an `RSVP.resolve` so that it behaves
39 | as a spec compliant promise.
40 |
41 | ```javascript
42 | proxy.get('isPending') //=> false
43 | proxy.get('isSettled') //=> true
44 | proxy.get('isRejected') //=> false
45 | proxy.get('isFulfilled') //=> true
46 | ```
47 |
48 | As the proxy is an ObjectProxy, and the json now its content,
49 | all the json properties will be available directly from the proxy.
50 |
51 | ```javascript
52 | // Assuming the following json:
53 | {
54 | firstName: 'Stefan',
55 | lastName: 'Penner'
56 | }
57 |
58 | // both properties will accessible on the proxy
59 | proxy.get('firstName') //=> 'Stefan'
60 | proxy.get('lastName') //=> 'Penner'
61 | ```
62 |
63 | @class PromiseProxyMixin
64 | @public
65 | */
66 | interface PromiseProxyMixin<T> {
67 | /**
68 | If the proxied promise is rejected this will contain the reason
69 | provided.
70 |
71 | @property reason
72 | @default null
73 | @public
74 | */
75 | reason: unknown;
76 | /**
77 | Once the proxied promise has settled this will become `false`.
78 |
79 | @property isPending
80 | @default true
81 | @public
82 | */
83 | readonly isPending: boolean;
84 | /**
85 | Once the proxied promise has settled this will become `true`.
86 |
87 | @property isSettled
88 | @default false
89 | @public
90 | */
91 | readonly isSettled: boolean;
92 | /**
93 | Will become `true` if the proxied promise is rejected.
94 |
95 | @property isRejected
96 | @default false
97 | @public
98 | */
99 | isRejected: boolean;
100 | /**
101 | Will become `true` if the proxied promise is fulfilled.
102 |
103 | @property isFulfilled
104 | @default false
105 | @public
106 | */
107 | isFulfilled: boolean;
108 | /**
109 | The promise whose fulfillment value is being proxied by this object.
110 |
111 | This property must be specified upon creation, and should not be
112 | changed once created.
113 |
114 | Example:
115 |
116 | ```javascript
117 | import ObjectProxy from '@ember/object/proxy';
118 | import PromiseProxyMixin from '@ember/object/promise-proxy-mixin';
119 |
120 | ObjectProxy.extend(PromiseProxyMixin).create({
121 | promise: <thenable>
122 | });
123 | ```
124 |
125 | @property promise
126 | @public
127 | */
128 | promise: Promise<T>;
129 | /**
130 | An alias to the proxied promise's `then`.
131 |
132 | See RSVP.Promise.then.
133 |
134 | @method then
135 | @param {Function} callback
136 | @return {RSVP.Promise}
137 | @public
138 | */
139 | then: this['promise']['then'];
140 | /**
141 | An alias to the proxied promise's `catch`.
142 |
143 | See RSVP.Promise.catch.
144 |
145 | @method catch
146 | @param {Function} callback
147 | @return {RSVP.Promise}
148 | @since 1.3.0
149 | @public
150 | */
151 | catch: this['promise']['catch'];
152 | /**
153 | An alias to the proxied promise's `finally`.
154 |
155 | See RSVP.Promise.finally.
156 |
157 | @method finally
158 | @param {Function} callback
159 | @return {RSVP.Promise}
160 | @since 1.3.0
161 | @public
162 | */
163 | finally: this['promise']['finally'];
164 | }
165 | const PromiseProxyMixin: Mixin;
166 | export default PromiseProxyMixin;
167 | }