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1declare module '@ember/routing/none-location' {
2 import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
3 import type { default as EmberLocation, UpdateCallback } from '@ember/routing/location';
4 /**
5 @module @ember/routing/none-location
6 */
7 /**
8 NoneLocation does not interact with the browser. It is useful for
9 testing, or when you need to manage state with your Router, but temporarily
10 don't want it to muck with the URL (for example when you embed your
11 application in a larger page).
13 Using `NoneLocation` causes Ember to not store the applications URL state
14 in the actual URL. This is generally used for testing purposes, and is one
15 of the changes made when calling `App.setupForTesting()`.
17 @class NoneLocation
18 @extends EmberObject
19 @protected
20 */
21 export default class NoneLocation extends EmberObject implements EmberLocation {
22 updateCallback?: UpdateCallback;
23 path: string;
24 /**
25 Will be pre-pended to path.
27 @private
28 @property rootURL
29 @default '/'
30 */
31 rootURL: string;
32 initState(): void;
33 /**
34 Returns the current path without `rootURL`.
36 @private
37 @method getURL
38 @return {String} path
39 */
40 getURL(): string;
41 /**
42 Set the path and remembers what was set. Using this method
43 to change the path will not invoke the `updateURL` callback.
45 @private
46 @method setURL
47 @param path {String}
48 */
49 setURL(path: string): void;
50 /**
51 Register a callback to be invoked when the path changes. These
52 callbacks will execute when the user presses the back or forward
53 button, but not after `setURL` is invoked.
55 @private
56 @method onUpdateURL
57 @param callback {Function}
58 */
59 onUpdateURL(callback: (url: string) => void): void;
60 /**
61 Sets the path and calls the `updateURL` callback.
63 @private
64 @method handleURL
65 @param url {String}
66 */
67 handleURL(url: string): void;
68 /**
69 Given a URL, formats it to be placed into the page as part
70 of an element's `href` attribute.
72 @private
73 @method formatURL
74 @param {String} url
75 @return {String} url
76 */
77 formatURL(url: string): string;
78 }