1 | declare module '@ember/routing/none-location' {
2 | import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
3 | import type { default as EmberLocation, UpdateCallback } from '@ember/routing/location';
4 | /**
5 | @module @ember/routing/none-location
6 | */
7 | /**
8 | NoneLocation does not interact with the browser. It is useful for
9 | testing, or when you need to manage state with your Router, but temporarily
10 | don't want it to muck with the URL (for example when you embed your
11 | application in a larger page).
12 |
13 | Using `NoneLocation` causes Ember to not store the applications URL state
14 | in the actual URL. This is generally used for testing purposes, and is one
15 | of the changes made when calling `App.setupForTesting()`.
16 |
17 | @class NoneLocation
18 | @extends EmberObject
19 | @protected
20 | */
21 | export default class NoneLocation extends EmberObject implements EmberLocation {
22 | updateCallback?: UpdateCallback;
23 | path: string;
24 | /**
25 | Will be pre-pended to path.
26 |
27 | @private
28 | @property rootURL
29 | @default '/'
30 | */
31 | rootURL: string;
32 | initState(): void;
33 | /**
34 | Returns the current path without `rootURL`.
35 |
36 | @private
37 | @method getURL
38 | @return {String} path
39 | */
40 | getURL(): string;
41 | /**
42 | Set the path and remembers what was set. Using this method
43 | to change the path will not invoke the `updateURL` callback.
44 |
45 | @private
46 | @method setURL
47 | @param path {String}
48 | */
49 | setURL(path: string): void;
50 | /**
51 | Register a callback to be invoked when the path changes. These
52 | callbacks will execute when the user presses the back or forward
53 | button, but not after `setURL` is invoked.
54 |
55 | @private
56 | @method onUpdateURL
57 | @param callback {Function}
58 | */
59 | onUpdateURL(callback: (url: string) => void): void;
60 | /**
61 | Sets the path and calls the `updateURL` callback.
62 |
63 | @private
64 | @method handleURL
65 | @param url {String}
66 | */
67 | handleURL(url: string): void;
68 | /**
69 | Given a URL, formats it to be placed into the page as part
70 | of an element's `href` attribute.
71 |
72 | @private
73 | @method formatURL
74 | @param {String} url
75 | @return {String} url
76 | */
77 | formatURL(url: string): string;
78 | }
79 | }