1 | declare module '@ember/routing/router-service' {
2 | import Evented from '@ember/object/evented';
3 | import Service from '@ember/service';
4 | import type { ModelFor, Transition } from 'router_js';
5 | import type Route from '@ember/routing/route';
6 | import EmberRouter from '@ember/routing/router';
7 | import type { RouteInfo, RouteInfoWithAttributes } from '@ember/routing/lib/route-info';
8 | import type { RouteArgs, RouteOptions } from '@ember/routing/lib/utils';
9 | export const ROUTER: unique symbol;
10 | /**
11 | The Router service is the public API that provides access to the router.
12 |
13 | The immediate benefit of the Router service is that you can inject it into components,
14 | giving them a friendly way to initiate transitions and ask questions about the current
15 | global router state.
16 |
17 | In this example, the Router service is injected into a component to initiate a transition
18 | to a dedicated route:
19 |
20 | ```app/components/example.js
21 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
22 | import { action } from '@ember/object';
23 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
24 |
25 | export default class ExampleComponent extends Component {
26 | @service router;
27 |
28 | @action
29 | next() {
30 | this.router.transitionTo('other.route');
31 | }
32 | }
33 | ```
34 |
35 | Like any service, it can also be injected into helpers, routes, etc.
36 |
37 | @public
38 | @extends Service
39 | @class RouterService
40 | */
41 | interface RouterService extends Evented {
42 | on(
43 | eventName: 'routeWillChange' | 'routeDidChange',
44 | callback: (transition: Transition) => void
45 | ): this;
46 | }
47 | const RouterService_base: Readonly<typeof Service> &
48 | (new (owner?: import('@ember/-internals/owner').default | undefined) => Service) &
49 | import('@ember/object/mixin').default;
50 | class RouterService extends RouterService_base {
51 | [ROUTER]?: EmberRouter;
52 | get _router(): EmberRouter;
53 | willDestroy(): void;
54 | /**
55 | Transition the application into another route. The route may
56 | be either a single route or route path:
57 |
58 | Calling `transitionTo` from the Router service will cause default query parameter values to be included in the URL.
59 | This behavior is different from calling `transitionTo` on a route or `transitionToRoute` on a controller.
60 | See the [Router Service RFC](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/blob/master/text/0095-router-service.md#query-parameter-semantics) for more info.
61 |
62 | In the following example we use the Router service to navigate to a route with a
63 | specific model from a Component in the first action, and in the second we trigger
64 | a query-params only transition.
65 |
66 | ```app/components/example.js
67 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
68 | import { action } from '@ember/object';
69 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
70 |
71 | export default class extends Component {
72 | @service router;
73 |
74 | @action
75 | goToComments(post) {
76 | this.router.transitionTo('comments', post);
77 | }
78 |
79 | @action
80 | fetchMoreComments(latestComment) {
81 | this.router.transitionTo({
82 | queryParams: { commentsAfter: latestComment }
83 | });
84 | }
85 | }
86 | ```
87 |
88 | @method transitionTo
89 | @param {String} [routeNameOrUrl] the name of the route or a URL
90 | @param {...Object} [models] the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used while
91 | transitioning to the route.
92 | @param {Object} [options] optional hash with a queryParams property
93 | containing a mapping of query parameters. May be supplied as the only
94 | parameter to trigger a query-parameter-only transition.
95 | @return {Transition} the transition object associated with this
96 | attempted transition
97 | @public
98 | */
99 | transitionTo(...args: RouteArgs): Transition;
100 | /**
101 | Similar to `transitionTo`, but instead of adding the destination to the browser's URL history,
102 | it replaces the entry for the current route.
103 | When the user clicks the "back" button in the browser, there will be fewer steps.
104 | This is most commonly used to manage redirects in a way that does not cause confusing additions
105 | to the user's browsing history.
106 |
107 | Calling `replaceWith` from the Router service will cause default query parameter values to be included in the URL.
108 | This behavior is different from calling `replaceWith` on a route.
109 | See the [Router Service RFC](https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/blob/master/text/0095-router-service.md#query-parameter-semantics) for more info.
110 |
111 | Usage example:
112 |
113 | ```app/routes/application.js
114 | import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
115 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
116 |
117 | export default class extends Route {
118 | @service router;
119 | beforeModel() {
120 | if (!authorized()){
121 | this.router.replaceWith('unauthorized');
122 | }
123 | }
124 | });
125 | ```
126 |
127 | @method replaceWith
128 | @param {String} routeNameOrUrl the name of the route or a URL of the desired destination
129 | @param {...Object} models the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used while
130 | transitioning to the route i.e. an object of params to pass to the destination route
131 | @param {Object} [options] optional hash with a queryParams property
132 | containing a mapping of query parameters
133 | @return {Transition} the transition object associated with this
134 | attempted transition
135 | @public
136 | */
137 | replaceWith(...args: RouteArgs): Transition;
138 | /**
139 | Generate a URL based on the supplied route name and optionally a model. The
140 | URL is returned as a string that can be used for any purpose.
141 |
142 | In this example, the URL for the `author.books` route for a given author
143 | is copied to the clipboard.
144 |
145 | ```app/templates/application.hbs
146 | <CopyLink @author={{hash id="tomster" name="Tomster"}} />
147 | ```
148 |
149 | ```app/components/copy-link.js
150 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
151 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
152 | import { action } from '@ember/object';
153 |
154 | export default class CopyLinkComponent extends Component {
155 | @service router;
156 | @service clipboard;
157 |
158 | @action
159 | copyBooksURL() {
160 | if (this.author) {
161 | const url = this.router.urlFor('author.books', this.args.author);
162 | this.clipboard.set(url);
163 | // Clipboard now has /author/tomster/books
164 | }
165 | }
166 | }
167 | ```
168 |
169 | Just like with `transitionTo` and `replaceWith`, `urlFor` can also handle
170 | query parameters.
171 |
172 | ```app/templates/application.hbs
173 | <CopyLink @author={{hash id="tomster" name="Tomster"}} />
174 | ```
175 |
176 | ```app/components/copy-link.js
177 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
178 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
179 | import { action } from '@ember/object';
180 |
181 | export default class CopyLinkComponent extends Component {
182 | @service router;
183 | @service clipboard;
184 |
185 | @action
186 | copyOnlyEmberBooksURL() {
187 | if (this.author) {
188 | const url = this.router.urlFor('author.books', this.author, {
189 | queryParams: { filter: 'emberjs' }
190 | });
191 | this.clipboard.set(url);
192 | // Clipboard now has /author/tomster/books?filter=emberjs
193 | }
194 | }
195 | }
196 | ```
197 |
198 | @method urlFor
199 | @param {String} routeName the name of the route
200 | @param {...Object} models the model(s) for the route.
201 | @param {Object} [options] optional hash with a queryParams property
202 | containing a mapping of query parameters
203 | @return {String} the string representing the generated URL
204 | @public
205 | */
206 | urlFor<R extends Route>(
207 | routeName: string,
208 | ...args: ModelFor<R>[] | [...ModelFor<R>[], RouteOptions]
209 | ): string;
210 | /**
211 | Returns `true` if `routeName/models/queryParams` is the active route, where `models` and `queryParams` are optional.
212 | See [model](api/ember/release/classes/Route/methods/model?anchor=model) and
213 | [queryParams](/api/ember/3.7/classes/Route/properties/queryParams?anchor=queryParams) for more information about these arguments.
214 |
215 | In the following example, `isActive` will return `true` if the current route is `/posts`.
216 |
217 | ```app/components/posts.js
218 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
219 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
220 |
221 | export default class extends Component {
222 | @service router;
223 |
224 | displayComments() {
225 | return this.router.isActive('posts');
226 | }
227 | });
228 | ```
229 |
230 | The next example includes a dynamic segment, and will return `true` if the current route is `/posts/1`,
231 | assuming the post has an id of 1:
232 |
233 | ```app/components/posts.js
234 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
235 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
236 |
237 | export default class extends Component {
238 | @service router;
239 |
240 | displayComments(post) {
241 | return this.router.isActive('posts', post.id);
242 | }
243 | });
244 | ```
245 |
246 | Where `post.id` is the id of a specific post, which is represented in the route as /posts/[post.id].
247 | If `post.id` is equal to 1, then isActive will return true if the current route is /posts/1, and false if the route is anything else.
248 |
249 | @method isActive
250 | @param {String} routeName the name of the route
251 | @param {...Object} models the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used when determining the active route.
252 | @param {Object} [options] optional hash with a queryParams property
253 | containing a mapping of query parameters
254 | @return {boolean} true if the provided routeName/models/queryParams are active
255 | @public
256 | */
257 | isActive(...args: RouteArgs): boolean;
258 | /**
259 | Takes a string URL and returns a `RouteInfo` for the leafmost route represented
260 | by the URL. Returns `null` if the URL is not recognized. This method expects to
261 | receive the actual URL as seen by the browser including the app's `rootURL`.
262 |
263 | See [RouteInfo](/ember/release/classes/RouteInfo) for more info.
264 |
265 | In the following example `recognize` is used to verify if a path belongs to our
266 | application before transitioning to it.
267 |
268 | ```
269 | import Component from '@ember/component';
270 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
271 |
272 | export default class extends Component {
273 | @service router;
274 | path = '/';
275 |
276 | click() {
277 | if (this.router.recognize(this.path)) {
278 | this.router.transitionTo(this.path);
279 | }
280 | }
281 | }
282 | ```
283 |
284 | @method recognize
285 | @param {String} url
286 | @return {RouteInfo | null}
287 | @public
288 | */
289 | recognize(url: string): RouteInfo | null;
290 | /**
291 | Takes a string URL and returns a promise that resolves to a
292 | `RouteInfoWithAttributes` for the leafmost route represented by the URL.
293 | The promise rejects if the URL is not recognized or an unhandled exception
294 | is encountered. This method expects to receive the actual URL as seen by
295 | the browser including the app's `rootURL`.
296 |
297 | @method recognizeAndLoad
298 | @param {String} url
299 | @return {RouteInfo}
300 | @public
301 | */
302 | recognizeAndLoad(url: string): Promise<RouteInfoWithAttributes>;
303 | /**
304 | You can register a listener for events emitted by this service with `.on()`:
305 |
306 | ```app/routes/contact-form.js
307 | import Route from '@ember/routing';
308 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
309 |
310 | export default class extends Route {
311 | @service router;
312 |
313 | activate() {
314 | this.router.on('routeWillChange', (transition) => {
315 | if (!transition.to.find(route => route.name === this.routeName)) {
316 | alert("Please save or cancel your changes.");
317 | transition.abort();
318 | }
319 | })
320 | }
321 | }
322 | ```
323 |
324 | @method on
325 | @param {String} eventName
326 | @param {Function} callback
327 | @public
328 | */
329 | /**
330 | You can unregister a listener for events emitted by this service with `.off()`:
331 |
332 | ```app/routes/contact-form.js
333 | import Route from '@ember/routing';
334 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
335 |
336 | export default class ContactFormRoute extends Route {
337 | @service router;
338 |
339 | callback = (transition) => {
340 | if (!transition.to.find(route => route.name === this.routeName)) {
341 | alert('Please save or cancel your changes.');
342 | transition.abort();
343 | }
344 | };
345 |
346 | activate() {
347 | this.router.on('routeWillChange', this.callback);
348 | }
349 |
350 | deactivate() {
351 | this.router.off('routeWillChange', this.callback);
352 | }
353 | }
354 | ```
355 |
356 | @method off
357 | @param {String} eventName
358 | @param {Function} callback
359 | @public
360 | */
361 | /**
362 | The `routeWillChange` event is fired at the beginning of any
363 | attempted transition with a `Transition` object as the sole
364 | argument. This action can be used for aborting, redirecting,
365 | or decorating the transition from the currently active routes.
366 |
367 | A good example is preventing navigation when a form is
368 | half-filled out:
369 |
370 | ```app/routes/contact-form.js
371 | import Route from '@ember/routing';
372 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
373 |
374 | export default class extends Route {
375 | @service router;
376 |
377 | activate() {
378 | this.router.on('routeWillChange', (transition) => {
379 | if (!transition.to.find(route => route.name === this.routeName)) {
380 | alert("Please save or cancel your changes.");
381 | transition.abort();
382 | }
383 | })
384 | }
385 | }
386 | ```
387 |
388 | The `routeWillChange` event fires whenever a new route is chosen as the desired target of a transition. This includes `transitionTo`, `replaceWith`, all redirection for any reason including error handling, and abort. Aborting implies changing the desired target back to where you already were. Once a transition has completed, `routeDidChange` fires.
389 |
390 | @event routeWillChange
391 | @param {Transition} transition
392 | @public
393 | */
394 | /**
395 | The `routeDidChange` event only fires once a transition has settled.
396 | This includes aborts and error substates. Like the `routeWillChange` event
397 | it receives a Transition as the sole argument.
398 |
399 | A good example is sending some analytics when the route has transitioned:
400 |
401 | ```app/routes/contact-form.js
402 | import Route from '@ember/routing';
403 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
404 |
405 | export default class extends Route {
406 | @service router;
407 |
408 | activate() {
409 | this.router.on('routeDidChange', (transition) => {
410 | ga.send('pageView', {
411 | current: transition.to.name,
412 | from: transition.from.name
413 | });
414 | })
415 | }
416 | }
417 | ```
418 |
419 | `routeDidChange` will be called after any `Route`'s
420 | [didTransition](/ember/release/classes/Route/events/didTransition?anchor=didTransition)
421 | action has been fired.
422 | The updates of properties
423 | [currentURL](/ember/release/classes/RouterService/properties/currentURL?anchor=currentURL),
424 | [currentRouteName](/ember/release/classes/RouterService/properties/currentURL?anchor=currentRouteName)
425 | and
426 | [currentRoute](/ember/release/classes/RouterService/properties/currentURL?anchor=currentRoute)
427 | are completed at the time `routeDidChange` is called.
428 |
429 | @event routeDidChange
430 | @param {Transition} transition
431 | @public
432 | */
433 | /**
434 | * Refreshes all currently active routes, doing a full transition.
435 | * If a route name is provided and refers to a currently active route,
436 | * it will refresh only that route and its descendents.
437 | * Returns a promise that will be resolved once the refresh is complete.
438 | * All resetController, beforeModel, model, afterModel, redirect, and setupController
439 | * hooks will be called again. You will get new data from the model hook.
440 | *
441 | * @method refresh
442 | * @param {String} [routeName] the route to refresh (along with all child routes)
443 | * @return Transition
444 | * @public
445 | */
446 | refresh(pivotRouteName?: string): Transition;
447 | /**
448 | Name of the current route.
449 |
450 | This property represents the logical name of the route,
451 | which is dot separated.
452 | For the following router:
453 |
454 | ```app/router.js
455 | Router.map(function() {
456 | this.route('about');
457 | this.route('blog', function () {
458 | this.route('post', { path: ':post_id' });
459 | });
460 | });
461 | ```
462 |
463 | It will return:
464 |
465 | * `index` when you visit `/`
466 | * `about` when you visit `/about`
467 | * `blog.index` when you visit `/blog`
468 | * `blog.post` when you visit `/blog/some-post-id`
469 |
470 | @property currentRouteName
471 | @type {String | null}
472 | @public
473 | */
474 | readonly currentRouteName: this['_router']['currentRouteName'];
475 | /**
476 | Current URL for the application.
477 |
478 | This property represents the URL path for this route.
479 | For the following router:
480 |
481 | ```app/router.js
482 | Router.map(function() {
483 | this.route('about');
484 | this.route('blog', function () {
485 | this.route('post', { path: ':post_id' });
486 | });
487 | });
488 | ```
489 |
490 | It will return:
491 |
492 | * `/` when you visit `/`
493 | * `/about` when you visit `/about`
494 | * `/blog` when you visit `/blog`
495 | * `/blog/some-post-id` when you visit `/blog/some-post-id`
496 |
497 | @property currentURL
498 | @type String
499 | @public
500 | */
501 | readonly currentURL: this['_router']['currentURL'];
502 | /**
503 | The `location` property returns what implementation of the `location` API
504 | your application is using, which determines what type of URL is being used.
505 |
506 | See [Location](/ember/release/classes/Location) for more information.
507 |
508 | To force a particular `location` API implementation to be used in your
509 | application you can set a location type on your `config/environment`.
510 | For example, to set the `history` type:
511 |
512 | ```config/environment.js
513 | 'use strict';
514 |
515 | module.exports = function(environment) {
516 | let ENV = {
517 | modulePrefix: 'router-service',
518 | environment,
519 | rootURL: '/',
520 | locationType: 'history',
521 | ...
522 | }
523 | }
524 | ```
525 |
526 | The following location types are available by default:
527 | `hash`, `history`, `none`.
528 |
529 | See [HashLocation](/ember/release/classes/HashLocation).
530 | See [HistoryLocation](/ember/release/classes/HistoryLocation).
531 | See [NoneLocation](/ember/release/classes/NoneLocation).
532 |
533 | @property location
534 | @default 'hash'
535 | @see {Location}
536 | @public
537 | */
538 | readonly location: this['_router']['location'];
539 | /**
540 | The `rootURL` property represents the URL of the root of
541 | the application, '/' by default.
542 | This prefix is assumed on all routes defined on this app.
543 |
544 | If you change the `rootURL` in your environment configuration
545 | like so:
546 |
547 | ```config/environment.js
548 | 'use strict';
549 |
550 | module.exports = function(environment) {
551 | let ENV = {
552 | modulePrefix: 'router-service',
553 | environment,
554 | rootURL: '/my-root',
555 | …
556 | }
557 | ]
558 | ```
559 |
560 | This property will return `/my-root`.
561 |
562 | @property rootURL
563 | @default '/'
564 | @public
565 | */
566 | readonly rootURL: this['_router']['rootURL'];
567 | /**
568 | The `currentRoute` property contains metadata about the current leaf route.
569 | It returns a `RouteInfo` object that has information like the route name,
570 | params, query params and more.
571 |
572 | See [RouteInfo](/ember/release/classes/RouteInfo) for more info.
573 |
574 | This property is guaranteed to change whenever a route transition
575 | happens (even when that transition only changes parameters
576 | and doesn't change the active route).
577 |
578 | Usage example:
579 | ```app/components/header.js
580 | import Component from '@glimmer/component';
581 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
582 | import { notEmpty } from '@ember/object/computed';
583 |
584 | export default class extends Component {
585 | @service router;
586 |
587 | @notEmpty('router.currentRoute.child') isChildRoute;
588 | });
589 | ```
590 |
591 | @property currentRoute
592 | @type RouteInfo
593 | @public
594 | */
595 | readonly currentRoute: this['_router']['currentRoute'];
596 | }
597 | export { RouterService as default, type RouteInfo, type RouteInfoWithAttributes };
598 | }