1 | declare module '@ember/routing/router' {
2 | import type { OutletView } from '@ember/-internals/glimmer';
3 | import type { default as Owner } from '@ember/owner';
4 | import { default as BucketCache } from '@ember/routing/lib/cache';
5 | import { default as DSL, type DSLCallback } from '@ember/routing/lib/dsl';
6 | import RouterState from '@ember/routing/lib/router_state';
7 | import type { RouteArgs, RouteOptions } from '@ember/routing/lib/utils';
8 | import type {
9 | default as EmberLocation,
10 | Registry as LocationRegistry,
11 | } from '@ember/routing/location';
12 | import type RouterService from '@ember/routing/router-service';
13 | import EmberObject from '@ember/object';
14 | import Evented from '@ember/object/evented';
15 | import { type QueryParamMeta, type default as Route } from '@ember/routing/route';
16 | import type {
17 | InternalRouteInfo,
18 | ModelFor,
19 | RouteInfo,
20 | RouteInfoWithAttributes,
21 | Transition,
22 | TransitionState,
23 | } from 'router_js';
24 | import Router from 'router_js';
25 | import type { Timer } from 'backburner.js';
26 | import EngineInstance from '@ember/engine/instance';
27 | import type { QueryParams } from 'route-recognizer';
28 | import type { MethodNamesOf, OmitFirst } from '@ember/-internals/utility-types';
29 | /**
30 | @module @ember/routing/router
31 | */
32 | function defaultDidTransition(this: EmberRouter, infos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[]): void;
33 | function defaultWillTransition(
34 | this: EmberRouter,
35 | oldInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[],
36 | newInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[]
37 | ): void;
38 | export interface QueryParam {
39 | prop: string;
40 | urlKey: string;
41 | type: string;
42 | route: Route;
43 | parts?: string[];
44 | values: {} | null;
45 | scopedPropertyName: string;
46 | scope: string;
47 | defaultValue: unknown;
48 | undecoratedDefaultValue: unknown;
49 | serializedValue: string | null | undefined;
50 | serializedDefaultValue: string | null | undefined;
51 | controllerName: string;
52 | }
53 | const EmberRouter_base: Readonly<typeof EmberObject> &
54 | (new (owner?: Owner | undefined) => EmberObject) &
55 | import('@ember/object/mixin').default;
56 | /**
57 | The `EmberRouter` class manages the application state and URLs. Refer to
58 | the [routing guide](https://guides.emberjs.com/release/routing/) for documentation.
59 |
60 | @class EmberRouter
61 | @extends EmberObject
62 | @uses Evented
63 | @public
64 | */
65 | class EmberRouter extends EmberRouter_base implements Evented {
66 | /**
67 | Represents the URL of the root of the application, often '/'. This prefix is
68 | assumed on all routes defined on this router.
69 |
70 | @property rootURL
71 | @default '/'
72 | @public
73 | */
74 | rootURL: string;
75 | /**
76 | The `location` property determines the type of URL's that your
77 | application will use.
78 |
79 | The following location types are currently available:
80 |
81 | * `history` - use the browser's history API to make the URLs look just like any standard URL
82 | * `hash` - use `#` to separate the server part of the URL from the Ember part: `/blog/#/posts/new`
83 | * `none` - do not store the Ember URL in the actual browser URL (mainly used for testing)
84 | * `auto` - use the best option based on browser capabilities: `history` if possible, then `hash` if possible, otherwise `none`
85 |
86 | This value is defaulted to `history` by the `locationType` setting of `/config/environment.js`
87 |
88 | @property location
89 | @default 'hash'
90 | @see {Location}
91 | @public
92 | */
93 | location: (keyof LocationRegistry & string) | EmberLocation;
94 | _routerMicrolib: Router<Route>;
95 | _didSetupRouter: boolean;
96 | _initialTransitionStarted: boolean;
97 | currentURL: string | null;
98 | currentRouteName: string | null;
99 | currentPath: string | null;
100 | currentRoute: RouteInfo | RouteInfoWithAttributes | null;
101 | _qpCache: Record<
102 | string,
103 | {
104 | qps: QueryParam[];
105 | map: QueryParamMeta['map'];
106 | }
107 | >;
108 | _qpUpdates: Set<string>;
109 | _queuedQPChanges: Record<string, unknown>;
110 | _bucketCache: BucketCache;
111 | _toplevelView: OutletView | null;
112 | _handledErrors: Set<unknown>;
113 | _engineInstances: Record<string, Record<string, EngineInstance>>;
114 | _engineInfoByRoute: any;
115 | _routerService: RouterService;
116 | _slowTransitionTimer: Timer | null;
117 | private namespace;
118 | on: (name: string, method: ((...args: any[]) => void) | string) => this;
119 | one: (name: string, method: string | ((...args: any[]) => void)) => this;
120 | trigger: (name: string, ...args: any[]) => unknown;
121 | off: (name: string, method: string | ((...args: any[]) => void)) => this;
122 | has: (name: string) => boolean;
123 | private static dslCallbacks?;
124 | /**
125 | The `Router.map` function allows you to define mappings from URLs to routes
126 | in your application. These mappings are defined within the
127 | supplied callback function using `this.route`.
128 |
129 | The first parameter is the name of the route which is used by default as the
130 | path name as well.
131 |
132 | The second parameter is the optional options hash. Available options are:
133 |
134 | * `path`: allows you to provide your own path as well as mark dynamic
135 | segments.
136 | * `resetNamespace`: false by default; when nesting routes, ember will
137 | combine the route names to form the fully-qualified route name, which is
138 | used with `{{link-to}}` or manually transitioning to routes. Setting
139 | `resetNamespace: true` will cause the route not to inherit from its
140 | parent route's names. This is handy for preventing extremely long route names.
141 | Keep in mind that the actual URL path behavior is still retained.
142 |
143 | The third parameter is a function, which can be used to nest routes.
144 | Nested routes, by default, will have the parent route tree's route name and
145 | path prepended to it's own.
146 |
147 | ```app/router.js
148 | Router.map(function(){
149 | this.route('post', { path: '/post/:post_id' }, function() {
150 | this.route('edit');
151 | this.route('comments', { resetNamespace: true }, function() {
152 | this.route('new');
153 | });
154 | });
155 | });
156 | ```
157 |
158 | @method map
159 | @param callback
160 | @public
161 | */
162 | static map(callback: DSLCallback): typeof EmberRouter;
163 | static _routePath(routeInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[]): string;
164 | constructor(owner?: Owner);
165 | _initRouterJs(): void;
166 | _buildDSL(): DSL;
167 | _resetQueuedQueryParameterChanges(): void;
168 | _hasModuleBasedResolver(): boolean;
169 | /**
170 | Initializes the current router instance and sets up the change handling
171 | event listeners used by the instances `location` implementation.
172 |
173 | A property named `initialURL` will be used to determine the initial URL.
174 | If no value is found `/` will be used.
175 |
176 | @method startRouting
177 | @private
178 | */
179 | startRouting(): void;
180 | setupRouter(): boolean;
181 | _setOutlets(): void;
182 | handleURL(url: string): import('router_js').InternalTransition<Route<unknown>>;
183 | _doURLTransition<M extends 'handleURL' | 'transitionTo'>(
184 | routerJsMethod: M,
185 | url: string
186 | ): import('router_js').InternalTransition<Route<unknown>>;
187 | /**
188 | Transition the application into another route. The route may
189 | be either a single route or route path:
190 |
191 | @method transitionTo
192 | @param {String} [name] the name of the route or a URL
193 | while
{...Object} models the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used |
194 | transitioning to the route.
195 | Object} [options] optional hash with a queryParams property
{ |
196 | containing a mapping of query parameters
197 | with this
{Transition} the transition object associated |
198 | attempted transition
199 |
200 | */
201 | transitionTo(...args: RouteArgs): Transition;
202 | intermediateTransitionTo(name: string, ...args: any[]): void;
203 | /**
204 | Similar to `transitionTo`, but instead of adding the destination to the browser's URL history,
205 | it replaces the entry for the current route.
206 | When the user clicks the "back" button in the browser, there will be fewer steps.
207 | This is most commonly used to manage redirects in a way that does not cause confusing additions
208 | to the user's browsing history.
209 |
210 | @method replaceWith
211 | @param {String} [name] the name of the route or a URL
212 | @param {...Object} models the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used while
213 | transitioning to the route.
214 | @param {Object} [options] optional hash with a queryParams property
215 | containing a mapping of query parameters
216 | @return {Transition} the transition object associated with this
217 | attempted transition
218 | @public
219 | */
220 | replaceWith(...args: RouteArgs): Transition;
221 | generate(
222 | name: string,
223 | ...args: ModelFor<Route>[] | [...ModelFor<Route>[], RouteOptions]
224 | ): string;
225 | /**
226 | Determines if the supplied route is currently active.
227 |
228 | @method isActive
229 | @param routeName
230 | @return {Boolean}
231 | @private
232 | */
233 | isActive(routeName: string): boolean;
234 | /**
235 | An alternative form of `isActive` that doesn't require
236 | manual concatenation of the arguments into a single
237 | array.
238 |
239 | @method isActiveIntent
240 | @param routeName
241 | @param models
242 | @param queryParams
243 | @return {Boolean}
244 | @private
245 | @since 1.7.0
246 | */
247 | isActiveIntent(
248 | routeName: string,
249 | models: ModelFor<Route>[],
250 | queryParams: Record<string, unknown>
251 | ): boolean;
252 | send(name: string, ...args: any[]): void;
253 | /**
254 | Does this router instance have the given route.
255 |
256 | @method hasRoute
257 | @return {Boolean}
258 | @private
259 | */
260 | hasRoute(route: string): boolean;
261 | /**
262 | Resets the state of the router by clearing the current route
263 | handlers and deactivating them.
264 |
265 | @private
266 | @method reset
267 | */
268 | reset(): void;
269 | willDestroy(): void;
270 | _activeQPChanged(queryParameterName: string, newValue: unknown): void;
271 | _updatingQPChanged(queryParameterName: string): void;
272 | _fireQueryParamTransition(): void;
273 | _setupLocation(): void;
274 | /**
275 | Serializes the given query params according to their QP meta information.
276 |
277 | @private
278 | @method _serializeQueryParams
279 | @param {Arrray<RouteInfo>} routeInfos
280 | @param {Object} queryParams
281 | @return {Void}
282 | */
283 | _serializeQueryParams(
284 | routeInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[],
285 | queryParams: Record<string, unknown>
286 | ): asserts queryParams is Record<string, string | null | undefined>;
287 | /**
288 | Serializes the value of a query parameter based on a type
289 |
290 | @private
291 | @method _serializeQueryParam
292 | @param {Object} value
293 | @param {String} type
294 | */
295 | _serializeQueryParam(value: unknown, type: string): string | null | undefined;
296 | /**
297 | Deserializes the given query params according to their QP meta information.
298 |
299 | @private
300 | @method _deserializeQueryParams
301 | @param {Array<RouteInfo>} routeInfos
302 | @param {Object} queryParams
303 | @return {Void}
304 | */
305 | _deserializeQueryParams(
306 | routeInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[],
307 | queryParams: Record<string, unknown>
308 | ): void;
309 | /**
310 | Deserializes the value of a query parameter based on a default type
311 |
312 | @private
313 | @method _deserializeQueryParam
314 | @param {Object} value
315 | @param {String} defaultType
316 | */
317 | _deserializeQueryParam(value: unknown, defaultType: string): {} | null | undefined;
318 | /**
319 | Removes (prunes) any query params with default values from the given QP
320 | object. Default values are determined from the QP meta information per key.
321 |
322 | @private
323 | @method _pruneDefaultQueryParamValues
324 | @param {Array<RouteInfo>} routeInfos
325 | @param {Object} queryParams
326 | @return {Void}
327 | */
328 | _pruneDefaultQueryParamValues(
329 | routeInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[],
330 | queryParams: Record<string, string | null | undefined>
331 | ): void;
332 | _doTransition(
333 | _targetRouteName: string | undefined,
334 | models: ModelFor<Route>[],
335 | _queryParams: Record<string, unknown>,
336 | _fromRouterService?: boolean
337 | ): Transition;
338 | _processActiveTransitionQueryParams(
339 | targetRouteName: string,
340 | models: ModelFor<Route>[],
341 | queryParams: Record<string, unknown>,
342 | _queryParams: {}
343 | ): void;
344 | /**
345 | Prepares the query params for a URL or Transition. Restores any undefined QP
346 | keys/values, serializes all values, and then prunes any default values.
347 |
348 | @private
349 | @method _prepareQueryParams
350 | @param {String} targetRouteName
351 | @param {Array<Object>} models
352 | @param {Object} queryParams
353 | @param {boolean} keepDefaultQueryParamValues
354 | @return {Void}
355 | */
356 | _prepareQueryParams(
357 | targetRouteName: string,
358 | models: ModelFor<Route>[],
359 | queryParams: Record<string, unknown>,
360 | _fromRouterService?: boolean
361 | ): void;
362 | /**
363 | Returns the meta information for the query params of a given route. This
364 | will be overridden to allow support for lazy routes.
365 |
366 | @private
367 | @method _getQPMeta
368 | @param {RouteInfo} routeInfo
369 | @return {Object}
370 | */
371 | _getQPMeta(routeInfo: InternalRouteInfo<Route>): QueryParamMeta | undefined;
372 | /**
373 | Returns a merged query params meta object for a given set of routeInfos.
374 | Useful for knowing what query params are available for a given route hierarchy.
375 |
376 | @private
377 | @method _queryParamsFor
378 | @param {Array<RouteInfo>} routeInfos
379 | @return {Object}
380 | */
381 | _queryParamsFor(routeInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[]): {
382 | qps: QueryParam[];
383 | map: Record<string, QueryParam>;
384 | };
385 | /**
386 | Maps all query param keys to their fully scoped property name of the form
387 | `controllerName:propName`.
388 |
389 | @private
390 | @method _fullyScopeQueryParams
391 | @param {String} leafRouteName
392 | @param {Array<Object>} contexts
393 | @param {Object} queryParams
394 | @return {Void}
395 | */
396 | _fullyScopeQueryParams(
397 | leafRouteName: string,
398 | contexts: ModelFor<Route>[],
399 | queryParams: QueryParams
400 | ): void;
401 | /**
402 | Hydrates (adds/restores) any query params that have pre-existing values into
403 | the given queryParams hash. This is what allows query params to be "sticky"
404 | and restore their last known values for their scope.
405 |
406 | @private
407 | @method _hydrateUnsuppliedQueryParams
408 | @param {TransitionState} state
409 | @param {Object} queryParams
410 | @return {Void}
411 | */
412 | _hydrateUnsuppliedQueryParams(
413 | state: TransitionState<Route>,
414 | queryParams: QueryParams,
415 | _fromRouterService: boolean
416 | ): void;
417 | _scheduleLoadingEvent(transition: Transition, originRoute: Route): void;
418 | currentState: null | RouterState;
419 | targetState: null | RouterState;
420 | _handleSlowTransition(transition: Transition, originRoute: Route): void;
421 | _cancelSlowTransitionTimer(): void;
422 | _markErrorAsHandled(error: Error): void;
423 | _isErrorHandled(error: Error): boolean;
424 | _clearHandledError(error: Error): void;
425 | _getEngineInstance({
426 | name,
427 | instanceId,
428 | mountPoint,
429 | }: {
430 | name: string;
431 | instanceId: number;
432 | mountPoint: string;
433 | }): EngineInstance;
434 | /**
435 | Handles updating the paths and notifying any listeners of the URL
436 | change.
437 |
438 | Triggers the router level `didTransition` hook.
439 |
440 | For example, to notify google analytics when the route changes,
441 | you could use this hook. (Note: requires also including GA scripts, etc.)
442 |
443 | ```javascript
444 | import config from './config/environment';
445 | import EmberRouter from '@ember/routing/router';
446 | import { service } from '@ember/service';
447 |
448 | let Router = EmberRouter.extend({
449 | location: config.locationType,
450 |
451 | router: service(),
452 |
453 | didTransition: function() {
454 | this._super(...arguments);
455 |
456 | ga('send', 'pageview', {
457 | page: this.router.currentURL,
458 | title: this.router.currentRouteName,
459 | });
460 | }
461 | });
462 | ```
463 |
464 | @method didTransition
465 | @private
466 | @since 1.2.0
467 | */
468 | didTransition: typeof defaultDidTransition;
469 | /**
470 | Handles notifying any listeners of an impending URL
471 | change.
472 |
473 | Triggers the router level `willTransition` hook.
474 |
475 | @method willTransition
476 | @private
477 | @since 1.11.0
478 | */
479 | willTransition: typeof defaultWillTransition;
480 | /**
481 | Represents the current URL.
482 |
483 | @property url
484 | @type {String}
485 | @private
486 | */
487 | url: string;
488 | }
489 | let defaultActionHandlers: {
490 | willResolveModel<R extends Route<unknown>>(
491 | this: EmberRouter,
492 | _routeInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[],
493 | transition: Transition,
494 | originRoute: R
495 | ): void;
496 | error(
497 | this: EmberRouter,
498 | routeInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[],
499 | error: Error,
500 | transition: Transition
501 | ): void;
502 | loading(
503 | this: EmberRouter,
504 | routeInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[],
505 | transition: Transition
506 | ): void;
507 | };
508 | export function triggerEvent<N extends MethodNamesOf<typeof defaultActionHandlers>>(
509 | this: EmberRouter,
510 | routeInfos: InternalRouteInfo<Route>[],
511 | ignoreFailure: boolean,
512 | name: N,
513 | args: OmitFirst<Parameters<(typeof defaultActionHandlers)[N]>>
514 | ): void;
515 | export default EmberRouter;
516 | }