1 | declare module '@ember/runloop' {
2 | import Backburner, { type Timer, type DeferredActionQueues } from 'backburner.js';
3 | import type { AnyFn } from '@ember/-internals/utility-types';
4 | export type { Timer };
5 | type PartialParams<P extends any[]> = P extends [infer First, ...infer Rest]
6 | ? [] | [First] | [First, ...PartialParams<Rest>]
7 | : Required<P> extends [infer First, ...infer Rest]
8 | ? [] | [First | undefined] | [First | undefined, ...PartialParams<Partial<Rest>>]
9 | : [];
10 | type RemainingParams<PartialParams extends any[], All extends any[]> = PartialParams extends [
11 | infer First,
12 | ...infer Rest
13 | ]
14 | ? All extends [infer AllFirst, ...infer AllRest]
15 | ? First extends AllFirst
16 | ? RemainingParams<Rest, AllRest>
17 | : never
18 | : Required<All> extends [infer AllFirst, ...infer AllRest]
19 | ? First extends AllFirst | undefined
20 | ? Partial<RemainingParams<Rest, AllRest>>
21 | : never
22 | : never
23 | : PartialParams extends []
24 | ? All
25 | : never;
26 | export function _getCurrentRunLoop(): DeferredActionQueues | null;
27 | export const _rsvpErrorQueue: string;
28 | /**
29 | Array of named queues. This array determines the order in which queues
30 | are flushed at the end of the RunLoop. You can define your own queues by
31 | simply adding the queue name to this array. Normally you should not need
32 | to inspect or modify this property.
33 |
34 | @property queues
35 | @type Array
36 | @default ['actions', 'destroy']
37 | @private
38 | */
39 | export const _queues: string[];
40 | /**
41 | * @internal
42 | * @private
43 | */
44 | export const _backburner: Backburner;
45 | /**
46 | @module @ember/runloop
47 | */
48 | /**
49 | Runs the passed target and method inside of a RunLoop, ensuring any
50 | deferred actions including bindings and views updates are flushed at the
51 | end.
52 |
53 | Normally you should not need to invoke this method yourself. However if
54 | you are implementing raw event handlers when interfacing with other
55 | libraries or plugins, you should probably wrap all of your code inside this
56 | call.
57 |
58 | ```javascript
59 | import { run } from '@ember/runloop';
60 |
61 | run(function() {
62 | // code to be executed within a RunLoop
63 | });
64 | ```
65 | @method run
66 | @for @ember/runloop
67 | @static
68 | @param {Object} [target] target of method to call
69 | @param {Function|String} method Method to invoke.
70 | May be a function or a string. If you pass a string
71 | then it will be looked up on the passed target.
72 | @param {Object} [args*] Any additional arguments you wish to pass to the method.
73 | @return {Object} return value from invoking the passed function.
74 | @public
75 | */
76 | export function run<F extends () => any>(method: F): ReturnType<F>;
77 | export function run<F extends AnyFn>(method: F, ...args: Parameters<F>): ReturnType<F>;
78 | export function run<T, F extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(
79 | target: T,
80 | method: F,
81 | ...args: Parameters<F>
82 | ): ReturnType<F>;
83 | export function run<T, U extends keyof T>(
84 | target: T,
85 | method: U,
86 | ...args: T[U] extends AnyFn ? Parameters<T[U]> : []
87 | ): T[U] extends AnyFn ? ReturnType<T[U]> : unknown;
88 | /**
89 | If no run-loop is present, it creates a new one. If a run loop is
90 | present it will queue itself to run on the existing run-loops action
91 | queue.
92 |
93 | Please note: This is not for normal usage, and should be used sparingly.
94 |
95 | If invoked when not within a run loop:
96 |
97 | ```javascript
98 | import { join } from '@ember/runloop';
99 |
100 | join(function() {
101 | // creates a new run-loop
102 | });
103 | ```
104 |
105 | Alternatively, if called within an existing run loop:
106 |
107 | ```javascript
108 | import { run, join } from '@ember/runloop';
109 |
110 | run(function() {
111 | // creates a new run-loop
112 |
113 | join(function() {
114 | // joins with the existing run-loop, and queues for invocation on
115 | // the existing run-loops action queue.
116 | });
117 | });
118 | ```
119 |
120 | @method join
121 | @static
122 | @for @ember/runloop
123 | @param {Object} [target] target of method to call
124 | @param {Function|String} method Method to invoke.
125 | May be a function or a string. If you pass a string
126 | then it will be looked up on the passed target.
127 | @param {Object} [args*] Any additional arguments you wish to pass to the method.
128 | @return {Object} Return value from invoking the passed function. Please note,
129 | when called within an existing loop, no return value is possible.
130 | @public
131 | */
132 | export function join<F extends AnyFn>(method: F, ...args: Parameters<F>): ReturnType<F> | void;
133 | export function join<T, F extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(
134 | target: T,
135 | method: F,
136 | ...args: Parameters<F>
137 | ): ReturnType<F> | void;
138 | export function join<T, U extends keyof T>(
139 | target: T,
140 | method: U,
141 | ...args: T[U] extends AnyFn ? Parameters<T[U]> : []
142 | ): T[U] extends AnyFn ? ReturnType<T[U]> | void : void;
143 | /**
144 | Allows you to specify which context to call the specified function in while
145 | adding the execution of that function to the Ember run loop. This ability
146 | makes this method a great way to asynchronously integrate third-party libraries
147 | into your Ember application.
148 |
149 | `bind` takes two main arguments, the desired context and the function to
150 | invoke in that context. Any additional arguments will be supplied as arguments
151 | to the function that is passed in.
152 |
153 | Let's use the creation of a TinyMCE component as an example. Currently,
154 | TinyMCE provides a setup configuration option we can use to do some processing
155 | after the TinyMCE instance is initialized but before it is actually rendered.
156 | We can use that setup option to do some additional setup for our component.
157 | The component itself could look something like the following:
158 |
159 | ```app/components/rich-text-editor.js
160 | import Component from '@ember/component';
161 | import { on } from '@ember/object/evented';
162 | import { bind } from '@ember/runloop';
163 |
164 | export default Component.extend({
165 | initializeTinyMCE: on('didInsertElement', function() {
166 | tinymce.init({
167 | selector: '#' + this.$().prop('id'),
168 | setup: bind(this, this.setupEditor)
169 | });
170 | }),
171 |
172 | didInsertElement() {
173 | tinymce.init({
174 | selector: '#' + this.$().prop('id'),
175 | setup: bind(this, this.setupEditor)
176 | });
177 | }
178 |
179 | setupEditor(editor) {
180 | this.set('editor', editor);
181 |
182 | editor.on('change', function() {
183 | console.log('content changed!');
184 | });
185 | }
186 | });
187 | ```
188 |
189 | In this example, we use `bind` to bind the setupEditor method to the
190 | context of the RichTextEditor component and to have the invocation of that
191 | method be safely handled and executed by the Ember run loop.
192 |
193 | @method bind
194 | @static
195 | @for @ember/runloop
196 | @param {Object} [target] target of method to call
197 | @param {Function|String} method Method to invoke.
198 | May be a function or a string. If you pass a string
199 | then it will be looked up on the passed target.
200 | @param {Object} [args*] Any additional arguments you wish to pass to the method.
201 | @return {Function} returns a new function that will always have a particular context
202 | @since 1.4.0
203 | @public
204 | */
205 | export function bind<
206 | T,
207 | F extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any,
208 | A extends PartialParams<Parameters<F>>
209 | >(
210 | target: T,
211 | method: F,
212 | ...args: A
213 | ): (...args: RemainingParams<A, Parameters<F>>) => ReturnType<F> | void;
214 | export function bind<F extends AnyFn, A extends PartialParams<Parameters<F>>>(
215 | method: F,
216 | ...args: A
217 | ): (...args: RemainingParams<A, Parameters<F>>) => ReturnType<F> | void;
218 | export function bind<
219 | T,
220 | U extends keyof T,
221 | A extends T[U] extends AnyFn ? PartialParams<Parameters<T[U]>> : []
222 | >(
223 | target: T,
224 | method: U,
225 | ...args: A
226 | ): T[U] extends AnyFn
227 | ? (...args: RemainingParams<A, Parameters<T[U]>>) => ReturnType<T[U]> | void
228 | : never;
229 | export function bind<T, M extends keyof T & PropertyKey>(
230 | target: T,
231 | methodName: M,
232 | ...args: any[]
233 | ): (...args: any[]) => unknown;
234 | /**
235 | Begins a new RunLoop. Any deferred actions invoked after the begin will
236 | be buffered until you invoke a matching call to `end()`. This is
237 | a lower-level way to use a RunLoop instead of using `run()`.
238 |
239 | ```javascript
240 | import { begin, end } from '@ember/runloop';
241 |
242 | begin();
243 | // code to be executed within a RunLoop
244 | end();
245 | ```
246 |
247 | @method begin
248 | @static
249 | @for @ember/runloop
250 | @return {void}
251 | @public
252 | */
253 | export function begin(): void;
254 | /**
255 | Ends a RunLoop. This must be called sometime after you call
256 | `begin()` to flush any deferred actions. This is a lower-level way
257 | to use a RunLoop instead of using `run()`.
258 |
259 | ```javascript
260 | import { begin, end } from '@ember/runloop';
261 |
262 | begin();
263 | // code to be executed within a RunLoop
264 | end();
265 | ```
266 |
267 | @method end
268 | @static
269 | @for @ember/runloop
270 | @return {void}
271 | @public
272 | */
273 | export function end(): void;
274 | /**
275 | Adds the passed target/method and any optional arguments to the named
276 | queue to be executed at the end of the RunLoop. If you have not already
277 | started a RunLoop when calling this method one will be started for you
278 | automatically.
279 |
280 | At the end of a RunLoop, any methods scheduled in this way will be invoked.
281 | Methods will be invoked in an order matching the named queues defined in
282 | the `queues` property.
283 |
284 | ```javascript
285 | import { schedule } from '@ember/runloop';
286 |
287 | schedule('afterRender', this, function() {
288 | // this will be executed in the 'afterRender' queue
289 | console.log('scheduled on afterRender queue');
290 | });
291 |
292 | schedule('actions', this, function() {
293 | // this will be executed in the 'actions' queue
294 | console.log('scheduled on actions queue');
295 | });
296 |
297 | // Note the functions will be run in order based on the run queues order.
298 | // Output would be:
299 | // scheduled on actions queue
300 | // scheduled on afterRender queue
301 | ```
302 |
303 | @method schedule
304 | @static
305 | @for @ember/runloop
306 | @param {String} queue The name of the queue to schedule against. Default queues is 'actions'
307 | @param {Object} [target] target object to use as the context when invoking a method.
308 | @param {String|Function} method The method to invoke. If you pass a string it
309 | will be resolved on the target object at the time the scheduled item is
310 | invoked allowing you to change the target function.
311 | @param {Object} [arguments*] Optional arguments to be passed to the queued method.
312 | @return {*} Timer information for use in canceling, see `cancel`.
313 | @public
314 | */
315 | export function schedule<F extends AnyFn>(
316 | queueName: string,
317 | method: F,
318 | ...args: Parameters<F>
319 | ): Timer;
320 | export function schedule<T, F extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(
321 | queueName: string,
322 | target: T,
323 | method: F,
324 | ...args: Parameters<F>
325 | ): Timer;
326 | export function schedule<T, U extends keyof T>(
327 | queueName: string,
328 | target: T,
329 | method: U,
330 | ...args: T[U] extends AnyFn ? Parameters<T[U]> : []
331 | ): Timer;
332 | export function _hasScheduledTimers(): boolean;
333 | export function _cancelTimers(): void;
334 | /**
335 | Invokes the passed target/method and optional arguments after a specified
336 | period of time. The last parameter of this method must always be a number
337 | of milliseconds.
338 |
339 | You should use this method whenever you need to run some action after a
340 | period of time instead of using `setTimeout()`. This method will ensure that
341 | items that expire during the same script execution cycle all execute
342 | together, which is often more efficient than using a real setTimeout.
343 |
344 | ```javascript
345 | import { later } from '@ember/runloop';
346 |
347 | later(myContext, function() {
348 | // code here will execute within a RunLoop in about 500ms with this == myContext
349 | }, 500);
350 | ```
351 |
352 | @method later
353 | @static
354 | @for @ember/runloop
355 | @param {Object} [target] target of method to invoke
356 | @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
357 | If you pass a string it will be resolved on the
358 | target at the time the method is invoked.
359 | @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
360 | @param {Number} wait Number of milliseconds to wait.
361 | @return {*} Timer information for use in canceling, see `cancel`.
362 | @public
363 | */
364 | export function later<T, F extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(
365 | target: T,
366 | method: F,
367 | ...args: [...args: Parameters<F>, wait: string | number]
368 | ): Timer;
369 | export function later<F extends AnyFn>(
370 | method: F,
371 | ...args: [...args: Parameters<F>, wait: string | number]
372 | ): Timer;
373 | export function later<T, U extends keyof T>(
374 | target: T,
375 | method: U,
376 | ...args: [...args: T[U] extends AnyFn ? Parameters<T[U]> : [], wait: string | number]
377 | ): Timer;
378 | /**
379 | Schedule a function to run one time during the current RunLoop. This is equivalent
380 | to calling `scheduleOnce` with the "actions" queue.
381 |
382 | @method once
383 | @static
384 | @for @ember/runloop
385 | @param {Object} [target] The target of the method to invoke.
386 | @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
387 | If you pass a string it will be resolved on the
388 | target at the time the method is invoked.
389 | @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
390 | @return {Object} Timer information for use in canceling, see `cancel`.
391 | @public
392 | */
393 | export function once<F extends AnyFn>(method: F, ...args: Parameters<F>): Timer;
394 | export function once<T, F extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(
395 | target: T,
396 | method: F,
397 | ...args: Parameters<F>
398 | ): Timer;
399 | export function once<T, U extends keyof T>(
400 | target: T,
401 | method: U,
402 | ...args: T[U] extends AnyFn ? Parameters<T[U]> : []
403 | ): Timer;
404 | /**
405 | Schedules a function to run one time in a given queue of the current RunLoop.
406 | Calling this method with the same queue/target/method combination will have
407 | no effect (past the initial call).
408 |
409 | Note that although you can pass optional arguments these will not be
410 | considered when looking for duplicates. New arguments will replace previous
411 | calls.
412 |
413 | ```javascript
414 | import { run, scheduleOnce } from '@ember/runloop';
415 |
416 | function sayHi() {
417 | console.log('hi');
418 | }
419 |
420 | run(function() {
421 | scheduleOnce('afterRender', myContext, sayHi);
422 | scheduleOnce('afterRender', myContext, sayHi);
423 | // sayHi will only be executed once, in the afterRender queue of the RunLoop
424 | });
425 | ```
426 |
427 | Also note that for `scheduleOnce` to prevent additional calls, you need to
428 | pass the same function instance. The following case works as expected:
429 |
430 | ```javascript
431 | function log() {
432 | console.log('Logging only once');
433 | }
434 |
435 | function scheduleIt() {
436 | scheduleOnce('actions', myContext, log);
437 | }
438 |
439 | scheduleIt();
440 | scheduleIt();
441 | ```
442 |
443 | But this other case will schedule the function multiple times:
444 |
445 | ```javascript
446 | import { scheduleOnce } from '@ember/runloop';
447 |
448 | function scheduleIt() {
449 | scheduleOnce('actions', myContext, function() {
450 | console.log('Closure');
451 | });
452 | }
453 |
454 | scheduleIt();
455 | scheduleIt();
456 |
457 | // "Closure" will print twice, even though we're using `scheduleOnce`,
458 | // because the function we pass to it won't match the
459 | // previously scheduled operation.
460 | ```
461 |
462 | Available queues, and their order, can be found at `queues`
463 |
464 | @method scheduleOnce
465 | @static
466 | @for @ember/runloop
467 | @param {String} [queue] The name of the queue to schedule against. Default queues is 'actions'.
468 | @param {Object} [target] The target of the method to invoke.
469 | @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
470 | If you pass a string it will be resolved on the
471 | target at the time the method is invoked.
472 | @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
473 | @return {Object} Timer information for use in canceling, see `cancel`.
474 | @public
475 | */
476 | export function scheduleOnce<F extends AnyFn>(
477 | queueName: string,
478 | method: F,
479 | ...args: Parameters<F>
480 | ): Timer;
481 | export function scheduleOnce<T, F extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(
482 | queueName: string,
483 | target: T,
484 | method: F,
485 | ...args: Parameters<F>
486 | ): Timer;
487 | export function scheduleOnce<T, U extends keyof T>(
488 | queueName: string,
489 | target: T,
490 | method: U,
491 | ...args: T[U] extends AnyFn ? Parameters<T[U]> : []
492 | ): Timer;
493 | /**
494 | Schedules an item to run from within a separate run loop, after
495 | control has been returned to the system. This is equivalent to calling
496 | `later` with a wait time of 1ms.
497 |
498 | ```javascript
499 | import { next } from '@ember/runloop';
500 |
501 | next(myContext, function() {
502 | // code to be executed in the next run loop,
503 | // which will be scheduled after the current one
504 | });
505 | ```
506 |
507 | Multiple operations scheduled with `next` will coalesce
508 | into the same later run loop, along with any other operations
509 | scheduled by `later` that expire right around the same
510 | time that `next` operations will fire.
511 |
512 | Note that there are often alternatives to using `next`.
513 | For instance, if you'd like to schedule an operation to happen
514 | after all DOM element operations have completed within the current
515 | run loop, you can make use of the `afterRender` run loop queue (added
516 | by the `ember-views` package, along with the preceding `render` queue
517 | where all the DOM element operations happen).
518 |
519 | Example:
520 |
521 | ```app/components/my-component.js
522 | import Component from '@ember/component';
523 | import { scheduleOnce } from '@ember/runloop';
524 |
525 | export Component.extend({
526 | didInsertElement() {
527 | this._super(...arguments);
528 | scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, 'processChildElements');
529 | },
530 |
531 | processChildElements() {
532 | // ... do something with component's child component
533 | // elements after they've finished rendering, which
534 | // can't be done within this component's
535 | // `didInsertElement` hook because that gets run
536 | // before the child elements have been added to the DOM.
537 | }
538 | });
539 | ```
540 |
541 | One benefit of the above approach compared to using `next` is
542 | that you will be able to perform DOM/CSS operations before unprocessed
543 | elements are rendered to the screen, which may prevent flickering or
544 | other artifacts caused by delaying processing until after rendering.
545 |
546 | The other major benefit to the above approach is that `next`
547 | introduces an element of non-determinism, which can make things much
548 | harder to test, due to its reliance on `setTimeout`; it's much harder
549 | to guarantee the order of scheduled operations when they are scheduled
550 | outside of the current run loop, i.e. with `next`.
551 |
552 | @method next
553 | @static
554 | @for @ember/runloop
555 | @param {Object} [target] target of method to invoke
556 | @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
557 | If you pass a string it will be resolved on the
558 | target at the time the method is invoked.
559 | @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
560 | @return {Object} Timer information for use in canceling, see `cancel`.
561 | @public
562 | */
563 | export function next<F extends AnyFn>(method: F, ...args: Parameters<F>): Timer;
564 | export function next<T, F extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(
565 | target: T,
566 | method: F,
567 | ...args: Parameters<F>
568 | ): Timer;
569 | export function next<T, U extends keyof T>(
570 | target: T,
571 | method: U,
572 | ...args: T[U] extends AnyFn ? Parameters<T[U]> : []
573 | ): Timer;
574 | /**
575 | Cancels a scheduled item. Must be a value returned by `later()`,
576 | `once()`, `scheduleOnce()`, `next()`, `debounce()`, or
577 | `throttle()`.
578 |
579 | ```javascript
580 | import {
581 | next,
582 | cancel,
583 | later,
584 | scheduleOnce,
585 | once,
586 | throttle,
587 | debounce
588 | } from '@ember/runloop';
589 |
590 | let runNext = next(myContext, function() {
591 | // will not be executed
592 | });
593 |
594 | cancel(runNext);
595 |
596 | let runLater = later(myContext, function() {
597 | // will not be executed
598 | }, 500);
599 |
600 | cancel(runLater);
601 |
602 | let runScheduleOnce = scheduleOnce('afterRender', myContext, function() {
603 | // will not be executed
604 | });
605 |
606 | cancel(runScheduleOnce);
607 |
608 | let runOnce = once(myContext, function() {
609 | // will not be executed
610 | });
611 |
612 | cancel(runOnce);
613 |
614 | let throttle = throttle(myContext, function() {
615 | // will not be executed
616 | }, 1, false);
617 |
618 | cancel(throttle);
619 |
620 | let debounce = debounce(myContext, function() {
621 | // will not be executed
622 | }, 1);
623 |
624 | cancel(debounce);
625 |
626 | let debounceImmediate = debounce(myContext, function() {
627 | // will be executed since we passed in true (immediate)
628 | }, 100, true);
629 |
630 | // the 100ms delay until this method can be called again will be canceled
631 | cancel(debounceImmediate);
632 | ```
633 |
634 | @method cancel
635 | @static
636 | @for @ember/runloop
637 | @param {Object} [timer] Timer object to cancel
638 | @return {Boolean} true if canceled or false/undefined if it wasn't found
639 | @public
640 | */
641 | export function cancel(timer?: Timer): boolean;
642 | /**
643 | Delay calling the target method until the debounce period has elapsed
644 | with no additional debounce calls. If `debounce` is called again before
645 | the specified time has elapsed, the timer is reset and the entire period
646 | must pass again before the target method is called.
647 |
648 | This method should be used when an event may be called multiple times
649 | but the action should only be called once when the event is done firing.
650 | A common example is for scroll events where you only want updates to
651 | happen once scrolling has ceased.
652 |
653 | ```javascript
654 | import { debounce } from '@ember/runloop';
655 |
656 | function whoRan() {
657 | console.log(this.name + ' ran.');
658 | }
659 |
660 | let myContext = { name: 'debounce' };
661 |
662 | debounce(myContext, whoRan, 150);
663 |
664 | // less than 150ms passes
665 | debounce(myContext, whoRan, 150);
666 |
667 | // 150ms passes
668 | // whoRan is invoked with context myContext
669 | // console logs 'debounce ran.' one time.
670 | ```
671 |
672 | Immediate allows you to run the function immediately, but debounce
673 | other calls for this function until the wait time has elapsed. If
674 | `debounce` is called again before the specified time has elapsed,
675 | the timer is reset and the entire period must pass again before
676 | the method can be called again.
677 |
678 | ```javascript
679 | import { debounce } from '@ember/runloop';
680 |
681 | function whoRan() {
682 | console.log(this.name + ' ran.');
683 | }
684 |
685 | let myContext = { name: 'debounce' };
686 |
687 | debounce(myContext, whoRan, 150, true);
688 |
689 | // console logs 'debounce ran.' one time immediately.
690 | // 100ms passes
691 | debounce(myContext, whoRan, 150, true);
692 |
693 | // 150ms passes and nothing else is logged to the console and
694 | // the debouncee is no longer being watched
695 | debounce(myContext, whoRan, 150, true);
696 |
697 | // console logs 'debounce ran.' one time immediately.
698 | // 150ms passes and nothing else is logged to the console and
699 | // the debouncee is no longer being watched
700 | ```
701 |
702 | @method debounce
703 | @static
704 | @for @ember/runloop
705 | @param {Object} [target] target of method to invoke
706 | @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
707 | May be a function or a string. If you pass a string
708 | then it will be looked up on the passed target.
709 | @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
710 | @param {Number} wait Number of milliseconds to wait.
711 | @param {Boolean} immediate Trigger the function on the leading instead
712 | of the trailing edge of the wait interval. Defaults to false.
713 | @return {Array} Timer information for use in canceling, see `cancel`.
714 | @public
715 | */
716 | export function debounce<F extends AnyFn>(
717 | method: F,
718 | ...args: [...args: Parameters<F>, wait: string | number, immediate?: boolean]
719 | ): Timer;
720 | export function debounce<T, F extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(
721 | target: T,
722 | method: F,
723 | ...args: [...args: Parameters<F>, wait: string | number, immediate?: boolean]
724 | ): Timer;
725 | export function debounce<T, U extends keyof T>(
726 | target: T,
727 | method: U,
728 | ...args: [
729 | ...args: T[U] extends AnyFn ? Parameters<T[U]> : [],
730 | wait: string | number,
731 | immediate?: boolean
732 | ]
733 | ): Timer;
734 | /**
735 | Ensure that the target method is never called more frequently than
736 | the specified spacing period. The target method is called immediately.
737 |
738 | ```javascript
739 | import { throttle } from '@ember/runloop';
740 |
741 | function whoRan() {
742 | console.log(this.name + ' ran.');
743 | }
744 |
745 | let myContext = { name: 'throttle' };
746 |
747 | throttle(myContext, whoRan, 150);
748 | // whoRan is invoked with context myContext
749 | // console logs 'throttle ran.'
750 |
751 | // 50ms passes
752 | throttle(myContext, whoRan, 150);
753 |
754 | // 50ms passes
755 | throttle(myContext, whoRan, 150);
756 |
757 | // 150ms passes
758 | throttle(myContext, whoRan, 150);
759 | // whoRan is invoked with context myContext
760 | // console logs 'throttle ran.'
761 | ```
762 |
763 | @method throttle
764 | @static
765 | @for @ember/runloop
766 | @param {Object} [target] target of method to invoke
767 | @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
768 | May be a function or a string. If you pass a string
769 | then it will be looked up on the passed target.
770 | @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
771 | @param {Number} spacing Number of milliseconds to space out requests.
772 | @param {Boolean} immediate Trigger the function on the leading instead
773 | of the trailing edge of the wait interval. Defaults to true.
774 | @return {Array} Timer information for use in canceling, see `cancel`.
775 | @public
776 | */
777 | export function throttle<F extends AnyFn>(
778 | method: F,
779 | ...args: [...args: Parameters<F>, wait?: string | number, immediate?: boolean]
780 | ): Timer;
781 | export function throttle<T, F extends (this: T, ...args: any[]) => any>(
782 | target: T,
783 | method: F,
784 | ...args: [...args: Parameters<F>, wait?: string | number, immediate?: boolean]
785 | ): Timer;
786 | export function throttle<T, U extends keyof T>(
787 | target: T,
788 | method: U,
789 | ...args: [
790 | ...args: T[U] extends AnyFn ? Parameters<T[U]> : [],
791 | wait?: string | number,
792 | immediate?: boolean
793 | ]
794 | ): Timer;
795 | }