1 | declare module 'ember-template-compiler/lib/system/bootstrap' {
2 | /**
3 | @module ember
4 | */
5 | import type { TemplateFactory } from '@glimmer/interfaces';
6 | export interface BootstrapOptions {
7 | context?: Document | HTMLElement;
8 | hasTemplate(templateName: string): boolean;
9 | setTemplate(templateName: string, template: TemplateFactory): void;
10 | }
11 | /**
12 | Find templates stored in the head tag as script tags and make them available
13 | to `Ember.CoreView` in the global `Ember.TEMPLATES` object.
14 |
15 | Script tags with `text/x-handlebars` will be compiled
16 | with Ember's template compiler and are suitable for use as a view's template.
17 |
18 | @private
19 | @method bootstrap
20 | @for Ember.HTMLBars
21 | @static
22 | @param ctx
23 | */
24 | function bootstrap({ context, hasTemplate, setTemplate }: BootstrapOptions): void;
25 | export default bootstrap;
26 | }