1 | declare module 'ember/barrel' {
2 | |
3 |
4 |
5 | import * as utils from '@ember/-internals/utils';
6 | import {
7 | Registry as InternalRegistry,
8 | Container as InternalContainer,
9 | } from '@ember/-internals/container';
10 | import * as instrumentation from '@ember/instrumentation';
11 | import * as metal from '@ember/-internals/metal';
12 | import { isEnabled } from '@ember/canary-features';
13 | import * as EmberDebug from '@ember/debug';
14 | import Backburner from 'backburner.js';
15 | import EmberController, {
16 | inject as injectController,
17 | ControllerMixin as EmberControllerMixin,
18 | } from '@ember/controller';
19 | import EmberService from '@ember/service';
20 | import EmberObject, { action, observer as emberObserver } from '@ember/object';
21 | import { dependentKeyCompat } from '@ember/object/compat';
22 | import EmberComputedProperty from '@ember/object/computed';
23 | import {
24 | RSVP as _RSVP,
25 | Comparable as InternalComparable,
26 | ActionHandler as InternalActionHandler,
27 | } from '@ember/-internals/runtime';
28 | import {
29 | componentCapabilities,
30 | modifierCapabilities,
31 | setComponentManager,
32 | escapeExpression,
33 | template,
34 | isSerializationFirstNode,
35 | type TemplatesRegistry,
36 | } from '@ember/-internals/glimmer';
37 | import * as views from '@ember/-internals/views';
38 | import EmberContainerDebugAdapter from '@ember/debug/container-debug-adapter';
39 | import EmberDataAdapter from '@ember/debug/data-adapter';
40 | import { run as emberRun } from '@ember/runloop';
41 | import EmberArray, {
42 | NativeArray as EmberNativeArray,
43 | isArray as emberIsArray,
44 | makeArray as emberMakeArray,
45 | } from '@ember/array';
46 | import EmberMutableArray from '@ember/array/mutable';
47 | import EmberArrayProxy from '@ember/array/proxy';
48 | import EmberApplication, {
49 | onLoad as applicationOnLoad,
50 | runLoadHooks as applicationRunLoadHooks,
51 | } from '@ember/application';
52 | import EmberApplicationInstance from '@ember/application/instance';
53 | import EmberNamespace from '@ember/application/namespace';
54 | import EmberComponent, { Input as EmberInput } from '@ember/component';
55 | import EmberHelper from '@ember/component/helper';
56 | import EmberEngine from '@ember/engine';
57 | import EmberEngineInstance from '@ember/engine/instance';
58 | import EmberEnumerable from '@ember/enumerable';
59 | import EmberMutableEnumerable from '@ember/enumerable/mutable';
60 | import EmberCoreObject from '@ember/object/core';
61 | import EmberEvented from '@ember/object/evented';
62 | import EmberMixin, { mixin as emberMixin } from '@ember/object/mixin';
63 | import EmberObservable from '@ember/object/observable';
64 | import EmberObjectProxy from '@ember/object/proxy';
65 | import EmberPromiseProxyMixin from '@ember/object/promise-proxy-mixin';
66 | import EmberHashLocation from '@ember/routing/hash-location';
67 | import EmberHistoryLocation from '@ember/routing/history-location';
68 | import EmberNoneLocation from '@ember/routing/none-location';
69 | import EmberRoute from '@ember/routing/route';
70 | import EmberRouter from '@ember/routing/router';
71 | import {
72 | controllerFor as emberControllerFor,
73 | generateController as emberGenerateController,
74 | generateControllerFactory as emberGenerateControllerFactory,
75 | DSL as EmberRouterDSL,
76 | } from '@ember/routing/-internals';
77 | import {
78 | isNone as emberIsNone,
79 | isBlank as emberIsBlank,
80 | isEmpty as emberIsEmpty,
81 | isPresent as emberIsPresent,
82 | isEqual as emberIsEqual,
83 | typeOf as emberTypeOf,
84 | compare as emberCompare,
85 | } from '@ember/utils';
86 | import * as glimmerRuntime from '@glimmer/runtime';
87 | import {
88 | helperCapabilities,
89 | setModifierManager,
90 | setComponentTemplate,
91 | getComponentTemplate,
92 | setHelperManager,
93 | } from '@glimmer/manager';
94 | import {
95 | associateDestroyableChild,
96 | registerDestructor,
97 | unregisterDestructor,
98 | } from '@ember/destroyable';
99 | import type { precompile, compile } from 'ember-template-compiler';
100 | import { _impl as EmberTestingImpl } from '@ember/test';
101 | namespace Ember {
102 | const isNamespace = true;
103 | function toString(): string;
104 | const Container: typeof InternalContainer;
105 | type Container = InternalContainer;
106 | const Registry: typeof InternalRegistry;
107 | type Registry = InternalRegistry;
108 | const _setComponentManager: typeof setComponentManager;
109 | const _componentManagerCapabilities: typeof componentCapabilities;
110 | const _modifierManagerCapabilities: typeof modifierCapabilities;
111 | const meta: {
112 | (obj: object): import('@ember/-internals/meta').Meta;
113 | _counters?: import('@ember/-internals/meta').MetaCounters | undefined;
114 | };
115 | const _createCache: typeof metal.createCache;
116 | const _cacheGetValue: typeof metal.getValue;
117 | const _cacheIsConst: typeof metal.isConst;
118 | const _descriptor: typeof metal.nativeDescDecorator;
119 | const _getPath: typeof metal._getPath;
120 | const _setClassicDecorator: typeof metal.setClassicDecorator;
121 | const _tracked: typeof metal.tracked;
122 | const beginPropertyChanges: typeof metal.beginPropertyChanges;
123 | const changeProperties: typeof metal.changeProperties;
124 | const endPropertyChanges: typeof metal.endPropertyChanges;
125 | const hasListeners: typeof metal.hasListeners;
126 | const libraries: metal.Libraries;
127 | const _ContainerProxyMixin: EmberMixin;
128 | const _ProxyMixin: EmberMixin;
129 | const _RegistryProxyMixin: EmberMixin;
130 | const ActionHandler: EmberMixin;
131 | type ActionHandler = InternalActionHandler;
132 | const Comparable: EmberMixin;
133 | type Comparable = InternalComparable;
134 | const ComponentLookup: Readonly<typeof EmberObject> &
135 | (new (owner?: import('@ember/owner').default | undefined) => EmberObject) & {
136 | componentFor(
137 | name: string,
138 | owner: import('@ember/-internals/owner').InternalOwner
139 | ): import('@ember/owner').FactoryManager<object> | undefined;
140 | layoutFor(
141 | name: string,
142 | owner: import('@ember/-internals/owner').InternalOwner,
143 | options: import('@ember/owner').RegisterOptions
144 | ): unknown;
145 | };
146 | const EventDispatcher: typeof views.EventDispatcher;
147 | const _Cache: typeof utils.Cache;
148 | const GUID_KEY: `__ember${number}`;
149 | const canInvoke: typeof utils.canInvoke;
150 | const generateGuid: typeof utils.generateGuid;
151 | const guidFor: typeof utils.guidFor;
152 | const uuid: typeof utils.uuid;
153 | const wrap: typeof utils.wrap;
154 | const getOwner: (object: object) => import('@ember/owner').default | undefined;
155 | const onLoad: typeof applicationOnLoad;
156 | const runLoadHooks: typeof applicationRunLoadHooks;
157 | const setOwner: typeof import('@ember/owner').setOwner;
158 | const Application: typeof EmberApplication;
159 | type Application = EmberApplication;
160 | const ApplicationInstance: typeof EmberApplicationInstance;
161 | type ApplicationInstance = EmberApplicationInstance;
162 | const Namespace: typeof EmberNamespace;
163 | type Namespace = EmberNamespace;
164 | const A: <T>(arr?: T[] | undefined) => EmberNativeArray<T>;
165 | const Array: EmberMixin;
166 | type Array<T> = EmberArray<T>;
167 | const NativeArray: EmberMixin;
168 | type NativeArray<T> = EmberNativeArray<T>;
169 | const isArray: typeof emberIsArray;
170 | const makeArray: typeof emberMakeArray;
171 | const MutableArray: EmberMixin;
172 | type MutableArray<T> = EmberMutableArray<T>;
173 | const ArrayProxy: typeof EmberArrayProxy;
174 | type ArrayProxy<T> = EmberArrayProxy<T>;
175 | const FEATURES: {
176 | isEnabled: typeof isEnabled;
177 | };
178 | const _Input: EmberInput;
179 | const Component: typeof EmberComponent;
180 | type Component<S = unknown> = EmberComponent<S>;
181 | const Helper: typeof EmberHelper;
182 | type Helper<S = unknown> = EmberHelper<S>;
183 | const Controller: typeof EmberController;
184 | type Controller<T = unknown> = EmberController<T>;
185 | const ControllerMixin: EmberMixin;
186 | type ControllerMixin<T> = EmberControllerMixin<T>;
187 | const _captureRenderTree: typeof EmberDebug.captureRenderTree;
188 | const assert: import('@ember/debug/lib/assert').AssertFunc;
189 | const warn: import('@ember/debug/lib/warn').WarnFunc;
190 | const debug: EmberDebug.DebugFunc;
191 | const deprecate: typeof EmberDebug.deprecate;
192 | const deprecateFunc: EmberDebug.DeprecateFuncFunc;
193 | const runInDebug: EmberDebug.RunInDebugFunc;
194 | const inspect: typeof EmberDebug.inspect;
195 | const Debug: {
196 | registerDeprecationHandler: (
197 | handler: import('@ember/debug/lib/handlers').HandlerCallback<EmberDebug.DeprecationOptions>
198 | ) => void;
199 | registerWarnHandler: import('@ember/debug/lib/warn').RegisterHandlerFunc;
200 | isComputed: typeof metal.isComputed;
201 | };
202 | const ContainerDebugAdapter: typeof EmberContainerDebugAdapter;
203 | type ContainerDebugAdapter = EmberContainerDebugAdapter;
204 | const DataAdapter: typeof EmberDataAdapter;
205 | type DataAdapter<T> = EmberDataAdapter<T>;
206 | const _assertDestroyablesDestroyed: (() => void) | undefined;
207 | const _associateDestroyableChild: typeof associateDestroyableChild;
208 | const _enableDestroyableTracking: (() => void) | undefined;
209 | const _isDestroying: typeof glimmerRuntime.isDestroying;
210 | const _isDestroyed: typeof glimmerRuntime.isDestroyed;
211 | const _registerDestructor: typeof registerDestructor;
212 | const _unregisterDestructor: typeof unregisterDestructor;
213 | const destroy: typeof glimmerRuntime.destroy;
214 | const Engine: typeof EmberEngine;
215 | type Engine = EmberEngine;
216 | const EngineInstance: typeof EmberEngineInstance;
217 | type EngineInstance = EmberEngineInstance;
218 | const Enumerable: EmberMixin;
219 | type Enumerable = EmberEnumerable;
220 | const MutableEnumerable: EmberMixin;
221 | type MutableEnumerable = EmberMutableEnumerable;
222 | /** @private */
223 | const instrument: typeof instrumentation.instrument;
224 | /** @private */
225 | const subscribe: typeof instrumentation.subscribe;
226 | /** @private */
227 | const Instrumentation: {
228 | instrument: typeof instrumentation.instrument;
229 | subscribe: typeof instrumentation.subscribe;
230 | unsubscribe: typeof instrumentation.unsubscribe;
231 | reset: typeof instrumentation.reset;
232 | };
233 | const Object: typeof EmberObject;
234 | type Object = EmberObject;
235 | const _action: typeof action;
236 | const computed: typeof metal.computed;
237 | const defineProperty: typeof metal.defineProperty;
238 | const get: typeof metal.get;
239 | const getProperties: typeof metal.getProperties;
240 | const notifyPropertyChange: typeof metal.notifyPropertyChange;
241 | const observer: typeof emberObserver;
242 | const set: typeof metal.set;
243 | const trySet: typeof metal.trySet;
244 | const setProperties: typeof metal.setProperties;
245 | const cacheFor: typeof metal.getCachedValueFor;
246 | const _dependentKeyCompat: typeof dependentKeyCompat;
247 | const ComputedProperty: typeof metal.ComputedProperty;
248 | type ComputedProperty = EmberComputedProperty;
249 | const expandProperties: typeof metal.expandProperties;
250 | const CoreObject: typeof EmberCoreObject;
251 | type CoreObject = EmberCoreObject;
252 | const Evented: EmberMixin;
253 | type Evented = EmberEvented;
254 | const on: typeof metal.on;
255 | const addListener: typeof metal.addListener;
256 | const removeListener: typeof metal.removeListener;
257 | const sendEvent: typeof metal.sendEvent;
258 | const Mixin: typeof EmberMixin;
259 | type Mixin = EmberMixin;
260 | const mixin: typeof emberMixin;
261 | const Observable: EmberMixin;
262 | type Observable = EmberObservable;
263 | const addObserver: typeof metal.addObserver;
264 | const removeObserver: typeof metal.removeObserver;
265 | const PromiseProxyMixin: EmberMixin;
266 | type PromiseProxyMixin<T> = EmberPromiseProxyMixin<T>;
267 | const ObjectProxy: typeof EmberObjectProxy;
268 | type ObjectProxy = EmberObjectProxy;
269 | const RouterDSL: typeof EmberRouterDSL;
270 | type RouterDSL = EmberRouterDSL;
271 | const controllerFor: typeof emberControllerFor;
272 | const generateController: typeof emberGenerateController;
273 | const generateControllerFactory: typeof emberGenerateControllerFactory;
274 | const HashLocation: typeof EmberHashLocation;
275 | type HashLocation = EmberHashLocation;
276 | const HistoryLocation: typeof EmberHistoryLocation;
277 | type HistoryLocation = EmberHistoryLocation;
278 | const NoneLocation: typeof EmberNoneLocation;
279 | type NoneLocation = EmberNoneLocation;
280 | const Route: typeof EmberRoute;
281 | type Route = EmberRoute;
282 | const Router: typeof EmberRouter;
283 | type Router = EmberRouter;
284 | const run: typeof emberRun;
285 | const Service: typeof EmberService;
286 | type Service = EmberService;
287 | const compare: typeof emberCompare;
288 | const isBlank: typeof emberIsBlank;
289 | const isEmpty: typeof emberIsEmpty;
290 | const isEqual: typeof emberIsEqual;
291 | const isNone: typeof emberIsNone;
292 | const isPresent: typeof emberIsPresent;
293 | const typeOf: typeof emberTypeOf;
294 | /**
295 | The semantic version
296 |
297 | @property VERSION
298 | @type String
299 | @public
300 | */
301 | const VERSION: string;
302 | const ViewUtils: {
303 | getChildViews: typeof views.getChildViews;
304 | getElementView: typeof views.getElementView;
305 | getRootViews: typeof views.getRootViews;
306 | getViewBounds: typeof views.getViewBounds;
307 | getViewBoundingClientRect: typeof views.getViewBoundingClientRect;
308 | getViewClientRects: typeof views.getViewClientRects;
309 | getViewElement: typeof views.getViewElement;
310 | isSimpleClick: typeof views.isSimpleClick;
311 | isSerializationFirstNode: typeof isSerializationFirstNode;
312 | };
313 | const _getComponentTemplate: typeof getComponentTemplate;
314 | const _helperManagerCapabilities: typeof helperCapabilities;
315 | const _setComponentTemplate: typeof setComponentTemplate;
316 | const _setHelperManager: typeof setHelperManager;
317 | const _setModifierManager: typeof setModifierManager;
318 | const _templateOnlyComponent: typeof glimmerRuntime.templateOnlyComponent;
319 | const _invokeHelper: typeof glimmerRuntime.invokeHelper;
320 | const _hash: object;
321 | const _array: object;
322 | const _concat: object;
323 | const _get: object;
324 | const _on: {};
325 | const _fn: object;
326 | const _Backburner: typeof Backburner;
327 | type _Backburner = Backburner;
328 | /**
329 | Namespace for injection helper methods.
330 |
331 | @class inject
332 | @namespace Ember
333 | @static
334 | @public
335 | */
336 | function inject(): void;
337 | namespace inject {
338 | var controller: typeof injectController;
339 | var service: typeof import('@ember/service').service;
340 | }
341 | const __loader: {
342 | readonly require: any;
343 | readonly define: any;
344 | readonly registry: any;
345 | };
346 | const ENV: Readonly<object>;
347 | let lookup: Record<string, unknown>;
348 | /**
349 | A function may be assigned to `Ember.onerror` to be called when Ember
350 | internals encounter an error. This is useful for specialized error handling
351 | and reporting code.
352 |
353 | ```javascript
354 |
355 | Ember.onerror = function(error) {
356 | const payload = {
357 | stack: error.stack,
358 | otherInformation: 'whatever app state you want to provide'
359 | };
360 |
361 | fetch('/report-error', {
362 | method: 'POST',
363 | body: JSON.stringify(payload)
364 | });
365 | };
366 | ```
367 |
368 | Internally, `Ember.onerror` is used as Backburner's error handler.
369 |
370 | @event onerror
371 | @for Ember
372 | @param {Error} error the error object
373 | @public
374 | */
375 | let onerror: ((error: Error) => unknown) | undefined;
376 | let testing: boolean;
377 | /**
378 | Whether searching on the global for new Namespace instances is enabled.
379 |
380 | This is only exported here as to not break any addons. Given the new
381 | visit API, you will have issues if you treat this as a indicator of
382 | booted.
383 |
384 | Internally this is only exposing a flag in Namespace.
385 |
386 | @property BOOTED
387 | @for Ember
388 | @type Boolean
389 | @private
390 | */
391 | let BOOTED: boolean;
392 | /**
393 | Global hash of shared templates. This will automatically be populated
394 | by the build tools so that you can store your Handlebars templates in
395 | separate files that get loaded into JavaScript at buildtime.
396 |
397 | @property TEMPLATES
398 | @for Ember
399 | @type Object
400 | @private
401 | */
402 | let TEMPLATES: TemplatesRegistry;
403 | let HTMLBars: EmberHTMLBars;
404 | let Handlebars: EmberHandlebars;
405 | let Test:
406 | | (NonNullable<typeof EmberTestingImpl>['Test'] & {
407 | Adapter: NonNullable<typeof EmberTestingImpl>['Adapter'];
408 | QUnitAdapter: NonNullable<typeof EmberTestingImpl>['QUnitAdapter'];
409 | })
410 | | undefined;
411 | let setupForTesting: NonNullable<typeof EmberTestingImpl>['setupForTesting'] | undefined;
412 | }
413 | namespace Ember {
414 | export import RSVP = _RSVP;
415 | }
416 | interface EmberHandlebars {
417 | template: typeof template;
418 | Utils: {
419 | escapeExpression: typeof escapeExpression;
420 | };
421 | compile?: typeof compile;
422 | precompile?: typeof precompile;
423 | }
424 | interface EmberHTMLBars {
425 | template: typeof template;
426 | compile?: typeof compile;
427 | precompile?: typeof precompile;
428 | }
429 | let EmberHandlebars: EmberHandlebars;
430 | let EmberHTMLBars: EmberHTMLBars;
431 | export default Ember;
432 | }
433 |
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