1 | # EmberFire [](https://travis-ci.org/firebase/emberfire) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/firebase/emberfire/coverage) [](http://badge.fury.io/gh/firebase%2Femberfire) [](https://www.npmjs.org/package/emberfire) [](http://emberobserver.com/addons/emberfire) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/firebase/emberfire)
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3 | EmberFire is the officially supported adapter for using
4 | [Firebase](http://www.firebase.com/?utm_medium=web&utm_source=emberfire) with
5 | [Ember Data](https://github.com/emberjs/data).
6 |
7 | Join our [Firebase Google Group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/firebase-talk)
8 | to ask technical questions, share apps you've built, and chat with other developers in the community.
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11 | ## Table of Contents
12 |
13 | * [Getting Started With Firebase](#getting-started-with-firebase)
14 | * [Installation](#installation)
15 | * [Compatibility](#compatibility)
16 | * [Documentation](#documentation)
17 | * [Migration Guides](#migration-guides)
18 | * [Contributing](#contributing)
19 |
20 |
21 | ## Getting Started With Firebase
22 |
23 | EmberFire requires [Firebase](https://firebase.google.com/) in order to authenticate users and sync
24 | and store data. Firebase is a suite of integrated products designed to help you develop your app,
25 | grow your user base, and earn money. You can [sign up here for a free account](https://console.firebase.google.com/).
26 |
27 |
28 | ## Installation
29 |
30 | ```bash
31 | $ ember install emberfire
32 | ```
33 |
34 | Update `config/environment.js`
35 |
36 | ```js
37 | // config/environment.js
38 | var ENV = {
39 | firebase: {
40 | apiKey: 'xyz',
41 | authDomain: 'YOUR-FIREBASE-APP.firebaseapp.com',
42 | databaseURL: 'https://YOUR-FIREBASE-APP.firebaseio.com',
43 | storageBucket: 'YOUR-FIREBASE-APP.appspot.com',
44 | }
45 | }
46 | ```
47 |
48 | Get these values from the [Firebase Console](https://console.firebase.google.com/) by clicking the **[Add Firebase to your web app]** button on the project overview page.
49 |
50 | ## Compatibility
51 |
52 | Please consult this table when selecting your version of EmberFire and Firebase SDK:
53 |
54 | | Ember Data | EmberFire | Firebase SDK |
55 | | ------------------| ----------|--------------|
56 | | 1.13+ | 1.5.x | 2.x |
57 | | 2.0 - 2.2 | 1.6.x | 2.x |
58 | | 2.3+ | 2.0.x | 3.x |
59 | | canary | master | 3.x |
60 |
61 | *To install the `master` branch, use `ember install firebase/emberfire#master`*
62 |
63 | Also note that due to the Firebase 3.0 SDK, you cannot run tests with PhantomJS 1.0 or 2.0.
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66 | ## Documentation
67 |
68 | * [Quickstart](docs/quickstart.md)
69 | * [Guide](docs/guide/README.md)
70 |
71 |
72 | ## Migration Guides
73 |
74 | * [Migrating from EmberFire `1.x.x` to `2.x.x`](docs/migration/1XX-to-2XX.md)
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77 | ## Contributing
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79 | If you'd like to contribute to EmberFire, please first read through our [contribution
80 | guidelines](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). Local setup instructions are available [here](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#local-setup).