703 BTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2export declare type WithStdin<X> = X & {
3 /**
4 * Stdin stream passed to `render()` in `options.stdin` or `process.stdin` by default. Useful if your app needs to handle user input.
5 */
6 readonly stdin: NodeJS.ReadStream;
7 /**
8 * Ink exposes this function via own `<StdinContext>` to be able to handle Ctrl+C, that's why you should use Ink's `setRawMode` instead of `process.stdin.setRawMode`.
9 */
10 readonly setRawMode: NodeJS.ReadStream['setRawMode'];
13 *
14 * Remove particular key from the object.
15 *
16 * @param k
17 * @param obj
18 */
19export declare function removeKey<T>(k: string, obj: {
20 [key: string]: T;
21}): {
22 [key: string]: T;