7.37 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# Changelog
3## 10.1.0
5- **Feature**: Added support for expanding vars using the `-x` flag.
6Note: only supports `$var` syntax
7- **Feature**: Added support for `--silent` flag that ignores env-cmd errors and missing files and
8only terminates on caught signals
9- **Feature**: Added a new `--verbose` flag that prints additional debugging info to `console.info`
10- **Upgrade**: Updated dependency `commander` to `v4`
11- **Upgrade**: Updated devDependencies `sinon`, `nyc`, and `ts-standard`
12- **Fix**: Handle case where the termination signal is the termination code
14## 10.0.1
16- **Fix**: Fixed bug introduced by strict equal checking for `undefined` when the value was `null`. This
17bug caused most executions of `env-cmd` to fail with an error, when in fact no error had occurred.
19## 10.0.0
21- **BREAKING**: Typescript now targets ES2017
22- **Fix**: Default RC files will now properly be searched
23- **Change**: Fixed some documentation issues
24- **Change**: Use `ts-standard` instead of `eslint` for linting
26## 9.0.3
28- **Fix**: Use global flag on regex when parsing and preserving newline characters in env values (thanks to MaximTovstashev)
30## 9.0.2
32- **Fix**: CLI will now exit with non-zero error code when an error is encountered (thanks to blagh)
34## 9.0.1
36- **BREAKING**: Fixed major bug that required passing `--` in order to pass flags to the command.
37Normally I release major breaking changes as major versions, but this was a bug and no documentation
38anywhere states using `--` as intended or official behavior.
39- **Change**: Fixed some documentation issues
40- **Change**: `npm run lint` command now includes calling `tsc` to check for typescript errors
42## 9.0.0
44- ***BREAKING***: Converted project to Typescript
45- ***BREAKING***: Changes to all option flags, see docs for new options
46- ***BREAKING***: Dropping support for node v4 and v6
47- **Change**: Updated all dependencies
48- **Change**: Update package-lock.json file
49- **Feature**: Added support for asynchronous .env and .rc files
50- **Feature**: Added support for a programmatic API
51- **Feature**: Added --use-shell option (thanks to nidkil)
52- **Fix**: Keep newline (`\n`) characters intact when parsing env files
53- **Change**: Added node v10 and v12 to build automation
54- **Change**: Updated Readme file to reflect new options and CLI changes
56## 8.0.2
58- **Change**: Updated dependencies and packages.json to fix `npm audit` concerns.
60## 8.0.1
62- **Bug**: Properly propagate child process exit signals and codes to parent process
64## 8.0.0
66- ***BREAKING***: Stripe out spaces around the `key` and `value` in an env file. In order to include a beginning/ending space in an env var value, you need to surround the value in double or single quotes. `ENV = " Value"`
67- **Bug**: Fixed some bugs around how the parent process and spawn processes are killed
68- **Change**: Updated a number of core libraries: `cross-spawn`, `coveralls`, `istanbul -> nyc`, `mocha`, `proxyquire`, `sinon`, `standard`
70## 7.0.0
72- ***BREAKING***: The `.env` file path resolving has been changed to allow for absolute pathing, relative pathing, and `~` home directory pathing. Please
73see Readme.md for more info about how the new pathing conventions work.
75## 6.0.0
77- ***BREAKING***: Fallback to default `.env` file behavior is no longer the default behavior. You must specify `--fallback` option for that behavior now.
78- ***BREAKING***: A specific node version has been set in package.json. Current minimum version is `>=4.0.0`. *Note: the implied minimum version
79before this release was always `4.0.0`, but now it is explicitly set and could produce warnings by npm if included in projects that utilizes a
80node version that is less than `4.0.0`.*
81- **Feature**: Added `--fallback` option to allow for falling back to the default `.env` file if the provided `.env` file is not found.
82- **Feature**: Added ability to select multiple environments from the `.env-cmdrc` file. The environments override each other like this:
83`development,production` where `production` vars override `development` vars if they share the same vars.
84- **Bug**: `env-cmd` no longer crashes when it cannot find the provided `.env` file. Instead, it will execute as normal, but without included any custom env vars. *Note: it will still include system and shell vars.*
86## 5.1.0
88- **Feature**: Added new option `--no-override` that when passed will make it so that the env file
89vars will not overwrite already defined env vars on `process.env` or in the shell
90- **Updated Dev-Dependencies**: `standard >= 10.0.0`, `sinon >= 2.0.0`
92## 5.0.0
94- ***BREAKING***: Inline comments are no longer allowed in `.env` files (full line comments are still allowed)
95- ***BREAKING***: `.env` file no longer supports the `env var` format (only `env=var` is allowed now)
96- ***BREAKING***: Double Quotes are no longer needed when using special symbols (such as `#`) in the value portion of an env var
97- **Feature**: if the given env file cannot be found, it will auto default to searching
98the execution directory for a file called `.env` and use that as a fallback. See README for why this is
99helpful. (special thanks to Alexander Praetorius)
101## 4.0.0
103- ***BREAKING***: In order to use double quotes as part of the env value, you must now surround those double quotes with an additional set of quotes: So `ENV1="value"` -> `ENV1=""value""` (this only applies to double quotes, single quotes continue to work as normal)
104- **Bug**: Fixed bug in the comment stripper function that would remove env values that included a `#`. Now, in order to use a `#` in a env value, you have to surround that env value in double quotes: `ENV="Some#Value"`.
105- **Bug**: Fixed a major bug with the `.env-cmdrc` file that would not add system env vars back in after reading the `.env-cmdrc` file. This meant that system vars like `PATH` would not exist when running the command.
107## 3.0.0
109- **Feature**: Added ability to use an `.env-cmdrc` file to hold multiple configs
110- **Feature**: Added ability to pass in a regular `.js` file exporting an object for your env file (special thanks to Jon Scheiding!)
111- **Change**: Updated core `cross-spawn` lib to 5.0.1
113## 2.2.0
115- **Feature**: Added support for .json env files (special thanks to Eric Lanehart!)
117## 2.1.0
119- **Feature**: Added support for `key value` mapping in env vars file
120- **Feature**: Added support for inline comments `ENV=VALUE # inline comment`
121- **Change**: Will now ignore invalid lines in env vars file instead of throwing an error
122- **Change**: Migrated all the parsing over to regex since the file format is simple enough right
123now to support that
124- **Bug**: Removed old test cases for the `-e/--env` flags that were not needed anymore
126## 2.0.0
128- ***BREAKING***: Removed the `-e` and `--env` flags. Now it just expects the first arg to `env-cmd` to be the relative path to the env file: `env-cmd env_file command carg1 carg2`
129- **Change:** `ParseEnvFile` is now more properly named `ParseEnvString`
130- **Feature:** `ParseEnvString` will ignore comment lines (lines starting with `#`)
131- **Feature:** `ParseEnvString` will ignore empty lines in env file
132- **Bug:** `ParseEnvString` will extract the last line even if no newline (`\n`) exists on it
134## 1.0.1
136- Fixed badges
137- Added .npmignore
138- Added help text to be printed out on certain errors
139- Handled uncaught errors nicely
141## 1.0.0
143- Initial release