1 | 1.23.9 / 2025-01-02
2 | =================
3 | * [Refactor] use `get-proto` directly
4 | * [Refactor] use `set-proto` directly
5 | * [Refactor] use `Reflect.setPrototypeOf` and `dunder-proto` in `setProto` helper
6 | * [Refactor] `ES2015`+: `ArrayCreate`: use `setProto` helper
7 | * [Deps] update `es-set-tostringtag`, `own-keys`
8 | * [Dev Deps] update `is-core-module`
9 | * [Tests] use `own-keys` directly
10 |
11 | 1.23.8 / 2024-12-28
12 | =================
13 | * [Refactor] use `own-keys`
14 | * [Refactor] use `safe-push-apply`
15 |
16 | 1.23.7 / 2024-12-20
17 | =================
18 | * [Refactor] create and use `helpers/isPropertyKey`
19 | * [Refactor] add `timeValue` helper, use it
20 | * [Deps] update `array-buffer-byte-length`, `data-view-buffer`, `data-view-byte-length`, `data-view-byte-offset`, `function.prototype.name`, `get-symbol-description`, `is-array-buffer`, `is-shared-array-buffer`, `is-typed-array`, `math-intrinsics`, `object.assign`, `typed-array-buffer`, `typed-array-byte-length`, `typed-array-byte-offset`, `unbox-primitive`, `which-typed-array`
21 | * [Deps] remove unused dep
22 | * [Dev Deps] update `array.prototype.indexof`, `has-bigints`, `is-registered-symbol`, `safe-bigint`
23 |
24 | 1.23.6 / 2024-12-15
25 | =================
26 | * [Fix] `ES2015` - `ES2019`: `IntegerIndexedElementSet`: reject BigInt Typed Arrays prior to ES2020
27 | * [Fix] `ES2023`+: `SetTypedArrayFromTypedArray`: provide missing `cloneConstructor` argument to `CloneArrayBuffer`
28 | * [Fix] `ES2024`+: `FindViaPredicate`: spec enums are uppercase now
29 | * [Fix] `ES2017` - `ES2019`: `SetValueInBuffer`: handle proper number of arguments
30 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `QuoteJSONString`: properly handle surrogates
31 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `TestIntegrityLevel`: properly handle envs without property descriptors
32 | * [patch] `ES2018` - `ES2023`: `thisSymbolValue`: only require `Symbol.prototype.valueOf` for boxed Symbols
33 | * [Robustness] `ES2015` - `ES2016`: `SetValueInBuffer`: salt dictionary keys in case of pre-proto envs
34 | * [Refactor] use `math-intrinsics`
35 | * [Refactor] use `call-bound` directly
36 | * [Refactor] `ES2015`+: `GetIterator`: hoist an object to module scope
37 | * [Refactor] use `typeof` over `Type()` when possible
38 | * [Refactor] `ES2015` - `ES2016`: `GetValueFromBuffer`: remove unnecessary extra helper argument
39 | * [Refactor] misc cleanups
40 | * [Refactor] make and use `isObject` helper
41 | * [Refactor] `ES5`+: `MonthFromTime`: throw a `RangeError` for an out of range timestamp
42 | * [Refactor] use `+` over `Number()`
43 | * [Deps] update `arraybuffer.prototype.slice`, `call-bind`, `es-define-property`, `es-to-primitive`, `function.prototype.name`, `get-intrinsic`, `gopd`, `has-proto`, `has-symbols`, `internal-slot`, `is-data-view`, `is-regex`, `is-string`, `which-typed-array`, `is-weakref`, `safe-array-concat`, `safe-regex-test`, `string.prototype.trim`, `string.prototype.trimend`, `typed-array-byte-offset`, `typed-array-length`
44 | * [meta] remove unnecessary unspackles
45 | * [Tests] `isStringOrUndefined`: increase coverage
46 | * [Tests] bigint tests are ES2020+ only
47 | * [Dev Deps] update `array.prototype.flatmap`, `is-core-module`, `is-registered-symbol`
48 |
49 | 1.23.5 / 2024-11-14
50 | =================
51 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `CompletionRecord`: ensure `?` works on any non-abrupt completion
52 |
53 | 1.23.4 / 2024-11-12
54 | =================
55 | * [Fix] `ES2024`+: Iterator Records can now have non-functions in `[[NextMethod]]`
56 | * [meta] update spec URL comments
57 | * [Deps] update `globalthis`, `object-inspect`, `regexp.prototype.flags`
58 | * [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `@unicode/unicode-15.0.0`, `diff`, `es-value-fixtures`, `is-core-module`, `mock-property`, `ses`, `tape`
59 | * [actions] split out node 10-20, and 20+
60 | * [Tests] switch to `npm audit` from `aud`
61 | * [Tests] use `.assertion` instead of monkeypatching tape
62 | * [Tests] increase coverage
63 |
64 | 1.23.3 / 2024-03-29
65 | =================
66 | * [Fix] `ES2024`: `StringPad`, `StringPaddingBuiltinsImpl`: prefer uppercase spec enums
67 | * [Fix] `helpers/bytesAsInteger`: avoid a crash in node 10.4 - 10.8
68 | * [Fix] `ES5`: `CheckObjectCoercible`: restore `optMessage` optional arg
69 | * [Refactor] `ES2022`+: update `TimeString` to use `ToZeroPaddedDecimalString`
70 | * [Robustness] use cached copies of builtins
71 | * [Deps] update `string.prototype.trimstart`, `typed-array-length`
72 | * [Dev Deps] update `array.from`, `array.prototype.filter`, `array.prototype.indexof`, `object.fromentries`, `safe-bigint`
73 |
74 | 1.23.2 / 2024-03-17
75 | =================
76 | * [Fix] `records/regexp-record`: add optional `[[UnicodeSets]]` boolean field
77 | * [Fix] `ES2024`+: `AddValueToKeyedGroup`: avoid adding matched values twice
78 | * [Fix] `ES5`: `CheckObjectCoercible`: use the right function name
79 | * [Fix] `ES2024`+: `AddEntriesFromIterable`, `GetIterator`, `GroupBy`: properly capitalize spec enums
80 | * [Deps] update `string.prototype.trim`, `string.prototype.trimend`
81 | * [Tests] increase coverage
82 |
83 | 1.23.1 / 2024-03-16
84 | =================
85 | * [Refactor] use `es-object-atoms`
86 | * [Deps] update `hasown`, `which-typed-array`, `data-view-byte-length`, `safe-array-concat`
87 | * [Dev Deps] update `diff`
88 |
89 | 1.23.0 / 2024-03-04
90 | =================
91 | * [New] add `ES2024`
92 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `InternalizeJSONProperty`
93 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `IntegerIndexedElement{Get,Set}`
94 | * [New] `ES2018`+: add `TimeZoneString`
95 | * [New] `ES2022`+: add `DefineMethodProperty`
96 | * [New] `ES2023`: add `DefaultTimeZone`
97 | * [Fix] `ES2023`+: `SetTypedArrayFrom{TypedArray,ArrayLike}`: match engine reality
98 | * [Fix] `ES2024`+: `GetViewByteLength`, `IsViewOutOfBounds`: support engines with only own DV properties
99 | * [Tests] use `safe-bigint`
100 |
101 | 1.22.5 / 2024-02-28
102 | =================
103 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `DetachArrayBuffer`: node v21.0.0+ structuredClone throws with an already-detached ArrayBuffer
104 | * [Fix] `helpers/assertRecord`: partial revert of 87c340d2; unintentional breaking change
105 | * [patch] records: fix indentation, improve object checks
106 | * [Refactor] extract TA tables to separate files
107 | * [meta] extract "list spackled files" to separate run-script
108 | * [Deps] update `available-typed-arrays`, `es-set-tostringtag`, `has-proto`, `is-negative-zero`, `is-shared-array-buffer`, `typed-array-buffer`, `typed-array-byte-length`, `typed-array-byte-offset`, `typed-array-length`
109 | * [Dev Deps] update `available-regexp-flags`, `tape`
110 | * [Dev Deps] pin `jackspeak` and `glob`, since v2.1.2+ and v10.3.8+ respectively depend on npm aliases, which kill the install process in npm < 6
111 | * [Tests] use `define-{accessor,data}-property`
112 | * [Tests] fix some test cases
113 | * [Tests] use `safeBigInt` for `Z()` pattern to handle node 10.4 - 10.8
114 |
115 | 1.22.4 / 2024-02-13
116 | =================
117 | * [Fix] `ES2017`+: `IsDetachedBuffer`: properly allow SABs
118 | * [Fix] `ES2022`+: `ToBigInt`: properly throw on an unparseable string
119 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `ValidateTypedArray`: proper detachment check and return value
120 | * [Fix] `ES2022`+: `GetSubstitution`: match updated semantics
121 | * [Refactor] prefer `typeof` over `Type()`, except for Object, where possible
122 | * [Refactor] use `es-errors` instead of `get-intrinsic` where possible
123 | * [Refactor] use `es-define-property`
124 | * [Refactor] records: extract predicates to individual files
125 | * [Refactor] `ES2015`+: `Canonicalize`, `WordCharacters`: use explicit `.json` extension for imports
126 | * [Deps] update `array-buffer-byte-length`, `arraybuffer.prototype.slice`, `available-typed-arrays`, `call-bind`, `es-set-tostringtag`, `get-intrinsic`, `get-symbol-description`, `has-proper ty-descriptors`, `has-property-descriptors`, `hasown`, `internal-slot`, `is-array-buffer`, `is-typed-array`, `object.assign`, `regexp.prototype.flags`, `safe-array-concat`, `safe-regex-test`, `typed-array-buffer`, `which-typed-array`
127 | * [eslint] remove unused overrides
128 | * [Tests] increase/fix coverage
129 | * [Dev Deps] update `aud`, `npmignore`, `mock-property`, `tape`
130 |
131 | 1.22.3 / 2023-10-20
132 | =================
133 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `GetSubstitution`: accept `undefined` instead of a hole
134 | * [Refactor] use `hasown` instead of `has`
135 | * [Deps] update `call-bind`, `get-intrinsic`, `object-inspect`, `which-typed-array`
136 | * [Dev Deps] update `function-bind`, `is-core-module`, `mock-property`, `tape`
137 |
138 | 1.22.2 / 2023-09-14
139 | =================
140 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `NewPromiseCapability`: use AOs from the current year, not 2022
141 | * [Refactor] `ES2021`+: `SetTypedArrayFromArrayLike`: use `IsBigIntElementType`
142 | * [Refactor] properly name `helpers/typedArrayConstructors`
143 | * [Refactor] simplify helpers
144 | * [Deps] update `arraybuffer.prototype.slice`, `function.prototype.name`, `is-typed-array`, `regexp.prototype.flags`, `safe-array-concat`, `string.prototype.trim`, `string.prototype.trimend`, `string.prototype.trimstart`, `which-typed-array`
145 | * [actions] update actions
146 | * [Tests] run SES tests on more node versions
147 | * [Dev Deps] update `@unicode/unicode-15.0.0`, `array.from`, `array.prototype.filter`, `array.prototype.flatmap`, `array.prototype.indexof`, `is-core-module`, `object.fromentries`, `ses`, `tape`
148 |
149 | 1.22.1 / 2023-07-15
150 | =================
151 | * [Deps] add missing `safe-array-concat` dep
152 |
153 | 1.22.0 / 2023-07-15
154 | =================
155 | * [New] add `ES2023`
156 | * [New] `ES2021+`: add `SetTypedArrayFromArrayLike`, `SetTypedArrayFromTypedArray`
157 | * [New] `ES2021`+: add `CloneArrayBuffer`
158 | * [New] `ES2020`+: add `IsValidIntegerIndex`
159 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `GetValueFromBuffer`, `SetValueInBuffer`
160 | * [New] `ES2016`+: add `TypedArrayCreate`, `TypedArraySpeciesCreate`
161 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `IsWordChar`
162 | * [New] `ES2017`+ add `WordCharacters`
163 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `Canonicalize`
164 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `NewPromiseCapability`
165 | * [Fix] `ES2017+`: `NumberToRawBytes`, `NumericToRawBytes`: reimplement Float64, fix integer scenarios
166 | * [Refactor] add `helpers/isLineTerminator`
167 | * [Refactor] add `isInteger` helper, and use it
168 | * [Refactor] extract `isStringOrHole` to a helper
169 | * [Refactor] `ES2017`+: `RawBytesToNumber`, `RawBytesToNumeric`: extract common code to helpers
170 | * [Refactor] make a `MAX_VALUE` helper
171 | * [Tests] fix RawBytesToNumeric tests in node v10.4-10.8
172 | * [Tests] fix buffer test cases in node v10.4-v10.8
173 |
174 | 1.21.3 / 2023-07-12
175 | =================
176 | * [Fix] `ES2017+`: `RawBytesToNumber`, `RawBytesToNumeric`: properly handle some scenarios
177 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `GetV`: the receiver is `V`, not `O`
178 | * [Fix] `ES2017`+: `RawBytesToNumber`, `RawBytesToNumeric`: fix exponent calculation for Float64, improve tests
179 | * [Fix] `ES2017`+: `RawBytesToNumber`, `RawBytesToNumeric`: fix logic, improve tests
180 | * [Fix] `ES2019`+: `thisTimeValue`: fix spackling
181 | * [Robustness] `ES2017`+: `NumberToRawBytes`, `NumericToRawBytes`: use `SameValue` instead of `Object.is`
182 | * [Refactor] `ES2021`+: `ValidateAtomicAccess`: use `typed-array-byte-offset`
183 | * [Refactor] `ES2019`+: `AddEntriesFromIterable`: use `ThrowCompletion`
184 | * [patch] `ES2015`+: `ObjectDefineProperties`: satisfy TODO
185 | * [patch] `ES2015`+: `GetV`: improve error message
186 | * [patch] fix spec URLs
187 | * [Deps] update `get-intrinsic`, `regexp.prototype.flags`, `which-typed-array`
188 | * [actions] fix permissions
189 | * [Tests] add buffer test case fixtures + tests
190 | * [Tests] skip test that modifies the env in SES
191 | * [Tests] fix regex flags tests for node 20
192 | * [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `aud`, `available-regexp-flags`, `is-core-module`, `tape`
193 |
194 | 1.21.2 / 2023-03-12
195 | =================
196 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `CreateDataProperty`: use `OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty`
197 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `CreateDataProperty`: use `OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty`
198 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `GetPrototypeFromConstructor`: add missing assertion that `intrinsicDefaultProto` is an object
199 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `IsDetachedBuffer`: ensure a nullish error does not crash
200 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `ToDateString`: properly handle time values that aren’t "now"
201 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+: `ToUint8Clamp`: avoid an extra observable ToNumber
202 | * [Fix] `ES2015`+`: `GetMethod`: when `func` is not callable and `P` is a symbol, avoid the wrong TypeError
203 | * [Fix] `ES2020`+: `ToBigInt`: properly throw on anything besides string, bigint, boolean
204 | * [Fix] `ES2021`+: `SplitMatch`: instead of `false`, return `'not-matched'`
205 | * [Fix] `helpers/assertRecord`: handle nullish input
206 | * [Fix] `helpers/isFullyPopulatedPropertyDescriptor`: handle primitive inputs
207 | * [Robustness] `ES5`: `ToNumber`: avoid relying on runtime `.test` and `.replace`
208 | * [Refactor] `ES2015`: mark `IsDataDescriptor` and `IsAccessorDescriptor` as spackled
209 | * [Refactor] `ES2015`+: `IsDetachedBuffer`: use `array-buffer-byte-length` package
210 | * [Refactor] `ES2015`+: `OrdinaryHasInstance`: rely on falsiness
211 | * [Refactor] `ES2016`+: `CreateListFromArrayLike`: hoist default element types to module level
212 | * [Refactor] `ES2022`+: `StringToNumber`, `ToNumber`: use `string.prototype.trim`
213 | * [patch] `ES2022`+: `IsLessThan`: fix a comment
214 | * [patch] `ES2022`+: `TypedArrayElementSize`, `TypedArrayElementType`: throw a SyntaxError with an unknown TA type
215 | * [patch] `ES2022`+: `IsLessThan`: fix a comment
216 | * [patch] `ES2020`+: `thisBigIntValue`: throw a SyntaxError, not TypeError, for unsupported features
217 | * [patch] `helpers/getIteratorMethod`: `String` is always available
218 | * [patch] fix commented spec URLs
219 | * [patch] omit `%` for `callBound`
220 | * [meta] fix spec URLs
221 | * [meta] fix spackle metadata, comments
222 | * [Deps] update `get-intrinsic`, `internal-slot`, `is-array-buffer`, `object-inspect`
223 | * [Deps] move `function-bind` to dev deps
224 | * [Tests] String.fromCharCode takes numbers, not strings
225 | * [Tests] use `makeIteratorRecord` helper
226 | * [Tests] increase coverage
227 | * [Tests] fix tests that throw a sentinel
228 | * [Dev Deps] update `array.from`, `available-regexp-flags`, `tape`
229 |
230 | 1.21.1 / 2023-01-10
231 | =================
232 | * [Fix] move `available-typed-arrays` to runtime deps
233 | * [Fix] `ES2021`+: `NumberToBigInt`: throw the proper error on an env without BigInts
234 | * [Fix] `ES2018`+: `CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator`: properly check `next` method args length
235 | * [Fix] `ES2020`-`ES2021`: Abstract Relational Comparison: handle BigInts properly
236 | * [Fix] `ES2022`+: `StringToBigInt`: invalid BigInts should be `undefined`, not `NaN` as in previous years
237 | * [Fix] `helpers/isFinite`: properly handle BigInt values
238 | * [Fix] `ES2020`+: `CreateListFromArrayLike`: accept BigInts
239 | * [Fix] `ES2019`+: `AsyncFromSyncIteratorContinuation`: throw a SyntaxError when > 1 arg is passed
240 | * [patch] `ES2020`+: `GetIterator`: use SyntaxError for intentionally unsupported
241 | * [patch] `ES2015`+: `GetPrototypeFromContructor`: use SyntaxError for intentionally unsupported
242 | * [patch] `ES2022`+: `StringToNumber`: fix non-string assertion failure message
243 | * [Deps] update `es-set-tostringtag`, `is-array-buffer`
244 | * [Tests] increase coverage
245 | * [Tests] exclude coverage from files that have been replaced by an extracted package
246 |
247 | 1.21.0 / 2023-01-04
248 | =================
249 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `IsDetachedBuffer`
250 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add `DetachArrayBuffer`
251 | * [New] `ES2020`+: add `NumericToRawBytes`
252 | * [New] `ES2017` - `ES2019`: add `NumberToRawBytes`
253 | * [New] `ES2020+`: add `RawBytesToNumeric`
254 | * [New] `ES2017-ES2019`: add `RawBytesToNumber`
255 | * [New] `ES2017`+: add `ValidateAtomicAccess`
256 | * [New] `ES2021`+: add `ValidateIntegerTypedArray`
257 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `ValidateTypedArray`
258 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `GetGlobalObject`
259 | * [New] `ES2022`+: add `TypedArrayElementSize`, `TypedArrayElementType`
260 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `max`, `min`
261 | * [New] `helpers/assertRecord`: add predicates for PromiseCapability and AsyncGeneratorRequest Records
262 | * [New] `ES2018`+: add `AsyncIteratorClose`
263 | * [New] `ES2015`+: `IteratorClose`: also accept a Completion Record instance instead of a completion thunk
264 | * [New] `ES2015`+ (CompletionRecord, NormalCompletion), `ES2018`+ (ThrowCompletion): add new AOs
265 | * [New] `ES2015`+ (`ObjectCreate`) and `ES2020`+ (`OrdinaryObjectCreate`): use `internal-slot` to support additional slots
266 | * [New] `ES2018`+: add `CreateAsyncFromSyncIterator`
267 | * [patch] `ES2015`+: `GetMethod`: better failure message
268 | * [Refactor] use `es-set-tostringtag` package
269 | * [Refactor] use `has-proto` package
270 | * [Deps] update `has-proto`, `es-set-tostringtag`, `internal-slot`
271 | * [meta] fix spackle script to `git add` after all writing is done
272 | * [meta] autogenerate esX entry points
273 | * [meta] use a leading slash in gitattributes for proper spackle matching
274 | * [Tests] fix comments on missing AOs
275 | * [Tests] filter out host-defined AOs
276 | * [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `aud`
277 |
278 | 1.20.5 / 2022-12-07
279 | =================
280 | * [Fix] `ES2020+`: `floor`: make it work with BigInts as well
281 | * [Refactor] use `gopd`
282 | * [Tests] add `mod` helper tests (#147)
283 | * [Deps] update `string.prototype.trimend`, `string.prototype.trimstart`
284 | * [Dev Deps] update `array.prototype.filter`, `array.prototype.flatmap`, `array.prototype.indexof`, `object.fromentries`
285 |
286 | 1.20.4 / 2022-10-06
287 | =================
288 | * [Fix] `ES2021+`: values that truncate to -0 in `ToIntegerOrInfinity` (#146)
289 | * [Deps] update `is-callable`
290 |
291 | 1.20.3 / 2022-09-22
292 | =================
293 | * [Refactor] extract regex tester to `safe-regex-test` package
294 | * [Deps] update `get-intrinsic`, `is-callable`
295 | * [Dev Deps] update `aud`, `tape`
296 |
297 | 1.20.2 / 2022-09-01
298 | =================
299 | * [Fix] `ES2020+`: `SameValueNonNumeric`: properly throw on BigInt values
300 | * [Deps] update `object.assign`, `get-intrinsic`, `object-inspect`
301 | * [Dev Deps] update `array.prototype.indexof`, `diff`, `es-value-fixtures`, `tape`
302 | * [meta] `spackle`: always mkdirp new files to be written
303 | * [Tests] fix vscode auto-const from 8fc256d
304 |
305 | 1.20.1 / 2022-05-16
306 | =================
307 | * [Fix] `thisTimeValue`: use `getTime`, not `valueOf`, to get the time value
308 | * [Refactor] create `IsArray` helper
309 | * [Deps] update `regexp.prototype.flags`
310 | * [Dev Deps] use `for-each` instead of `foreach`
311 |
312 | 1.20.0 / 2022-05-05
313 | =================
314 | * [New] add ES2022
315 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add `ObjectDefineProperties`
316 | * [Refactor] create `fromPropertyDescriptor` helper
317 | * [Refactor] use `has-property-descriptors`
318 | * [Deps] update `string.prototype.trimend`, `string.prototype.trimstart`, `unbox-primitive`
319 | * [meta] use `npmignore` to autogenerate an npmignore file
320 | * [Dev Deps] update `es-value-fixtures`, `has-bigints`, `functions-have-names`
321 | * [Tests] copy GetIntrinsic tests over from `get-intrinsic`
322 |
323 | 1.19.5 / 2022-04-13
324 | =================
325 | * [Fix] `DefineOwnProperty`: FF 4-22 throws an exception when defining length of an array
326 | * [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config`
327 |
328 | 1.19.4 / 2022-04-12
329 | =================
330 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `CreateDataProperty`: a nonwritable but configurable property is still converted to a data property
331 |
332 | 1.19.3 / 2022-04-11
333 | =================
334 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `GetIterator`, `IterableToArrayLike`: in Symbol-less envs, handle boxed string objects
335 | * [Robustness] use `exec` instead of `test`, since the latter observably looks up `exec`
336 | * [Deps] update `is-shared-array-buffer`
337 | * [actions] restrict permissions
338 | * [Dev Deps] update `tape`
339 | * [Tests] add test coverage
340 | * [Tests] avoid a bug in node v4.0 with bound function names
341 |
342 | 1.19.2 / 2022-03-28
343 | =================
344 | * [Fix] `ES2018+`: `EnumerableOwnPropertyNames`, `ToIntegerOrInfinity`, `UTF16SurrogatePairToCodePoint`: proper function names
345 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `GetOwnPropertyKeys`/`IsExtensible`/`{Set,Test}IntegrityLevel`: avoid a crash in IE 8 on missing ES5 intrinsics
346 | * [Fix] `helpers/DefineOwnProperty`: avoid a crash in IE 8
347 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `StringCreate`: properly check for `prototype` being `String.prototype`
348 | * [Docs] `ES2015+`: `GetV`: Fix spec URL
349 | * [meta] operations: use a URL object instead of a URL string
350 | * [meta] remove defunct greenkeeper config
351 | * [meta] better `eccheck` command; fix indentation
352 | * [Tests] node v0.6 lacks `RegExp.prototype.source`
353 | * [Tests] remove a stray `console.log`
354 | * [Tests] properly set the lastIndex in IE 8
355 | * [Tests] skip test due to IE 6-8 sparse/undefined bug
356 | * [Tests] in IE 8, an empty regex is `` and not `(?:)`
357 | * [Tests] ES3 engines don’t have `.bind`
358 | * [Tests] avoid needless failures in ES3 engines that don't support descriptors
359 | * [Tests] add test to cover https://github.com/tc39/ecma262/issues/2611
360 | * [Deps] update `has-symbols`, `is-negative-zero`, `is-weakref`, `object-inspect`
361 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `object.fromentries`, `safe-publish-latest`, `tape`
362 | * [actions] reuse common workflows
363 | * [actions] update codecov uploader
364 |
365 | 1.19.1 / 2021-10-02
366 | =================
367 | * [Fix] `ES2020+`: `CreateRegExpStringIterator`: should not have enumerable methods
368 | * [Dev Deps] update `array.prototype.filter`, `array.prototype.indexof`
369 |
370 | 1.19.0 / 2021-09-30
371 | =================
372 | * [New] `ES2021+`: `IterableToList`: make `method` parameter optional (#61)
373 | * [New] add ES2021
374 | * [New] `ES2020+`: add `StringToBigInt`, `ToBigInt`, `ToBigInt64`, `ToBigUint64`
375 | * [New] `ES2017`+: add `IsSharedArrayBuffer`, `OrdinaryToPrimitive`
376 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add `CharacterRange`, `IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor`
377 | * [New] `ES2020+`: add `CreateRegExpStringIterator`
378 | * [Fix] `ES2020+`: `ToBigInt64`/`ToBigUint64`: avoid node v10.4-v10.8 bug with limited BigInt range
379 | * [Fix] `ES2020+`: `AbstractRelationalComparison`, `AbstractEqualityComparison`: support BigInt
380 | * [Fix] `ES2020+`: `ToBigInt64`/`ToBigUint64`: Improve the definitions of twoSixtyThree and twoSixtyFour (#140)
381 | * [meta] do not publish .gitattributes
382 | * [Tests] Correct the behavior of `safeBigInt`
383 | * [Tests] Exclude dotfiles from the testing sweep (#141)
384 |
385 | 1.18.7 / 2021-09-28
386 | =================
387 | * [Fix] `getOwnPropertyDescriptor` helper: avoid crashing in IE < 9
388 | * [Fix] `ArraySetLength`: `node` `v0.6` has a bug where array lengths can be Set but not Defined
389 | * [eslint] remove unused directive
390 | * [Tests] fix spelling
391 |
392 | 1.18.6 / 2021-09-07
393 | =================
394 | * [Fix] `ES2020+`: `NumberToBigInt`: throw a SyntaxError when BigInts are not supported
395 | * [Refactor] extract getSymbolDescription logic to `get-symbol-description`
396 | * [Refactor] `ES2018+`: `AbstractRelationalComparison`: use `IsStringPrefix`
397 | * [Deps] update `is-callable`, `is-regex`, `is-string`
398 | * [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `tape`
399 | * [Tests] `GetSubstitution`: add cases
400 |
401 | 1.18.5 / 2021-08-01
402 | =================
403 | * [meta] remove "exports" (#133)
404 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`
405 |
406 | 1.18.4 / 2021-07-29
407 | =================
408 | * [meta] partial revert of b54cfe8525faff482450e843a49d43be3a086225
409 | * [Deps] update `internal-slot`, `object-inspect`
410 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `tape`
411 | * [Tests] `ArraySetLength`: increase coverage
412 |
413 | 1.18.3 / 2021-05-27
414 | =================
415 | * [Fix] `ES2020+`: `ToNumber`: ensure it throws on a BigInt (#130)
416 |
417 | 1.18.2 / 2021-05-25
418 | =================
419 | * [meta] add `helpers` to "exports" field, for back compat
420 |
421 | 1.18.1 / 2021-05-25
422 | =================
423 | * [readme] update and clarify entry points
424 | * [meta] add "exports" field, with escape hatch
425 | * [meta] add `sideEffects` field
426 | * [meta] use `prepublishOnly`, for npm 7+
427 | * [eslint] clean up eslint rules
428 | * [Deps] update `is-regex`, `is-string`, `object-inspect`, `unbox-primitive`
429 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `aud`, `tape`
430 | * [actions] disable fail-fast on matrix jobs
431 | * [actions] use `node/install` action instead of `node/run`
432 | * [actions] update codeql-analysis to new best practices
433 |
434 | 1.18.0 / 2021-03-03
435 | =================
436 | * [New] add `ES2020`, and a number of additional AOs: See the changelog entries for the prereleases for more information:
437 | - [next.3](./CHANGELOG.md#1180-next3--2021-03-01)
438 | - [next.2](./CHANGELOG.md#1180-next2--2021-01-17)
439 | - [next.1](./CHANGELOG.md#1180-next1--2020-09-30)
440 | - [next.0](./CHANGELOG.md#1180-next0--2020-08-14)
441 | * [Refactor] `ES5+`: `Abstract Relational Comparison`: increase coverage
442 | * [Tests] increase coverage
443 | * [Tests] do not run coverage on node 0.6
444 |
445 | 1.18.0-next.3 / 2021-03-01
446 | =================
447 | * [New] `ES2015`: add `StringGetIndexProperty`
448 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add `RegExpCreate`, `SplitMatch`, `StringCreate`
449 | * [New] `ES2016-ES2019`: add `UTF16Decode`
450 | * [New] `ES2020+`: add `NumberToBigInt`
451 | * [New] `ES2020+: add `BigInt::`/`Number::` methods:
452 | * [Fix] `ES5`: `ToNumber`: properly refuse to parse ES6+ forms
453 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `Invoke`: optional argumentsList must be a List of arguments, not a list of arguments
454 | * [Fix] `ES2016+`: `UTF16Encoding`: properly return a string code point instead of a numeric code point
455 | * [Fix] `ES2020`: `NumberBitwiseOp`: assert that x and y are Numbers
456 | * [readme] remove travis/testling badge, fix repo URLs
457 | * [meta] `ES2015`: add missing `CreateArrayIterator` AO
458 | * [meta] `ES2015-ES2017`: add missing `DaylightSavingTA` AO
459 | * [meta] rerun `npm run spackle` to update URLs left after 11d8c8df11c0d15d094a6035afed662e22b440ef
460 | * [meta] update ecma URLs
461 | * [meta] unignore 2020 operations list
462 | * [meta] update operations scripts linting
463 | * [meta] refactor getOps script to fetch all years at once
464 | * [meta] refactor operations script to keep years in one place
465 | * [meta] fix ES2015 spec URL
466 | * [Deps] update `has-symbols`, `string.prototype.trimend`, `string.prototype.trimstart`, `get-intrinsic`, `is-callable`, `is-regex`
467 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `array.prototype.indexof`, `aud`, `es-value-fixtures`, `object.fromentries`, `tape`, `diff`
468 | * [operations] detect ES2020+ style `T::` numeric operations
469 | * [Tests] increase coverage
470 | * [Tests] `BigInt(1e17)` throws on node v10.4-v10.6
471 | * [Tests] improve coverage on `Number::` methods
472 | * [Tests] `tape` v5 `.equal` now uses strict equality, so no more need for `is()`
473 | * [Tests] improve BigInt:: and Number:: coverage
474 | * [Tests] actually run all the helpers tests
475 | * [Tests] ensure "expected missing" ops list is accurate
476 | * [Tests] abstract away per-operation skips
477 | * [Tests] skip BigInt:: tests on envs without BigInts
478 | * [Tests] use `es-value-fixtures`
479 | * [actions] update workflows
480 |
481 | 1.18.0-next.2 / 2021-01-17
482 | =================
483 | * [New] `helpers`: add `isByteValue`, `isCodePoint`, `some`
484 | * [Fix] `ES2018+`: fix `GetSubstitution` with named captures
485 | * [Fix] `ES2020`: `GetIterator`: add omitted `hint` parameter
486 | * [Fix] `ES2018`/`ES2019`: `SetFunctionLength`: Infinities should throw
487 | * [Fix] `ES2020`: `ToIndex` uses `SameValue` instead of `SameValueZero`
488 | * [Fix] `ES2020`: `CopyDataProperties` uses `CreateDataPropertyOrThrow` instead of `CreateDataProperty`
489 | * [Refactor] use extracted `call-bind` instead of local helpers
490 | * [Refactor] use extracted `get-intrinsic` package
491 | * [Deps] update `call-bind`, `get-intrinsic`, `is-callable`, `is-negative-zero`, `is-regex`, `object-inspect`, `object.assign`, `string.prototype.trimend`, `string.prototype.trimstart`
492 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `array.prototype.indexof`, `aud`, `diff`, `functions-have-names`, `has-bigints`, `has-strict-mode`, `object-is`, `object.fromentries`, `tape`
493 | * [actions] switch Automatic Rebase workflow to `pull_request_target` event
494 | * [actions] add "Allow Edits" workflow
495 | * [meta] pin cheerio to v1.0.0-rc.3, to fix getOps
496 | * [meta] make all URLs consistent, and point to spec artifacts
497 | * [meta] refactor `deltas` script; update eslint on operations scripts
498 | * [meta] do not publish .github dir (#123)
499 | * [Tests] add `v.notNonNegativeIntegers`, `v.nonConstructorFunctions`
500 | * [Tests] migrate tests to Github Actions
501 | * [Tests] run coverage on all tests
502 | * [Tests] add `npm run test:ses`
503 |
504 | 1.18.0-next.1 / 2020-09-30
505 | =================
506 | * [Fix] `ES2020`: `ToInteger`: `-0` should always be normalized to `+0` (#116)
507 | * [patch] `GetIntrinsic`: Adapt to override-mistake-fix pattern (#115)
508 | * [Fix] `callBind`: ensure compatibility with SES
509 | * [Deps] update `is-callable`, `object.assign`
510 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`
511 | * [eslint] fix warning
512 | * [Tests] temporarily allow SES tests to fail (#115)
513 | * [Tests] ses-compat - initialize module after ses lockdown (#113)
514 | * [Tests] [Refactor] use defineProperty helper rather than assignment
515 | * [Tests] [Refactor] clean up defineProperty test helper
516 |
517 | 1.18.0-next.0 / 2020-08-14
518 | =================
519 | * [New] add `ES2020`
520 | * [New] `GetIntrinsic`: add `%AggregateError%`, `%FinalizationRegistry%`, and `%WeakRef%`
521 | * [New] `ES5`+: add `abs`, `floor`; use `modulo` consistently
522 | * [New] `GetIntrinsic`: Cache accessed intrinsics (#98)
523 | * [New] `GetIntrinsic`: Add ES201x function intrinsics (#97)
524 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `QuoteJSONString`, `OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor`
525 | * [New] `ES2017`+: add `StringGetOwnProperty`
526 | * [New] `ES2016`+: add `UTF16Encoding`
527 | * [New] `ES2018`+: add `SetFunctionLength`, `UnicodeEscape`
528 | * [New] add `isLeadingSurrogate`/`isTrailingSurrogate` helpers
529 | * [Fix] `ES5`+: `ToPropertyDescriptor`: use intrinsic TypeError
530 | * [Fix] `ES2018+`: `CopyDataProperties`/`NumberToString`: use intrinsic TypeError
531 | * [Deps] update `is-regex`, `object-inspect`
532 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`
533 |
534 | 1.17.7 / 2020-09-30
535 | =================
536 | * [Fix] `ES2020`: `ToInteger`: `-0` should always be normalized to `+0` (#116)
537 | * [patch] `GetIntrinsic`: Adapt to override-mistake-fix pattern (#115)
538 | * [Fix] `callBind`: ensure compatibility with SES
539 | * [Deps] update `is-callable`, `is-regex`, `object-inspect`, `object.assign`
540 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`
541 |
542 | 1.17.6 / 2020-06-13
543 | =================
544 | * [Fix] `helpers/getSymbolDescription`: use the global Symbol registry when available (#92)
545 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `IsConstructor`: when `Reflect.construct` is available, be spec-accurate (#93)
546 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `Set`: Always return boolean value (#101)
547 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `Set`: ensure exceptions are thrown in IE 9 when requested
548 | * [Fix] Use `Reflect.apply(…)` if available (#99)
549 | * [Fix] `helpers/floor`: module-cache `Math.floor`
550 | * [Fix] `helpers/getSymbolDescription`: Prefer bound `description` getter when present
551 | * [Fix] `2016`: Use `getIteratorMethod` in `IterableToArrayLike` (#94)
552 | * [Fix] `helpers/OwnPropertyKeys`: Use `Reflect.ownKeys(…)` if available (#91)
553 | * [Fix] `2018+`: Fix `CopyDataProperties` depending on `this` (#95)
554 | * [meta] mark spackled files as autogenerated
555 | * [meta] `Type`: fix spec URL
556 | * [meta] `ES2015`: complete ops list
557 | * [Deps] update `is‑callable`, `is‑regex`
558 | * [Deps] switch from `string.prototype.trimleft`/`string.prototype.trimright` to `string.prototype.trimstart`/`string.prototype.trimend`
559 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `in-publish`, `object-is`, `tape`; add `aud`
560 | * [eslint] `helpers/isPropertyDescriptor`: fix indentation
561 | * [Tests] `helpers/getSymbolDescription`: add test cases; some envs have `Symbol.for` but can not infer a name (#92)
562 | * [Tests] try out CodeQL analysis
563 | * [Tests] reformat expected missing ops
564 | * [Tests] Run tests with `undefined` this (#96)
565 |
566 | 1.17.5 / 2020-03-22
567 | =================
568 | * [Fix] `CreateDataProperty`: update an existing property
569 | * [Fix] run missing spackle from cd7504701879ddea0f5981e99cbcf93bfea9171d
570 | * [Dev Deps] update `make-arrow-function`, `tape`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`
571 |
572 | 1.17.4 / 2020-01-21
573 | =================
574 | * [Fix] `2015+`: add code to handle IE 8’s problems
575 | * [Tests] fix tests for IE 8
576 |
577 | 1.17.3 / 2020-01-19
578 | =================
579 | * [Fix] `ObjectCreate` `2015+`: Fall back to `__proto__` and normal `new` in older browsers
580 | * [Fix] `GetIntrinsic`: ensure the `allowMissing` property actually works on dotted intrinsics
581 |
582 | 1.17.2 / 2020-01-14
583 | =================
584 | * [Fix] `helpers/OwnPropertyKeys`: include non-enumerables too
585 |
586 | 1.17.1 / 2020-01-14
587 | =================
588 | * [Refactor] add `OwnPropertyKeys` helper, use it in `CopyDataProperties`
589 | * [Refactor] `IteratorClose`: remove useless assignment
590 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `tape`, `diff`
591 |
592 | 1.17.0 / 2019-12-20
593 | =================
594 | * [New] Split up each operation into its own file (prereleased)
595 | * [Fix] `GetIntrinsic`: IE 8 has a broken `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor`
596 | * [Fix] `object.assign` is a runtime dep (prereleased)
597 | * [Refactor] `GetIntrinsic`: remove the internal property salts, since % already handles that
598 | * [Refactor] `GetIntrinsic`: further simplification
599 | * [Deps] update `is-callable`, `string.prototype.trimleft`, `string.prototype.trimright`, `is-regex`
600 | * [Dev Deps] update `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `object-is`, `object.fromentries`, `tape`
601 | * [Tests] add `.eslintignore`
602 | * [meta] remove unused Makefile and associated utils
603 | * [meta] only run spackle script in publish (#78) (prereleased)
604 |
605 | 1.17.0-next.1 / 2019-12-11
606 | =================
607 | * [Fix] `object.assign` is a runtime dep
608 | * [meta] only run spackle script in publish (#78)
609 |
610 | 1.17.0-next.0 / 2019-12-11
611 | =================
612 | * [New] Split up each operation into its own file
613 |
614 | 1.16.3 / 2019-12-04
615 | =================
616 | * [Fix] `GetIntrinsic`: when given a path to a getter, return the actual getter
617 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`
618 |
619 | 1.16.2 / 2019-11-24
620 | =================
621 | * [Fix] IE 6-7 lack JSON
622 | * [Fix] IE 6-8 strings can’t use array slice, they need string slice
623 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`
624 |
625 | 1.16.1 / 2019-11-24
626 | =================
627 | * [Fix] `GetIntrinsics`: turns out IE 8 throws when `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(arguments);`, and does not throw on `callee` anyways
628 | * [Deps] update `es-to-primitive`, `has-symbols`, `object-inspect`
629 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `safe-publish-latest`
630 | * [meta] re-include year files inside `operations`
631 | * [meta] add `funding` field
632 | * [actions] add Automatic Rebase github action
633 | * [Tests] use shared travis-ci config
634 | * [Tests] disable `check-coverage`, and let codecov do it
635 |
636 | 1.16.0 / 2019-10-18
637 | =================
638 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add `SetFunctionName`
639 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add `GetPrototypeFromConstructor`, with caveats
640 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add `CreateListFromArrayLike`
641 | * [New] `ES2016+`: add `OrdinarySetPrototypeOf`
642 | * [New] `ES2016+`: add `OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf`
643 | * [New] add `getSymbolDescription` and `getInferredName` helpers
644 | * [Fix] `GetIterator`: add fallback for pre-Symbol environments, tests
645 | * [Dev Deps] update `object.fromentries`
646 | * [Tests] add `node` `v12.2`
647 |
648 | 1.15.0 / 2019-10-02
649 | =================
650 | * [New] `ES2018`+: add `DateString`, `TimeString`
651 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `ToDateString`
652 | * [New] `ES5`+: add `msFromTime`, `SecFromTime`, `MinFromTime`, `HourFromTime`, `TimeWithinDay`, `Day`, `DayFromYear`, `TimeFromYear`, `YearFromTime`, `WeekDay`, `DaysInYear`, `InLeapYear`, `DayWithinYear`, `MonthFromTime`, `DateFromTime`, `MakeDay`, `MakeDate`, `MakeTime`, `TimeClip`, `modulo`
653 | * [New] add `regexTester` helper
654 | * [New] add `callBound` helper
655 | * [New] add ES2020’s intrinsic dot notation
656 | * [New] add `isPrefixOf` helper
657 | * [New] add `maxSafeInteger` helper
658 | * [Deps] update `string.prototype.trimleft`, `string.prototype.trimright`
659 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`
660 | * [Tests] on `node` `v12.11`
661 | * [meta] npmignore operations scripts; add "deltas"
662 |
663 | 1.14.2 / 2019-09-08
664 | =================
665 | * [Fix] `ES2016`: `IterableToArrayLike`: add proper fallback for strings, pre-Symbols
666 | * [Tests] on `node` `v12.10`
667 |
668 | 1.14.1 / 2019-09-03
669 | =================
670 | * [meta] republish with some extra files removed
671 |
672 | 1.14.0 / 2019-09-02
673 | =================
674 | * [New] add ES2019
675 | * [New] `ES2017+`: add `IterableToList`
676 | * [New] `ES2016`: add `IterableToArrayLike`
677 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add `ArrayCreate`, `ArraySetLength`, `OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty`, `OrdinaryGetOwnProperty`, `OrdinaryHasProperty`, `CreateHTML`, `GetOwnPropertyKeys`, `InstanceofOperator`, `SymbolDescriptiveString`, `GetSubstitution`, `ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor`, `IsPromise`, `OrdinaryHasInstance`, `TestIntegrityLevel`, `SetIntegrityLevel`
678 | * [New] add `callBind` helper, and use it
679 | * [New] add helpers: `isPropertyDescriptor`, `every`
680 | * [New] ES5+: add `Abstract Relational Comparison`
681 | * [New] ES5+: add `Abstract Equality Comparison`, `Strict Equality Comparison`
682 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `GetIterator`: only require native Symbols when `method` is omitted
683 | * [Fix] `ES2015`: `Call`: error message now properly displays Symbols using `object-inspect`
684 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor`: use ES2017 logic to bypass spec bugs
685 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `CreateDataProperty`, `DefinePropertyOrThrow`, `ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor`: add fallbacks for ES3
686 | * [Fix] `ES2015+`: `FromPropertyDescriptor`: no longer requires a fully complete Property Descriptor
687 | * [Fix] `ES5`: `IsPropertyDescriptor`: call into `IsDataDescriptor` and `IsAccessorDescriptor`
688 | * [Refactor] use `has-symbols` for Symbol detection
689 | * [Fix] `helpers/assertRecord`: remove `console.log`
690 | * [Deps] update `object-keys`
691 | * [readme] add security note
692 | * [meta] change http URLs to https
693 | * [meta] linter cleanup
694 | * [meta] fix getOps script
695 | * [meta] add FUNDING.yml
696 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `safe-publish-latest`, `semver`, `replace`, `cheerio`, `tape`
697 | * [Tests] up to `node` `v12.9`, `v11.15`, `v10.16`, `v8.16`, `v6.17`
698 | * [Tests] temporarily allow node 0.6 to fail; segfaulting in travis
699 | * [Tests] use the values helper more in es5 tests
700 | * [Tests] fix linting to apply to all files
701 | * [Tests] run `npx aud` only on prod deps
702 | * [Tests] add v.descriptors helpers
703 | * [Tests] use `npx aud` instead of `npm audit` with hoops
704 | * [Tests] use `eclint` instead of `editorconfig-tools`
705 | * [Tests] some intrinsic cleanup
706 | * [Tests] migrate es5 tests to use values helper
707 | * [Tests] add some missing ES2015 ops
708 |
709 | 1.13.0 / 2019-01-02
710 | =================
711 | * [New] add ES2018
712 | * [New] add ES2015/ES2016: EnumerableOwnNames; ES2017: EnumerableOwnProperties
713 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add `thisBooleanValue`, `thisNumberValue`, `thisStringValue`, `thisTimeValue`
714 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add `DefinePropertyOrThrow`, `DeletePropertyOrThrow`, `CreateMethodProperty`
715 | * [New] add `assertRecord` helper
716 | * [Deps] update `is-callable`, `has`, `object-keys`, `es-to-primitive`
717 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `tape`, `semver`, `safe-publish-latest`, `replace`
718 | * [Tests] use `npm audit` instead of `nsp`
719 | * [Tests] remove `jscs`
720 | * [Tests] up to `node` `v11.6`, `v10.15`, `v8.15`, `v6.16`
721 | * [Tests] move descriptor factories to `values` helper
722 | * [Tests] add `getOps` to programmatically fetch abstract operation names
723 |
724 | 1.12.0 / 2018-05-31
725 | =================
726 | * [New] add `GetIntrinsic` entry point
727 | * [New] `ES2015`+: add `ObjectCreate`
728 | * [Robustness]: `ES2015+`: ensure `Math.{abs,floor}` and `Function.call` are cached
729 |
730 | 1.11.0 / 2018-03-21
731 | =================
732 | * [New] `ES2015+`: add iterator abstract ops
733 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `nsp`, `object.assign`, `semver`, `tape`
734 | * [Tests] up to `node` `v9.8`, `v8.10`, `v6.13`
735 |
736 | 1.10.0 / 2017-11-24
737 | =================
738 | * [New] ES2015+: `AdvanceStringIndex`
739 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `nsp`
740 | * [Tests] require node 0.6 to pass again
741 | * [Tests] up to `node` `v9.2`, `v8.9`, `v6.12`; use `nvm install-latest-npm`; pin included builds to LTS
742 |
743 | 1.9.0 / 2017-09-30
744 | =================
745 | * [New] `es2015+`: add `ArraySpeciesCreate`
746 | * [New] ES2015+: add `CreateDataProperty` and `CreateDataPropertyOrThrow`
747 | * [Tests] consolidate duplicated tests
748 | * [Tests] increase coverage
749 | * [Dev Deps] update `nsp`, `eslint`
750 |
751 | 1.8.2 / 2017-09-03
752 | =================
753 | * [Fix] `es2015`+: `ToNumber`: provide the proper hint for Date objects (#27)
754 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`
755 |
756 | 1.8.1 / 2017-08-30
757 | =================
758 | * [Fix] ES2015+: `ToPropertyKey`: should return a symbol for Symbols (#26)
759 | * [Deps] update `function-bind`
760 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`
761 | * [Docs] github broke markdown parsing
762 |
763 | 1.8.0 / 2017-08-04
764 | =================
765 | * [New] add ES2017
766 | * [New] move es6+ to es2015+; leave es6/es7 as aliases
767 | * [New] ES5+: add `IsPropertyDescriptor`, `IsAccessorDescriptor`, `IsDataDescriptor`, `IsGenericDescriptor`, `FromPropertyDescriptor`, `ToPropertyDescriptor`
768 | * [New] ES2015+: add `CompletePropertyDescriptor`, `Set`, `HasOwnProperty`, `HasProperty`, `IsConcatSpreadable`, `Invoke`, `CreateIterResultObject`, `RegExpExec`
769 | * [Fix] es7/es2016: do not mutate ES6
770 | * [Fix] assign helper only supports one source
771 | * [Deps] update `is-regex`
772 | * [Dev Deps] update `nsp`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`
773 | * [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `nsp`, `semver`, `tape`
774 | * [Tests] add tests for missing and excess operations
775 | * [Tests] add codecov for coverage
776 | * [Tests] up to `node` `v8.2`, `v7.10`, `v6.11`, `v4.8`; newer npm breaks on older node
777 | * [Tests] use same lists of value types across tests; ensure tests are the same when ops are the same
778 | * [Tests] ES2015: add ToNumber symbol tests
779 | * [Tests] switch to `nyc` for code coverage
780 | * [Tests] make IsRegExp tests consistent across editions
781 |
782 | 1.7.0 / 2017-01-22
783 | =================
784 | * [New] ES6: Add `GetMethod` (#16)
785 | * [New] ES6: Add `GetV` (#16)
786 | * [New] ES6: Add `Get` (#17)
787 | * [Tests] up to `node` `v7.4`, `v6.9`, `v4.6`; improve test matrix
788 | * [Dev Deps] update `tape`, `nsp`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `safe-publish-latest`
789 |
790 | 1.6.1 / 2016-08-21
791 | =================
792 | * [Fix] ES6: IsConstructor should return true for `class` constructors.
793 |
794 | 1.6.0 / 2016-08-20
795 | =================
796 | * [New] ES5 / ES6: add `Type`
797 | * [New] ES6: `SpeciesConstructor`
798 | * [Dev Deps] update `jscs`, `nsp`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `semver`; add `safe-publish-latest`
799 | * [Tests] up to `node` `v6.4`, `v5.12`, `v4.5`
800 |
801 | 1.5.1 / 2016-05-30
802 | =================
803 | * [Fix] `ES.IsRegExp`: actually look up `Symbol.match` on the argument
804 | * [Refactor] create `isNaN` helper
805 | * [Deps] update `is-callable`, `function-bind`
806 | * [Deps] update `es-to-primitive`, fix ES5 tests
807 | * [Dev Deps] update `jscs`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `tape`, `nsp`
808 | * [Tests] up to `node` `v6.2`, `v5.11`, `v4.4`
809 | * [Tests] use pretest/posttest for linting/security
810 |
811 | 1.5.0 / 2015-12-27
812 | =================
813 | * [New] adds `Symbol.toPrimitive` support via `es-to-primitive`
814 | * [Deps] update `is-callable`, `es-to-primitive`
815 | * [Dev Deps] update `jscs`, `nsp`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `semver`, `tape`
816 | * [Tests] up to `node` `v5.3`
817 |
818 | 1.4.3 / 2015-11-04
819 | =================
820 | * [Fix] `ES6.ToNumber`: should give `NaN` for explicitly signed hex strings (#4)
821 | * [Refactor] `ES6.ToNumber`: No need to double-trim
822 | * [Refactor] group tests better
823 | * [Tests] should still pass on `node` `v0.8`
824 |
825 | 1.4.2 / 2015-11-02
826 | =================
827 | * [Fix] ensure `ES.ToNumber` trims whitespace, and does not trim non-whitespace (#3)
828 |
829 | 1.4.1 / 2015-10-31
830 | =================
831 | * [Fix] ensure only 0-1 are valid binary and 0-7 are valid octal digits (#2)
832 | * [Dev Deps] update `tape`, `jscs`, `nsp`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`
833 | * [Tests] on `node` `v5.0`
834 | * [Tests] fix npm upgrades for older node versions
835 | * package.json: use object form of "authors", add "contributors"
836 |
837 | 1.4.0 / 2015-09-26
838 | =================
839 | * [Deps] update `is-callable`
840 | * [Dev Deps] update `tape`, `jscs`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`
841 | * [Tests] on `node` `v4.2`
842 | * [New] Add `SameValueNonNumber` to ES7
843 |
844 | 1.3.2 / 2015-09-26
845 | =================
846 | * [Fix] Fix `ES6.IsRegExp` to properly handle `Symbol.match`, per spec.
847 | * [Tests] up to `io.js` `v3.3`, `node` `v4.1`
848 | * [Dev Deps] update `tape`, `jscs`, `nsp`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `semver`
849 |
850 | 1.3.1 / 2015-08-15
851 | =================
852 | * [Fix] Ensure that objects that `toString` to a binary or octal literal also convert properly
853 |
854 | 1.3.0 / 2015-08-15
855 | =================
856 | * [New] ES6’s ToNumber now supports binary and octal literals.
857 | * [Dev Deps] update `jscs`, `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `tape`
858 | * [Docs] Switch from vb.teelaun.ch to versionbadg.es for the npm version badge SVG
859 | * [Tests] up to `io.js` `v3.0`
860 |
861 | 1.2.2 / 2015-07-28
862 | =================
863 | * [Fix] Both `ES5.CheckObjectCoercible` and `ES6.RequireObjectCoercible` return the value if they don't throw.
864 | * [Tests] Test on latest `io.js` versions.
865 | * [Dev Deps] Update `eslint`, `jscs`, `tape`, `semver`, `covert`, `nsp`
866 |
867 | 1.2.1 / 2015-03-20
868 | =================
869 | * Fix `isFinite` helper.
870 |
871 | 1.2.0 / 2015-03-19
872 | =================
873 | * Use `es-to-primitive` for ToPrimitive methods.
874 | * Test on latest `io.js` versions; allow failures on all but 2 latest `node`/`io.js` versions.
875 |
876 | 1.1.2 / 2015-03-20
877 | =================
878 | * Fix isFinite helper.
879 |
880 | 1.1.1 / 2015-03-19
881 | =================
882 | * Fix isPrimitive check for functions
883 | * Update `eslint`, `editorconfig-tools`, `semver`, `nsp`
884 |
885 | 1.1.0 / 2015-02-17
886 | =================
887 | * Add ES7 export (non-default).
888 | * All grade A-supported `node`/`iojs` versions now ship with an `npm` that understands `^`.
889 | * Test on `iojs-v1.2`.
890 |
891 | 1.0.1 / 2015-01-30
892 | =================
893 | * Use `is-callable` instead of an internal function.
894 | * Update `tape`, `jscs`, `nsp`, `eslint`
895 |
896 | 1.0.0 / 2015-01-10
897 | =================
898 | * v1.0.0
899 |
\ | No newline at end of file |