1 | # ES6 Shim
2 | Provides compatibility shims so that legacy JavaScript engines behave as
3 | closely as possible to ECMAScript 6 (Harmony).
4 |
5 | [![Build Status][1]][2] [![dependency status][3]][4] [![dev dependency status][5]][6]
6 |
7 | [![browser support](https://ci.testling.com/paulmillr/es6-shim.png)](https://ci.testling.com/paulmillr/es6-shim)
8 |
9 | [![Sauce Test Status](https://saucelabs.com/browser-matrix/es6-shim.svg)](https://saucelabs.com/u/es6-shim)
10 |
11 | [HTML version of the final ECMAScript 6 spec][spec-html-url]
12 |
13 | ## Installation
14 | If you want to use it in browser:
15 |
16 | * Just include `es6-shim` before your scripts.
17 | * Include [es5-shim][es5-shim-url] especially if your browser doesn't support ECMAScript 5 - but every JS engine requires the `es5-shim` to correct broken implementations, so it's strongly recommended to always include it. Additionally, `es5-shim` should be loaded before `es6-shim`.
18 |
19 | For `node.js`, `io.js`, or any `npm`-managed workflow (this is the recommended method):
20 |
21 | npm install es6-shim
22 |
23 | Alternative methods:
24 | * `component install paulmillr/es6-shim` if you’re using [component(1)](https://github.com/componentjs/component).
25 | * `bower install es6-shim` if you’re using [Bower](http://bower.io/).
26 |
27 | In both browser and node you may also want to include `unorm`; see the [`String.prototype.normalize`](#stringprototypenormalize) section for details.
28 |
29 | ## Safe shims
30 |
31 | * `Map` (requires ES5 property descriptor support) ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/es-map))
32 | * `Set` (requires ES5 property descriptor support) ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/es-set))
33 | * `Promise`
34 | * `String`:
35 | * `fromCodePoint()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/string.fromcodepoint))
36 | * `raw()` ([a stanadlone shim is also available](https://www.npmjs.com/package/string.raw))
37 | * `String.prototype`:
38 | * `codePointAt()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/string.prototype.codepointat))
39 | * `endsWith()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/string.prototype.endswith))
40 | * `includes()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/string.prototype.includes))
41 | * `repeat()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/string.prototype.repeat))
42 | * `startsWith()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/string.prototype.startswith))
43 | * `RegExp`:
44 | * `new RegExp`, when given a RegExp as the pattern, will no longer throw when given a "flags" string argument. (requires ES5)
45 | * `RegExp.prototype`:
46 | * `flags` (requires ES5) ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/regexp.prototype.flags))
47 | * `[Symbol.match]` (requires native `Symbol`s)
48 | * `[Symbol.replace]` (requires native `Symbol`s)
49 | * `[Symbol.search]` (requires native `Symbol`s)
50 | * `[Symbol.split]` (requires native `Symbol`s)
51 | * `toString`
52 | * `Number`:
53 | * binary and octal literals: `Number('0b1')` and `Number('0o7')`
54 | * `EPSILON`
57 | * `isNaN()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://www.npmjs.com/package/is-nan))
58 | * `isInteger()` ([a standalone shim is also available(https://www.npmjs.com/package/number.isinteger))
59 | * `isSafeInteger()`([a standalone shim is also available](https://www.npmjs.com/package/number.issafeinteger))
60 | * `isFinite()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://www.npmjs.com/package/number.isfinite))
61 | * `parseInt()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://www.npmjs.com/package/parseint))
62 | * `parseFloat()`
63 | * `Array`:
64 | * `from()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://www.npmjs.com/package/array.from))
65 | * `of()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://www.npmjs.com/package/array.of))
66 | * `Array.prototype`:
67 | * `copyWithin()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/array.prototype.copywithin))
68 | * `entries()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/array.prototype.entries))
69 | * `fill()`
70 | * `find()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/array.prototype.find))
71 | * `findIndex()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/array.prototype.findindex))
72 | * `keys()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/array.prototype.keys))
73 | * `values()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/array.prototype.values))
74 | * `indexOf()` (ES6 errata) ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/array.prototype.indexof))
75 | * `Object`:
76 | * `assign()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/object.assign))
77 | * `is()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/object-is))
78 | * `keys()` (in ES5, but no longer throws on non-object non-null/undefined values in ES6) ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/object-keys)
79 | * `setPrototypeOf()` (IE >= 11)
80 | * `Function.prototype`:
81 | * `name` (es6-sham, covers IE 9-11) ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/function.prototype.name)
82 | * `Math`:
83 | * `acosh()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/math.acosh))
84 | * `asinh()`
85 | * `atanh()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/math.atanh))
86 | * `cbrt()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/math.cbrt))
87 | * `clz32()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/math.clz32))
88 | * `cosh()`
89 | * `expm1()`
90 | * `fround()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/math.fround))
91 | * `hypot()`
92 | * `imul()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/math.imul))
93 | * `log10()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/math.log10))
94 | * `log1p()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/math.log1p))
95 | * `log2()`
96 | * `sign()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/math.sign))
97 | * `sinh()`
98 | * `tanh()`
99 | * `trunc()`
100 |
101 | Math functions’ accuracy is 1e-11.
102 |
103 | * `Reflect`
104 | * `apply()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/reflect.apply))
105 | * `construct()`
106 | * `defineProperty()`
107 | * `deleteProperty()`
108 | * `get()`
109 | * `getOwnPropertyDescriptor()`
110 | * `getPrototypeOf()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/reflect.getprototypeof))
111 | * `has()`
112 | * `isExtensible()`
113 | * `ownKeys()` ([a standalone shim is also available](https://npmjs.com/reflect.ownkeys))
114 | * `preventExtensions()`
115 | * `set()`
116 | * `setPrototypeOf()`
117 |
118 | * `Symbol` (only if it already exists)
119 | * `match` (and corresponding `String#match`, `String#startsWith`, `String#endsWith`, `String#includes`, `RegExp` support)
120 | * `replace` (and corresponding `String#replace` support)
121 | * `search` (and corresponding `String#search` support)
122 | * `split` (and corresponding `String#split` support)
123 |
124 | Well-known symbols will only be provided if the engine already has `Symbol` support.
125 |
126 | * `String.prototype` Annex B HTML methods ([a standalone shim is also available](https://www.npmjs.com/package/es-string-html-methods))
127 | * `anchor()`
128 | * `big()`
129 | * `blink()`
130 | * `bold()`
131 | * `fixed()`
132 | * `fontcolor()`
133 | * `fontsize()`
134 | * `italics()`
135 | * `link()`
136 | * `small()`
137 | * `strike()`
138 | * `sub()`
139 | * `sup()`
140 |
141 | These methods are part of "Annex B", which means that although they are a defacto standard, you shouldn't use them. None the less, the `es6-shim` provides them and normalizes their behavior across browsers.
142 |
143 | ## Subclassing
144 | The `Map`, `Set`, and `Promise` implementations are subclassable.
145 | You should use the following pattern to create a subclass in ES5 which will continue to work in ES6:
146 | ```javascript
147 | require('es6-shim');
148 |
149 | function MyPromise(exec) {
150 | var promise = new Promise(exec);
151 | Object.setPrototypeOf(promise, MyPromise.prototype);
152 | // ...
153 | return promise;
154 | }
155 | Object.setPrototypeOf(MyPromise, Promise);
156 | MyPromise.prototype = Object.create(Promise.prototype, {
157 | constructor: { value: MyPromise }
158 | });
159 | ```
160 |
161 | ## String.prototype.normalize
162 | Including a proper shim for `String.prototype.normalize` would increase the size of this library by a factor of more than 4.
163 | So instead we recommend that you install the [`unorm`](https://github.com/walling/unorm) package alongside `es6-shim` if you need `String.prototype.normalize`.
164 | See https://github.com/paulmillr/es6-shim/issues/134 for more discussion.
165 |
166 |
167 | ## WeakMap shim
168 | It is not possible to implement WeakMap in pure javascript.
169 | The [es6-collections](https://github.com/WebReflection/es6-collections) implementation doesn't hold values strongly, which is critical for the collection. `es6-shim` decided to not include an incorrect shim.
170 |
171 | `WeakMap` has very unusual use-cases, so you probably won't need it at all (use simple `Map` instead).
172 |
173 | ## Getting started
174 |
175 | ```javascript
176 | require('es6-shim');
177 | var assert = require('assert');
178 |
179 | assert.equal(true, 'abc'.startsWith('a'));
180 | assert.equal(false, 'abc'.endsWith('a'));
181 | assert.equal(true, 'john alice'.includes('john'));
182 | assert.equal('123'.repeat(2), '123123');
183 |
184 | assert.equal(false, NaN === NaN);
185 | assert.equal(true, Object.is(NaN, NaN));
186 | assert.equal(true, -0 === 0);
187 | assert.equal(false, Object.is(-0, 0));
188 |
189 | var result = Object.assign({ a: 1 }, { b: 2 });
190 | assert.deepEqual(result, { a: 1, b: 2 });
191 |
192 | assert.equal(true, isNaN('a'));
193 | assert.equal(false, Number.isNaN('a'));
194 | assert.equal(true, Number.isNaN(NaN));
195 |
196 | assert.equal(true, isFinite('123'));
197 | assert.equal(false, Number.isFinite('123'));
198 | assert.equal(false, Number.isFinite(Infinity));
199 |
200 | // Tests if value is a number, finite,
201 | // >= -9007199254740992 && <= 9007199254740992 and floor(value) === value
202 | assert.equal(false, Number.isInteger(2.4));
203 |
204 | assert.equal(1, Math.sign(400));
205 | assert.equal(0, Math.sign(0));
206 | assert.equal(-1, Math.sign(-400));
207 |
208 | var found = [5, 10, 15, 10].find(function (item) { return item / 2 === 5; });
209 | assert.equal(10, found);
210 |
211 | var foundIndex = [5, 10, 15, 10].findIndex(function (item) { return item / 2 === 5; });
212 | assert.equal(1, foundIndex);
213 |
214 | // Replacement for `{}` key-value storage.
215 | // Keys can be anything.
216 | var map = new Map([['Bob', 42], ['Foo', 'bar']]);
217 | map.set('John', 25);
218 | map.set('Alice', 400);
219 | map.set(['meh'], 555);
220 | assert.equal(undefined, map.get(['meh'])); // undefined because you need to use exactly the same object.
221 | map.delete('Alice');
222 | map.keys();
223 | map.values();
224 | assert.equal(4, map.size);
225 |
226 | // Useful for storing unique items.
227 | var set = new Set([0, 1]);
228 | set.add(2);
229 | set.add(5);
230 | assert.equal(true, set.has(0));
231 | assert.equal(true, set.has(1));
232 | assert.equal(true, set.has(2));
233 | assert.equal(false, set.has(4));
234 | assert.equal(true, set.has(5));
235 | set.delete(5);
236 | assert.equal(false, set.has(5));
237 |
238 | // Promises, see
239 | // http://www.slideshare.net/domenicdenicola/callbacks-promises-and-coroutines-oh-my-the-evolution-of-asynchronicity-in-javascript
240 | // https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/#what-are-promises-and-why-should-i-use-them
241 | Promise.resolve(5).then(function (value) {
242 | assert.equal(value, 5);
243 | if (value) throw new Error('whoops!');
244 | // do some stuff
245 | return anotherPromise();
246 | }).catch(function (e) {
247 | assert.equal(e.message, 'whoops!');
248 | assert.equal(true, e instanceof Error);
249 | // any errors thrown asynchronously end up here
250 | });
251 | ```
252 |
253 | ## Caveats
254 |
255 | - `Object.setPrototypeOf` / `Reflect.setPrototypeOf`
256 | - Note that null objects (`Object.create(null)`, eg, an object with `null` as its `[[Prototype]]`) can not have their `[[Prototype]]` changed except via a native `Object.setPrototypeOf`.
257 | - Well-known `Symbol`s
258 | - In order to make them work cross-realm, these are created with the global `Symbol` registry via `Symbol.for`. This does not violate the spec, but it does mean that `Symbol.for('Symbol.search') === Symbol.search` will be `true`, which it would not by default in a fresh compliant realm.
259 |
260 | ## [License][license-url]
261 |
262 | The project was initially based on es6-shim by Axel Rauschmayer.
263 |
264 | [1]: https://travis-ci.org/paulmillr/es6-shim.svg
265 | [2]: https://travis-ci.org/paulmillr/es6-shim
266 | [3]: https://david-dm.org/paulmillr/es6-shim.svg
267 | [4]: https://david-dm.org/paulmillr/es6-shim
268 | [5]: https://david-dm.org/paulmillr/es6-shim/dev-status.svg
269 | [6]: https://david-dm.org/paulmillr/es6-shim#info=devDependencies
270 | [license-url]: https://github.com/paulmillr/es6-shim/blob/master/LICENSE
271 | [spec-html-url]: http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/
272 | [es5-shim-url]: https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim