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1describe('JSON', function () {
2 var functionsHaveNames = (function foo() {}).name === 'foo';
3 var ifFunctionsHaveNamesIt = functionsHaveNames ? it : xit;
4 var hasSymbols = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol() === 'symbol';
5 var ifSymbolsIt = hasSymbols ? it : xit;
6 var ifSymbolsDescribe = hasSymbols ? describe : xit;
8 describe('.stringify()', function () {
9 ifFunctionsHaveNamesIt('has the right name', function () {
10 expect(JSON.stringify.name).to.equal('stringify');
11 });
13 ifSymbolsIt('serializes a Symbol to undefined', function () {
14 expect(JSON.stringify(Symbol())).to.equal(undefined);
15 });
17 ifSymbolsIt('serializes a Symbol object to {}', function () {
18 expect(function stringifyObjectSymbol() { JSON.stringify(Object(Symbol())); }).not.to['throw']();
19 expect(JSON.stringify(Object(Symbol()))).to.equal('{}');
20 });
22 ifSymbolsIt('serializes Symbols in an Array to null', function () {
23 expect(JSON.stringify([Symbol('foo')])).to.equal('[null]');
24 });
26 ifSymbolsIt('serializes Symbol objects in an Array to {}', function () {
27 expect(function stringifyObjectSymbolInArray() { JSON.stringify([Object(Symbol('foo'))]); }).not.to['throw']();
28 expect(JSON.stringify([Object(Symbol('foo'))])).to.equal('[{}]');
29 });
31 ifSymbolsDescribe('skips symbol properties and values in an object', function () {
32 var enumSym = Symbol('enumerable');
33 var nonenum = Symbol('non-enumerable');
34 var createObject = function () {
35 var obj = { a: 1 };
36 obj[enumSym] = true;
37 obj.sym = enumSym;
38 Object.defineProperty(obj, nonenum, { enumerable: false, value: true });
39 expect(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)).to.eql([enumSym, nonenum]);
40 return obj;
41 };
43 it('works with no replacer', function () {
44 var obj = createObject();
45 expect(JSON.stringify(obj)).to.equal('{"a":1}');
46 expect(JSON.stringify(obj, null, '|')).to.equal('{\n|"a": 1\n}');
47 });
49 it('works with a replacer function', function () {
50 var tuples = [];
51 var replacer = function (key, value) {
52 tuples.push([this, key, value]);
53 return value;
54 };
55 var obj = createObject();
56 expect(JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, '|')).to.equal('{\n|"a": 1\n}'); // populate `tuples` array
57 expect(tuples).to.eql([
58 [{ '': obj }, '', obj],
59 [obj, 'a', 1],
60 [obj, 'sym', enumSym]
61 ]);
62 });
64 it('works with a replacer array', function () {
65 var obj = createObject();
66 obj.foo = 'bar';
67 obj[Symbol.prototype.toString.call(enumSym)] = 'tricksy';
68 expect(JSON.stringify(obj, ['a', enumSym])).to.equal('{"a":1}');
69 expect(JSON.stringify(obj, ['a', enumSym], '|')).to.equal('{\n|"a": 1\n}');
70 });
72 it('ignores a non-array non-callable replacer object', function () {
73 expect(JSON.stringify('z', { test: null })).to.equal('"z"');
74 });
75 });
76 });